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itamarhaber / learn.lua
Created January 10, 2016 15:30 — forked from tylerneylon/learn.lua
Learn Lua quickly with this short yet comprehensive and friendly script. It's written as both an introduction and a quick reference. It's also a valid Lua script so you can verify that the code does what it says, and learn more by modifying and running this script in your Lua interpreter.
-- Two dashes start a one-line comment.
Adding two ['s and ]'s makes it a
multi-line comment.
-- 1. Variables and flow control.

Memcached Cloud is a fully-managed service for running your Memcached in a reliable and fail-safe manner. Your dataset is constantly replicated, so if a node fails, an auto-switchover mechanism guarantees data is served without interruption. Memcached Cloud provides various data persistence options as well as remote backups for disaster recovery purposes. You can quickly and easily get your apps up and running with Memcached Cloud through its through its App Service add-on at Azure Store - just tell us how much memory you need and get started instantly with your first Memcached bucket.

A Memcached bucket is created in seconds and from that moment on, all operations are fully-automated. The service completely frees developers from dealing with nodes, clusters, server lists, scaling and failure recovery, while guaranteeing absolutely no data loss.

Creating A Memcached Cloud Service

Choose the Memcached Cloud add-on from the Azure Store's App Service catalog, select

Redis Cloud is a fully-managed cloud service for hosting and running your Redis dataset in a highly-available and scalable manner, with predictable and stable top performance. You can quickly and easily get your apps up and running with Redis Cloud through its App Service add-on at Azure Store - just tell us how much memory you need and get started instantly with your first Redis database.

Redis Cloud offers true high-availability with its in-memory dataset replication and instant auto-failover mechanism, combined with its fast storage engine. You can easily import an existing dataset to any of your Redis Cloud databases, from FTP/HTTP server or from any other Redis server. Daily backups are performed automatically and in addition, you can backup your dataset manually at any given time. The service guarantees high performance, as if you were running the strongest cloud instances.

Creating A Redis Cloud Service

Choose the Redis Cloud add-on from the Azure Store's App

title category
Redis Cloud

Redis Cloud is a fully-managed cloud service for hosting and running your Redis dataset in a highly-available and scalable manner, with predictable and stable top performance. You can quickly and easily get your apps up and running with Redis Cloud through its add-on for Cloud Foundry, just tell us how much memory you need and get started instantly with your first Redis database.

Redis Cloud offers true high-availability with its in-memory dataset replication and instant auto-failover mechanism, combined with its fast storage engine. You can easily import an existing dataset to any of your Redis Cloud databases, from your S3 account or from any other Redis server. Daily backups are performed automatically and in addition, you can backup your dataset manually at any given time. The service guarantees high performance, as if you were running the strongest cloud instances.

itamarhaber /
Last active January 4, 2016 17:09 — forked from kehati/


A Quartz Scheduler JobStore that uses Redis for persistent storage.


To get Quartz up and running quickly with RedisJobStore, use the following example to configure your file:

# setting the scheduler's misfire threshold, in milliseconds 

org.quartz.jobStore.misfireThreshold: 60000