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Created July 20, 2021 04:03
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open System
open FreeRedis
// Define a function to construct a message to print
let from whom = sprintf "from %s" whom
let inline (|>!) x sideEffect =
do sideEffect x
module Redis =
let get key (client: RedisClient) = client.Get(key)
let set key value (client: RedisClient) = client.Set(key, value)
let main argv =
let cli =
|> ConnectionStringBuilder.Parse
|> (fun c -> new RedisClient(c))
cli.Set("foo", 100)
let value : string = cli.Get("foo")
printfn "%s" value
printfn "%A" (cli.Get("foo"))
|> (fun x ->
x |> Redis.set "name" "itang"
|> Redis.get "name"
|> printfn "name: %s"
cli |>! Redis.set "name" "tqibm"
|> Redis.get "name"
|> printfn "%s"
0 // return an integer exit code
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