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Last active August 3, 2020 21:10
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Added multisampling to erichlof's path tracing demos, javascript version
var canvas, context;
var container, stats;
var controls;
var pathTracingScene, screenTextureScene, screenOutputScene;
var pathTracingUniforms, screenTextureUniforms, screenOutputUniforms;
var pathTracingDefines;
var pathTracingVertexShader, pathTracingFragmentShader;
var pathTracingGeometry, pathTracingMaterial, pathTracingMesh;
var screenTextureGeometry, screenTextureMaterial, screenTextureMesh;
var screenOutputGeometry, screenOutputMaterial, screenOutputMesh;
var pathTracingRenderTarget, screenOutputRenderTarget;
var quadCamera, worldCamera;
var renderer, clock;
var frameTime, elapsedTime;
var fovScale;
var increaseFOV = false;
var decreaseFOV = false;
var dollyCameraIn = false;
var dollyCameraOut = false;
var apertureSize = 0.0;
var increaseAperture = false;
var decreaseAperture = false;
var focusDistance = 132.0;
var increaseFocusDist = false;
var decreaseFocusDist = false;
var pixelRatio = 0.5;
var windowIsBeingResized = false;
var TWO_PI = Math.PI * 2;
var randomVector = new THREE.Vector3();
var sampleCounter = 1.0;
var frameCounter = 1.0;
var keyboard = new THREEx.KeyboardState();
var cameraIsMoving = false;
var cameraRecentlyMoving = false;
var isPaused = true;
var oldYawRotation, oldPitchRotation;
var mobileJoystickControls = null;
var oldDeltaX = 0,
oldDeltaY = 0;
var newDeltaX = 0,
newDeltaY = 0;
var mobileControlsMoveX = 0;
var mobileControlsMoveY = 0;
var stillFlagX = true,
stillFlagY = true;
var oldPinchWidthX = 0;
var oldPinchWidthY = 0;
var pinchDeltaX = 0;
var pinchDeltaY = 0;
var fontAspect;
var useGenericInput = true;
// the following variables will be used to calculate rotations and directions from the camera
var cameraDirectionVector = new THREE.Vector3(); //for moving where the camera is looking
var cameraRightVector = new THREE.Vector3(); //for strafing the camera right and left
var cameraUpVector = new THREE.Vector3(); //for moving camera up and down
var cameraWorldQuaternion = new THREE.Quaternion(); //for rotating scene objects to match camera's current rotation
var cameraControlsObject; //for positioning and moving the camera itself
var cameraControlsYawObject; //allows access to control camera's left/right movements through mobile input
var cameraControlsPitchObject; //allows access to control camera's up/down movements through mobile input
var PI_2 = Math.PI / 2; //used by controls below
var infoElement = document.getElementById('info'); = "default"; = "none"; = "none";
var cameraInfoElement = document.getElementById('cameraInfo'); = "default"; = "none"; = "none";
var mouseControl = true;
var fileLoader = new THREE.FileLoader();
var blendMode = 0;
console.log('blendMode ' + (blendMode === 0 ? '0=None' : blendMode === 1 ? '1=Static' : '2=Always'));
var sampleAmount = 5;
var frameCounter2 = 2.0;
var sampleCounter2 = 1.0;
document.addEventListener("keyup", (e) => {
if (e.keyCode === 80) { // p
if (blendMode > 1) blendMode = 0;
else blendMode++;
console.log('blendMode ' + (blendMode === 0 ? '0=None' : blendMode === 1 ? '1=Static' : '2=Always'));
} else if (e.keyCode === 49) { // 1
pixelRatio = 0.25;
console.log(pixelRatio+' pixel ratio');
} else if (e.keyCode === 50) { // 2
pixelRatio = 0.5;
console.log(pixelRatio+' pixel ratio');
} else if (e.keyCode === 51) { // 3
pixelRatio = 1;
console.log(pixelRatio+' pixel ratio');
} else if (e.keyCode === 52) { // 4
pixelRatio = 2;
console.log(pixelRatio+' pixel ratio');
} else if (e.keyCode === 48) { // 0
sampleAmount = 1;
console.log(sampleAmount+' samples per frame');
} else if (e.keyCode === 189) { // -
if (sampleAmount > 2) sampleAmount -= 2;
console.log(sampleAmount+' samples per frame');
} else if (e.keyCode === 187) { // =
sampleAmount += 2;
console.log(sampleAmount+' samples per frame');
}, false);
function onMouseWheel(event) {
if (event.deltaY > 0) {
increaseFOV = true;
} else if (event.deltaY < 0) {
decreaseFOV = true;
function onWindowResize(event) {
windowIsBeingResized = true;
// the following change to document.body.clientWidth and Height works better for mobile, especially iOS
// suggestion from Github user q750831855 - Thank you!
SCREEN_WIDTH = document.body.clientWidth; //window.innerWidth;
SCREEN_HEIGHT = document.body.clientHeight; //window.innerHeight;
fontAspect = (SCREEN_WIDTH / 175) * (SCREEN_HEIGHT / 200);
if (fontAspect > 25) fontAspect = 25;
if (fontAspect < 4) fontAspect = 4;
fontAspect *= 2;
pathTracingUniforms.uResolution.value.x = context.drawingBufferWidth;
pathTracingUniforms.uResolution.value.y = context.drawingBufferHeight;
pathTracingRenderTarget.setSize(context.drawingBufferWidth, context.drawingBufferHeight);
screenTextureRenderTarget.setSize(context.drawingBufferWidth, context.drawingBufferHeight);
worldCamera.aspect = renderer.domElement.clientWidth / renderer.domElement.clientHeight;
// the following scales all scene objects by the worldCamera's field of view,
// taking into account the screen aspect ratio and multiplying the uniform uULen,
// the x-coordinate, by this ratio
fovScale = worldCamera.fov * 0.5 * (Math.PI / 180.0);
pathTracingUniforms.uVLen.value = Math.tan(fovScale);
pathTracingUniforms.uULen.value = pathTracingUniforms.uVLen.value * worldCamera.aspect;
if (!mouseControl) { = ""; = ""; = ""; = ""; = ""; = "";
// check if mobile device is in portrait or landscape mode and position buttons accordingly
if (SCREEN_WIDTH < SCREEN_HEIGHT) { = 36 + "%"; = 2 + "%"; = 16 + "%"; = 16 + "%"; = 3 + "%"; = 3 + "%"; = 5 + "%"; = 5 + "%"; = 13 + "%"; = 2 + "%"; = 25 + "%"; = 18 + "%";
} else { = 22 + "%"; = 3 + "%"; = 11 + "%"; = 11 + "%"; = 3 + "%"; = 3 + "%"; = 10 + "%"; = 10 + "%"; = 26 + "%"; = 4 + "%"; = 48 + "%"; = 34 + "%";
} // end if ( !mouseControl ) {
} // end function onWindowResize( event )
function init() {
window.addEventListener('resize', onWindowResize, false);
if ('ontouchstart' in window) {
mouseControl = false;
mobileJoystickControls = new MobileJoystickControls({
//showJoystick: true,
enableMultiTouch: true
// if on mobile device, unpause the app because there is no ESC key and no mouse capture to do
if (!mouseControl)
isPaused = false;
if (mouseControl) {
window.addEventListener('wheel', onMouseWheel, false);
document.body.addEventListener("click", function () {
this.requestPointerLock = this.requestPointerLock || this.mozRequestPointerLock;
}, false);
window.addEventListener("click", function (event) {
}, false);
window.addEventListener("dblclick", function (event) {
}, false);
var pointerlockChange = function (event) {
if (document.pointerLockElement === document.body ||
document.mozPointerLockElement === document.body || document.webkitPointerLockElement === document.body) {
isPaused = false;
} else {
isPaused = true;
// Hook pointer lock state change events
document.addEventListener('pointerlockchange', pointerlockChange, false);
document.addEventListener('mozpointerlockchange', pointerlockChange, false);
document.addEventListener('webkitpointerlockchange', pointerlockChange, false);
// Fullscreen API
document.addEventListener("click", function() {
if ( !document.fullscreenElement && !document.mozFullScreenElement && !document.webkitFullscreenElement ) {
if (document.documentElement.requestFullscreen) {
} else if (document.documentElement.mozRequestFullScreen) {
} else if (document.documentElement.webkitRequestFullscreen) {
initTHREEjs(); // boilerplate: init necessary three.js items and scene/demo-specific objects
} // end function init()
function initTHREEjs() {
canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({ canvas: canvas, context: canvas.getContext('webgl2') });
//suggestion: set to false for production
renderer.debug.checkShaderErrors = true;
renderer.autoClear = false;
// 1 is full resolution, 0.5 is half, 0.25 is quarter, etc. (must be > than 0.0)
renderer.setSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);
renderer.toneMapping = THREE.ReinhardToneMapping;
//required by WebGL 2.0 for rendering to FLOAT textures
context = renderer.getContext();
container = document.getElementById('container');
stats = new Stats(); = 'absolute'; = '0px'; = "default"; = "none"; = "none";
clock = new THREE.Clock();
pathTracingScene = new THREE.Scene();
screenTextureScene = new THREE.Scene();
screenOutputScene = new THREE.Scene();
// quadCamera is simply the camera to help render the full screen quad (2 triangles),
// hence the name. It is an Orthographic camera that sits facing the view plane, which serves as
// the window into our 3d world. This camera will not move or rotate for the duration of the app.
quadCamera = new THREE.OrthographicCamera(-1, 1, 1, -1, 0, 1);
// worldCamera is the dynamic camera 3d object that will be positioned, oriented and
// constantly updated inside the 3d scene. Its view will ultimately get passed back to the
// stationary quadCamera, which renders the scene to a fullscreen quad (made up of 2 large triangles).
worldCamera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(60, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 1, 1000);
controls = new FirstPersonCameraControls(worldCamera);
cameraControlsObject = controls.getObject();
cameraControlsYawObject = controls.getYawObject();
cameraControlsPitchObject = controls.getPitchObject();
// setup render targets...
pathTracingRenderTarget = new THREE.WebGLRenderTarget((window.innerWidth * pixelRatio), (window.innerHeight * pixelRatio), {
minFilter: THREE.NearestFilter,
magFilter: THREE.NearestFilter,
format: THREE.RGBAFormat,
type: THREE.FloatType,
depthBuffer: false,
stencilBuffer: false
pathTracingRenderTarget.texture.generateMipmaps = false;
screenTextureRenderTarget = new THREE.WebGLRenderTarget((window.innerWidth * pixelRatio), (window.innerHeight * pixelRatio), {
minFilter: THREE.NearestFilter,
magFilter: THREE.NearestFilter,
format: THREE.RGBAFormat,
type: THREE.FloatType,
depthBuffer: false,
stencilBuffer: false
screenTextureRenderTarget.texture.generateMipmaps = false;
// setup scene/demo-specific objects, variables, and data
// setup screen-size quad geometry and shaders....
// this full-screen quad mesh performs the path tracing operations and produces a screen-sized image
pathTracingGeometry = new THREE.PlaneBufferGeometry(2, 2);
// this full-screen quad mesh copies the image output of the pathtracing shader and feeds it back in to that shader as a 'previousTexture'
screenTextureGeometry = new THREE.PlaneBufferGeometry(2, 2);
screenTextureMaterial = new THREE.ShaderMaterial({
uniforms: screenTextureShader.uniforms,
vertexShader: screenTextureShader.vertexShader,
fragmentShader: screenTextureShader.fragmentShader,
depthWrite: false,
depthTest: false
screenTextureMaterial.uniforms.tPathTracedImageTexture.value = pathTracingRenderTarget.texture;
screenTextureMesh = new THREE.Mesh(screenTextureGeometry, screenTextureMaterial);
// this full-screen quad mesh takes the image output of the path tracing shader (which is a continuous blend of the previous frame and current frame),
// and applies gamma correction (which brightens the entire image), and then displays the final accumulated rendering to the screen
screenOutputGeometry = new THREE.PlaneBufferGeometry(2, 2);
screenOutputMaterial = new THREE.ShaderMaterial({
uniforms: screenOutputShader.uniforms,
vertexShader: screenOutputShader.vertexShader,
fragmentShader: screenOutputShader.fragmentShader,
depthWrite: false,
depthTest: false
screenOutputMaterial.uniforms.tPathTracedImageTexture.value = pathTracingRenderTarget.texture;
screenOutputMesh = new THREE.Mesh(screenOutputGeometry, screenOutputMaterial);
// this 'jumpstarts' the initial dimensions and parameters for the window and renderer
// everything is set up, now we can start animating
} // end function initTHREEjs()
function animate() {
frameTime = clock.getDelta();
elapsedTime = clock.getElapsedTime() % 1000;
// reset flags
cameraIsMoving = false;
if (windowIsBeingResized) {
cameraIsMoving = true;
windowIsBeingResized = false;
// check user controls
if (mouseControl) {
// movement detected
if (oldYawRotation != cameraControlsYawObject.rotation.y ||
oldPitchRotation != cameraControlsPitchObject.rotation.x) {
cameraIsMoving = true;
// save state for next frame
oldYawRotation = cameraControlsYawObject.rotation.y;
oldPitchRotation = cameraControlsPitchObject.rotation.x;
} // end if (mouseControl)
// if not playing on desktop, get input from the mobileJoystickControls
if (!mouseControl) {
newDeltaX = joystickDeltaX;
if (newDeltaX) {
mobileControlsMoveX = oldDeltaX - newDeltaX;
// smooth out jerkiness if camera was sitting still
if (stillFlagX) {
mobileControlsMoveX *= 0.1;
stillFlagX = false;
// mobileJoystick X movement (left and right) affects camera rotation around the Y axis
cameraControlsYawObject.rotation.y += (mobileControlsMoveX) * 0.01;
newDeltaY = joystickDeltaY;
if (newDeltaY) {
mobileControlsMoveY = oldDeltaY - newDeltaY;
// smooth out jerkiness if camera was sitting still
if (stillFlagY) {
mobileControlsMoveY *= 0.1;
stillFlagY = false;
// mobileJoystick Y movement (up and down) affects camera rotation around the X axis
cameraControlsPitchObject.rotation.x += (mobileControlsMoveY) * 0.01;
// clamp the camera's vertical movement (around the x-axis) to the scene's 'ceiling' and 'floor',
// so you can't accidentally flip the camera upside down
cameraControlsPitchObject.rotation.x = Math.max(-PI_2, Math.min(PI_2, cameraControlsPitchObject.rotation.x));
// save state for next frame
oldDeltaX = newDeltaX;
oldDeltaY = newDeltaY;
// movement detected
if (newDeltaX || newDeltaY) {
cameraIsMoving = true;
} else {
stillFlagX = true;
stillFlagY = true;
newPinchWidthX = pinchWidthX;
newPinchWidthY = pinchWidthY;
pinchDeltaX = newPinchWidthX - oldPinchWidthX;
pinchDeltaY = newPinchWidthY - oldPinchWidthY;
if (Math.abs(pinchDeltaX) > Math.abs(pinchDeltaY)) {
if (pinchDeltaX < -1) {
increaseFOV = true;
dollyCameraOut = true;
if (pinchDeltaX > 1) {
decreaseFOV = true;
dollyCameraIn = true;
if (Math.abs(pinchDeltaY) >= Math.abs(pinchDeltaX)) {
if (pinchDeltaY > 1) {
increaseAperture = true;
if (pinchDeltaY < -1) {
decreaseAperture = true;
// save state for next frame
oldPinchWidthX = newPinchWidthX;
oldPinchWidthY = newPinchWidthY;
} // end if ( !mouseControl )
// this gives us a vector in the direction that the camera is pointing,
// which will be useful for moving the camera 'forward' and shooting projectiles in that direction
// the following gives us a rotation quaternion (4D vector), which will be useful for
// rotating scene objects to match the camera's rotation
if (useGenericInput) {
// allow flying camera
if ((keyboard.pressed('W') || button3Pressed) && !(keyboard.pressed('S') || button4Pressed)) {
cameraControlsObject.position.add(cameraDirectionVector.multiplyScalar(camFlightSpeed * frameTime));
cameraIsMoving = true;
if ((keyboard.pressed('S') || button4Pressed) && !(keyboard.pressed('W') || button3Pressed)) {
cameraControlsObject.position.sub(cameraDirectionVector.multiplyScalar(camFlightSpeed * frameTime));
cameraIsMoving = true;
if ((keyboard.pressed('A') || button1Pressed) && !(keyboard.pressed('D') || button2Pressed)) {
cameraControlsObject.position.sub(cameraRightVector.multiplyScalar(camFlightSpeed * frameTime));
cameraIsMoving = true;
if ((keyboard.pressed('D') || button2Pressed) && !(keyboard.pressed('A') || button1Pressed)) {
cameraControlsObject.position.add(cameraRightVector.multiplyScalar(camFlightSpeed * frameTime));
cameraIsMoving = true;
if (keyboard.pressed('Q') && !keyboard.pressed('Z')) {
cameraControlsObject.position.add(cameraUpVector.multiplyScalar(camFlightSpeed * frameTime));
cameraIsMoving = true;
if (keyboard.pressed('Z') && !keyboard.pressed('Q')) {
cameraControlsObject.position.sub(cameraUpVector.multiplyScalar(camFlightSpeed * frameTime));
cameraIsMoving = true;
if ((keyboard.pressed('up') || button5Pressed) && !(keyboard.pressed('down') || button6Pressed)) {
increaseFocusDist = true;
if ((keyboard.pressed('down') || button6Pressed) && !(keyboard.pressed('up') || button5Pressed)) {
decreaseFocusDist = true;
if (keyboard.pressed('right') && !keyboard.pressed('left')) {
increaseAperture = true;
if (keyboard.pressed('left') && !keyboard.pressed('right')) {
decreaseAperture = true;
if (increaseFOV) {
if (worldCamera.fov > 150)
worldCamera.fov = 150;
fovScale = worldCamera.fov * 0.5 * (Math.PI / 180.0);
pathTracingUniforms.uVLen.value = Math.tan(fovScale);
pathTracingUniforms.uULen.value = pathTracingUniforms.uVLen.value * worldCamera.aspect;
cameraIsMoving = true;
increaseFOV = false;
if (decreaseFOV) {
if (worldCamera.fov < 1)
worldCamera.fov = 1;
fovScale = worldCamera.fov * 0.5 * (Math.PI / 180.0);
pathTracingUniforms.uVLen.value = Math.tan(fovScale);
pathTracingUniforms.uULen.value = pathTracingUniforms.uVLen.value * worldCamera.aspect;
cameraIsMoving = true;
decreaseFOV = false;
if (increaseFocusDist) {
focusDistance += 1;
pathTracingUniforms.uFocusDistance.value = focusDistance;
cameraIsMoving = true;
increaseFocusDist = false;
if (decreaseFocusDist) {
focusDistance -= 1;
if (focusDistance < 1)
focusDistance = 1;
pathTracingUniforms.uFocusDistance.value = focusDistance;
cameraIsMoving = true;
decreaseFocusDist = false;
if (increaseAperture) {
apertureSize += 0.1;
if (apertureSize > 100.0)
apertureSize = 100.0;
pathTracingUniforms.uApertureSize.value = apertureSize;
cameraIsMoving = true;
increaseAperture = false;
if (decreaseAperture) {
apertureSize -= 0.1;
if (apertureSize < 0.0)
apertureSize = 0.0;
pathTracingUniforms.uApertureSize.value = apertureSize;
cameraIsMoving = true;
decreaseAperture = false;
} // end if (useGenericInput)
// cameraIsMoving controls blending behaviour so override it when needed, mode 1 keeps default behaviour for the first sample
if (blendMode === 0) cameraIsMoving = true;
else if (blendMode === 2) cameraIsMoving = false;
// RENDERING in 3 steps
for (let i = 0; i < sampleAmount; i++) {
// update scene/demo-specific input(if custom), variables and uniforms every animation frame
updateVariablesAndUniforms(i); // can use this value in demo scripts to only update animations when falsy
// manipulating cameraIsMoving breaks randomization based on the framecounter in updateVariablesAndUniforms() so override that counter
// framecount of 1 can trigger a zeroing of the previous frame so reset to a higher value
// blend mode 0 needs this on the first sample to ensure random noise
// but mode 1 needs the original proper resets on the first sample
if (blendMode === 0 || i > 0) {
if (frameCounter2 < 99999999.9) frameCounter2 += 1.0;
else frameCounter2 = 2.0;
pathTracingUniforms.uFrameCounter.value = frameCounter2;
// STEP 1
// Perform PathTracing and Render(save) into pathTracingRenderTarget, a full-screen texture.
// Read previous screenTextureRenderTarget(via texelFetch inside fragment shader) to use as a new starting point to blend with
renderer.render(pathTracingScene, worldCamera);
// STEP 2
// Render(copy) the pathTracingScene output(pathTracingRenderTarget above) into screenTextureRenderTarget.
// This will be used as a new starting point for Step 1 above (essentially creating ping-pong buffers)
renderer.render(screenTextureScene, quadCamera);
// make sure additional samples get blended with the first
cameraIsMoving = false;
// STEP 3
// Render full screen quad with generated pathTracingRenderTarget in STEP 1 above.
// After the image is gamma-corrected, it will be shown on the screen as the final accumulated output
renderer.render(screenOutputScene, quadCamera);
} // end function animate()
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