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Last active August 29, 2015 14:13
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  • Save itchyny/21937d6847eb87f6104a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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FUNCTION <SNR>4_new_strwidthpart_reverse()
Called 3843 times
Total time: 10.562034
Self time: 9.863578
count total (s) self (s)
3843 0.028234 if a:width <= 0
63 0.001507 return ''
" Split into array
3780 4.381157 let strarr = split(a:str, '\zs')
3780 0.270479 0.083609 let width = s:wcswidth(a:str)
3780 0.040699 let strlen = len(strarr)
" Start binary search
3780 0.020375 let diff = strlen / 2
3780 0.027083 let leftindex = 0
3780 0.013445 let index = -1
32886 0.184495 while width > a:width && diff
29106 0.411092 let index = min([leftindex + diff, strlen]) - 1
29106 2.996260 2.484674 let partwidth = s:wcswidth(join(strarr[(leftindex):(index)], ''))
29106 0.271477 if width - partwidth >= a:width || diff <= 1
19656 0.210977 let width -= partwidth
19656 0.127308 let leftindex = index + 1
19656 0.047250 endif
29106 0.091725 if diff > 1
23751 0.105325 let diff = diff / 2
23751 0.157759 endif
29106 0.088385 endwhile
3780 0.587081 return index < strlen ? join(strarr[(index + 1):], '') : ''
FUNCTION <SNR>4_strwidthpart_reverse()
Called 3843 times
Total time: 59.031721
Self time: 50.336910
count total (s) self (s)
3843 0.019939 if a:width <= 0
63 0.000168 return ''
3780 0.021779 let ret = a:str
3780 0.259746 0.060382 let width = s:wcswidth(a:str)
772380 3.781111 while width > a:width
768600 16.278451 let char = matchstr(ret, '^.')
768600 11.799622 let ret = ret[len(char) :]
768600 22.698868 14.203421 let width -= s:wcswidth(char)
768600 2.735721 endwhile
3780 0.015197 return ret
FUNCTION <SNR>4_new_strwidthpart()
Called 3843 times
Total time: 10.272793
Self time: 9.622317
count total (s) self (s)
3843 0.023118 if a:width <= 0
63 0.000167 return ''
" Split into array
3780 4.262276 let strarr = split(a:str, '\zs')
3780 0.275712 0.080953 let width = s:wcswidth(a:str)
" Start binary search
3780 0.031338 let index = len(strarr)
3780 0.019846 let diff = index / 2
3780 0.033331 let rightindex = index - 1
32508 0.163413 while width > a:width && diff
28728 0.378663 let index = max([rightindex - diff + 1, 0])
28728 2.985590 2.529873 let partwidth = s:wcswidth(join(strarr[(index):(rightindex)], ''))
28728 0.268011 if width - partwidth >= a:width || diff <= 1
19782 0.117992 let width -= partwidth
19782 0.141968 let rightindex = index - 1
19782 0.048681 endif
28728 0.093494 if diff > 1
23562 0.100147 let diff = diff / 2
23562 0.049855 endif
28728 0.070989 endwhile
3780 0.651851 return index ? join(strarr[:index - 1], '') : ''
FUNCTION Test_strwidthpart()
Called 1 time
Total time: 195.972491
Self time: 1.765382
count total (s) self (s)
1 0.000006 let strmin = 0
1 0.000004 let strmax = 300
1 0.000004 let strstep = 5
1 0.000003 let outmin = -10
1 0.000003 let outmax = 300
1 0.000003 let outstep = 5
62 0.000256 for i in range(strmin, strmax, strstep)
61 0.000671 let str = repeat('あa', i)
3904 0.022893 for j in range(outmin, outmax, outstep)
3843 114.442991 0.102430 let out1 = s:P.strwidthpart(str, i)
3843 10.961122 0.688329 let out2 = s:P.new_strwidthpart(str, i)
3843 0.032616 if out1 !=# out2
call Error_strwidthpart()
3843 59.126255 0.094534 let out1 = s:P.strwidthpart_reverse(str, i)
3843 11.257802 0.695768 let out2 = s:P.new_strwidthpart_reverse(str, i)
3843 0.029949 if out1 !=# out2
call Error_strwidthpart()
3843 0.009382 endfor
61 0.000112 endfor
FUNCTION <SNR>4_strwidthpart()
Called 3843 times
Total time: 114.340561
Self time: 105.334140
count total (s) self (s)
3843 0.021707 if a:width <= 0
63 0.000162 return ''
3780 0.022978 let ret = a:str
3780 0.288444 0.061628 let width = s:wcswidth(a:str)
773640 3.924480 while width > a:width
769860 69.921682 let char = matchstr(ret, '.$')
769860 12.728451 let ret = ret[: -1 - len(char)]
769860 22.997894 14.218289 let width -= s:wcswidth(char)
769860 2.938713 endwhile
3780 0.056247 return ret
count total (s) self (s) function
1 195.972491 1.765382 Test_strwidthpart()
3843 114.340561 105.334140 <SNR>4_strwidthpart()
3843 59.031721 50.336910 <SNR>4_strwidthpart_reverse()
3843 10.562034 9.863578 <SNR>4_new_strwidthpart_reverse()
3843 10.272793 9.622317 <SNR>4_new_strwidthpart()
count total (s) self (s) function
3843 114.340561 105.334140 <SNR>4_strwidthpart()
3843 59.031721 50.336910 <SNR>4_strwidthpart_reverse()
3843 10.562034 9.863578 <SNR>4_new_strwidthpart_reverse()
3843 10.272793 9.622317 <SNR>4_new_strwidthpart()
1 195.972491 1.765382 Test_strwidthpart()
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