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Created March 30, 2016 13:00
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Performance comparison of the standard matchparen plugin and vim-parenmatch (
FUNCTION <SNR>10_Highlight_Matching_Pair()
Called 10001 times
Total time: 5.638959
Self time: 5.638959
count total (s) self (s)
" Remove any previous match.
10001 0.104816 if exists('w:paren_hl_on') && w:paren_hl_on
535 0.004517 silent! call matchdelete(3)
535 0.002974 let w:paren_hl_on = 0
535 0.001179 endif
" Avoid that we remove the popup menu.
" Return when there are no colors (looks like the cursor jumps).
10001 0.086326 if pumvisible() || (&t_Co < 8 && !has("gui_running"))
" Get the character under the cursor and check if it's in 'matchpairs'.
10001 0.071594 let c_lnum = line('.')
10001 0.064923 let c_col = col('.')
10001 0.038000 let before = 0
10001 0.069035 let text = getline(c_lnum)
10001 0.484219 let matches = matchlist(text, '\(.\)\=\%'.c_col.'c\(.\=\)')
10001 0.073237 if empty(matches)
let [c_before, c] = ['', '']
10001 0.130081 let [c_before, c] = matches[1:2]
10001 0.024639 endif
10001 0.391124 let plist = split(&matchpairs, '.\zs[:,]')
10001 0.096964 let i = index(plist, c)
10001 0.041568 if i < 0
" not found, in Insert mode try character before the cursor
9466 0.087415 if c_col > 1 && (mode() == 'i' || mode() == 'R')
let before = strlen(c_before)
let c = c_before
let i = index(plist, c)
9466 0.030627 if i < 0
" not found, nothing to do
9466 0.021123 return
" Figure out the arguments for searchpairpos().
535 0.001734 if i % 2 == 0
360 0.001613 let s_flags = 'nW'
360 0.003057 let c2 = plist[i + 1]
360 0.000865 else
175 0.000747 let s_flags = 'nbW'
175 0.000708 let c2 = c
175 0.001407 let c = plist[i - 1]
175 0.000409 endif
535 0.002118 if c == '['
80 0.000271 let c = '\['
80 0.000248 let c2 = '\]'
80 0.000135 endif
" Find the match. When it was just before the cursor move it there for a
" moment.
535 0.001602 if before > 0
let has_getcurpos = exists("*getcurpos")
if has_getcurpos
" getcurpos() is more efficient but doesn't exist before 7.4.313.
let save_cursor = getcurpos()
let save_cursor = winsaveview()
call cursor(c_lnum, c_col - before)
" Build an expression that detects whether the current cursor position is in
" certain syntax types (string, comment, etc.), for use as searchpairpos()'s
" skip argument.
" We match "escape" for special items, such as lispEscapeSpecial.
535 0.006009 let s_skip = '!empty(filter(map(synstack(line("."), col(".")), ''synIDattr(v:val, "name")''), ' . '''v:val =~? "string\\|character\\|singlequote\\|escape\\|comment"''))'
" If executing the expression determines that the cursor is currently in
" one of the syntax types, then we want searchpairpos() to find the pair
" within those syntax types (i.e., not skip). Otherwise, the cursor is
" outside of the syntax types and s_skip should keep its value so we skip any
" matching pair inside the syntax types.
535 1.424980 execute 'if' s_skip '| let s_skip = 0 | endif'
" Limit the search to lines visible in the window.
535 0.005013 let stoplinebottom = line('w$')
535 0.004197 let stoplinetop = line('w0')
535 0.002231 if i % 2 == 0
360 0.002224 let stopline = stoplinebottom
360 0.000744 else
175 0.000985 let stopline = stoplinetop
175 0.000332 endif
" Limit the search time to 300 msec to avoid a hang on very long lines.
" This fails when a timeout is not supported.
535 0.004249 if mode() == 'i' || mode() == 'R'
let timeout = exists("b:matchparen_insert_timeout") ? b:matchparen_insert_timeout : g:matchparen_insert_timeout
535 0.006122 let timeout = exists("b:matchparen_timeout") ? b:matchparen_timeout : g:matchparen_timeout
535 0.001175 endif
535 0.001233 try
535 1.590589 let [m_lnum, m_col] = searchpairpos(c, '', c2, s_flags, s_skip, stopline, timeout)
535 0.002791 catch /E118/
" Can't use the timeout, restrict the stopline a bit more to avoid taking
" a long time on closed folds and long lines.
" The "viewable" variables give a range in which we can scroll while
" keeping the cursor at the same position.
" adjustedScrolloff accounts for very large numbers of scrolloff.
let adjustedScrolloff = min([&scrolloff, (line('w$') - line('w0')) / 2])
let bottom_viewable = min([line('$'), c_lnum + &lines - adjustedScrolloff - 2])
let top_viewable = max([1, c_lnum-&lines+adjustedScrolloff + 2])
" one of these stoplines will be adjusted below, but the current values are
" minimal boundaries within the current window
if i % 2 == 0
if has("byte_offset") && has("syntax_items") && &smc > 0
let stopbyte = min([line2byte("$"), line2byte(".") + col(".") + &smc * 2])
let stopline = min([bottom_viewable, byte2line(stopbyte)])
let stopline = min([bottom_viewable, c_lnum + 100])
let stoplinebottom = stopline
if has("byte_offset") && has("syntax_items") && &smc > 0
let stopbyte = max([1, line2byte(".") + col(".") - &smc * 2])
let stopline = max([top_viewable, byte2line(stopbyte)])
let stopline = max([top_viewable, c_lnum - 100])
let stoplinetop = stopline
let [m_lnum, m_col] = searchpairpos(c, '', c2, s_flags, s_skip, stopline)
535 0.001782 if before > 0
if has_getcurpos
call setpos('.', save_cursor)
call winrestview(save_cursor)
" If a match is found setup match highlighting.
535 0.003712 if m_lnum > 0 && m_lnum >= stoplinetop && m_lnum <= stoplinebottom
535 0.004241 if exists('*matchaddpos')
535 0.025851 call matchaddpos('MatchParen', [[c_lnum, c_col - before], [m_lnum, m_col]], 10, 3)
535 0.001512 else
exe '3match MatchParen /\(\%' . c_lnum . 'l\%' . (c_col - before) . 'c\)\|\(\%' . m_lnum . 'l\%' . m_col . 'c\)/'
535 0.002639 let w:paren_hl_on = 1
535 0.001001 endif
FUNCTION parenmatch#update()
Called 10000 times
Total time: 0.660151
Self time: 0.660151
count total (s) self (s)
10000 0.110140 let i = mode() ==# 'i' || mode() ==# 'R'
10000 0.149091 let c = getline('.')[col('.') - i - 1]
10000 0.151401 silent! call matchdelete(w:parenmatch)
10000 0.106627 if !has_key(s:paren, c) | return | endif
535 0.005828 let [open, closed, flags, stop] = s:paren[c]
535 0.006679 let q = [line('.'), col('.') - i]
535 0.006086 if i | let p = getcurpos() | call cursor(q) | endif
535 0.046504 let r = searchpairpos(open, '', closed, flags, '', line(stop), 10)
535 0.005393 if i | call setpos('.', p) | endif
535 0.037070 if r[0] > 0 | let w:parenmatch = matchaddpos('ParenMatch', [q, r]) | endif
count total (s) self (s) function
10001 5.638959 <SNR>10_Highlight_Matching_Pair()
10000 0.660151 parenmatch#update()
count total (s) self (s) function
10001 5.638959 <SNR>10_Highlight_Matching_Pair()
10000 0.660151 parenmatch#update()
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