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diff --git a/autoload/vimfiler/view.vim b/autoload/vimfiler/view.vim
index 42139e2..d7c5eb0 100644
--- a/autoload/vimfiler/view.vim
+++ b/autoload/vimfiler/view.vim
@@ -225,6 +225,20 @@ function! s:redraw_prompt() "{{{
let &l:modifiable = modifiable_save
+function! vimfiler#view#_get_column(columns, file)
+ let column_result = ''
+ for column in a:columns
+ let column_string = column.get(a:file, b:vimfiler.context)
+ if len(column_string) > column.vimfiler__length
+ let column_string = vimfiler#util#truncate(
+ \ column_string, column.vimfiler__length)
+ endif
+ let column_result .= ' ' . column_string
+ endfor
+ return column_result
function! vimfiler#view#_get_print_lines(files) "{{{
" Clear previous syntax.
for syntax in b:vimfiler.syntaxes
@@ -281,6 +295,68 @@ function! vimfiler#view#_get_print_lines(files) "{{{
" Print files.
let lines = []
+ if vimfiler#util#has_lua()
+ let ret = {}
+lua << EOF
+ local files = vim.eval('a:files')
+ local lines = vim.eval('lines')
+ local tree_indentation = vim.eval('g:vimfiler_tree_indentation')
+ local leaf_icon = vim.eval('g:vimfiler_tree_leaf_icon')
+ local marked_file_icon = vim.eval('g:vimfiler_marked_file_icon')
+ local readonly_file_icon = vim.eval('g:vimfiler_readonly_file_icon')
+ local opened_icon = vim.eval('g:vimfiler_tree_opened_icon')
+ local closed_icon = vim.eval('g:vimfiler_tree_closed_icon')
+ local file_icon = vim.eval('g:vimfiler_file_icon')
+ local max_len = vim.eval('max_len')
+ local ret = vim.eval('ret')
+ for i = 0, #files - 1 do
+ local file = files[i]
+ local mark = ''
+ local is_writable = file.vimfiler__is_writable == nil and true or file.vimfiler__is_writable ~= 0
+ local filename = file.vimfiler__abbr
+ if file.vimfiler__is_directory ~= 0 and filename:sub(-1) ~= '/' then
+ filename = filename .. '/'
+ end
+ if file.vimfiler__nest_level > 0 then
+ mark = mark .. string.rep(' ', file.vimfiler__nest_level * tree_indentation) .. leaf_icon
+ end
+ if file.vimfiler__is_marked ~= 0 then
+ mark = mark .. marked_file_icon
+ elseif file.vimfiler__is_directory ~= 0 then
+ mark = mark .. (not is_writable and not (file.vimfiler__is_opened ~= 0) and
+ readonly_file_icon or
+ (file.vimfiler__is_opened ~= 0 and opened_icon or closed_icon))
+ else
+ mark = mark .. (not is_writable and readonly_file_icon or file_icon)
+ end
+ mark = mark .. ' '
+ local line = mark .. filename
+ ret.line = line
+ if #line > max_len then
+ line = vim.eval("vimfiler#util#truncate_smart(ret.line, max_len, max_len/2, '..')")
+ else
+ line = line .. string.rep(' ', max_len - vim.eval("vimfiler#util#wcswidth(ret.line)"))
+ end
+ line = line .. vim.eval('vimfiler#view#_get_column(columns, a:files[' .. i .. '])')
+ if line:sub(-1) == ' ' then
+ line = line:gsub("%s+$", '')
+ end
+ lines:add(line)
+ end
+ else
for file in a:files
let filename = file.vimfiler__abbr
if file.vimfiler__is_directory
@@ -331,6 +407,7 @@ function! vimfiler#view#_get_print_lines(files) "{{{
call add(lines, line)
+ endif
return lines
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