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Created February 26, 2023 13:47
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Change the login shell to zsh installed by Homebrew
set -euo pipefail
echo "Checking zsh installed by Homebrew ..."
if version="$(brew list --versions zsh)"; then
echo "Found: $version"
echo "Could not find zsh installed by Homebrew"
exit 1
zsh_path="$(brew --prefix)/bin/zsh"
if [[ ! -x "$zsh_path" ]]; then
echo "Could not find zsh executable"
exit 1
echo "Checking the login shell ..."
user_shell="$(dscl . -read "$HOME" UserShell | awk '{print $2}')"
if [[ "$user_shell" == "$zsh_path" ]]; then
echo "The login shell is already $zsh_path"
echo "Changing the login shell from $user_shell to $zsh_path ..."
sudo dscl . -create "$HOME" UserShell "$zsh_path"
echo "Checking the login shell again ..."
dscl . -read "$HOME" UserShell
echo "Done!"
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