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Created June 29, 2018 21:20
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true random number generator based (d20) dice roller, verified fair
f = open('/dev/urandom', 'rb')
default_n = 1000000
max_r = 256
def r1dx(x=20):
while True:
# get one byte, take as int on [1,256]
r = int.from_bytes(, 'little')+1
# if byte is less than the max factor of 'x' on the interval max_r, return r%x+1
if r < (max_r-(max_r%x)+1): return (r%x)+1
if __name__ == "__main__":
import itertools
# get N sorted values taken from r1dx()
def sample(n=default_n): return sorted([r1dx() for _ in range(n)])
# run-length encoding
def rle(xs): return [(len(list(gp)), x) for x, gp in itertools.groupby(xs)]
# print a table of the decimal rate of occurrence for each value
print('\n'.join(["%.4f %d" % (x[0]/default_n, x[1]) for x in rle(sample())]))
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