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Last active August 8, 2020 14:18
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// Author: Aakriti Sharma
// Date: 3rd August 2020
// Funtion to compare if the number of digits are equal or not
// if not then add string of zeros in from of the smaller number
void addZeros(std::string* num1, std::string* num2) {
if (num1->length() > num2->length()) {
std::string zeros = std::string(num1->length() - num2->length(), '0'); // string of zeros
*num2 = zeros + *num2;
if (num1->length() < num2->length()) {
std::string zeros = std::string(num2->length() - num1->length(), '0'); // string of zeros
*num1 = zeros + *num1;
// Function to subtract num2 from num1
// assumption: num1 is greater than num2
std::string subNumbers(std::string num1, std::string num2) {
addZeros(&num1, &num2);
int len = num1.length();
std::string string_diff;
int carry = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
std::string digit1, digit2;
digit1 = num1[len - i - 1];
digit2 = num2[len - i - 1];
int diff = stoi(digit1) - stoi(digit2) - carry;
if (diff < 0) {
diff += 10;
carry = 1;
carry = 0;
string_diff = std::to_string(diff % 10) + string_diff;
return string_diff.erase(0, std::min(string_diff.find_first_not_of('0'), string_diff.length() - 1));
// Function to add 2 numbers
std::string addNumbers(std::string num1, std::string num2) {
addZeros(&num1, &num2);
int len = num1.length();
std::string string_sum;
int carry = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
std::string digit1, digit2;
digit1 = num1[len - i - 1];
digit2 = num2[len - i - 1];
int sum = carry + stoi(digit1) + stoi(digit2);
carry = sum / 10;
string_sum = std::to_string(sum % 10) + string_sum;
if (carry)
string_sum = std::to_string(carry) + string_sum;
return string_sum.erase(0, std::min(string_sum.find_first_not_of('0'), string_sum.length() - 1));;
// Function to multiply two numbers with help of karatsuba algorithm
std::string karatsubaMultiplication(std::string num1, std::string num2) {
addZeros(&num1, &num2);
unsigned int digits = num1.length();
// Base condition
// return the product directly if the values of x or y is less than 100
if (digits <= 1) {
return std::to_string(stoi(num1) * stoi(num2));
// if the values are greater than 9
std::string lhs1 = num1.substr(0, digits / 2); // calculating first half of the number
std::string rhs1 = num1.substr(digits / 2, 2 * (digits - digits / 2)); // calculating second half of the number
std::string lhs2 = num2.substr(0, digits / 2); // calculating first half of the number
std::string rhs2 = num2.substr(digits / 2, 2*(digits - digits/2)); // calculating second half of the number
std::string prod1 = karatsubaMultiplication(lhs1, lhs2); // 1st recursion call
std::string prod2 = karatsubaMultiplication(rhs1, rhs2); // 2nd recursion call
std::string prod3 = karatsubaMultiplication(addNumbers(lhs1, rhs1), addNumbers(lhs2, rhs2)); // 3rd call
prod3 = subNumbers(prod3, addNumbers(prod1, prod2));
prod1 = prod1 + std::string(2 * (digits - digits / 2), '0');
prod3 = prod3 + std::string(digits - digits / 2, '0');
// return the final product
return addNumbers(addNumbers(prod1, prod2), prod3);
int main() {
std::string num1, num2;
//num1 = "3141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592";
//num2 = "2718281828459045235360287471352662497757247093699959574966967627";
std::cout << "Enter 2 numbers: ";
std::cin >> num1 >> num2;
std::cout << "Product:\t" << karatsubaMultiplication(num1, num2);
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