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Created October 16, 2017 14:34
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{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
module Main where
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>))
import Control.Concurrent.Chan
import Control.Concurrent.Extra
import Control.Concurrent.MVar (modifyMVar_, newMVar, newEmptyMVar, putMVar, readMVar, tryTakeMVar, withMVar, takeMVar, MVar)
import Control.Concurrent.QSem
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Extra
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO, liftIO)
import Control.Monad.Loops (whileM_, untilM_)
import Control.Monad.Trans (lift)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource (runResourceT, ResourceT)
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Attoparsec.Text
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as SBS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BS
import Data.Conduit
import Data.Conduit.Async
import Data.Conduit.Binary (sinkFile)
import qualified Data.Conduit.Binary as CB
import qualified Data.Conduit.Combinators as C
import Data.Conduit.Network
import qualified Data.Conduit.Text as DCT
import qualified Data.Conduit.ZMQ4 as ZMQC
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, isJust, fromMaybe)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE
import Data.Time
import Data.Time.Format
import Data.Version (showVersion)
import qualified Options.Applicative as OA
import qualified Paths_hnormalise
import System.Exit (exitFailure, exitSuccess)
import System.Posix.Signals (installHandler, Handler(CatchOnce), sigINT, sigTERM)
import qualified System.ZMQ4 as ZMQ (withContext, withSocket, bind, send, receive, connect, Push(..), Pull(..))
import Text.Printf (printf)
import Debug.Trace
import HNormalise
import HNormalise.Config ( Config (..)
, ConnectionType(..)
, InputConfig(..)
, LoggingConfig(..)
, OutputConfig(..)
, TcpOutputConfig(..)
, TcpPortConfig(..)
, ZeroMQOutputConfig(..)
, ZeroMQPortConfig(..)
, connectionType
, defaultLoggingFrequency
, loadConfig)
import HNormalise.Internal (Rsyslog (..))
import HNormalise.Json
import HNormalise.Verbose
data Options = Options
{ oConfigFilePath :: !(Maybe FilePath)
, oJsonInput :: !Bool
, oVersion :: !Bool
, oTestFilePath :: !(Maybe FilePath)
, oVerbose :: !Bool
} deriving (Show)
parserOptions :: OA.Parser Main.Options
parserOptions = Options
<$> OA.optional ( OA.strOption $
OA.long "configfile" <>
OA.short 'c' <>
OA.metavar "FILENAME" <> "configuration file location ")
<*> OA.switch (
OA.long "jsoninput" <>
OA.short 'j' <> "Input will be delivered as JSON (slower)")
<*> OA.switch (
OA.long "version" <>
OA.short 'v' <> "Display version and exit" <>
<*> OA.optional ( OA.strOption $
OA.long "test" <>
OA.short 't' <>
OA.metavar "OUTPUT FILENAME" <> "run in test modus, sinking output to the given file")
<*> (OA.switch $
OA.long "verbose" <> "Verbose output" <>
parserInfo :: OA.ParserInfo Main.Options
parserInfo = (OA.helper <*> parserOptions)
<> OA.progDesc "Normalise rsyslog messages"
<> OA.header ("hNormalise v" <> showVersion Paths_hnormalise.version)
-- | 'handler' will catch SIGTERM and modify the MVar to allow the upstream
-- connection to be closed cleanly when using ZeroMQ. Code taken from
handler :: MVar () -> IO ()
handler s_interrupted = do
putStrLn "Interrupt received"
putMVar s_interrupted ()
-- | 'messageSink' yields the parsed JSON downstream, or if parsing fails, yields the original message downstream
messageSink success failure messageCount frequency = loop
loop = do
v <- await
case v of
Just n -> case enc n of
(Transformed json) -> do
Data.Conduit.yield json $$ success
Data.Conduit.yield (SBS.pack "\n") $$ success
liftIO $ increaseCount (1, 0) messageCount frequency
(Original l) -> do
Data.Conduit.yield l $$ failure
Data.Conduit.yield (SBS.pack "\n") $$ failure
liftIO $ increaseCount (0, 1) messageCount frequency
Nothing -> return ()
increaseCount (s, f) messageCount frequency = do
(s', f') <- takeMVar messageCount
when ((s' + f') `mod` frequency == 0) $ do
epoch_int <- (read . formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%s" <$> getCurrentTime) :: IO Int
printf "%ld - message count: %10d (success: %10d, fail: %10d)\n" epoch_int (s' + f') s' f'
putMVar messageCount (s' + s, f' + f)
-- | 'zmqInterruptibleSource' converts a regular 0mq recieve operation on a socket into a conduit source
-- The source is halted when something is put into the MVar, effectively stopping the program from checking
-- for new incoming messages.
zmqInterruptibleSource m s = do
(liftIO $ do
val <- tryTakeMVar m
case val of
Just _ -> return False
Nothing -> return True)
(liftIO (ZMQ.receive s) >>= Data.Conduit.yield)
liftIO $ putStrLn "Done!"
pipelineC :: Int -> Consumer o (ResourceT IO) r -> Consumer o (ResourceT IO) r
pipelineC buffer sink = do
sem <- liftIO $ newQSem buffer -- how many are in flow, to avoid memory leaks
chan <- liftIO newChan -- the items in flow (type o)
bar <- liftIO newBarrier -- the result type (type r)
me <- liftIO myThreadId
liftIO $ printf "normalising thread has tid %s\n" (show me)
liftIO $ flip forkFinally (either (throwTo me) (signalBarrier bar)) $ do
t <- myThreadId
printf "sinking thread has tid %s\n" (show t)
runResourceT . runConduit $
whileM (do
x <- liftIO $ readChan chan
liftIO $ signalQSem sem
whenJust x Data.Conduit.yield
return $ isJust x) =$=
awaitForever $ \x -> liftIO $ do
waitQSem sem
writeChan chan $ Just x
liftIO $ writeChan chan Nothing
liftIO $ waitBarrier bar
enc v = case v of
Left l -> Original l
Right n -> Transformed $ encodeNormalisedRsyslog n
{-# INLINE enc #-}
-- | The 'normaliseText' function converts a 'Text' to a normalised message or keeps the original (in 'ByteString')
-- format if the conversion fails
normaliseText :: Maybe [(Text, Text)] -- ^ Output fields
-> SBS.ByteString -- ^ Input
-> Either SBS.ByteString NormalisedRsyslog -- ^ Transformed or Original result
normaliseText fs logLine =
let !p = parse (parseRsyslogLogstashString fs) $ decodeUtf8 logLine
in case p of
Done _ r -> seq_r r
Partial c -> case c empty of
Done _ r -> seq_r r
_ -> llogline
_ -> llogline
seq_r r = let r' = r `deepseq` r in Right r'
llogline = Left logLine
normalisationConduit options config nCount =
let fs = fields config
in if oJsonInput options
then undefined -- CB.lines $= (normaliseJsonInput fs)
else CB.lines $= count $= (normaliseText fs)
where count = do
m <- await
case m of
Just m' -> do
v <- liftIO $ takeMVar nCount
when (v `mod` 10000 == 0) $ liftIO $ printf "normalised: %d messages\n" v
liftIO $ putMVar nCount (v+1)
Data.Conduit.yield m'
Nothing -> return ()
runZeroMQConnection :: Main.Options
-> Config
-> MVar a1
-> MVar (Int, Int)
-> Verbose
-> IO ()
runZeroMQConnection options config s_interrupted messageCount verbose' = do
let fs = fields config
let listenHost = fromJust $ input config >>= (\(InputConfig _ z) -> z) >>= (\(ZeroMQPortConfig m h p) -> h)
let listenPort = fromJust $ input config >>= (\(InputConfig _ z) -> z) >>= (\(ZeroMQPortConfig m h p) -> p)
let frequency = fromMaybe defaultLoggingFrequency (logging config >>= (\(LoggingConfig f) -> f))
case oTestFilePath options of
Nothing -> ZMQ.withContext $ \ctx ->
ZMQ.withSocket ctx ZMQ.Pull $ \s -> do
ZMQ.connect s $ printf "tcp://%s:%d" ("localhost" :: T.Text) listenPort
verbose' $ printf "Listening on tcp://%s:%d" listenHost listenPort
let successHost = fromJust $ output config >>= (\(OutputConfig _ z) -> z) >>= (\(ZeroMQOutputConfig s f) -> s) >>= (\(ZeroMQPortConfig m h p) -> h)
let successPort = fromJust $ output config >>= (\(OutputConfig _ z) -> z) >>= (\(ZeroMQOutputConfig s f) -> s) >>= (\(ZeroMQPortConfig m h p) -> p)
let failureHost = fromJust $ output config >>= (\(OutputConfig _ z) -> z) >>= (\(ZeroMQOutputConfig s f) -> f) >>= (\(ZeroMQPortConfig m h p) -> h)
let failurePort = fromJust $ output config >>= (\(OutputConfig _ z) -> z) >>= (\(ZeroMQOutputConfig s f) -> f) >>= (\(ZeroMQPortConfig m h p) -> p)
ZMQ.withSocket ctx ZMQ.Push $ \successSocket ->
ZMQ.withSocket ctx ZMQ.Push $ \failureSocket -> do
ZMQ.connect successSocket $ printf "tcp://%s:%d" successHost successPort
verbose' $ printf "Pushing successful parses on tcp://%s:%d" successHost successPort
ZMQ.connect failureSocket $ printf "tcp://%s:%d" failureHost failurePort
verbose' $ printf "Pushing failed parses on tcp://%s:%d" failureHost failurePort
nCount <- newMVar (0 :: Int)
runResourceT $ zmqInterruptibleSource s_interrupted s
$= normalisationConduit options config nCount
$$ pipelineC 10000 (messageSink (ZMQC.zmqSink successSocket []) (ZMQC.zmqSink failureSocket []) messageCount frequency)
-- | 'main' starts a TCP server, listening to incoming data and connecting to TCP servers downstream to
-- for the pipeline.
main :: IO ()
main = do
options <- OA.execParser parserInfo
when (oVersion options) $ do
putStrLn $ showVersion Paths_hnormalise.version
let verbose' = makeVerbose (oVerbose options)
config <- loadConfig (oConfigFilePath options)
verbose' $ "Config: " ++ show config
-- For now, we only support input and output configurations of the same type,
-- i.e., both TCP, both ZeroMQ, etc.
messageCount <- newMVar ((0,0) :: (Int, Int))
case connectionType config of
ZeroMQ -> do
verbose' "ZeroMQ connections"
s_interrupted <- newEmptyMVar
installHandler sigINT (CatchOnce $ handler s_interrupted) Nothing
verbose' "SIGINT handler installed"
installHandler sigTERM (CatchOnce $ handler s_interrupted) Nothing
verbose' "SIGTERM handler installed"
runZeroMQConnection options config s_interrupted messageCount verbose'
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