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Created August 5, 2011 06:12
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Save itoz/1127000 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
指定連番画像を読み込んで縦長に並べるphotoshop 用 js
// ===================================================
// 指定連番画像を読み込んで縦長に並べるphotoshop 用 js
// - customize from "Load Files into Stack.js"
// - customize from ぐりぐり写真用 Photoshop自動化javascript
// (c) Copyright 2006. Adobe Systems, Incorporated. All rights reserved.
@@@BUILDINFO@@@ Load Files into Stack.jsx
// Load Files into Stack.jsx - does just that.
<name>$$$/JavaScripts/LoadFilesintoStack/Menu=Load Files into Stack...</name>
// debug level: 0-2 (0:disable, 1:break on error, 2:break at beginning)
//$.level = ("d") != -1) ? 1 : 0; // This chokes bridge
$.level = 0;
// debugger; // launch debugger on next line
// on localized builds we pull the $$$/Strings from a .dat file
$.localize = true;
// Put header files in a "Stack Scripts Only" folder. The "...Only" tells
// PS not to place it in the menu. For that reason, we do -not- localize that
// portion of the folder name.
var g_StackScriptFolderPath = app.path + "/"+ localize("$$$/ScriptingSupport/InstalledScripts=Presets/Scripts") + "/"
+ localize("$$$/private/LoadStack/StackScriptOnly=Stack Scripts Only/");
$.evalFile(g_StackScriptFolderPath + "LatteUI.jsx");
$.evalFile(g_StackScriptFolderPath + "StackSupport.jsx");
$.evalFile(g_StackScriptFolderPath + "CreateImageStack.jsx");
// loadLayers routines
loadLayers = new ImageStackCreator( localize("$$$/AdobePlugin/Shared/LoadStack/Process/Name=Load Layers"),
localize('$$$/AdobePlugin/Shared/LoadStack/Auto/untitled=Untitled' ) );
// LoadLayers is less restrictive than MergeToHDR
loadLayers.mustBeSameSize = false; // Images' height & width don't need to match
loadLayers.mustBeUnmodifiedRaw = false; // Exposure adjustements in Camera raw are allowed
loadLayers.mustNotBe32Bit = false; // 32 bit images
loadLayers.createSmartObject = false; // If true, option to create smart object is checked.
// Add hooks to read the value of the "Create Smart Object" checkbox
loadLayers.customDialogSetup = function( w )
w.findControl('_createSO').value = loadLayers.createSmartObject;
if (! app.featureEnabled( localize( "$$$/private/ExtendedImageStackCreation=ImageStack Creation" ) ))
loadLayers.customDialogFunction = function( w )
loadLayers.createSmartObject = w.findControl('_createSO').value;
// Override the default to use "Auto" alignment.
loadLayers.alignStack = function( stackDoc )
selectAllLayers(stackDoc, 2);
alignLayersByContent( "Auto" );
loadLayers.stackLayers = function()
var result, i, stackDoc = null;
stackDoc = this.loadStackLayers();
if (! stackDoc)
// Nuke the "destination" layer that got created (M2HDR holdover)
// Stack 'em up.
if (this.createSmartObject)
selectAllLayers( stackDoc );
executeAction( knewPlacedLayerStr, new ActionDescriptor(), DialogModes.NO );
// "Main" execution of Merge to HDR
loadLayers.doInteractiveLoad = function ()
this.getFilesFromBridgeOrDialog( localize("$$$/private/LoadStack/LoadLayersexv=LoadLayers.exv") );
if (this.stackElements)
loadLayers.intoStack = function(filelist, alignFlag)
if (typeof(alignFlag) == 'boolean')
loadLayers.useAlignment = alignFlag;
if (filelist.length < 2)
alert(localize("$$$/AdobeScripts/Shared/LoadLayers/AtLeast2=At least two files must be selected to create a stack."), this.pluginName, true );
var j;
this.stackElements = new Array();
for (j in filelist)
var f = filelist[j];
this.stackElements.push( new StackElement( (typeof(f) == 'string') ? File(f) : f ) );
if (this.stackElements.length > 1)
if (typeof(loadLayersFromScript) == 'undefined')
// カスタマイズココから
preferences.rulerUnits = Units.PIXELS;
var Wpic ;
var Hpic ;
// 一枚の画像の大きさ設定入力ダイアログ
function setSize(){
var digX = 400;
var digY = 200;
var digW = 280;
var digH = 145;
uDlg = new Window('dialog','SET FLAME SIZE');
uDlg.bounds = [digX,digY,digX+digW,digY +digH ];
uDlg.sText = uDlg.add("statictext",[20,10,275,10+30], "1コマの画像の 幅, 高さ (px)を入力");
uDlg.eText0 = uDlg.add("edittext",[20,45,140,45+25], activeDocument.width.value);
uDlg.eText1 = uDlg.add("edittext",[150,45,270,45+25], activeDocument.height.value);
uDlg.okBtn = uDlg.add("button",[20,80,150,80+30], "OK!", { name:"ok"});;
Wpic = eval(uDlg.eText0.text);
Hpic = eval(uDlg.eText1.text);
if (Wpic && Hpic ) {
flag =confirm("width = "+Wpic+" : height = " +Hpic+ " OK ?" );
if (flag == true) {
// 縦に並べる
function main(){
var cntl;
var i=0;
var Ypos = 0;
docObj = activeDocument.artLayers;
cntl = docObj.length;
// ピクセル単位で処理を行うようにする
preferences.rulerUnits = Units.PIXELS;
// ピクセル単位で処理を行うようにする
activeDocument.resizeCanvas(Wpic, Hpic*cntl, AnchorPosition.TOPLEFT);
for(i=0; i<cntl; i++){
if (!docObj[i].isBackgroundLayer){
var layObj = docObj[i];
var bounds = layObj.bounds
if(!(parseInt(bounds[0]) ==0 && parseInt(bounds[1]) ==0 && parseInt(bounds[2]) ==0 && parseInt(bounds[3]) ==0 ) ){
docObj[i].translate(0, Ypos);
Ypos = Ypos+Hpic;
return 0;
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