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Last active November 5, 2016 15:53
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ReporterGUI's messages.yml
# Messages.yml
prefix: '&b[&9ReporterGUI&b]'
reloadcomplete: '&aReload complete'
playernotonline: The player was not found
use-command-invalid-arg: '&bUse &3/report <name player> &bto report a player'
use-command-invalid-arg-cli: '&bUse &3/reportcli <name player> <reason> &bto report a player without gui.'
report-success: '&aYou have successfully sent the report. Thanks for the support :)'
hover-message-success: 'Click here to see the report #[id]'
playerexempt: '&cYou can not report this player!'
database-not-enable: 'This function is disabled!'
nopermission: '&cNo permission'
playerequal: You can not report yourself!
report-not-found: 'This report does not exist!'
# Status update
report-solved-use: '&bUse &3[command] &bfor solve a report'
report-solved: 'The report [id] has been solved!'
report-solved-already: 'The report [id] is already set as solved!'
report-declined-use: '&bUse &3[command] &bfor decline a report'
report-declined: 'The report [id] has been declined!'
report-declined-already: 'The report [id] is already declined!'
report-open: 'The report [id] has been reopened!'
report-open-already: 'The report [id] is already open!'
report-open-use: '&bUse &3[command] &bfor reopen a report'
report-duplicate: 'The report [id] has been set as duplicated!'
report-duplicate-already: 'The report [id] is already in status duplicated!'
report-duplicate-use: '&bUse &3[command] &bfor set status as duplicated'
report-expired: 'The report [id] has been set as expired!'
report-expired-already: 'The report [id] is already in status expired!'
report-expired-use: '&bUse &3[command] &bto expire a report'
# Stats on join
message-onjoin: true
message-onjoin-string: '&bReport stats for this server'
message-onjoin-total: ' &bTotal reports: &3'
message-onjoin-totalcompleted: ' &bTotal reports completed: &3'
message-onjoin-totalwaiting: ' &bAre still waiting: &3'
# Notes
note-addsuccess: 'Note inserted successfully (ID [id], Report #[id_report])'
note-delsuccess: 'Note deleted successfully'
note-delerror: 'This note does not exist!'
note-no-permission: '&cYou can not interact with this note'
note-list-layout: '&7#&b[id] &3- [nickname] : &b[text]'
# List (Command /reportergui list [-sall] [page])
list-title: 'List of reports'
list-layout: '&7#[id] &bReported: [reported] &3- [reason] ([time]) &b([status]&b)'
list-layout-general: '&7#[id] &bReported: &3[reason] ([time]) &b([status]&b)'
list-footer: '&8------ &7([current]/[totpage])&8 ----- Found &7[totalreport] &8report(s)'
list-not-found-forserver: '&bNo reports found for this server, can you try &3[command-list]&b ?'
list-not-found: 'No reports found!'
list-title-own: 'List of your reports'
# Info reports (Command /reportergui view-id <id>)
info-report-title: 'Information for report &3#[id]'
info-report-id: ' &7id: &9[id]'
info-report-reported: ' &7player reported: &b[reported]'
info-report-reason: ' &7reason: &9[reason]'
info-report-reportedby: ' &7reported by: &9[reportedby]'
info-report-time: ' &7time: &9[time] - ([ago])'
# use [var] only if is set to true "multi-server-enable", in config.yml
info-report-server: ' &7server: &3[server] [var]'
info-report-same: '(this server)'
info-report-reportedworld: ' &7in world: &9[world]'
info-report-status: ' &7status: &9[status]'
info-report-notes-title: ' &bList of notes for report #[id]'
info-report-notes-layout: ' &7#&b[id] &3- [nickname] : &b[text]'
info-report-note-nexts: ' &b... more (use [command]&b)'
info-report-notpermission: "&cYou can't view info of this report!"
# Search
search-invalid-command: '&bUse &3[command] &bto search a report contains a words'
search-title: "Searching report with word '[word]' "
search-result: '&8------ &7([current]/[totpage])&8 ----- Found &7[totalreport] &8report(s) for this search'
# Player join
message-onjoin-player: true
message-onjoin-player-string: "Joined [player] on the server, there are [num] reports waiting on him. Click to see them"
message-onjoin-player-hover: "Click here for see all report of [player]"
# History
history-title: 'History reports - [pos]'
history-invalid-command: '&bUse &3[command] &bto see the history of reports'
today: 'today'
yesterday: 'yesterday'
week: 'this week'
month: 'this month'
# Tp player
tp-invalid-command: '&bUse &3[command] &bto teleport in the report coords'
tp-report-notvalid: '&cThe selected report is not valid!'
tp-success: '&eTeleported where a report [id] was executed.'
# Status string
status-open: '&eOpen'
status-declined: '&cDeclined'
status-solved: '&aSolved'
status-duplicated: '&dDuplicated'
status-expired: '&6Expired'
# Chat notify
send-notify-reporter: '&eYour report &7#[id] &ehas changed to [new_status]'
send-notify-staff: '&eReport &7#[id] &ehas changed to [new_status]'
send-newnote-staff: '&eReport &7#[id] &ehas a new note by [name]. &7#[id_note]: &6[text_note]'
send-newnote-reporter: '&eYour report &7#[id] &ehas a new note. &7#[id_note]: &6[text_note]'
# Force suggestion addnote
force-suggestion-alert: '&eYour report is going to be sent. You need to add a comment to your note'
force-suggestion-wizard: '&cPlease type in chat the text of your comment and press "enter":'
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