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Last active May 8, 2016 09:29
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import Tkinter
import tkFileDialog
from PIL import Image
import ImageDraw
import PIL.ImageOps
__DEFAULT_VAR_NAME__ = "var1"
__IS_MARK_CENTER__ = False
__INVERT_COLOR__ = False
def main():
Tkinter.Tk().withdraw() # Close the root window
in_path = str(tkFileDialog.askopenfilename())
print("Opening: {0}".format(in_path))
outputpath = str(tkFileDialog.asksaveasfilename())
im =
w, h = im.size
outputpath = outputpath.format(width=w, w=w, height=h, h=h)
with open(outputpath, 'w') as f:
print("Output: {0}".format(outputpath))
variableName = raw_input('Type variable name (enter to use "{0}" as variable name) :'.format(__DEFAULT_VAR_NAME__)).strip()
if variableName == "":
variableName = __DEFAULT_VAR_NAME__
r,g,b,a = im.split()
rgb_image = Image.merge('RGB', (r,g,b))
inverted_image = PIL.ImageOps.invert(rgb_image)
r2,g2,b2 = inverted_image.split()
im = Image.merge('RGBA', (r2,g2,b2,a))
rgb_im = im.convert('RGBA')
resultImage ='RGBA', (w, h))
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(resultImage)
# f.write("reg [{3}:0] {0}[{1}] = {2} ".format(variableName, h, '{', (w*2)-1 ))
f.write("module {0}(\n".format(variableName))
f.write(" input clk,\n")
f.write(" input wire [9:0] characterPositionX,\n")
f.write(" input wire [8:0] characterPositionY,\n")
f.write(" input wire [9:0] drawingPositionX,\n")
f.write(" input wire [8:0] drawingPositionY,\n")
f.write(" output reg [2:0] rgb\n")
f.write(" reg [9:0] x;\n")
f.write(" reg [9:0] y;\n")
f.write(" initial begin\n")
f.write(" x = 'd0;\n")
f.write(" y = 'd0;\n")
f.write(" end\n")
f.write(" always @(posedge clk) begin\n")
f.write(" x <= (drawingPositionX - characterPositionX + {0});\n".format(int(w/2)+1))
f.write(" y <= (drawingPositionY - characterPositionY + {0});\n".format(int(h/2)+1))
f.write(" if(");
f.write("x == {0:d} && y == {1:d} || ".format((w/2), (h/2)))
f.write("x == {0:d} && y == {1:d} || ".format((w/2), (h/2)-1))
f.write("x == {0:d} && y == {1:d} || ".format((w/2), (h/2)+1))
f.write("x == {0:d} && y == {1:d} || ".format((w/2)-1, (h/2)))
f.write("x == {0:d} && y == {1:d} || ".format((w/2)-1, (h/2)-1))
f.write("x == {0:d} && y == {1:d} || ".format((w/2)-1, (h/2)+1))
f.write("x == {0:d} && y == {1:d} || ".format((w/2)+1, (h/2)))
f.write("x == {0:d} && y == {1:d} || ".format((w/2)+1, (h/2)-1))
f.write("x == {0:d} && y == {1:d} )".format((w/2)+1, (h/2)+1))
f.write("\tbegin\trgb <= 3'b010;\tend\n")
i = 0
for y in xrange(1,h):
# f.write("{0}'b".format((w*2)))
for x in xrange(1,w):
r, g, b, alpha = rgb_im.getpixel((x, y))
# grayScale = r * 299.0/1000 + g * 587.0/1000 + b * 114.0/1000
# grayScale = int(grayScale/256*4)
# grayScale = int(grayScale/256*8)
grayScale = 0;
if r > 125:
grayScale += 4
if g > 125:
grayScale += 2
if b > 125:
grayScale += 1
print "Pixel: ({0},{1}) = ({2},{3},{4}, {6}) => {5:03b}".format(x, y, r, g, b, grayScale, alpha)
draw.point((x,y), (255 if r > 125 else 0, 255 if g > 125 else 0, 255 if b > 125 else 0, alpha))
# f.write("{0}{1}".format('1' if grayScale >= 2 else '0', '1' if grayScale%2 == 1 else '0'))
if(alpha > 128 and grayScale > 0) :
if(__IS_MARK_CENTER__ or i > 0): f.write("else ")
f.write("if(x=={0} && y=={1}) begin\trgb <= 3'b{2}{3}{4}; end\n".format(x, y, 1 if r > 125 else 0, 1 if g > 125 else 0, 1 if b > 125 else 0))
i += 1
f.write(" else begin rgb <= 3'b000; end// Width: {0}, Height: {1} From: {2}\n".format(w,h,in_path))
f.write(" end\nendmodule\n")
f.close()".png", 'PNG')
os.system("start "+outputpath)
os.system("start "+outputpath+".png")
except Exception, e:
print e
if __name__ == "__main__":
# im ='image.gif')
# rgb_im = im.convert('RGB')
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