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Last active June 20, 2022 13:10
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Class AdvancedPing
hidden [string]$_packets
hidden [string]$_duration
hidden [string]$_hostName
hidden [string]$_ip
hidden [int]$_bytes = 64
hidden [int]$_ttl = 57
hidden [int]$_timeout = 120
hidden [int]$_interval = 1000
hidden [int]$_counter = 0
hidden [int]$_success
hidden [bool]$_dontFragment = $false
hidden [bool]$_timestamp
AdvancedPing([string]$target, [string]$packets, [string]$duration)
$this._packets = $packets
$this._duration = $duration
# Adding getter and setter
$properties = "timestamp", "ttl", "timeout", "bytes", "duration", "interval"
foreach($property in $properties)
# Checking if target is DNS or IP address and resolve DNS name
$this._counter = 0
$startMessage = "PING {0} ({1}) {2} bytes of data." -f $this._hostname, $this._ip, $this._bytes
# Create Ping and Ping Options instances
$pinger = [System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping]::new()
$pingOptions = [System.Net.NetworkInformation.PingOptions]::new($this._ttl, $this._dontFragment)
# Initialize buffer
[byte[]]$buffer = [byte[]]::new($this._bytes);
Write-Verbose "Starting stopwatch"
$stopwatch = [system.diagnostics.stopwatch]::StartNew()
while (($stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds -lt $this._duration) -and ($this._counter -lt $this._packets))
$this._counter += 1
$this._SendPing($pinger, $pingOptions, $buffer)
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds $this._interval
Write-Verbose "Finishing up"
[System.Console]::WriteLine("--- $($this._ip) ping statistics ---")
$statistics = '{0} packets transmitted, {1} received, {2}% packet loss, time {3}ms' -f $this._counter, $this._success, (100 - ($this._success*100/$this._counter)), ($stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds)
hidden _SendPing([object]$pinger, [object]$pingOptions, [object]$buffer)
$reply = $pinger.send($this._ip, $this._timeout, $buffer, $pingOptions)
if ($reply.Status -eq "Success")
$this._success += 1
if ($this._timestamp)
$message = "[{0}] {1} bytes from {2}: icmp_seq={3} ttl={4} time={5} ms" -f [datetime]::Now, $this._bytes, $this._ip, $this._counter, $this._ttl, $reply.RoundtripTime
$message = "{0} bytes from {1}: icmp_seq={2} ttl={3} time={4} ms" -f $this._bytes, $this._ip, $this._counter, $this._ttl, $reply.RoundtripTime
elseif ($reply.Status -eq "TimedOut")
[System.Console]::WriteLine("Request timed out")
hidden _SetTarget([string]$target)
$out = [System.Net.ipaddress]::None
if ([System.Net.ipaddress]::TryParse($target, [ref]$out))
$this._ip = $target
$this._hostname = $target
$resolvedName = [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostEntry($target)
$this._ip = $resolvedName.AddressList[0]
$this._hostname = $target
$msg = $_.Exception.Message
If ($msg -like "*No such host is known*")
$msg = 'Cannot resolve DNS name {0}' -f $target
Write-Error $msg
hidden _AddProperty([string]$propName)
$property = new-object management.automation.PsScriptProperty $propName, {$propname = $propname; return $this."_$propName"}.GetNewClosure(), {param($value) $propname = $propname; $this."_$propName" = $value}.GetNewClosure()
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Thanks a lot for sharing your great work!

For those searching for usage examples:

Example #1

. "c:\temp\AdvancedPing.ps1"
$aPing = [AdvancedPing]::new("", 10, 5000)

Example #2

$aPing = [AdvancedPing]::new("", 10, 5000)
$aPing.timestamp = $true
$aPing.bytes = 32

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