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Last active July 6, 2022 20:05
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validation take 2
type ValidatorResult<T> = { type: "valid" } | { type: "invalid"; error: string }
type ValidateFn<T> = (value: unknown) => ValidatorResult<T>
type Validator<T = unknown> = {
validate: ValidateFn<T>
parse: (value: unknown) => T
is: (value: unknown) => value is T
type ValidatorType<V> = V extends Validator<infer T> ? T : never
const raise = (error: string): never => {
throw new Error(error)
const createValidator = <T>(validate: ValidateFn<T>): Validator<T> => ({
parse: (value) => {
const result = validate(value)
return result.type === "valid" ? (value as T) : raise(result.error)
is: (value): value is T => {
const result = validate(value)
return result.type === "valid"
const stringify = (value: unknown) => {
try {
return JSON.stringify(value, null, 2)
} catch {
return String(value)
export const string = createValidator<string>((value) =>
typeof value === "string"
? { type: "valid" }
: { type: "invalid", error: `expected string, got "${stringify(value)}"` },
export const number = createValidator<number>((value) =>
typeof value === "number"
? { type: "valid" }
: { type: "invalid", error: `expected number, got "${stringify(value)}"` },
export const boolean = createValidator<boolean>((value) =>
typeof value === "boolean"
? { type: "valid" }
: { type: "invalid", error: `expected boolean, got "${stringify(value)}"` },
export const literal = <T>(expectedValue: T) =>
createValidator<T>((value) =>
value === expectedValue
? { type: "valid" }
: {
type: "invalid",
error: `expected an exact value, got ${stringify(value)}`,
export const optional = <T>(type: Validator<T>) =>
union(type, literal(null), literal(undefined))
export const union = <T extends Validator[]>(...members: T) =>
createValidator<ValidatorType<T[number]>>((value) => {
const results = => it.validate(value))
if (results.some((result) => result.type === "valid")) {
return { type: "valid" }
const errorMessages = results
.map((result, index) =>
result.type === "invalid"
? `union validation failed for member #${index + 1}: ${result.error}`
: "",
return {
type: "invalid",
error: `${errorMessages.join("\n")}\n\n`,
export const array = <T>(itemType: Validator<T>) =>
createValidator<T[]>((value) => {
if (!Array.isArray(value)) {
return {
type: "invalid",
error: `expected array, got ${stringify(value)}`,
for (const [index, item] of value.entries()) {
const result = itemType.validate(item)
if (result.type === "invalid") {
return {
type: "invalid",
error: `array validation failed on index ${index}: ${result.error}`,
return { type: "valid" }
export const shape = <S extends Record<string, Validator>>(
shape: S,
{ allowExtraKeys = false } = {},
) =>
createValidator<{ [K in keyof S]: ValidatorType<S[K]> }>((maybeObject) => {
if (typeof maybeObject !== "object" || maybeObject === null) {
return {
type: "invalid",
error: `expected object, got ${stringify(maybeObject)}`,
const errors: string[] = []
for (const [shapeKey, validator] of Object.entries(shape)) {
const value = (maybeObject as any)[shapeKey]
const result = validator.validate(value)
if (result.type === "invalid") {
errors.push(`validation for key "${shapeKey}" failed: ${result.error}`)
if (!allowExtraKeys) {
for (const key of Object.keys(maybeObject)) {
if (!(key in shape)) {
errors.push(`extra key ${key}`)
if (errors.length > 0) {
return {
type: "invalid",
error: `shape validation failed:\n${errors.join("\n")}`,
return { type: "valid" }
export const dictionary = <T>(valueType: Validator<T>) =>
createValidator<Record<string, T | undefined>>((maybeObject) => {
if (typeof maybeObject !== "object" || maybeObject === null) {
return {
type: "invalid",
error: `expected object, got ${stringify(maybeObject)}`,
for (const value of Object.values(maybeObject)) {
if (value === undefined) continue
const result = valueType.validate(value)
if (result.type === "invalid") {
return {
type: "invalid",
error: `dictionary validation failed: ${result.error}`,
return { type: "valid" }
const user = shape({
name: string,
age: optional(number),
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