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Forked from anonymous/Functions.yaml
Created September 15, 2011 21:29
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- AbandonQuest
- AbandonSkill
- AcceptAreaSpiritHeal
- AcceptArenaTeam
- AcceptBattlefieldPort
- AcceptDuel
- AcceptGroup
- AcceptGuild
- AcceptLevelGrant
- AcceptProposal
- AcceptQuest
- AcceptResurrect
- AcceptSockets
- AcceptTrade
- AcceptXPLoss
- ActionHasRange
- AddAutoQuestPopUp
- AddChatWindowChannel
- AddChatWindowMessages
- AddFriend
- AddIgnore
- AddMute
- AddOrDelIgnore
- AddOrDelMute
- AddOrRemoveFriend
- AddPreviewTalentPoints
- AddQuestWatch
- AddTrackedAchievement
- AddTradeMoney
- AppendToFile
- ApplyBarberShopStyle
- ArchaeologyGetIconInfo
- ArchaeologyMapUpdateAll
- ArcheologyGetVisibleBlobID
- ArenaTeamDisband
- ArenaTeamInviteByName
- ArenaTeamLeave
- ArenaTeamRoster
- ArenaTeamSetLeaderByName
- ArenaTeamUninviteByName
- AscendStop
- AssistUnit
- AttackTarget
- AutoEquipCursorItem
- AutoLootMailItem
- AutoStoreGuildBankItem
- BNAcceptFriendInvite
- BNConnected
- BNCreateConversation
- BNDeclineFriendInvite
- BNFeaturesEnabled
- BNFeaturesEnabledAndConnected
- BNGetBlockedInfo
- BNGetBlockedToonInfo
- BNGetConversationInfo
- BNGetConversationMemberInfo
- BNGetCustomMessageTable
- BNGetFOFInfo
- BNGetFriendIndex
- BNGetFriendInfo
- BNGetFriendInfoByID
- BNGetFriendInviteInfo
- BNGetFriendToonInfo
- BNGetInfo
- BNGetMatureLanguageFilter
- BNGetMaxNumConversations
- BNGetMaxPlayersInConversation
- BNGetNumBlocked
- BNGetNumBlockedToons
- BNGetNumConversationMembers
- BNGetNumFriendInvites
- BNGetNumFriendToons
- BNGetNumFriends
- BNGetSelectedBlock
- BNGetSelectedFriend
- BNGetSelectedToonBlock
- BNGetToonInfo
- BNInviteFriend
- BNInviteToConversation
- BNIsBlocked
- BNIsFriend
- BNIsSelf
- BNIsToonBlocked
- BNLeaveConversation
- BNListConversation
- BNRemoveFriend
- BNReportFriendInvite
- BNReportPlayer
- BNRequestFOFInfo
- BNSendConversationMessage
- BNSendFriendInvite
- BNSendFriendInviteByID
- BNSendWhisper
- BNSetBlocked
- BNSetCustomMessage
- BNSetFocus
- BNSetFriendNote
- BNSetMatureLanguageFilter
- BNSetSelectedBlock
- BNSetSelectedFriend
- BNSetSelectedToonBlock
- BNSetToonBlocked
- BNTokenCombineGivenAndSurname
- BankButtonIDToInvSlotID
- BarberShopReset
- BattlefieldMgrEntryInviteResponse
- BattlefieldMgrExitRequest
- BattlefieldMgrQueueInviteResponse
- BattlefieldMgrQueueRequest
- BeginTrade
- BindEnchant
- BuyGuildBankTab
- BuyGuildCharter
- BuyMerchantItem
- BuyTrainerService
- BuybackItem
- CalculateAuctionDeposit
- CalendarAddEvent
- CalendarCanAddEvent
- CalendarCanSendInvite
- CalendarCloseEvent
- CalendarContextDeselectEvent
- CalendarContextEventCanComplain
- CalendarContextEventCanEdit
- CalendarContextEventCanRemove
- CalendarContextEventClipboard
- CalendarContextEventComplain
- CalendarContextEventCopy
- CalendarContextEventGetCalendarType
- CalendarContextEventPaste
- CalendarContextEventRemove
- CalendarContextEventSignUp
- CalendarContextGetEventIndex
- CalendarContextInviteAvailable
- CalendarContextInviteDecline
- CalendarContextInviteIsPending
- CalendarContextInviteModeratorStatus
- CalendarContextInviteRemove
- CalendarContextInviteStatus
- CalendarContextInviteTentative
- CalendarContextInviteType
- CalendarContextSelectEvent
- CalendarDefaultGuildFilter
- CalendarEventAvailable
- CalendarEventCanEdit
- CalendarEventCanModerate
- CalendarEventClearAutoApprove
- CalendarEventClearLocked
- CalendarEventClearModerator
- CalendarEventDecline
- CalendarEventGetCalendarType
- CalendarEventGetInvite
- CalendarEventGetInviteResponseTime
- CalendarEventGetInviteSortCriterion
- CalendarEventGetNumInvites
- CalendarEventGetRepeatOptions
- CalendarEventGetSelectedInvite
- CalendarEventGetStatusOptions
- CalendarEventGetTextures
- CalendarEventGetTypes
- CalendarEventGetTypesDisplayOrdered
- CalendarEventHasPendingInvite
- CalendarEventHaveSettingsChanged
- CalendarEventInvite
- CalendarEventIsModerator
- CalendarEventRemoveInvite
- CalendarEventSelectInvite
- CalendarEventSetAutoApprove
- CalendarEventSetDate
- CalendarEventSetDescription
- CalendarEventSetLocked
- CalendarEventSetLockoutDate
- CalendarEventSetLockoutTime
- CalendarEventSetModerator
- CalendarEventSetRepeatOption
- CalendarEventSetSize
- CalendarEventSetStatus
- CalendarEventSetTextureID
- CalendarEventSetTime
- CalendarEventSetTitle
- CalendarEventSetType
- CalendarEventSignUp
- CalendarEventSortInvites
- CalendarEventTentative
- CalendarGetAbsMonth
- CalendarGetDate
- CalendarGetDayEvent
- CalendarGetDayEventSequenceInfo
- CalendarGetEventIndex
- CalendarGetEventInfo
- CalendarGetFirstPendingInvite
- CalendarGetGuildEventInfo
- CalendarGetGuildEventSelectionInfo
- CalendarGetHolidayInfo
- CalendarGetMaxCreateDate
- CalendarGetMaxDate
- CalendarGetMinDate
- CalendarGetMinHistoryDate
- CalendarGetMonth
- CalendarGetMonthNames
- CalendarGetNumDayEvents
- CalendarGetNumGuildEvents
- CalendarGetNumPendingInvites
- CalendarGetRaidInfo
- CalendarGetWeekdayNames
- CalendarIsActionPending
- CalendarMassInviteArenaTeam
- CalendarMassInviteGuild
- CalendarNewEvent
- CalendarNewGuildAnnouncement
- CalendarNewGuildEvent
- CalendarOpenEvent
- CalendarRemoveEvent
- CalendarSetAbsMonth
- CalendarSetMonth
- CalendarUpdateEvent
- CallCompanion
- CameraOrSelectOrMoveStart
- CameraOrSelectOrMoveStop
- CameraZoomIn
- CameraZoomOut
- CanAlterSkin
- CanBeRaidTarget
- CanCancelAuction
- CanChangePlayerDifficulty
- CanComplainChat
- CanComplainInboxItem
- CanEditGuildBankTabInfo
- CanEditGuildEvent
- CanEditGuildInfo
- CanEditGuildTabInfo
- CanEditMOTD
- CanEditOfficerNote
- CanEditPublicNote
- CanEjectPassengerFromSeat
- CanExitVehicle
- CanGrantLevel
- CanGuildBankRepair
- CanGuildDemote
- CanGuildInvite
- CanGuildPromote
- CanGuildRemove
- CanHearthAndResurrectFromArea
- CanInitiateWarGame
- CanInspect
- CanItemBeSocketedToArtifact
- CanJoinBattlefieldAsGroup
- CanMapChangeDifficulty
- CanMerchantRepair
- CanPartyLFGBackfill
- CanQueueForWintergrasp
- CanResetTutorials
- CanSendAuctionQuery
- CanShowAchievementUI
- CanShowResetInstances
- CanSignPetition
- CanSolveArtifact
- CanSummonFriend
- CanSwitchVehicleSeat
- CanSwitchVehicleSeats
- CanUseEquipmentSets
- CanViewGuildRecipes
- CanViewOfficerNote
- CanWithdrawGuildBankMoney
- CancelAreaSpiritHeal
- CancelAuction
- CancelBarberShop
- CancelDuel
- CancelEmote
- CancelGuildMembershipRequest
- CancelItemTempEnchantment
- CancelLogout
- CancelPendingEquip
- CancelPreloadingMovie
- CancelSell
- CancelShapeshiftForm
- CancelSummon
- CancelTrade
- CancelTradeAccept
- CancelUnitBuff
- CannotBeResurrected
- CastGlyph
- CastGlyphByID
- CastGlyphByName
- CastPetAction
- CastShapeshiftForm
- CastSpell
- CastSpellByID
- CastSpellByName
- ChangeActionBarPage
- ChangeChatColor
- ChannelBan
- ChannelInvite
- ChannelKick
- ChannelModerator
- ChannelMute
- ChannelSilenceAll
- ChannelSilenceVoice
- ChannelToggleAnnouncements
- ChannelUnSilenceAll
- ChannelUnSilenceVoice
- ChannelUnban
- ChannelUnmoderator
- ChannelUnmute
- ChannelVoiceOff
- ChannelVoiceOn
- CheckBinderDist
- CheckInbox
- CheckInteractDistance
- CheckSpiritHealerDist
- CheckTalentMasterDist
- ClearAchievementComparisonUnit
- ClearAllLFGDungeons
- ClearAllTracking
- ClearAutoAcceptQuestSound
- ClearChannelWatch
- ClearCursor
- ClearFocus
- ClearInspectPlayer
- ClearLFGDungeon
- ClearOverrideBindings
- ClearPartyAssignment
- ClearRaidMarker
- ClearSendMail
- ClearTarget
- ClearTutorials
- ClickAuctionSellItemButton
- ClickLandmark
- ClickSendMailItemButton
- ClickSocketButton
- ClickTargetTradeButton
- ClickTradeButton
- CloseArenaTeamRoster
- CloseAuctionHouse
- CloseBankFrame
- CloseGossip
- CloseGuildBankFrame
- CloseGuildRegistrar
- CloseGuildRoster
- CloseItemText
- CloseLoot
- CloseMail
- CloseMerchant
- ClosePetStables
- ClosePetition
- CloseQuest
- CloseReforge
- CloseResearch
- CloseSocketInfo
- CloseTabardCreation
- CloseTaxiMap
- CloseTrade
- CloseTradeSkill
- CloseTrainer
- CollapseAllFactionHeaders
- CollapseChannelHeader
- CollapseFactionHeader
- CollapseGuildTradeSkillHeader
- CollapseQuestHeader
- CollapseTradeSkillSubClass
- CollapseWarGameHeader
- CombatLogAddFilter
- CombatLogAdvanceEntry
- CombatLogClearEntries
- CombatLogGetCurrentEntry
- CombatLogGetNumEntries
- CombatLogGetRetentionTime
- CombatLogResetFilter
- CombatLogSetCurrentEntry
- CombatLogSetRetentionTime
- CombatLog_Object_IsA
- CombatTextSetActiveUnit
- CommentatorAddPlayer
- CommentatorEnterInstance
- CommentatorExitInstance
- CommentatorFollowPlayer
- CommentatorGetCamera
- CommentatorGetCurrentMapID
- CommentatorGetInstanceInfo
- CommentatorGetMapInfo
- CommentatorGetMode
- CommentatorGetNumMaps
- CommentatorGetNumPlayers
- CommentatorGetPartyInfo
- CommentatorGetPlayerInfo
- CommentatorGetSkirmishMode
- CommentatorGetSkirmishQueueCount
- CommentatorGetSkirmishQueuePlayerInfo
- CommentatorLookatPlayer
- CommentatorRemovePlayer
- CommentatorRequestSkirmishMode
- CommentatorRequestSkirmishQueueData
- CommentatorSetBattlemaster
- CommentatorSetCamera
- CommentatorSetCameraCollision
- CommentatorSetMapAndInstanceIndex
- CommentatorSetMode
- CommentatorSetMoveSpeed
- CommentatorSetPlayerIndex
- CommentatorSetSkirmishMatchmakingMode
- CommentatorSetTargetHeightOffset
- CommentatorStartInstance
- CommentatorStartSkirmishMatch
- CommentatorStartWargame
- CommentatorToggleMode
- CommentatorUpdateMapInfo
- CommentatorUpdatePlayerInfo
- CommentatorZoomIn
- CommentatorZoomOut
- ComplainChat
- ComplainInboxItem
- CompleteLFGRoleCheck
- CompleteQuest
- ConfirmAcceptQuest
- ConfirmBindOnUse
- ConfirmBinder
- ConfirmLootRoll
- ConfirmLootSlot
- ConfirmOnUse
- ConfirmReadyCheck
- ConfirmSummon
- ConfirmTalentWipe
- ConsoleAddMessage
- ConsoleExec
- ContainerIDToInventoryID
- ContainerRefundItemPurchase
- ConvertToParty
- ConvertToRaid
- CreateArenaTeam
- CreateFont
- CreateFrame
- CreateMacro
- CreateMiniWorldMapArrowFrame
- CreateNewRaidProfile
- CreateWorldMapArrowFrame
- CursorCanGoInSlot
- CursorHasItem
- CursorHasMacro
- CursorHasMoney
- CursorHasSpell
- DeclineArenaTeam
- DeclineGroup
- DeclineGuild
- DeclineGuildApplicant
- DeclineInvite
- DeclineLevelGrant
- DeclineName
- DeclineQuest
- DeclineResurrect
- DelIgnore
- DelMute
- DeleteCursorItem
- DeleteEquipmentSet
- DeleteFile
- DeleteGMTicket
- DeleteInboxItem
- DeleteMacro
- DeleteRaidProfile
- DemoteAssistant
- DepositGuildBankMoney
- DescendStop
- DestroyTotem
- DetectWowMouse
- DisableAddOn
- DisableAllAddOns
- DisableSpellAutocast
- DismissCompanion
- Dismount
- DisplayChannelOwner
- DisplayChannelVoiceOff
- DisplayChannelVoiceOn
- DoEmote
- DoReadyCheck
- DoTradeSkill
- DownloadSettings
- DropCursorMoney
- DropItemOnUnit
- DungeonUsesTerrainMap
- EJ_ClearSearch
- EJ_GetAvailableClasses
- EJ_GetCreatureInfo
- EJ_GetCurrentInstance
- EJ_GetEncounterInfo
- EJ_GetEncounterInfoByIndex
- EJ_GetInstanceByIndex
- EJ_GetInstanceInfo
- EJ_GetLootInfo
- EJ_GetLootInfoByIndex
- EJ_GetMapEncounter
- EJ_GetNumLoot
- EJ_GetNumSearchResults
- EJ_GetSearchResult
- EJ_GetSectionInfo
- EJ_GetSectionPath
- EJ_GetTierInfo
- EJ_HandleLinkPath
- EJ_InstanceIsRaid
- EJ_SelectEncounter
- EJ_SelectInstance
- EJ_SelectTier
- EJ_SetClassLootFilter
- EJ_SetDifficulty
- EJ_SetDifficultyByMask
- EJ_SetSearch
- EditMacro
- EjectPassengerFromSeat
- EnableAddOn
- EnableAllAddOns
- EnableSpellAutocast
- EndBoundTradeable
- EndRefund
- EnumerateFrames
- EnumerateServerChannels
- EquipCursorItem
- EquipItemByName
- EquipPendingItem
- EquipmentManagerClearIgnoredSlotsForSave
- EquipmentManagerIgnoreSlotForSave
- EquipmentManagerIsSlotIgnoredForSave
- EquipmentManagerUnignoreSlotForSave
- EquipmentSetContainsLockedItems
- ExpandAllFactionHeaders
- ExpandChannelHeader
- ExpandCurrencyList
- ExpandFactionHeader
- ExpandGuildTradeSkillHeader
- ExpandQuestHeader
- ExpandTradeSkillSubClass
- ExpandWarGameHeader
- FactionToggleAtWar
- FillLocalizedClassList
- FindSpellBookSlotBySpellID
- FlagTutorial
- FlipCameraYaw
- FocusUnit
- FollowUnit
- ForceGossip
- ForceLogout
- ForceQuit
- FrameXML_Debug
- GMReportLag
- GMRequestPlayerInfo
- GMResponseNeedMoreHelp
- GMResponseResolve
- GMSurveyAnswer
- GMSurveyAnswerSubmit
- GMSurveyCommentSubmit
- GMSurveyNumAnswers
- GMSurveyQuestion
- GMSurveySubmit
- GameMovieFinished
- GetAbandonQuestItems
- GetAbandonQuestName
- GetAccountExpansionLevel
- GetAchievementCategory
- GetAchievementComparisonInfo
- GetAchievementCriteriaInfo
- GetAchievementGuildRep
- GetAchievementInfo
- GetAchievementInfoFromCriteria
- GetAchievementLink
- GetAchievementNumCriteria
- GetAchievementNumRewards
- GetAchievementReward
- GetActionAutocast
- GetActionBarPage
- GetActionBarToggles
- GetActionCooldown
- GetActionCount
- GetActionInfo
- GetActionText
- GetActionTexture
- GetActiveArtifactByRace
- GetActiveLevel
- GetActiveTalentGroup
- GetActiveTitle
- GetActiveVoiceChannel
- GetAddOnCPUUsage
- GetAddOnDependencies
- GetAddOnInfo
- GetAddOnMemoryUsage
- GetAddOnMetadata
- GetAddOnOptionalDependencies
- GetAllowLowLevelRaid
- GetArchaeologyInfo
- GetArchaeologyRaceInfo
- GetAreaSpiritHealerTime
- GetArenaTeam
- GetArenaTeamGdfInfo
- GetArenaTeamRosterInfo
- GetArenaTeamRosterSelection
- GetArenaTeamRosterShowOffline
- GetArmorPenetration
- GetArtifactInfoByRace
- GetArtifactProgress
- GetAttackPowerForStat
- GetAuctionHouseDepositRate
- GetAuctionInvTypes
- GetAuctionItemClasses
- GetAuctionItemInfo
- GetAuctionItemLink
- GetAuctionItemSubClasses
- GetAuctionItemTimeLeft
- GetAuctionSellItemInfo
- GetAuctionSort
- GetAutoCompletePresenceID
- GetAutoCompleteResults
- GetAutoDeclineGuildInvites
- GetAutoQuestPopUp
- GetAvailableBandwidth
- GetAvailableLevel
- GetAvailableLocales
- GetAvailableQuestInfo
- GetAvailableTitle
- GetAverageItemLevel
- GetBackgroundLoadingStatus
- GetBackpackCurrencyInfo
- GetBagName
- GetBankSlotCost
- GetBarberShopStyleInfo
- GetBarberShopTotalCost
- GetBattlefieldArenaFaction
- GetBattlefieldEstimatedWaitTime
- GetBattlefieldFlagPosition
- GetBattlefieldInstanceExpiration
- GetBattlefieldInstanceRunTime
- GetBattlefieldMapIconScale
- GetBattlefieldPortExpiration
- GetBattlefieldPosition
- GetBattlefieldScore
- GetBattlefieldStatData
- GetBattlefieldStatInfo
- GetBattlefieldStatus
- GetBattlefieldTeamInfo
- GetBattlefieldTimeWaited
- GetBattlefieldVehicleInfo
- GetBattlefieldWinner
- GetBattlegroundInfo
- GetBidderAuctionItems
- GetBillingTimeRested
- GetBindLocation
- GetBinding
- GetBindingAction
- GetBindingByKey
- GetBindingKey
- GetBlockChance
- GetBonusBarOffset
- GetBonusBarOverrideBarType
- GetBuildInfo
- GetBuybackItemInfo
- GetBuybackItemLink
- GetCVar
- GetCVarBitfield
- GetCVarBool
- GetCVarDefault
- GetCVarInfo
- GetCallPetSpellInfo
- GetCategoryInfo
- GetCategoryList
- GetCategoryNumAchievements
- GetCemeteryPreference
- GetChannelDisplayInfo
- GetChannelList
- GetChannelName
- GetChannelRosterInfo
- GetChatTypeIndex
- GetChatWindowChannels
- GetChatWindowInfo
- GetChatWindowMessages
- GetChatWindowSavedDimensions
- GetChatWindowSavedPosition
- GetClickFrame
- GetCoinIcon
- GetCoinText
- GetCoinTextureString
- GetCombatRating
- GetCombatRatingBonus
- GetComboPoints
- GetCompanionCooldown
- GetCompanionInfo
- GetComparisonAchievementPoints
- GetComparisonCategoryNumAchievements
- GetComparisonStatistic
- GetContainerFreeSlots
- GetContainerItemCooldown
- GetContainerItemDurability
- GetContainerItemEquipmentSetInfo
- GetContainerItemGems
- GetContainerItemID
- GetContainerItemInfo
- GetContainerItemLink
- GetContainerItemPurchaseCurrency
- GetContainerItemPurchaseInfo
- GetContainerItemPurchaseItem
- GetContainerItemQuestInfo
- GetContainerNumFreeSlots
- GetContainerNumSlots
- GetCorpseMapPosition
- GetCorpseRecoveryDelay
- GetCritChance
- GetCritChanceFromAgility
- GetCriteriaSpell
- GetCurrencyInfo
- GetCurrencyLink
- GetCurrencyListInfo
- GetCurrencyListLink
- GetCurrencyListSize
- GetCurrentArenaSeason
- GetCurrentBindingSet
- GetCurrentEventID
- GetCurrentGuildBankTab
- GetCurrentKeyBoardFocus
- GetCurrentLevelFeatures
- GetCurrentLevelSpells
- GetCurrentMapAreaID
- GetCurrentMapContinent
- GetCurrentMapDungeonLevel
- GetCurrentMapZone
- GetCurrentMultisampleFormat
- GetCurrentRaidDifficulty
- GetCurrentRefresh
- GetCurrentResolution
- GetCurrentTitle
- GetCursorInfo
- GetCursorMoney
- GetCursorPosition
- GetDailyQuestsCompleted
- GetDeathReleasePosition
- GetDebugAnimationStats
- GetDebugSpellEffects
- GetDebugStats
- GetDebugZoneMap
- GetDefaultLanguage
- GetDefaultRaidDifficulty
- GetDefaultVideoOptions
- GetDemotionRank
- GetDestinationReforgeStats
- GetDistanceSqToQuest
- GetDodgeChance
- GetDownloadedPercentage
- GetDungeonDifficulty
- GetDungeonForRandomSlot
- GetEclipseDirection
- GetEquipmentSetInfo
- GetEquipmentSetInfoByName
- GetEquipmentSetItemIDs
- GetEquipmentSetLocations
- GetEventCPUUsage
- GetEventTime
- GetExistingLocales
- GetExistingSocketInfo
- GetExistingSocketLink
- GetExpansionLevel
- GetExpertise
- GetExpertisePercent
- GetExtendedItemInfo
- GetFacialHairCustomization
- GetFactionInfo
- GetFactionInfoByID
- GetFileStreamingStatus
- GetFirstTradeSkill
- GetFlyoutID
- GetFlyoutInfo
- GetFlyoutSlotInfo
- GetFrameCPUUsage
- GetFramerate
- GetFramesRegisteredForEvent
- GetFriendInfo
- GetFunctionCPUUsage
- GetGMStatus
- GetGMTicket
- GetGMTicketCategories
- GetGameTime
- GetGamma
- GetGlyphClearInfo
- GetGlyphInfo
- GetGlyphLink
- GetGlyphSocketInfo
- GetGossipActiveQuests
- GetGossipAvailableQuests
- GetGossipOptions
- GetGossipText
- GetGraphicsAPIs
- GetGreetingText
- GetGroupPreviewTalentPointsSpent
- GetGuildAchievementMemberInfo
- GetGuildAchievementMembers
- GetGuildAchievementNumMembers
- GetGuildApplicantInfo
- GetGuildApplicantSelection
- GetGuildBankBonusDepositMoney
- GetGuildBankItemInfo
- GetGuildBankItemLink
- GetGuildBankMoney
- GetGuildBankMoneyTransaction
- GetGuildBankTabCost
- GetGuildBankTabInfo
- GetGuildBankTabPermissions
- GetGuildBankText
- GetGuildBankTransaction
- GetGuildBankWithdrawGoldLimit
- GetGuildBankWithdrawMoney
- GetGuildCategoryList
- GetGuildChallengeInfo
- GetGuildCharterCost
- GetGuildEventInfo
- GetGuildExpirationTime
- GetGuildFactionGroup
- GetGuildFactionInfo
- GetGuildInfo
- GetGuildInfoText
- GetGuildLevel
- GetGuildLevelEnabled
- GetGuildLogoInfo
- GetGuildMemberRecipes
- GetGuildMembershipRequestInfo
- GetGuildMembershipRequestSettings
- GetGuildNewsFilters
- GetGuildNewsInfo
- GetGuildNewsMemberName
- GetGuildNewsSort
- GetGuildPerkInfo
- GetGuildRecipeInfoPostQuery
- GetGuildRecipeMember
- GetGuildRecruitmentComment
- GetGuildRecruitmentSettings
- GetGuildRewardInfo
- GetGuildRosterContribution
- GetGuildRosterInfo
- GetGuildRosterLargestAchievementPoints
- GetGuildRosterLargestContribution
- GetGuildRosterLastOnline
- GetGuildRosterMOTD
- GetGuildRosterSelection
- GetGuildRosterShowOffline
- GetGuildTabardFileNames
- GetGuildTradeSkillInfo
- GetHairCustomization
- GetHitModifier
- GetHolidayBGHonorCurrencyBonuses
- GetIgnoreName
- GetInboxHeaderInfo
- GetInboxInvoiceInfo
- GetInboxItem
- GetInboxItemLink
- GetInboxNumItems
- GetInboxText
- GetInspectArenaTeamData
- GetInspectGuildInfo
- GetInspectHonorData
- GetInspectRatedBGData
- GetInstanceBootTimeRemaining
- GetInstanceDifficulty
- GetInstanceInfo
- GetInstanceLockTimeRemaining
- GetInstanceLockTimeRemainingEncounter
- GetInventoryAlertStatus
- GetInventoryItemBroken
- GetInventoryItemCooldown
- GetInventoryItemCount
- GetInventoryItemDurability
- GetInventoryItemGems
- GetInventoryItemID
- GetInventoryItemLink
- GetInventoryItemQuality
- GetInventoryItemTexture
- GetInventoryItemsForSlot
- GetInventorySlotInfo
- GetItemCooldown
- GetItemCount
- GetItemFamily
- GetItemGem
- GetItemIcon
- GetItemInfo
- GetItemQualityColor
- GetItemSpell
- GetItemStatDelta
- GetItemStats
- GetItemUniqueness
- GetLFDChoiceCollapseState
- GetLFDChoiceEnabledState
- GetLFDChoiceInfo
- GetLFDChoiceLockedState
- GetLFDChoiceOrder
- GetLFDLockInfo
- GetLFDLockPlayerCount
- GetLFGBootProposal
- GetLFGCompletionReward
- GetLFGCompletionRewardItem
- GetLFGDeserterExpiration
- GetLFGDungeonInfo
- GetLFGDungeonRewardCapBarInfo
- GetLFGDungeonRewardCapInfo
- GetLFGDungeonRewardInfo
- GetLFGDungeonRewardLink
- GetLFGDungeonRewards
- GetLFGDungeonShortageRewardInfo
- GetLFGDungeonShortageRewardLink
- GetLFGInfoLocal
- GetLFGInfoServer
- GetLFGProposal
- GetLFGProposalEncounter
- GetLFGProposalMember
- GetLFGQueueStats
- GetLFGQueuedList
- GetLFGRandomCooldownExpiration
- GetLFGRandomDungeonInfo
- GetLFGRoleShortageRewards
- GetLFGRoleUpdate
- GetLFGRoleUpdateMember
- GetLFGRoleUpdateSlot
- GetLFGRoles
- GetLFGTypes
- GetLFRChoiceOrder
- GetLanguageByIndex
- GetLastQueueStatusIndex
- GetLatestCompletedAchievements
- GetLatestCompletedComparisonAchievements
- GetLatestThreeSenders
- GetLatestUpdatedComparisonStats
- GetLatestUpdatedStats
- GetLocale
- GetLookingForGuildComment
- GetLookingForGuildSettings
- GetLootMethod
- GetLootRollItemInfo
- GetLootRollItemLink
- GetLootRollTimeLeft
- GetLootSlotInfo
- GetLootSlotLink
- GetLootThreshold
- GetMacroBody
- GetMacroIconInfo
- GetMacroIndexByName
- GetMacroInfo
- GetMacroItem
- GetMacroItemIconInfo
- GetMacroSpell
- GetMajorTalentTreeBonuses
- GetManaRegen
- GetMapContinents
- GetMapDebugObjectInfo
- GetMapInfo
- GetMapLandmarkInfo
- GetMapNameByID
- GetMapOverlayInfo
- GetMapZones
- GetMasterLootCandidate
- GetMastery
- GetMaxAnimFramerate
- GetMaxArenaCurrency
- GetMaxCombatRatingBonus
- GetMaxDailyQuests
- GetMaxNumCUFProfiles
- GetMaxPlayerLevel
- GetMaxSpellStartRecoveryOffset
- GetMeleeHaste
- GetMerchantCurrencies
- GetMerchantItemCostInfo
- GetMerchantItemCostItem
- GetMerchantItemInfo
- GetMerchantItemLink
- GetMerchantItemMaxStack
- GetMerchantNumItems
- GetMinigameState
- GetMinigameType
- GetMinimapZoneText
- GetMinorTalentTreeBonuses
- GetMirrorTimerInfo
- GetMirrorTimerProgress
- GetModifiedClick
- GetModifiedClickAction
- GetMoney
- GetMonitorAspectRatio
- GetMonitorCount
- GetMonitorName
- GetMouseButtonClicked
- GetMouseButtonName
- GetMouseFocus
- GetMovieDownloadProgress
- GetMovieResolution
- GetMultiCastBarOffset
- GetMultiCastTotemSpells
- GetMultisampleFormats
- GetMuteName
- GetMuteStatus
- GetNamePlateMotionType
- GetNetIpTypes
- GetNetStats
- GetNewSocketInfo
- GetNewSocketLink
- GetNextAchievement
- GetNextCompleatedTutorial
- GetNextPetTalentLevel
- GetNextTalentLevel
- GetNumActiveQuests
- GetNumAddOns
- GetNumArchaeologyRaces
- GetNumArenaOpponents
- GetNumArenaTeamMembers
- GetNumArtifactsByRace
- GetNumAuctionItems
- GetNumAutoQuestPopUps
- GetNumAvailableQuests
- GetNumBankSlots
- GetNumBattlefieldFlagPositions
- GetNumBattlefieldPositions
- GetNumBattlefieldScores
- GetNumBattlefieldStats
- GetNumBattlefieldVehicles
- GetNumBattlegroundTypes
- GetNumBindings
- GetNumBuybackItems
- GetNumChannelMembers
- GetNumCompanions
- GetNumComparisonCompletedAchievements
- GetNumCompletedAchievements
- GetNumDeclensionSets
- GetNumDisplayChannels
- GetNumDungeonForRandomSlot
- GetNumDungeonMapLevels
- GetNumEquipmentSets
- GetNumFactions
- GetNumFlyouts
- GetNumFrames
- GetNumFriends
- GetNumGlyphSockets
- GetNumGlyphs
- GetNumGossipActiveQuests
- GetNumGossipAvailableQuests
- GetNumGossipOptions
- GetNumGuildApplicants
- GetNumGuildBankMoneyTransactions
- GetNumGuildBankTabs
- GetNumGuildBankTransactions
- GetNumGuildChallenges
- GetNumGuildEvents
- GetNumGuildMembers
- GetNumGuildMembershipRequests
- GetNumGuildNews
- GetNumGuildPerks
- GetNumGuildRewards
- GetNumGuildTradeSkill
- GetNumIgnores
- GetNumLanguages
- GetNumLootItems
- GetNumMacroIcons
- GetNumMacroItemIcons
- GetNumMacros
- GetNumMapDebugObjects
- GetNumMapLandmarks
- GetNumMapOverlays
- GetNumMembersInRank
- GetNumModifiedClickActions
- GetNumMutes
- GetNumNamePlateMotionTypes
- GetNumPackages
- GetNumPartyMembers
- GetNumPetitionNames
- GetNumQuestChoices
- GetNumQuestCurrencies
- GetNumQuestItemDrops
- GetNumQuestItems
- GetNumQuestLeaderBoards
- GetNumQuestLogChoices
- GetNumQuestLogEntries
- GetNumQuestLogRewardCurrencies
- GetNumQuestLogRewardFactions
- GetNumQuestLogRewards
- GetNumQuestRewards
- GetNumQuestWatches
- GetNumRaidMembers
- GetNumRaidProfiles
- GetNumRandomDungeons
- GetNumRecruitingGuilds
- GetNumReforgeOptions
- GetNumRewardCurrencies
- GetNumRoutes
- GetNumSavedInstances
- GetNumShapeshiftForms
- GetNumSockets
- GetNumSpellTabs
- GetNumStationeries
- GetNumTalentGroups
- GetNumTalentPoints
- GetNumTalentTabs
- GetNumTalents
- GetNumTitles
- GetNumTrackedAchievements
- GetNumTrackingTypes
- GetNumTradeSkills
- GetNumTrainerServices
- GetNumVoiceSessionMembersBySessionID
- GetNumVoiceSessions
- GetNumWarGameTypes
- GetNumWhoResults
- GetNumWorldPVPAreas
- GetNumWorldStateUI
- GetNumberOfDetailTiles
- GetOSLocale
- GetObjectiveText
- GetOptOutOfLoot
- GetOutdoorPVPWaitTime
- GetOwnerAuctionItems
- GetPVPDesired
- GetPVPLifetimeStats
- GetPVPRankInfo
- GetPVPRankProgress
- GetPVPRewards
- GetPVPSessionStats
- GetPVPTimer
- GetPVPYesterdayStats
- GetPackageInfo
- GetParryChance
- GetPartyAssignment
- GetPartyLFGBackfillInfo
- GetPartyLeaderIndex
- GetPartyMember
- GetPersonalRatedArenaInfo
- GetPersonalRatedBGInfo
- GetPetActionCooldown
- GetPetActionInfo
- GetPetActionSlotUsable
- GetPetActionsUsable
- GetPetExperience
- GetPetFoodTypes
- GetPetIcon
- GetPetMeleeHaste
- GetPetSpellBonusDamage
- GetPetTalentTree
- GetPetTimeRemaining
- GetPetitionInfo
- GetPetitionNameInfo
- GetPlayerFacing
- GetPlayerInfoByGUID
- GetPlayerMapPosition
- GetPlayerTradeCurrency
- GetPlayerTradeMoney
- GetPossessInfo
- GetPowerRegen
- GetPrevCompleatedTutorial
- GetPreviewPrimaryTalentTree
- GetPreviewTalentPointsSpent
- GetPreviousAchievement
- GetPreviousArenaSeason
- GetPrimaryTalentTree
- GetProfessionInfo
- GetProfessions
- GetProgressText
- GetPromotionRank
- GetQuestBackgroundMaterial
- GetQuestCurrencyInfo
- GetQuestGreenRange
- GetQuestID
- GetQuestIndexForTimer
- GetQuestIndexForWatch
- GetQuestItemInfo
- GetQuestItemLink
- GetQuestLink
- GetQuestLogChoiceInfo
- GetQuestLogCompletionText
- GetQuestLogCriteriaSpell
- GetQuestLogGroupNum
- GetQuestLogIndexByID
- GetQuestLogIsAutoComplete
- GetQuestLogItemDrop
- GetQuestLogItemLink
- GetQuestLogLeaderBoard
- GetQuestLogPortraitGiver
- GetQuestLogPortraitTurnIn
- GetQuestLogPushable
- GetQuestLogQuestText
- GetQuestLogRequiredMoney
- GetQuestLogRewardCurrencyInfo
- GetQuestLogRewardFactionInfo
- GetQuestLogRewardInfo
- GetQuestLogRewardMoney
- GetQuestLogRewardSkillPoints
- GetQuestLogRewardSpell
- GetQuestLogRewardTalents
- GetQuestLogRewardTitle
- GetQuestLogRewardXP
- GetQuestLogSelection
- GetQuestLogSpecialItemCooldown
- GetQuestLogSpecialItemInfo
- GetQuestLogSpellLink
- GetQuestLogTimeLeft
- GetQuestLogTitle
- GetQuestMoneyToGet
- GetQuestPOILeaderBoard
- GetQuestPortraitGiver
- GetQuestPortraitTurnIn
- GetQuestResetTime
- GetQuestReward
- GetQuestSortIndex
- GetQuestSpellLink
- GetQuestText
- GetQuestTimers
- GetQuestWatchIndex
- GetQuestWorldMapAreaID
- GetQuestsCompleted
- GetRaidDifficulty
- GetRaidProfileFlattenedOptions
- GetRaidProfileName
- GetRaidProfileOption
- GetRaidProfileSavedPosition
- GetRaidRosterInfo
- GetRaidRosterSelection
- GetRaidTargetIndex
- GetRandomBGHonorCurrencyBonuses
- GetRandomDungeonBestChoice
- GetRangedCritChance
- GetRangedHaste
- GetRatedBattleGroundInfo
- GetReadyCheckStatus
- GetReadyCheckTimeLeft
- GetRealNumPartyMembers
- GetRealNumRaidMembers
- GetRealZoneText
- GetRealmName
- GetRecruitingGuildInfo
- GetRecruitingGuildSelection
- GetRecruitingGuildSettings
- GetRecruitingGuildTabardInfo
- GetReforgeItemInfo
- GetReforgeItemStats
- GetReforgeOptionInfo
- GetRefreshRates
- GetRegisteredAddonMessagePrefixes
- GetReleaseTimeRemaining
- GetRepairAllCost
- GetResSicknessDuration
- GetRestState
- GetRestrictedAccountData
- GetRewardArenaPoints
- GetRewardHonor
- GetRewardMoney
- GetRewardNumSkillUps
- GetRewardSkillLineID
- GetRewardSkillPoints
- GetRewardSpell
- GetRewardTalents
- GetRewardText
- GetRewardTitle
- GetRewardXP
- GetRuneCooldown
- GetRuneCount
- GetRuneType
- GetRunningMacro
- GetRunningMacroButton
- GetSavedInstanceChatLink
- GetSavedInstanceEncounterInfo
- GetSavedInstanceInfo
- GetScreenHeight
- GetScreenResolutions
- GetScreenWidth
- GetScriptCPUUsage
- GetSelectedArtifactInfo
- GetSelectedAuctionItem
- GetSelectedDisplayChannel
- GetSelectedFaction
- GetSelectedFriend
- GetSelectedGlyphSpellIndex
- GetSelectedIgnore
- GetSelectedMute
- GetSelectedStationeryTexture
- GetSelectedWarGameType
- GetSendMailCOD
- GetSendMailItem
- GetSendMailItemLink
- GetSendMailMoney
- GetSendMailPrice
- GetShapeshiftForm
- GetShapeshiftFormCooldown
- GetShapeshiftFormID
- GetShapeshiftFormInfo
- GetShieldBlock
- GetSocketItemBoundTradeable
- GetSocketItemInfo
- GetSocketItemRefundable
- GetSocketTypes
- GetSourceReforgeStats
- GetSpellAutocast
- GetSpellAvailableLevel
- GetSpellBonusDamage
- GetSpellBonusHealing
- GetSpellBookItemInfo
- GetSpellBookItemName
- GetSpellBookItemTexture
- GetSpellCooldown
- GetSpellCount
- GetSpellCritChance
- GetSpellCritChanceFromIntellect
- GetSpellDescription
- GetSpellHitModifier
- GetSpellInfo
- GetSpellLink
- GetSpellPenetration
- GetSpellTabInfo
- GetSpellTexture
- GetStablePetFoodTypes
- GetStablePetInfo
- GetStationeryInfo
- GetStatistic
- GetStatisticsCategoryList
- GetSubZoneText
- GetSuggestedGroupNum
- GetSummonConfirmAreaName
- GetSummonConfirmSummoner
- GetSummonConfirmTimeLeft
- GetSummonFriendCooldown
- GetSuperTrackedQuestID
- GetTabardCreationCost
- GetTabardInfo
- GetTalentInfo
- GetTalentLink
- GetTalentPrereqs
- GetTalentTabInfo
- GetTalentTreeEarlySpells
- GetTalentTreeMasterySpells
- GetTalentTreeRoles
- GetTargetTradeCurrency
- GetTargetTradeMoney
- GetTaxiBenchmarkMode
- GetText
- GetThreatStatusColor
- GetTime
- GetTimeToWellRested
- GetTitleName
- GetTitleText
- GetToolTipInfo
- GetTotalAchievementPoints
- GetTotemInfo
- GetTotemTimeLeft
- GetTrackedAchievements
- GetTrackingInfo
- GetTradePlayerItemInfo
- GetTradePlayerItemLink
- GetTradeSkillCooldown
- GetTradeSkillDescription
- GetTradeSkillIcon
- GetTradeSkillInfo
- GetTradeSkillInvSlotFilter
- GetTradeSkillInvSlots
- GetTradeSkillItemLevelFilter
- GetTradeSkillItemLink
- GetTradeSkillItemNameFilter
- GetTradeSkillLine
- GetTradeSkillListLink
- GetTradeSkillNumMade
- GetTradeSkillNumReagents
- GetTradeSkillReagentInfo
- GetTradeSkillReagentItemLink
- GetTradeSkillRecipeLink
- GetTradeSkillSelectionIndex
- GetTradeSkillSubClassFilter
- GetTradeSkillSubClassFilteredSlots
- GetTradeSkillSubClasses
- GetTradeSkillTexture
- GetTradeSkillTools
- GetTradeTargetItemInfo
- GetTradeTargetItemLink
- GetTradeskillRepeatCount
- GetTrainerGreetingText
- GetTrainerSelectionIndex
- GetTrainerServiceAbilityReq
- GetTrainerServiceCost
- GetTrainerServiceDescription
- GetTrainerServiceIcon
- GetTrainerServiceInfo
- GetTrainerServiceItemLink
- GetTrainerServiceLevelReq
- GetTrainerServiceNumAbilityReq
- GetTrainerServiceSkillLine
- GetTrainerServiceSkillReq
- GetTrainerServiceStepIndex
- GetTrainerServiceTypeFilter
- GetTrainerTradeskillRankValues
- GetUnitHealthModifier
- GetUnitManaRegenRateFromSpirit
- GetUnitMaxHealthModifier
- GetUnitPitch
- GetUnitPowerModifier
- GetUnitSpeed
- GetUnspentTalentPoints
- GetVehicleUIIndicator
- GetVehicleUIIndicatorSeat
- GetVideoCaps
- GetVideoOptions
- GetVoiceCurrentSessionID
- GetVoiceSessionInfo
- GetVoiceSessionMemberInfoBySessionID
- GetVoiceStatus
- GetWarGameQueueStatus
- GetWarGameTypeInfo
- GetWatchedFactionInfo
- GetWeaponEnchantInfo
- GetWhoInfo
- GetWorldPVPAreaInfo
- GetWorldPVPQueueStatus
- GetWorldStateUIInfo
- GetXPExhaustion
- GetZonePVPInfo
- GetZoneText
- GiveMasterLoot
- GlyphMatchesSocket
- GrantLevel
- GuildControlAddRank
- GuildControlDelRank
- GuildControlGetAllowedShifts
- GuildControlGetNumRanks
- GuildControlGetRankFlags
- GuildControlGetRankName
- GuildControlSaveRank
- GuildControlSetRank
- GuildControlSetRankFlag
- GuildControlShiftRankDown
- GuildControlShiftRankUp
- GuildDemote
- GuildDisband
- GuildInfo
- GuildInvite
- GuildLeave
- GuildNewsSetSticky
- GuildNewsSort
- GuildPromote
- GuildRoster
- GuildRosterSetOfficerNote
- GuildRosterSetPublicNote
- GuildSetLeader
- GuildSetMOTD
- GuildUIEnabled
- GuildUninvite
- HasAction
- HasAlternateForm
- HasCompletedAnyAchievement
- HasDebugZoneMap
- HasFullControl
- HasInspectHonorData
- HasKey
- HasLFGRestrictions
- HasNewMail
- HasPetSpells
- HasPetUI
- HasSoulstone
- HasTravelPass
- HasWandEquipped
- HearthAndResurrectFromArea
- HideRepairCursor
- InCinematic
- InCombatLockdown
- InGuildParty
- InRepairMode
- InboxItemCanDelete
- InitWorldMapPing
- InitiateRolePoll
- InitiateTrade
- InteractUnit
- InviteUnit
- IsAchievementEligible
- IsActionInRange
- IsActiveBattlefieldArena
- IsActiveQuestTrivial
- IsAddOnLoadOnDemand
- IsAddOnLoaded
- IsAddonMessagePrefixRegistered
- IsAltKeyDown
- IsArenaTeamCaptain
- IsArtifactCompletionHistoryAvailable
- IsAtStableMaster
- IsAttackAction
- IsAttackSpell
- IsAuctionSortReversed
- IsAutoRepeatAction
- IsAutoRepeatSpell
- IsAvailableQuestTrivial
- IsBNLogin
- IsCemeterySelectionAvailable
- IsChatAFK
- IsChatDND
- IsConsumableAction
- IsConsumableItem
- IsConsumableSpell
- IsControlKeyDown
- IsCurrentAction
- IsCurrentItem
- IsCurrentQuestFailed
- IsCurrentSpell
- IsDebugBuild
- IsDesaturateSupported
- IsDisplayChannelModerator
- IsDisplayChannelOwner
- IsDressableItem
- IsDualWielding
- IsEquippableItem
- IsEquippedAction
- IsEquippedItem
- IsEquippedItemType
- IsFactionInactive
- IsFalling
- IsFishingLoot
- IsFlyableArea
- IsFlying
- IsGMClient
- IsGlyphFlagSet
- IsGuildLeader
- IsGuildRankAssignmentAllowed
- IsHarmfulItem
- IsHarmfulSpell
- IsHelpfulItem
- IsHelpfulSpell
- IsIPv6Available
- IsIgnored
- IsIgnoredOrMuted
- IsInActiveWorldPVP
- IsInArenaTeam
- IsInAuthenticatedRank
- IsInFakeRaid
- IsInGuild
- IsInInstance
- IsInLFGDungeon
- IsIndoors
- IsInventoryItemLocked
- IsItemInRange
- IsLFGDungeonJoinable
- IsLeftAltKeyDown
- IsLeftControlKeyDown
- IsLeftShiftKeyDown
- IsLinuxClient
- IsListedInLFR
- IsLoggedIn
- IsMacClient
- IsModifiedClick
- IsModifierKeyDown
- IsMounted
- IsMouseButtonDown
- IsMouselooking
- IsMovieLocal
- IsMoviePlayable
- IsMuted
- IsOnTournamentRealm
- IsOnePersonParty
- IsOutOfBounds
- IsOutdoors
- IsPVPTimerRunning
- IsPartyLFG
- IsPartyLeader
- IsPassiveSpell
- IsPetAttackAction
- IsPetAttackActive
- IsPossessBarVisible
- IsQuestCompletable
- IsQuestLogSpecialItemInRange
- IsQuestWatched
- IsRaidLeader
- IsRaidMarkerActive
- IsRaidOfficer
- IsRatedBattleground
- IsRatedMap
- IsRealPartyLeader
- IsRealRaidLeader
- IsReferAFriendLinked
- IsResting
- IsRightAltKeyDown
- IsRightControlKeyDown
- IsRightShiftKeyDown
- IsSelectedSpellBookItem
- IsShiftKeyDown
- IsSilenced
- IsSpellInRange
- IsSpellKnown
- IsSpellOverlayed
- IsStackableAction
- IsStealthed
- IsStereoVideoAvailable
- IsSubmerged
- IsSwimming
- IsThreatWarningEnabled
- IsTitleKnown
- IsTrackedAchievement
- IsTradeSkillGuild
- IsTradeSkillLinked
- IsTradeskillTrainer
- IsTrialAccount
- IsTutorialFlagged
- IsUnitOnQuest
- IsUsableAction
- IsUsableItem
- IsUsableSpell
- IsUsingVehicleControls
- IsVehicleAimAngleAdjustable
- IsVehicleAimPowerAdjustable
- IsVoiceChatAllowed
- IsVoiceChatAllowedByServer
- IsVoiceChatEnabled
- IsWindowsClient
- IsXPUserDisabled
- IsZoomOutAvailable
- ItemAddedToArtifact
- ItemHasRange
- ItemTextGetCreator
- ItemTextGetItem
- ItemTextGetMaterial
- ItemTextGetPage
- ItemTextGetText
- ItemTextHasNextPage
- ItemTextNextPage
- ItemTextPrevPage
- JoinArena
- JoinBattlefield
- JoinChannelByName
- JoinLFG
- JoinPermanentChannel
- JoinRatedBattlefield
- JoinTemporaryChannel
- JumpOrAscendStart
- KBArticle_BeginLoading
- KBArticle_GetData
- KBArticle_IsLoaded
- KBQuery_BeginLoading
- KBQuery_GetArticleHeaderCount
- KBQuery_GetArticleHeaderData
- KBQuery_GetTotalArticleCount
- KBQuery_IsLoaded
- KBSetup_BeginLoading
- KBSetup_GetArticleHeaderCount
- KBSetup_GetArticleHeaderData
- KBSetup_GetCategoryCount
- KBSetup_GetCategoryData
- KBSetup_GetLanguageCount
- KBSetup_GetLanguageData
- KBSetup_GetSubCategoryCount
- KBSetup_GetSubCategoryData
- KBSetup_GetTotalArticleCount
- KBSetup_IsLoaded
- KBSystem_GetMOTD
- KBSystem_GetServerNotice
- KBSystem_GetServerStatus
- LFGTeleport
- LearnPreviewTalents
- LearnTalent
- LeaveBattlefield
- LeaveChannelByName
- LeaveLFG
- LeaveParty
- ListChannelByName
- ListChannels
- LoadAddOn
- LoadBindings
- LoadURLIndex
- LoggingChat
- LoggingCombat
- Logout
- LootSlot
- LootSlotIsCoin
- LootSlotIsCurrency
- LootSlotIsItem
- MakeMinigameMove
- ModifyEquipmentSet
- MouseOverrideCinematicDisable
- MouselookStart
- MouselookStop
- MoveAndSteerStart
- MoveAndSteerStop
- MoveBackwardStart
- MoveBackwardStop
- MoveForwardStart
- MoveForwardStop
- MoveViewDownStart
- MoveViewDownStop
- MoveViewInStart
- MoveViewInStop
- MoveViewLeftStart
- MoveViewLeftStop
- MoveViewOutStart
- MoveViewOutStop
- MoveViewRightStart
- MoveViewRightStop
- MoveViewUpStart
- MoveViewUpStop
- NewGMTicket
- NextView
- NoPlayTime
- NotWhileDeadError
- NotifyInspect
- NumTaxiNodes
- OfferPetition
- OffhandHasWeapon
- OpenCalendar
- OpenTrainer
- OpeningCinematic
- PartialPlayTime
- PartyLFGStartBackfill
- PetAbandon
- PetAggressiveMode
- PetAssistMode
- PetAttack
- PetCanBeAbandoned
- PetCanBeDismissed
- PetCanBeRenamed
- PetDefensiveMode
- PetDismiss
- PetFollow
- PetHasActionBar
- PetMoveTo
- PetPassiveMode
- PetRename
- PetStopAttack
- PetWait
- PickupAction
- PickupBagFromSlot
- PickupCompanion
- PickupContainerItem
- PickupCurrency
- PickupEquipmentSet
- PickupEquipmentSetByName
- PickupGuildBankItem
- PickupGuildBankMoney
- PickupInventoryItem
- PickupItem
- PickupMacro
- PickupMerchantItem
- PickupPetAction
- PickupPlayerMoney
- PickupSpell
- PickupSpellBookItem
- PickupStablePet
- PickupTradeMoney
- PitchDownStart
- PitchDownStop
- PitchUpStart
- PitchUpStop
- PlaceAction
- PlaceAuctionBid
- PlaceGlyphInSocket
- PlaceRaidMarker
- PlayAutoAcceptQuestSound
- PlayDance
- PlayMusic
- PlaySound
- PlaySoundFile
- PlaySoundKitID
- PlayerCanTeleport
- PlayerHasHearthstone
- PlayerIsPVPInactive
- PortGraveyard
- PositionMiniWorldMapArrowFrame
- PositionWorldMapArrowFrame
- PreloadMovie
- PrevView
- ProcessMapClick
- ProcessQuestLogRewardFactions
- PromoteToAssistant
- PromoteToLeader
- PurchaseSlot
- PutItemInBackpack
- PutItemInBag
- QueryAuctionItems
- QueryGuildBankLog
- QueryGuildBankTab
- QueryGuildBankText
- QueryGuildEventLog
- QueryGuildMembersForRecipe
- QueryGuildNews
- QueryGuildRecipes
- QueryGuildXP
- QueryQuestsCompleted
- QuestChooseRewardError
- QuestFlagsPVP
- QuestGetAutoAccept
- QuestGetAutoLaunched
- QuestIsDaily
- QuestIsFromAreaTrigger
- QuestIsWeekly
- QuestLogPushQuest
- QuestLogShouldShowPortrait
- QuestMapUpdateAllQuests
- QuestPOIGetIconInfo
- QuestPOIGetQuestIDByIndex
- QuestPOIGetQuestIDByVisibleIndex
- QuestPOIUpdateIcons
- Quit
- RaidProfileExists
- RaidProfileHasUnsavedChanges
- RandomRoll
- ReadFile
- ReforgeItem
- RefreshLFGList
- RefreshWorldMap
- RegisterAddonMessagePrefix
- RegisterCVar
- RegisterForSave
- RegisterForSavePerCharacter
- RegisterStaticConstants
- RejectProposal
- ReloadUI
- RemoveAutoQuestPopUp
- RemoveChatWindowChannel
- RemoveChatWindowMessages
- RemoveFriend
- RemoveGlyphFromSocket
- RemoveItemFromArtifact
- RemoveQuestWatch
- RemoveTrackedAchievement
- RenamePetition
- RepairAllItems
- ReplaceEnchant
- ReplaceTradeEnchant
- RepopMe
- ReportBug
- ReportPlayerIsPVPAFK
- ReportSuggestion
- RequestArtifactCompletionHistory
- RequestBattlefieldPositions
- RequestBattlefieldScoreData
- RequestBattlegroundInstanceInfo
- RequestGuildApplicantsList
- RequestGuildChallengeInfo
- RequestGuildMembership
- RequestGuildMembershipList
- RequestGuildPartyState
- RequestGuildRecruitmentSettings
- RequestGuildRewards
- RequestInspectHonorData
- RequestLFDPartyLockInfo
- RequestLFDPlayerLockInfo
- RequestPVPOptionsEnabled
- RequestPVPRewards
- RequestRaidInfo
- RequestRatedArenaInfo
- RequestRatedBattlegroundInfo
- RequestRecruitingGuildsList
- RequestTimePlayed
- ResetCPUUsage
- ResetChatColors
- ResetChatWindows
- ResetCursor
- ResetDisabledAddOns
- ResetGroupPreviewTalentPoints
- ResetInstances
- ResetPerformanceValues
- ResetPreviewTalentPoints
- ResetTutorials
- ResetView
- ResistancePercent
- RespondInstanceLock
- RespondMailLockSendItem
- RestartGx
- RestoreRaidProfileFromCopy
- ResurrectGetOfferer
- ResurrectHasSickness
- ResurrectHasTimer
- RetrieveCorpse
- ReturnInboxItem
- RollOnLoot
- RunBinding
- RunMacro
- RunMacroText
- RunScript
- SaveBindings
- SaveEquipmentSet
- SaveRaidProfileCopy
- SaveView
- Screenshot
- SearchGuildRecipes
- SearchLFGGetEncounterResults
- SearchLFGGetJoinedID
- SearchLFGGetNumResults
- SearchLFGGetPartyResults
- SearchLFGGetResults
- SearchLFGJoin
- SearchLFGLeave
- SearchLFGSort
- SecureCmdOptionParse
- SelectActiveQuest
- SelectAvailableQuest
- SelectGossipActiveQuest
- SelectGossipAvailableQuest
- SelectGossipOption
- SelectPackage
- SelectQuestLogEntry
- SelectStationery
- SelectTradeSkill
- SelectTrainerService
- SendAddonMessage
- SendChatMessage
- SendMail
- SendSystemMessage
- SendWho
- SetAbandonQuest
- SetAchievementComparisonPortrait
- SetAchievementComparisonUnit
- SetActionBarToggles
- SetActiveTalentGroup
- SetActiveVoiceChannel
- SetActiveVoiceChannelBySessionID
- SetAllowLowLevelRaid
- SetArenaTeamRosterSelection
- SetArenaTeamRosterShowOffline
- SetAuctionsTabShowing
- SetAutoDeclineGuildInvites
- SetBagPortraitTexture
- SetBarSlotFromIntro
- SetBarberShopAlternateFormFrame
- SetBattlefieldScoreFaction
- SetBinding
- SetBindingClick
- SetBindingItem
- SetBindingMacro
- SetBindingSpell
- SetCVar
- SetCVarBitfield
- SetCemeteryPreference
- SetChannelOwner
- SetChannelPassword
- SetChannelWatch
- SetChatColorNameByClass
- SetChatWindowAlpha
- SetChatWindowColor
- SetChatWindowDocked
- SetChatWindowLocked
- SetChatWindowName
- SetChatWindowSavedDimensions
- SetChatWindowSavedPosition
- SetChatWindowShown
- SetChatWindowSize
- SetChatWindowUninteractable
- SetConsoleKey
- SetCurrencyBackpack
- SetCurrencyUnused
- SetCurrentGuildBankTab
- SetCurrentTitle
- SetCursor
- SetDefaultVideoOptions
- SetDungeonDifficulty
- SetDungeonMapLevel
- SetEuropeanNumbers
- SetFactionActive
- SetFactionInactive
- SetFocusedAchievement
- SetFriendNotes
- SetGamma
- SetGlyphFilter
- SetGlyphNameFilter
- SetGuildApplicantSelection
- SetGuildBankTabInfo
- SetGuildBankTabItemWithdraw
- SetGuildBankTabPermissions
- SetGuildBankText
- SetGuildBankWithdrawGoldLimit
- SetGuildInfoText
- SetGuildMemberRank
- SetGuildNewsFilter
- SetGuildRecruitmentComment
- SetGuildRecruitmentSettings
- SetGuildRosterSelection
- SetGuildRosterShowOffline
- SetGuildTradeSkillCategoryFilter
- SetGuildTradeSkillItemNameFilter
- SetInventoryPortraitTexture
- SetLFGBootVote
- SetLFGComment
- SetLFGDungeon
- SetLFGDungeonEnabled
- SetLFGHeaderCollapsed
- SetLFGRoles
- SetLayoutMode
- SetLookingForGuildComment
- SetLookingForGuildSettings
- SetLootMethod
- SetLootPortrait
- SetLootThreshold
- SetMacroItem
- SetMacroSpell
- SetMapByID
- SetMapToCurrentZone
- SetMapZoom
- SetMaxAnimFramerate
- SetModifiedClick
- SetMouselookOverrideBinding
- SetMultiCastSpell
- SetMultisampleFormat
- SetNamePlateMotionType
- SetNextBarberShopStyle
- SetOptOutOfLoot
- SetOverrideBinding
- SetOverrideBindingClick
- SetOverrideBindingItem
- SetOverrideBindingMacro
- SetOverrideBindingSpell
- SetPOIIconOverlapDistance
- SetPOIIconOverlapPushDistance
- SetPVP
- SetPartyAssignment
- SetPetSlot
- SetPetStablePaperdoll
- SetPortraitTexture
- SetPortraitToTexture
- SetPreviewPrimaryTalentTree
- SetPrimaryTalentTree
- SetRaidDifficulty
- SetRaidProfileOption
- SetRaidProfileSavedPosition
- SetRaidRosterSelection
- SetRaidSubgroup
- SetRaidTarget
- SetRaidTargetProtected
- SetRecruitingGuildSelection
- SetReforgeFromCursorItem
- SetRefresh
- SetSavedInstanceExtend
- SetScreenResolution
- SetSelectedArtifact
- SetSelectedAuctionItem
- SetSelectedDisplayChannel
- SetSelectedFaction
- SetSelectedFriend
- SetSelectedIgnore
- SetSelectedMute
- SetSelectedWarGameType
- SetSendMailCOD
- SetSendMailMoney
- SetSendMailShowing
- SetSpellbookPetAction
- SetSuperTrackedQuestID
- SetTaxiBenchmarkMode
- SetTaxiMap
- SetTracking
- SetTradeCurrency
- SetTradeMoney
- SetTradeSkillInvSlotFilter
- SetTradeSkillItemLevelFilter
- SetTradeSkillItemNameFilter
- SetTradeSkillSubClassFilter
- SetTrainerServiceTypeFilter
- SetUIVisibility
- SetView
- SetWatchedFactionIndex
- SetWhoToUI
- SetupFullscreenScale
- ShiftQuestWatches
- ShowBuybackSellCursor
- ShowCloak
- ShowContainerSellCursor
- ShowFriends
- ShowHelm
- ShowInventorySellCursor
- ShowMerchantSellCursor
- ShowMiniWorldMapArrowFrame
- ShowQuestComplete
- ShowQuestOffer
- ShowRepairCursor
- ShowWorldMapArrowFrame
- ShowingCloak
- ShowingHelm
- SignPetition
- SilenceMember
- SitStandOrDescendStart
- SocketContainerItem
- SocketInventoryItem
- SocketItemToArtifact
- SolveArtifact
- SortArenaTeamRoster
- SortAuctionApplySort
- SortAuctionClearSort
- SortAuctionItems
- SortAuctionSetSort
- SortBGList
- SortBattlefieldScoreData
- SortGuildRoster
- SortGuildTradeSkill
- SortQuestWatches
- SortWho
- Sound_ChatSystem_GetInputDriverNameByIndex
- Sound_ChatSystem_GetNumInputDrivers
- Sound_ChatSystem_GetNumOutputDrivers
- Sound_ChatSystem_GetOutputDriverNameByIndex
- Sound_GameSystem_GetInputDriverNameByIndex
- Sound_GameSystem_GetNumInputDrivers
- Sound_GameSystem_GetNumOutputDrivers
- Sound_GameSystem_GetOutputDriverNameByIndex
- Sound_GameSystem_RestartSoundSystem
- SpellCanTargetGlyph
- SpellCanTargetItem
- SpellCanTargetUnit
- SpellCancelQueuedSpell
- SpellHasRange
- SpellIsTargeting
- SpellStopCasting
- SpellStopTargeting
- SpellTargetItem
- SpellTargetUnit
- SplitContainerItem
- SplitGuildBankItem
- StartAttack
- StartAuction
- StartDuel
- StartUnratedArena
- StartWarGame
- StopAttack
- StopCinematic
- StopMacro
- StopMusic
- StopTradeSkillRepeat
- StrafeLeftStart
- StrafeLeftStop
- StrafeRightStart
- StrafeRightStop
- Stuck
- SummonFriend
- SummonRandomCritter
- SwapRaidSubgroup
- TakeInboxItem
- TakeInboxMoney
- TakeInboxTextItem
- TakeTaxiNode
- TargetDirectionEnemy
- TargetDirectionFinished
- TargetDirectionFriend
- TargetLastEnemy
- TargetLastFriend
- TargetLastTarget
- TargetNearest
- TargetNearestEnemy
- TargetNearestEnemyPlayer
- TargetNearestFriend
- TargetNearestFriendPlayer
- TargetNearestPartyMember
- TargetNearestRaidMember
- TargetTotem
- TargetUnit
- TaxiGetDestX
- TaxiGetDestY
- TaxiGetSrcX
- TaxiGetSrcY
- TaxiNodeCost
- TaxiNodeGetType
- TaxiNodeName
- TaxiNodePosition
- TaxiNodeSetCurrent
- TeleportToDebugObject
- ToggleAnimKitDisplay
- ToggleAutoRun
- ToggleCollision
- ToggleCollisionDisplay
- ToggleGlyphFilter
- TogglePVP
- TogglePerformanceDisplay
- TogglePerformancePause
- TogglePerformanceValues
- TogglePetAutocast
- TogglePlayerBounds
- TogglePortals
- ToggleRun
- ToggleSheath
- ToggleSpellAutocast
- ToggleTris
- TradeSkillOnlyShowMakeable
- TradeSkillOnlyShowSkillUps
- TriggerTutorial
- TurnInGuildCharter
- TurnLeftStart
- TurnLeftStop
- TurnOrActionStart
- TurnOrActionStop
- TurnRightStart
- TurnRightStop
- UnSilenceMember
- UninviteUnit
- UnitAffectingCombat
- UnitAlternatePowerInfo
- UnitAlternatePowerTextureInfo
- UnitArmor
- UnitAttackBothHands
- UnitAttackPower
- UnitAttackSpeed
- UnitAura
- UnitBuff
- UnitCanAssist
- UnitCanAttack
- UnitCanCooperate
- UnitCastingInfo
- UnitChannelInfo
- UnitClass
- UnitClassBase
- UnitClassification
- UnitControllingVehicle
- UnitCreatureFamily
- UnitCreatureType
- UnitDamage
- UnitDebuff
- UnitDefense
- UnitDetailedThreatSituation
- UnitExists
- UnitFactionGroup
- UnitGUID
- UnitGetAvailableRoles
- UnitGetGuildLevel
- UnitGetGuildXP
- UnitGetIncomingHeals
- UnitGroupRolesAssigned
- UnitHPPerStamina
- UnitHasIncomingResurrection
- UnitHasLFGDeserter
- UnitHasLFGRandomCooldown
- UnitHasRelicSlot
- UnitHasVehiclePlayerFrameUI
- UnitHasVehicleUI
- UnitHealth
- UnitHealthMax
- UnitInBattleground
- UnitInParty
- UnitInPhase
- UnitInRaid
- UnitInRange
- UnitInVehicle
- UnitInVehicleControlSeat
- UnitIsAFK
- UnitIsCharmed
- UnitIsConnected
- UnitIsControlling
- UnitIsCorpse
- UnitIsDND
- UnitIsDead
- UnitIsDeadOrGhost
- UnitIsEnemy
- UnitIsFeignDeath
- UnitIsFriend
- UnitIsGhost
- UnitIsInMyGuild
- UnitIsPVP
- UnitIsPVPFreeForAll
- UnitIsPVPSanctuary
- UnitIsPartyLeader
- UnitIsPlayer
- UnitIsPossessed
- UnitIsQuestBoss
- UnitIsRaidOfficer
- UnitIsSameServer
- UnitIsSilenced
- UnitIsTalking
- UnitIsTapped
- UnitIsTappedByAllThreatList
- UnitIsTappedByPlayer
- UnitIsTrivial
- UnitIsUnit
- UnitIsVisible
- UnitLevel
- UnitMana
- UnitManaMax
- UnitName
- UnitOnTaxi
- UnitPVPName
- UnitPVPRank
- UnitPlayerControlled
- UnitPlayerOrPetInParty
- UnitPlayerOrPetInRaid
- UnitPower
- UnitPowerMax
- UnitPowerType
- UnitRace
- UnitRangedAttack
- UnitRangedAttackPower
- UnitRangedDamage
- UnitReaction
- UnitResistance
- UnitSelectionColor
- UnitSetRole
- UnitSex
- UnitSpellHaste
- UnitStat
- UnitSwitchToVehicleSeat
- UnitTargetsVehicleInRaidUI
- UnitThreatPercentageOfLead
- UnitThreatSituation
- UnitUsingVehicle
- UnitVehicleSeatCount
- UnitVehicleSeatInfo
- UnitVehicleSkin
- UnitXP
- UnitXPMax
- UpdateAddOnCPUUsage
- UpdateAddOnMemoryUsage
- UpdateGMTicket
- UpdateInventoryAlertStatus
- UpdateMapHighlight
- UpdateWarGamesList
- UpdateWorldMapArrowFrames
- UploadSettings
- UseAction
- UseContainerItem
- UseEquipmentSet
- UseHearthstone
- UseInventoryItem
- UseItemByName
- UseQuestLogSpecialItem
- UseSoulstone
- ValidateTimer
- VehicleAimDecrement
- VehicleAimDownStart
- VehicleAimDownStop
- VehicleAimGetAngle
- VehicleAimGetNormAngle
- VehicleAimGetNormPower
- VehicleAimIncrement
- VehicleAimRequestAngle
- VehicleAimRequestNormAngle
- VehicleAimSetNormPower
- VehicleAimUpStart
- VehicleAimUpStop
- VehicleCameraZoomIn
- VehicleCameraZoomOut
- VehicleExit
- VehicleNextSeat
- VehiclePrevSeat
- ViewGuildRecipes
- VoiceChat_ActivatePrimaryCaptureCallback
- VoiceChat_GetCurrentMicrophoneSignalLevel
- VoiceChat_IsPlayingLoopbackSound
- VoiceChat_IsRecordingLoopbackSound
- VoiceChat_PlayLoopbackSound
- VoiceChat_RecordLoopbackSound
- VoiceChat_StartCapture
- VoiceChat_StopCapture
- VoiceChat_StopPlayingLoopbackSound
- VoiceChat_StopRecordingLoopbackSound
- VoiceEnumerateCaptureDevices
- VoiceEnumerateOutputDevices
- VoiceGetCurrentCaptureDevice
- VoiceGetCurrentOutputDevice
- VoiceIsDisabledByClient
- VoicePushToTalkStart
- VoicePushToTalkStop
- VoiceSelectCaptureDevice
- VoiceSelectOutputDevice
- WarGameRespond
- WithdrawGuildBankMoney
- ZoomOut
- abs
- assert
- ceil
- collectgarbage
- date
- debugbreak
- debugdump
- debughook
- debuginfo
- debugload
- debuglocals
- debugprint
- debugprofilestart
- debugprofilestop
- debugstack
- debugtimestamp
- deg
- difftime
- error
- exp
- floor
- forceinsecure
- foreach
- foreachi
- format
- frexp
- gcinfo
- geterrorhandler
- getfenv
- getmetatable
- getn
- gmatch
- gsub
- hooksecurefunc
- ipairs
- issecure
- issecurevariable
- ldexp
- loadstring
- log
- log10
- max
- min
- mod
- newproxy
- next
- pairs
- pcall
- rad
- random
- rawequal
- rawget
- rawset
- scrub
- securecall
- select
- seterrorhandler
- setfenv
- setmetatable
- sort
- sqrt
- strbyte
- strchar
- strconcat
- strfind
- strjoin
- strlen
- strlenutf8
- strlower
- strmatch
- strrep
- strrev
- strsplit
- strsub
- strtrim
- strupper
- time
- tinsert
- tonumber
- tostring
- tremove
- type
- unpack
- wipe
- xpcall
- ActionButtonDown
- ActionButtonUp
- AddToAutoHide
- AnimateTexCoords
- BattlegroundShineFadeIn
- BattlegroundShineFadeOut
- BetterDate
- BonusActionBarGetBarInfo
- BonusActionButtonDown
- BonusActionButtonUp
- BuildColoredListString
- BuildListString
- BuildMultilineTooltip
- BuildNewLineListString
- ButtonInventorySlot
- CRFFlowFilterFunc
- CRFGroupFilterFunc
- CallRestrictedClosure
- CanCooperateWithToon
- CanCreateFilters
- CanGroupInvite
- CanGroupWithAccount
- CanOpenPanels
- CanShowCenterUIPanel
- CanShowRightUIPanel
- CanShowUIPanels
- CancelAnimations
- ChangeMultiCastActionPage
- ChatChannelPasswordHandler
- ClampUIPanelY
- ClearClampedTextureRotation
- CloseAllBags
- CloseAllWindows
- CloseBackpack
- CloseBag
- CloseBankBagFrames
- CloseChildWindows
- CloseDropDownMenus
- CloseMenus
- CloseSpecialWindows
- CloseWindows
- ColorPaperDollStat
- ComboPointShineFadeIn
- ComboPointShineFadeOut
- ComputePetBonus
- ConsolePrint
- ControlSetValue
- CopyTable
- CreateChatChannelList
- CursorOnUpdate
- CursorUpdate
- DeathKnniggetThrobFunction
- DecodeResolution
- DefaultCompactMiniFrameSetup
- DefaultCompactUnitFrameSetup
- DrawOneHopLines
- DrawRouteLine
- DressUpItemLink
- DressUpTexturePath
- EasyMenu
- ExhaustionToolTipText
- FormatPaperDollTooltipStat
- FormatProfession
- GMError
- GetActiveRaidProfile
- GetBackgroundTexCoordsForRole
- GetBackpackFrame
- GetBindingFromClick
- GetBindingText
- GetChatUnitColor
- GetColoredName
- GetDenominationsFromCopper
- GetDisplayedAllyFrames
- GetDungeonNameWithDifficulty
- GetEnemyDodgeChance
- GetEnemyParryChance
- GetEquipmentSetIconInfo
- GetFixedLink
- GetFrameHandle
- GetFrameHandleFrame
- GetFullRaidList
- GetKeyRingSize
- GetLFGMode
- GetLowBit
- GetManagedEnvironment
- GetMaterialTextColors
- GetMaxUIPanelsWidth
- GetMeleeMissChance
- GetMessageTypeColor
- GetMessageTypeState
- GetMoneyString
- GetNumWatchedTokens
- GetQuestDifficultyColor
- GetRandomArgument
- GetRangedMissChance
- GetReadonlyRestrictedTable
- GetScreenHeightScale
- GetScreenWidthScale
- GetSpellMissChance
- GetSpellNameColor
- GetTableColor
- GetTexCoordsByGrid
- GetTexCoordsForRole
- GetTexCoordsForRoleSmall
- GetTexCoordsForRoleSmallCircle
- GetTimerTextColor
- GetUIPanel
- GetUIPanelHeight
- GetUIPanelWidth
- GetUnitName
- GossipFrameActiveQuestsUpdate
- GossipFrameAvailableQuestsUpdate
- GossipFrameOptionsUpdate
- GossipFrameUpdate
- GossipResize
- HandleModifiedItemClick
- HasMessageType
- HasMessageTypeGroup
- HasMultiCastActionBar
- HasMultiCastActionPage
- HelpReportLag
- HideBonusActionBar
- HideDropDownMenu
- HideMultiCastActionBar
- HideParentPanel
- HidePartyFrame
- HidePetActionBar
- HideTextStatusBarText
- HideUIPanel
- HideWatchedReputationBarText
- InGlue
- InboxGetMoreMail
- InboxNextPage
- InboxPrevPage
- InspectAchievements
- InspectUnit
- IsAlreadyInQueue
- IsBagOpen
- IsClassColoringMessageType
- IsCombatLog
- IsFrameHandle
- IsListeningForMessageType
- IsMessageDoneBy
- IsMessageDoneTo
- IsNormalActionBarState
- IsOptionFrameOpen
- IsSecureCmd
- IsValid
- IsWritableRestrictedTable
- LFDConstructDeclinedMessage
- LFDGetNumDungeons
- LFGDebug
- LFGGetDungeonInfoByID
- LFGIsIDHeader
- LFGListFilterChoices
- LFGListRemoveCollapsedChildren
- LFGListRemoveHeadersWithoutChildren
- LFGListUpdateHeaderEnabledAndLockedStates
- LFRGetNumDungeons
- LoadMicroButtonTextures
- Localize
- LocalizeFrames
- LocalizePost
- LockMultiCastActionBar
- LockPetActionBar
- LowerFrameLevel
- ManageBackpackTokenFrame
- MicroButtonPulse
- MicroButtonPulseStop
- MicroButtonTooltipText
- MiniMapTrackingShineFadeIn
- MiniMapTrackingShineFadeOut
- MinimapMailFrameUpdate
- MouseIsOver
- MoveMicroButtons
- MultiActionButtonDown
- MultiActionButtonUp
- MultiCastActionButtonDown
- MultiCastActionButtonUp
- MultiCastRecallSpellButtonUp
- MultiCastSummonSpellButtonUp
- OnMenuLoad
- OpenAllBags
- OpenBackpack
- OpenBag
- OpenCoinPickupFrame
- OpenColorPicker
- OpenGlyphFrame
- OpenStackSplitFrame
- PaperDollBgDesaturate
- PaperDollFormatStat
- PaperDollStatTooltip
- PartyMemberHealthCheck
- PassClickToParent
- PetActionButtonDown
- PetActionButtonUp
- PutKeyInKeyRing
- QueryCastSequence
- RaiseFrameLevel
- RaiseFrameLevelByTwo
- RealPartyIsFull
- RecalculateGearManagerDialogPopup
- RecentTimeDate
- RefreshAuras
- RefreshBuffs
- RefreshDebuffs
- RefreshEquipmentSetIconInfo
- RefreshMoneyFrame
- RegisterAttributeDriver
- RegisterAutoHide
- RegisterStateDriver
- RegisterUnitWatch
- RemoveExtraSpaces
- ReverseQuestObjective
- SecondsToTime
- SecondsToTimeAbbrev
- SecureCmdItemParse
- SecureCmdUseItem
- SecureHandlerExecute
- SecureHandlerSetFrameRef
- SecureHandlerUnwrapScript
- SecureHandlerWrapScript
- SetActiveRaidProfile
- SetButtonPulse
- SetChatMouseOverDelay
- SetChatUnitColor
- SetClampedTextureRotation
- SetDesaturation
- SetDoubleGuildTabardTextures
- SetDressUpBackground
- SetGuildTabardTextures
- SetItemButtonCount
- SetItemButtonDesaturated
- SetItemButtonNameFrameVertexColor
- SetItemButtonNormalTextureVertexColor
- SetItemButtonSlotVertexColor
- SetItemButtonStock
- SetItemButtonTexture
- SetItemButtonTextureVertexColor
- SetItemRef
- SetLargeGuildTabardTextures
- SetMoneyFrameColor
- SetPaperDollBackground
- SetRaidTargetIcon
- SetRaidTargetIconTexture
- SetSelfMuteState
- SetSmallGuildTabardTextures
- SetSpellNameColor
- SetTableColor
- SetTalentButtonLocation
- SetTextStatusBarText
- SetTextStatusBarTextPrefix
- SetTextStatusBarTextZeroText
- SetTitleByName
- SetTooltipMoney
- SetUIPanelAttribute
- SetUpAnimation
- SetZoneText
- SetupBonusActionBar
- SetupUnitButtonConfiguration
- ShowBonusActionBar
- ShowInspectCursor
- ShowMacroFrame
- ShowMultiCastActionBar
- ShowNumericThreat
- ShowPartyFrame
- ShowPetActionBar
- ShowQuickButton
- ShowReadyCheck
- ShowResurrectRequest
- ShowTextStatusBarText
- ShowUIPanel
- ShowWatchedReputationBarText
- ShowWhoPanel
- SynchronizeBNetStatus
- TakeScreenshot
- TargetHealthCheck
- TargetofTargetHealthCheck
- TaxiNodeOnButtonEnter
- TextEmoteSort
- ToggleAchievementFrame
- ToggleAllBags
- ToggleBackpack
- ToggleBag
- ToggleBattlefieldMinimap
- ToggleCalendar
- ToggleCharacter
- ToggleChatChannel
- ToggleChatColorNamesByClassGroup
- ToggleChatMessageGroup
- ToggleDropDownMenu
- ToggleFrame
- ToggleFramerate
- ToggleFriendsFrame
- ToggleFriendsPanel
- ToggleGameMenu
- ToggleGlyphFrame
- ToggleGuildFinder
- ToggleGuildFrame
- ToggleHelpFrame
- ToggleIgnorePanel
- ToggleKeyRing
- ToggleLFDParentFrame
- ToggleLFRParentFrame
- ToggleMapFramerate
- ToggleMessageDest
- ToggleMessageSource
- ToggleMessageType
- ToggleMessageTypeGroup
- ToggleMiniMapRotation
- ToggleMinimap
- TogglePVPFrame
- TogglePetTalentFrame
- ToggleSpellBook
- ToggleStats
- ToggleTalentFrame
- ToggleTimeManager
- ToggleWorldStateScoreFrame
- UIDoFramesIntersect
- UIFrameFade
- UIFrameFadeIn
- UIFrameFadeOut
- UIFrameFadeRemoveFrame
- UIFrameFlash
- UIFrameFlashStop
- UIFrameIsFading
- UIFrameIsFlashing
- UIParentLoadAddOn
- UnitHasMana
- UnitWatchRegistered
- UnlockMultiCastActionBar
- UnlockPetActionBar
- UnregisterAttributeDriver
- UnregisterAutoHide
- UnregisterStateDriver
- UnregisterUnitWatch
- UpdateBagButtonHighlight
- UpdateBagSlotStatus
- UpdateCoinPickupFrame
- UpdateMenuBarTop
- UpdateMicroButtons
- UpdateMicroButtonsParent
- UpdatePartyMemberBackground
- UpdateProfessionButton
- UpdateStackSplitFrame
- UpdateUIPanelPositions
- UsesGUID
- ValidateFramePosition
- VideoOptionsValueChanged
- VoiceChatShineFadeIn
- VoiceChatShineFadeOut
- acos
- asin
- atan
- atan2
- cos
- getglobal
- getprinthandler
- message
- print
- setglobal
- setprinthandler
- sin
- tContains
- tDeleteItem
- tan
- tostringall
- updateContainerFrameAnchors
require 'open-uri'
require 'nokogiri'
require 'yaml'
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open(''))
funcs ='dd a:first').map { |fun| fun.text }
puts "#{funcs.count} functions."
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open(''))
funcs ='a[@title^=API]').map { |fun| /^[A-Za-z0-9_]+/.match(fun.text)[0] }
puts "#{funcs.count} functions."
open('Functions.yaml', 'w+') do |f|
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