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Created September 29, 2023 11:41
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graphviz palo alto config vizualisation
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Author: Ist wurst...
import pdb
import sys
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import json
from graphviz import Digraph
def get_values_pa(xml_output):
tree = ET.parse(xml_output)
root = tree.getroot()
dict = {}
dict["template"] = {}
for tmpl in root.findall("./devices/entry/template/entry"):
tmpl_name = tmpl.attrib["name"]
dict["template"][tmpl_name] = {}
dict["template"][tmpl_name]["vsys"] = {}
for vsys in tmpl.findall("./config/devices/entry/vsys/entry"):
vsys_name = vsys.attrib["name"]
dict["template"][tmpl_name]["vsys"][vsys_name] = {}
dict["template"][tmpl_name]["vsys"][vsys_name]["zone"] = {}
for zone in vsys.findall("./zone/entry"):
zone_name = zone.attrib["name"]
dict["template"][tmpl_name]["vsys"][vsys_name]["zone"][zone_name] = {}
dict["template-stack"] = {}
for tmplstk in root.findall("./devices/entry/template-stack/entry"):
tmplstk_name = tmplstk.attrib["name"]
dict["template-stack"][tmplstk_name] = {}
tmpl_list = []
for tmpl in tmplstk.findall("./templates/member"):
tmpl_name = tmpl.text
dict["template-stack"][tmplstk_name]["templates"] = tmpl_list
dvc_list = []
for dvc in tmplstk.findall("./devices/entry"):
dvc_id = dvc.attrib["name"]
dict["template-stack"][tmplstk_name]["devices"] = dvc_list
dict["device-group"] = {}
for dg in root.findall("./devices/entry/device-group/entry"):
dg_name = dg.attrib["name"]
dict["device-group"][dg_name] = {}
dvc_list = []
for dvc in dg.findall("./devices/entry"):
dvc_id = dvc.attrib["name"]
vsyses = dvc.findall("./vsys/entry")
if not vsyses:
print("element vsys not found or element vsys has no subelement! dg: " + str(dg.attrib["name"]))
data = dvc_id
if vsyses is None:
print("subelement exist, but element (vsysid) not found! dg: " + str(dg.attrib["name"]))
data = dvc_id
for vsys in dvc.findall("./vsys/entry"):
vsys_name = vsys.attrib["name"]
data = dvc_id + ' - ' + vsys_name
dict["device-group"][dg_name]["devices"] = dvc_list
for dg in root.findall("./readonly/devices/entry/device-group/entry"):
dg_name = dg.attrib["name"]
for parent_dg in dg.findall("./parent-dg"):
if parent_dg is not None:
dg_p_name = parent_dg.text
dg_p_name = "no parent"
dict["device-group"][dg_name]["parent"] = dg_p_name
json_obj = json.dumps(dict, indent=4)
return dict
def digraph_creator(dict):
g = Digraph(
graph_attr={'fontsize': '30', 'rankdir': 'DT', 'splines': 'true', 'overlap': 'scale', 'imagepath': 'C:/Users/akdaniel/Downloads/nw_topo/', 'label': 'Palo Alto Panorama Configuration Topology - device-groups'},
g.attr('node', shape='box')
for dg in dict['device-group']:
table = '<table border="1" cellborder="0" cellpadding="2" bgcolor="#33CBFF">\n'
table += ' <tr>\n <td color="#089FD3" bgcolor="#089FD3" align="center" border="5">\n <font color="white">device-group: {tmpl_name}</font>\n </td>\n </tr>\n'.format(tmpl_name=dg)
groupname = 'devices'
if groupname in dict['device-group'][dg]:
table += ' <tr>\n <td align="left" port="{group_id}">&#8226; assigned {group_name}</td>\n </tr>\n'.format(group_id=groupname, group_name=groupname)
for id, value in enumerate(dict['device-group'][dg]['devices']):
entry_id = groupname + str(id)
table += ' <tr>\n <td align="left" port="{entry_id}"> &#183; {entry_name}</td>\n </tr>\n'.format(entry_id=entry_id, entry_name=value)
table += '</table>'
label = '<\n' + table + '\n>'
g.node(dg, penwidth='0', fontname='Arial', label=label)
if "parent" in dict['device-group'][dg]:
dgparent = dict['device-group'][dg]['parent']
g.edge(dg, dgparent, dir='back', color='#089FD3')
g = Digraph(
graph_attr={'fontsize': '30', 'rankdir': 'DT', 'splines': 'true', 'overlap': 'scale', 'imagepath': 'C:/Users/akdaniel/Downloads/nw_topo/', 'label': 'Palo Alto Panorama Configuration Topology - template-stacks'},
g.attr('node', shape='box')
for template in dict['template']:
table = '<table border="1" cellborder="0" cellpadding="2" bgcolor="#FFD580">\n'
table += ' <tr>\n <td color="orange" bgcolor="orange" align="center" border="5">\n <font color="white">Template: {tmpl_name}</font>\n </td>\n </tr>\n'.format(tmpl_name=template)
table += ' <tr>\n <td align="left" port="{group_id}"> &#8226; {group_name} configuration</td>\n </tr>\n'.format(group_id='vsys', group_name='vsys')
i = 0
for vsys in dict['template'][template]['vsys']:
entry_id = 'vsys_' + str(i)
i += 1
table += ' <tr>\n <td align="left" port="{entry_id}"> &#8226; {entry_name}</td>\n </tr>\n'.format(entry_id=entry_id, entry_name=vsys)
table += ' <tr>\n <td align="left" port="{group_id}"> &#8226; {group_name} configuration</td>\n </tr>\n'.format(group_id='zone', group_name='zone')
j = 0
for zone in dict['template'][template]['vsys'][vsys]['zone']:
subentry_id = 'zone' + str(j)
j += 1
table += ' <tr>\n <td align="left" port="{entry_id}"> &#183; {entry_name}</td>\n </tr>\n'.format(entry_id=subentry_id, entry_name=zone)
table += '</table>'
label = '<\n' + table + '\n>'
g.node(template, penwidth='0', fontname='Arial', label=label)
for templatestack in dict['template-stack']:
table = '<table border="1" cellborder="0" cellpadding="2" bgcolor="#33CBFF">\n'
table += ' <tr>\n <td color="#089FD3" bgcolor="#089FD3" align="center" border="5">\n <font color="white">Template-stack: {tmplst_name}</font>\n </td>\n </tr>\n'.format(tmplst_name=templatestack)
groupname = 'devices'
if groupname in dict['template-stack'][templatestack]:
table += ' <tr>\n <td align="left" port="{group_id}">&#8226; assigned {group_name}</td>\n </tr>\n'.format(group_id=groupname, group_name=groupname)
for id, value in enumerate(dict['template-stack'][templatestack][groupname]):
entry_id = groupname + str(id)
table += ' <tr>\n <td align="left" port="{entry_id}"> &#183; {entry_name}</td>\n </tr>\n'.format(entry_id=entry_id, entry_name=value)
groupname = 'templates'
if groupname in dict['template-stack'][templatestack]:
table += ' <tr>\n <td align="left" port="{group_id}">&#8226; assigned {group_name}</td>\n </tr>\n'.format(group_id=groupname, group_name=groupname)
for id, value in enumerate(dict['template-stack'][templatestack][groupname]):
entry_id = groupname + str(id)
table += ' <tr>\n <td align="left" port="{entry_id}"> &#183; {entry_name}</td>\n </tr>\n'.format(entry_id=entry_id, entry_name=value)
table += '</table>'
label = '<\n' + table + '\n>'
g.node(templatestack, penwidth='0', fontname='Arial', label=label)
templatelist = dict['template-stack'][templatestack]['templates']
g.edge(templatestack, templatelist[0], dir='back', color='#089FD3')
for i in (range(len(templatelist)-1)):
g.edge(templatelist[i], templatelist[i+1], dir='back', color='orange')
def main(argv):
filename = 'C:\\Users\\akdaniel\\Downloads\\running-config\\running-config.xml'
config_data = get_values_pa(filename)
#with open('C:\\Users\\akdaniel\\Downloads\\running-config\\panorama_config_topology_orig.json', 'w') as panorama_config:
# panorama_config.write(json.dumps(config_data))
#with open('C:\\Users\\akdaniel\\Downloads\\running-config\\panorama_config_topology.json', 'r') as panorama_config:
# config_data = json.load(panorama_config)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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