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Created November 10, 2020 12:08
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#!/usr/bin/env stack
-- stack --resolver lts-16.16 script --package unordered-containers --ghc-options -Wall --ghc-options -fbreak-on-exception
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf, LambdaCase #-}
module Main where
import Data.Char
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import Data.List (foldl')
alphabets :: [Char]
data ShiftDir
= ShiftFwd
| ShiftBwd
shift :: Char -> Char -> ShiftDir -> Char
shift a k shiftDir =
let aInt = (fromEnum a) - (fromEnum 'A')
kInt = (fromEnum k) - (fromEnum 'A')
xInt =
case shiftDir of
ShiftFwd -> (aInt + kInt) `mod` 26
ShiftBwd -> (aInt - kInt) `mod` 26
x'Int = xInt + fromEnum 'A'
x = toEnum x'Int
in x
enc :: [Char] -> [Char] -> [Char]
enc [] _ = []
enc (c:cs) (k:ks) =
let c' = shift c k ShiftFwd
in c' : (enc cs ks)
enc _ [] = error "enc ran out of key"
dec :: [Char] -> [Char] -> [Char]
dec [] _ = []
dec (c:cs) (k:ks) =
let c' = shift c k ShiftBwd
in c' : (dec cs ks)
dec _ [] = error "dec ran out of key"
sanitize :: [Char] -> [Char]
sanitize cs = filter isAlpha $ map toUpper cs
chunksOf :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
chunksOf n [] = take n $ repeat []
chunksOf n cs =
let (p1, p2) = splitAt n cs
in p1 : (chunksOf n p2)
newtype FreqMap =
FreqMap (HM.HashMap Char Int)
fmNew :: FreqMap
fmNew = FreqMap $ HM.empty
fmGet :: FreqMap -> Char -> Int
fmGet (FreqMap hm) c = HM.lookupDefault 0 c hm
fmIncr :: Char -> FreqMap -> FreqMap
fmIncr c (FreqMap hm) =
FreqMap $
Nothing -> Just $ 1
Just x -> Just $ x + 1)
fmEnglish :: [(Char, Double)]
fmEnglish =
[ ('A', 0.082)
, ('B', 0.015)
, ('C', 0.028)
, ('D', 0.043)
, ('E', 0.13)
, ('F', 0.022)
, ('G', 0.02)
, ('H', 0.061)
, ('I', 0.07)
, ('J', 0.0015)
, ('K', 0.0077)
, ('L', 0.04)
, ('M', 0.024)
, ('N', 0.067)
, ('O', 0.075)
, ('P', 0.019)
, ('Q', 0.00095)
, ('R', 0.06)
, ('S', 0.063)
, ('T', 0.091)
, ('U', 0.028)
, ('V', 0.0098)
, ('W', 0.024)
, ('X', 0.0015)
, ('Y', 0.02)
, ('Z', 0.00074)
buildFreqMap :: [Char] -> [FreqMap] -> [FreqMap]
buildFreqMap [] hms = hms
buildFreqMap _ [] = error "Not enough FreqMaps"
buildFreqMap (c:cs) (h:hms) = (fmIncr c h) : (buildFreqMap cs hms)
buildChunkWiseFreqMap :: Int -> [Char] -> [FreqMap]
buildChunkWiseFreqMap n str =
let emptyFreqMaps = take n $ repeat fmNew
chunks = chunksOf n str
in foldl' (flip buildFreqMap) emptyFreqMaps chunks
fmPrint :: FreqMap -> IO ()
fmPrint fm =
sequence_ $
(\c -> do
putStr [c]
putStr ": "
putStrLn $ show $ fmGet fm c)
fmList :: FreqMap -> [(Char, Int)]
fmList fm = map (\c -> (c, fmGet fm c)) alphabets
printFms :: [FreqMap] -> Int -> IO ()
printFms [] _ = return ()
printFms (fm:fms) i = do
putStr "Chunk "
putStr $ show i
putStrLn ":"
fmPrint fm
putStrLn ""
printFms fms (i + 1)
-- rotateBwd :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
-- rotateBwd n lst =
-- let (p1, p2) = splitAt n lst
-- in p2 <> p1
rotateFwd :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
rotateFwd n lst =
let (p1, p2) = splitAt ((length lst) - n) lst
in p2 <> p1
maxOn :: Ord a => (b -> a) -> [b] -> b
maxOn _ [] = error "Empty list"
maxOn _ [a] = a
maxOn f (a:as) =
let v1 = a
v2 = maxOn f as
in if f v1 > f v2
then v1
else v2
identifyShiftCount :: FreqMap -> Int
identifyShiftCount fm =
let fmEnglishEnum = zip [0,1 .. 25] (repeat fmEnglish)
shiftedFms = map (\(n, lst) -> (n, rotateFwd n lst)) fmEnglishEnum
shiftedFmZipped = zip shiftedFms (repeat (fmList fm))
scores =
(\((n, lst1), lst2) ->
( n
, sum $
map (\(c1, c2) -> c1 * (fromIntegral c2)) $
zip (map snd lst1) (map snd lst2)))
maxScore = maxOn snd scores
in fst maxScore
identifyKeyLength :: String -> Int
identifyKeyLength cipherText =
let scores =
map (\tau ->
let fm = steppedFreqMap cipherText tau fmNew
probSq = fmProbSq fm
-- score = abs (probSq - 0.065)
score = probSq
in (tau, score)) [1,2..10]
(maxTau, _) = maxOn snd scores
in maxTau
steppedFreqMap :: String -> Int -> FreqMap -> FreqMap
steppedFreqMap [] _ fm = fm
steppedFreqMap (s:ss) tau fm =
let fm' = fmIncr s fm
(_, p2) = splitAt (tau - 1) ss
in steppedFreqMap p2 tau fm'
fmSum :: FreqMap -> Int
fmSum (FreqMap hm) = sum $ map snd $ HM.toList hm
fmProbSq :: FreqMap -> Double
fmProbSq fm@(FreqMap hm) =
let sum_ = fromIntegral $ fmSum fm
in sum $
(\(_, x) ->
let xf = fromIntegral x
in (xf / sum_) ** 2) $
HM.toList hm
attack :: String -> Int -> String
attack cipherText keyLen =
let fmChunks = buildChunkWiseFreqMap keyLen cipherText
in map
(\fm ->
let shiftCount = identifyShiftCount fm
in toEnum (fromEnum 'A' + shiftCount))
main :: IO ()
main = do
let keyBase = "ABCDEFG"
let keyLen = length keyBase
let key = cycle keyBase
let plainText =
sanitize $
"The zebra puzzle is a well-known logic puzzle. Many versions of the puzzle. If it is important to always be able to interrupt such threads, you should turn this optimization off. Consider also recompiling all libraries with this optimization turned off, if you need to guarantee interruptibility. A total of 1400 individual tests were created, which is comforting. We can increase the depth easily enough, but to find out exactly how well the code is being tested we should turn to the built in code coverage tool."
putStrLn "Key: "
putStrLn keyBase
putStrLn "Key Length: "
putStrLn $ show keyLen
putStrLn ""
putStrLn "Plain text:"
putStrLn plainText
putStrLn ""
let cipherText = enc plainText key
putStrLn "Cipher text:"
putStrLn cipherText
putStrLn ""
let keyLen' = identifyKeyLength cipherText
putStrLn "Estimated Key Length:"
print keyLen'
let keyBase' = attack cipherText keyLen'
let key' = cycle keyBase'
putStrLn "Estimated Key:"
putStrLn keyBase'
putStrLn ""
let plainText' = dec cipherText key'
putStrLn "Deciphered text:"
putStrLn plainText'
putStrLn ""
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