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Last active February 19, 2016 16:20
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Save itsgreggreg/e637dcdfdc45541fe236 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Elm FEP Talk
module Main where
import Html exposing (div,button,Html,text,Attribute)
import Html.Events exposing(onClick)
import Html.Attributes exposing (style)
import StartApp.Simple exposing (start)
type alias Model = Int
type Action = Increment | Decrement
view : Signal.Address Action -> Model -> Html
view address model =
div []
[ button [ onClick address Decrement] [ text "-" ]
, div [ countStyle ] [ text (toString model) ]
, button [ onClick address Increment ] [ text "+" ]
update : Action -> Model -> Model
update action model =
case action of
Increment -> model + 1
Decrement -> model - 1
countStyle : Attribute
countStyle =
[ ("font-size", "20px")]
main =
start {model = 0, update = update, view = view}
import Http
import Markdown
import Html exposing (Html)
import Task exposing (Task, andThen)
main : Signal Html
main = Markdown.toHtml readme.signal
-- set up mailbox
-- the signal is piped directly to main
-- the address lets us update the signal
readme : Signal.Mailbox String
readme =
Signal.mailbox ""
-- send some markdown to our readme mailbox
report : String -> Task x ()
report markdown =
Signal.send readme.address markdown
-- get the readme *and then* send the result to our mailbox
port fetchReadme : Task Http.Error ()
port fetchReadme =
Http.getString readmeUrl `andThen` report
-- the URL of the that we desire
readmeUrl : String
readmeUrl =
import Graphics.Element exposing (..)
import Time exposing (every, second)
import Mouse
import Keyboard
--import Char
import Window
import Text
{-view (w,h) time =
toString time
|> Text.fromString
|> Text.height 50
|> centered
|> container w h middle
main =
Signal.map2 view Window.dimensions (Time.every Time.second)
default = {
count = 5,
state = Active
type Action = Tick | NoOp | Increase | Decrease | Reset | TogglePause
type State = Active | Paused
update action model =
let decrease = {model | count = max 0 (model.count - 1)}
case model.state of
Paused ->
case action of
TogglePause -> {model | state = Active}
_ -> model
Active ->
case action of
NoOp -> model
Increase -> {model | count = model.count + 1}
Tick -> decrease
Decrease -> decrease
Reset -> default
TogglePause -> {model | state = Paused}
everySecond =
--Time.every Time.second (always Tick) (Time.every Time.second)
action = Signal.merge everySecond input
clock = Signal.foldp update default action
view (w, h) {count} =
toString count
|> Text.fromString
|> Text.height 50
|> centered
|> container w h middle
input =
y = .y Keyboard.arrows
toAction y =
if y == 1 then Increase
else if y == -1 then Decrease
else NoOp
reset = (always Reset)
upDown = Signal.sampleOn (Time.fps 30) ( toAction y)
pause = (always TogglePause) Keyboard.enter
Signal.mergeMany [reset, upDown, pause]
main = Signal.map2 view(Window.dimensions) clock
import Graphics.Element exposing (..)
import Time exposing (every, second)
import Mouse
import Keyboard
--import Color exposing (red, blue)
import Window
import Text
default = 5
type Action = Tick | NoOp | Increase | Decrease | Reset
update action model =
case action of
NoOp -> model
Increase -> model + 1
Tick -> max 0 (model - 1)
Decrease -> max 0 (model - 1)
Reset -> default
everySecond =
--Time.every Time.second (always Tick) (Time.every Time.second)
action = Signal.merge everySecond input
clock = Signal.foldp update default action
view (w, h) count =
toString count
|> Text.fromString
|> Text.height 50
|> centered
|> container w h middle
{- Better formatting }
view (w, h) {count} =
let chooseColor text =
if count <= 5 then Text.color red text
else Text.color blue text
toString count
|> Text.fromString
|> Text.height 200
|> chooseColor
|> centered
|> container w h middle
input =
y = .y Keyboard.arrows
toAction y =
if y == 1 then Increase
else if y == -1 then Decrease
else NoOp
reset = (always Reset)
upDown = Signal.sampleOn (Time.fps 30) ( toAction y)
Signal.mergeMany [reset, upDown]
main = Signal.map2 view(Window.dimensions) clock
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