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Last active January 26, 2023 06:02
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// Copy the following line of code, and paste it prefixed with "javascript:" (without the quotes), in a browser bookmark
function h(html) { return html.replace(/<p>/g, '\n\n').replace(/<\/p>/g, '').replace(/<b>/g, '**').replace(/<\/b>/g, '**').replace(/<i>/g, '_').replace(/<\/i>/g, '_').replace(/<code[^>]*>/g, (match) => { const lm = match.match(/class="[^"]*language-([^"]*)"/); return lm ? %27\n```%27 + lm[1] + %27\n%27 : %27```%27; }).replace(/<\/code[^>]*>/g, %27```%27).replace(/<[^>]*>/g, %27%27).replace(/Copy code/g, %27%27).replace(/This content may violate our content policy. If you believe this to be in error, please submit your feedback — your input will aid our research in this area./g, %27%27).trim(); } (()=>{ const e=document.querySelectorAll(".text-base");let t="";for(const s of e)s.querySelector(".whitespace-pre-wrap")&&(t+=`**${s.querySelector(%27img%27)?%27You%27:%27ChatGPT%27}**: \n${h(s.querySelector(".whitespace-pre-wrap").innerHTML)}\n\n`);const o=document.createElement("a");"",o.href=URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([t])),"none",document.body.appendChild(o),})();
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