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itsjavi / components__ServiceWorkers.tsx
Last active August 24, 2024 15:11
Simple Service Worker for Next.js static assets
'use client'
import { useEffect } from 'react'
export function ServiceWorkers(): JSX.Element {
useEffect(() => {
if (typeof window === 'undefined') {
if ('serviceWorker' in navigator) {
itsjavi / settings.json
Created August 10, 2024 06:21
Better TailwindCSS class completion in VSCode
"tailwindCSS.experimental.classRegex": [
"[cC]lass\\: '([^']*)'",
"[cC]lassName\\: '([^']*)'",
itsjavi / lucia-nextjs-csrf-route-guard.ts
Created March 29, 2024 02:54
CSRF protection guard function for API routes in Next.js App Router, with Lucia Auth
import { verifyRequestOrigin } from 'lucia'
import { NextResponse } from 'next/server'
type RouteHandler = (request: Request) => NextResponse | Response
// Wrap your Next.js Route Handler with this middleware to protect against CSRF attacks
// NOTE: this won't protect against CSRF attacks on Server Actions and Server Components,
// so it's better to configure this in middleware.ts
export function csrfGuard(guardedFn: RouteHandler): RouteHandler {
return (request: Request, ...context) => {
itsjavi /
Last active November 25, 2023 03:29
Open nextjs dev server URL after start
set -e
# Load .env file
if [ -f .env ]; then
export $(cat .env | sed 's/#.*//g' | xargs)
echo "No .env file found"
exit 1
itsjavi / .zprofile
Last active March 28, 2023 12:44
Switch node version in the current zsh session, depending on an env var
# Then, in your PHPStorm or Webstorm project settings you can configure the
# Terminal to override this value via N_SESSION_NODE_VERSION_OVERRIDE, e.g.:
itsjavi / polymorphic.tsx
Created March 20, 2023 09:59
Polymorphic component props
import React from 'react'
type PolymorphicPropsFactory<T, P> = {
as?: T | React.ElementType
children?: React.ReactNode | undefined
className?: string | undefined
} & React.RefAttributes<T> &
export type PolymorphicProps<T, FallbackPropsType> =
itsjavi / polymorphic-btn.tsx
Last active January 27, 2023 14:51
TypeScript Polymorphic React Button Component using the "as" property
import React from 'react'
type PolymorphicPropsFactory<T, P> = {
as?: T | React.ElementType
children?: React.ReactNode | undefined
} & React.RefAttributes<T> &
type PolymorphicProps<T, FallbackPropsType> =
// as = Function Component
itsjavi / CSS-in-JS-noSSR.tsx
Last active January 26, 2023 06:03
Simple CSS-in-JS implementation for React, using tagged templates, with scoped class name generation. Zero dependencies.
import React, { useEffect } from 'react'
type StyledFC = React.FC<{ children?: React.ReactNode }>
type StyledModule = <T extends string[]>(
...classNames: T
) => {
Styled: StyledFC
classMap: Record<T[number], string>
itsjavi / SaveChatGPT-bookmark.js
Last active January 26, 2023 06:02
Bookmark to download ChatGPT chat as Markdown
// Copy the following line of code, and paste it prefixed with "javascript:" (without the quotes), in a browser bookmark
function h(html) { return html.replace(/<p>/g, '\n\n').replace(/<\/p>/g, '').replace(/<b>/g, '**').replace(/<\/b>/g, '**').replace(/<i>/g, '_').replace(/<\/i>/g, '_').replace(/<code[^>]*>/g, (match) => { const lm = match.match(/class="[^"]*language-([^"]*)"/); return lm ? %27\n```%27 + lm[1] + %27\n%27 : %27```%27; }).replace(/<\/code[^>]*>/g, %27```%27).replace(/<[^>]*>/g, %27%27).replace(/Copy code/g, %27%27).replace(/This content may violate our content policy. If you believe this to be in error, please submit your feedback — your input will aid our research in this area./g, %27%27).trim(); } (()=>{ const e=document.querySelectorAll(".text-base");let t="";for(const s of e)s.querySelector(".whitespace-pre-wrap")&&(t+=`**${s.querySelector(%27img%27)?%27You%27:%27ChatGPT%27}**: \n${h(s.querySelector(".whitespace-pre-wrap").innerHTML)}\n\n`);const o=document.createElement("a");
itsjavi / scriptloader.js
Last active January 25, 2023 13:07
JS ScriptLoader using ES6 Promises
* ES6 ScriptLoader snippet
* (c) Javier Aguilar
* License: MIT (
* Source:
window.ScriptLoader = function () {
* @param {string} url