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Created February 7, 2024 00:48
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Efficient Detection of Collision between Ellipse and Many Squares
* Creates a corner rect.
* `Rect` has slightly different semantics and isn't as suitable for inclusive
* `GridPoint` rectangles like were dealing with here.
function createGridAlignedRect(
position: GridPoint,
width: number,
height: number
): PlainCornerRect<GridPoint> {
return {
topLeft: floorCoordinates(position),
bottomRight: superFloorCoordinates(
addCoordinates(position, [width, height])
* Check if a rect (with integer grid points) is in the region.
* The left and right edges of the rect are inclusive.
function isGridAlignedRectInRegion(
rect: PlainCornerRect<GridPoint>,
test: (x: number, y: number) => boolean
): boolean {
for (let ix = rect.topLeft[0]; ix <= rect.bottomRight[0]; ++ix) {
for (let iy = rect.topLeft[1]; iy <= rect.bottomRight[1]; ++iy) {
if (test(ix, iy)) {
return true;
return false;
* Determines if a token is in a grid-aligned region.
* `test` will always be given integer coordinates. These will be the grid
* cells that the token is within. It should return `true` if that point is
* within the test region.
export default function isTokenInRegion(
token: Token,
test: (x: number, y: number) => boolean
): boolean {
const width = token.width ?? 1;
const height = token.height ?? 1;
if (
(width < 6 || height < 6) &&
Number.isInteger(token.position[0]) &&
) {
const rect = createGridAlignedRect(token.position, width, height);
return isGridAlignedRectInRegion(rect, test);
} else {
const a = width / 2;
const b = height / 2;
const tokenCenterX = token.position[0] + a;
const tokenCenterY = token.position[1] + b;
// If the token was centered on the origin, (-rx, ry) would be the top
// left corner of the largest rect that token could contain, and
// (rx, -ry) would be the bottom right corner. We'll call this rect
// the inscribed rect.
const rx = a / Math.SQRT2;
const ry = b / Math.SQRT2;
// The inscribed rect is easy and fast to check, so do that first
const inscribedRect = createGridAlignedRect(
[tokenCenterX - rx, tokenCenterY - ry],
rx * 2,
ry * 2
if (isGridAlignedRectInRegion(inscribedRect, test)) {
return true;
for (
let xu = inscribedRect.topLeft[0];
xu <= inscribedRect.bottomRight[0];
) {
// Transform the untransformed xu so we're once again dealing with
// the token as if it was centered on the origin.
const x = xu - tokenCenterX;
// yd is maximized when abs(x) is minimized. So we'll
// find the smallest abs(x) within the column (ie: in [x, x+1]).
let minX: number;
if (x < 0 && x + 1 > 0) {
// 0 is within this column, and nothing's smaller than 0
minX = 0;
} else if (Math.abs(x) < Math.abs(x + 1)) {
minX = x;
} else {
minX = x + 1;
// Calculate y delta. This is the distance between the x-axis and
// the top edge of the ellipse.
const yd = (b * Math.sqrt(a * a - minX * minX)) / a;
if (Number.isNaN(yd)) {
// We're outside the bounds of the ellipse
for (
let iy = Math.floor(tokenCenterY - yd);
iy < inscribedRect.topLeft[1];
) {
if (test(xu, iy)) {
return true;
for (
let iy = superFloor(tokenCenterY + yd);
iy > inscribedRect.bottomRight[1];
) {
if (test(xu, iy)) {
return true;
// Do the same thing we did for columns, for rows.
for (
let yu = inscribedRect.topLeft[1];
yu <= inscribedRect.bottomRight[1];
) {
const y = yu - tokenCenterY;
let minY: number;
if (y < 0 && y + 1 > 0) {
minY = 0;
} else if (Math.abs(y) < Math.abs(y + 1)) {
minY = y;
} else {
minY = y + 1;
const xd = (a * Math.sqrt(b * b - minY * minY)) / b;
if (Number.isNaN(xd)) {
for (
let ix = Math.floor(tokenCenterX - xd);
ix < inscribedRect.topLeft[0];
) {
if (test(ix, yu)) {
return true;
for (
let ix = superFloor(tokenCenterX + xd);
ix > inscribedRect.bottomRight[0];
) {
if (test(ix, yu)) {
return true;
return false;
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