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Created July 11, 2020 10:33
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import bpy
import math
import numpy as np
import random
rawdata = ['978.1466642174169,416.0576927689958',
def get_grease_pencil(gpencil_obj_name='GPencil') -> bpy.types.GreasePencil:
Return the grease-pencil object with the given name. Initialize one if not already present.
:param gpencil_obj_name: name/key of the grease pencil object in the scene
# If not present already, create grease pencil object
if gpencil_obj_name not in bpy.context.scene.objects:
bpy.ops.object.gpencil_add(location=(0, 0, 0), type='EMPTY')
# rename grease pencil
bpy.context.scene.objects[-1].name = gpencil_obj_name
# Get grease pencil object
gpencil = bpy.context.scene.objects[gpencil_obj_name]
return gpencil
def get_grease_pencil_layer(gpencil: bpy.types.GreasePencil, gpencil_layer_name='GP_Layer',
clear_layer=False) -> bpy.types.GPencilLayer:
Return the grease-pencil layer with the given name. Create one if not already present.
:param gpencil: grease-pencil object for the layer data
:param gpencil_layer_name: name/key of the grease pencil layer
:param clear_layer: whether to clear all previous layer data
# Get grease pencil layer or create one if none exists
if and gpencil_layer_name in
gpencil_layer =[gpencil_layer_name]
gpencil_layer =, set_active=True)
if clear_layer:
gpencil_layer.clear() # clear all previous layer data
# bpy.ops.gpencil.paintmode_toggle() # need to trigger otherwise there is no frame
return gpencil_layer
# Util for default behavior merging previous two methods
def init_grease_pencil(gpencil_obj_name='GPencil', gpencil_layer_name='GP_Layer',
clear_layer=True) -> bpy.types.GPencilLayer:
gpencil = get_grease_pencil(gpencil_obj_name)
gpencil_layer = get_grease_pencil_layer(gpencil, gpencil_layer_name, clear_layer=clear_layer)
return gpencil_layer
def draw_line(gp_frame, p0: tuple, p1: tuple):
# Init new stroke
gp_stroke =
gp_stroke.display_mode = '3DSPACE' # allows for editing
gp_stroke.draw_cyclic = False # closes the stroke
gp_stroke.line_width = linethickness
gp_stroke.material_index = 0
gp_stroke.points[0].co = p0
gp_stroke.points[1].co = p1
return gp_stroke
def draw_circle(gp_frame, center: tuple, radius: float, segments: int):
# Init new stroke
gp_stroke =
gp_stroke.display_mode = '3DSPACE' # allows for editing
gp_stroke.draw_cyclic = True # closes the stroke
gp_stroke.line_width = circlethickness
gp_stroke.material_index = 1
# Define stroke geometry
angle = 2*math.pi/segments # angle in radians
for i in range(segments):
x = center[0] + radius*math.cos(angle*i)
y = center[1] + radius*math.sin(angle*i)
z = center[2]
gp_stroke.points[i].co = (x, y, z)
return gp_stroke
def dft(x,scale):
X = []
N = len(x)
for k in range(0,N):
re = 0
im = 0
for n in range(0,N):
phi = (2*np.pi*k*n)/N
re += x[n]*np.cos(phi)
im -= x[n]*np.sin(phi)
re = re*scale/N
im = im*scale/N
freq = k
mag = math.sqrt(re*re + im*im)
phase = np.arctan(im/re)
return X
def fft_mag_phase(fourier_fft,freqs):
X = []
for i in range(len(fourier_fft)):
im = fourier_fft[i].imag
re = fourier_fft[i].real
mag = abs(fourier_fft[i])
phase = np.arctan(im/re)
freq = freqs[i]
return X
def epicycles(x,y,fourier,phase_offset=0):
for i in range(len(fourier)):
pre_x = x
pre_y = y
re,im,freq,mag,phase = fourier[i]
N = freq
radius = mag
if(radius > 1): #dont draw if its too small
draw_circle(gp_frame , (pre_x,pre_y,0) , radius , 20)
x += radius * np.cos(N * time + phase+phase_offset + np.pi/2)
y += radius * np.sin(N * time + phase+phase_offset + np.pi/2)
if(radius > 1): #dont draw if its too small
draw_circle(gp_frame , (x,y,0), radius*0.1 , 10)
return x,y
polisheddata = []
cleaned_data = [i.rsplit(',') for i in rawdata]
for i in cleaned_data:
except ValueError:
offsetx,offsety = 100,100
scalex,scaley = 0.1,0.1
xvals,yvals = [i[0]*scalex+offsetx for i in polisheddata],[i[1]*(-1)*scaley+offsety for i in polisheddata]
angle = 0
gp_layer = init_grease_pencil()
wavex = []
wavey = []
m = 3
draw_hold = (400,0,0)
trace_length = 400
#xvals = [10*np.cos(2*np.pi*i/100) for i in range(0,100)]
#yvals = [10*np.sin(2*np.pi*i/100) for i in range(0,100)]
linethickness = 3
circlethickness = 2
freqsx = np.fft.fftfreq(len(xvals))
freqsy = np.fft.fftfreq(len(yvals))
fourierY = fft_mag_phase(np.fft.fft(yvals)/len(yvals),freqsy)
fourierX = fft_mag_phase(np.fft.fft(xvals)/len(xvals),freqsx)
prev_wave = draw_hold
wave_shift = 0
time_scale = 100*2*np.pi/len(fourierY)
for frame in range(1000):
gp_frame =
time = frame*time_scale
#epicycle construction
vy=epicycles(x,y,fourierY )
draw_line(gp_frame , (vy[0],vy[1],0) , (wavex[0],wavey[0],0))
draw_line(gp_frame , (hx[0],hx[1],0) , (wavex[0],wavey[0],0))
draw_circle(gp_frame , (wavex[0],wavey[0],0) , 1,10)
for i in range(0,len(wavex)):
if(not prev_wave == draw_hold or prev_wave == (0,0,0)):
draw_line(gp_frame , prev_wave , (wavex[i] + wave_shift , wavey[i] , 0))
prev_wave = (wavex[i] + wave_shift , wavey[i],0)
if(len(wavex) > trace_length):
for i in range(1,m):
hpre_x = hx
hpre_y = hy
hre,him,hfreq,hmag,hphase = fourierX[i]
hN = hfreq
hradius = hmag
draw_circle(gp_frame , (hpre_x,hpre_y,0) , hradius , 20)
hx += hradius * np.cos(hN * time + hphase + np.pi/2)
hy += hradius * np.sin(hN * time + hphase + np.pi/2)
draw_circle(gp_frame , (hx,hy,0), hradius*0.1 , 10)
for i in range(len(wavey)):
draw_line(gp_frame , prev_wave , (i + wave_shift,wavey[i],0))
prev_wave = (i + wave_shift , wavey[i] ,0)
if(len(wavey) > trace_length):
#wavelet drawing
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