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Created January 19, 2024 02:56
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Babe's Net
// Multi-browser support polyfill for requestAnimationFrame
// Falls back to using a setTimeout at 60 fps
window.requestAnimFrame =
window.requestAnimationFrame ||
window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.mozRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.oRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.msRequestAnimationFrame ||
function (callback) {
window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 60);
// Settings to control net animation
let accuracy = 100;
let gravity = 1000;
let netY = 8;
let netX = 6;
let spacing = 50;
let friction = 0.99;
// Get the canvas element
let canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');
let context = canvas.getContext('2d');
// Set the canvas to fill the entire screen
canvas.width = window.innerWidth;
canvas.height = window.innerHeight;
// Define the net color
context.strokeStyle = '#555';
let mouse = {
influence: 100, // Controls the size of the click area
down: false, // If the mouse is currently pressed
x: 0, // Current position
y: 0,
px: 0, // Previous position
py: 0
// Class to define points in the net
class Point {
constructor (x, y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.px = x; = y;
this.vx = 0;
this.vy = 0;
// By default this point is not pinned
this.pinX = null;
this.pinY = null;
// By default a point starts without any constraints
this.constraints = [];
// Update function for each individual point
update (delta) {
// If the point is pinned, don't move
if (this.pinX && this.pinY) return this;
// If the user is clicking
if (mouse.down) {
// Determine the distance between this point and the mouse
let dx = this.x - mouse.x;
let dy = this.y - mouse.y;
let dist = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
// If the point is within the influence of the mouse
if (dist < mouse.influence) {
// Overwrite the previous position of the point to move towards the mouse
this.px = this.x - (mouse.x - mouse.px); = this.y - (mouse.y -;
// Apply the force of gravity to the position of the point
this.addForce(0, gravity);
// New X and Y positions are calculated based on:
// - the difference between the previous position and the current position multiplied by friction
// - plus the velocity of the point multiplied by the update delta
let nx = this.x + (this.x - this.px) * friction + this.vx * delta;
let ny = this.y + (this.y - * friction + this.vy * delta;
// Previous X and Y positions are now set to what the current X and Y position are
this.px = this.x; = this.y;
// Update X and Y to the newly calculated position
this.x = nx;
this.y = ny;
// Set X and Y velocity to 0. Reset between updates
this.vy = this.vx = 0;
return this;
draw () {
// Loop through all of the constraints on this point and call the draw function on each
let i = this.constraints.length;
while (i--) this.constraints[i].draw();
resolve () {
// If this point is pinned, don't move it
if (this.pinX && this.pinY) {
this.x = this.pinX;
this.y = this.pinY;
// Loop through all of the constraints on this point and call the resolve function on each
this.constraints.forEach((constraint) => constraint.resolve());
// Helper function to add a new constraint
attach (point) {
this.constraints.push(new Constraint(this, point));
// Helper function to remove a constraint
free (constraint) {
this.constraints.splice(this.constraints.indexOf(constraint), 1);
// Change the velocity of a point (used to simulate gravity)
addForce (x, y) {
this.vx += x;
this.vy += y;
// Pin this point to specific coordinates
pin (pinx, piny) {
this.pinX = pinx;
this.pinY = piny;
// Class to define a constraint between two points
class Constraint {
constructor (p1, p2) {
this.p1 = p1;
this.p2 = p2;
this.length = spacing;
// Determine where the points should move based on their distance to each other
resolve () {
// Calculate the distance between the two points in the constraint
let dx = this.p1.x - this.p2.x;
let dy = this.p1.y - this.p2.y;
let dist = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
// If the distance between points is less than the length of the line, the points don't need to move
if (dist < this.length) return;
// Otherwise, if the distance between the two points if longer than the line should be
// Determine the distance each point should move to become closer together
let diff = (this.length - dist) / dist;
let mul = diff * 0.5 * (1 - this.length / dist);
let px = dx * mul;
let py = dy * mul;
// Only change the position of points if they are not pinned
!this.p1.pinX && (this.p1.x += px);
!this.p1.pinY && (this.p1.y += py);
!this.p2.pinX && (this.p2.x -= px);
!this.p2.pinY && (this.p2.y -= py);
return this;
// Draw lines between points
draw () {
context.moveTo(this.p1.x, this.p1.y)
context.lineTo(this.p2.x, this.p2.y)
// Class to define the net, creates points and constraints
class Net {
constructor () {
// An array of every point in the net
this.points = []
// Start the net in the middle of the canvas
let startX = canvas.width / 2 - netX * spacing / 2
// Loop to create all points in the net
for (let y = 0; y <= netY; y++) {
for (let x = 0; x <= netX; x++) {
// Create a new point at the desired location
let point = new Point(startX + x * spacing, 20 + y * spacing);
// Pin all points in the first row of the net
if(y == 0) {, point.y);
// Attach points to each other horizontally
if(x !== 0 && y > 2) {
point.attach(this.points[this.points.length - 1]);
// Attach points to each other vertically
if(y !== 0) {
point.attach(this.points[x + (y - 1) * (netX + 1)]);
// Add this new point to the array of all points
// Update function for the entire net
update (delta) {
// Accuracy determines how many times constraints should be resolved before rendering
let i = accuracy;
while (i--) {
this.points.forEach((point) => {
// Start drawing lines
// Loop through each point in the net, update its position, then draw it
this.points.forEach((point) => {
point.update(delta * delta).draw();
// Define the width of the lines in the net
context.lineWidth = 4;
// Canvas event handlers
canvas.onmousedown = function(event) {
mouse.down = true;
canvas.onmousemove = function(event) {
let rect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect();
mouse.px = mouse.x; = mouse.y;
mouse.x = event.clientX - rect.left;
mouse.y = event.clientY -;
canvas.onmouseup = function() {
mouse.down = false;
canvas.oncontextmenu = function(event) {
// Initialize the net object
let net = new Net();
// A recursive update function which calls itself
(function update () {
// Clear the canvas
context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
// Redraw the net
// Prevent the browser from locking up by waiting for the next animation frame
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