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Created September 21, 2022 15:24
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import vapoursynth as vs
import numpy as np
from vsutil import depth
core = vs.core
def to_rgbs(clip: vs.VideoNode, matrix: int = 1) -> vs.VideoNode:
clip = depth(clip, 32).std.SetFrameProp('_Matrix', intval=matrix)
clip = core.resize.Bicubic(clip, format=vs.RGBS)
return clip
def to_yuvps(clip: vs.VideoNode, matrix: int = 1) -> vs.VideoNode:
return core.resize.Bicubic(clip, format=vs.YUV420P16, matrix=matrix)
def vsclip_ndarray(clip):
assert isinstance(clip, vs.VideoNode)
num = clip.num_frames
planes = clip.format.num_planes
dn = []
for n, f in enumerate(clip.frames(close=True)):
d = []
for p in range(planes):
arr = np.array(f[p], copy=False)
d.append(arr.reshape([1] + list(arr.shape) + [1]))
dn.append(np.concatenate(d, axis=3))
dn = np.concatenate(dn, axis=0)
return dn
def float32_vsclip(s, clip=None):
assert isinstance(s, np.ndarray)
if len(s.shape) <= 3: s = s.reshape([1] + list(s.shape))
num = s.shape[-4]
height = s.shape[-3]
width = s.shape[-2]
planes = s.shape[-1]
if clip is None:
clip = core.std.BlankClip(None, width, height, vs.RGBS if planes == 3 else vs.GRAYS, num)
def convert_func(n, f):
fout = f.copy()
for p in range(planes):
d = np.array(fout[p], copy=False)
np.copyto(d, s[n, :, :, p])
del d
return fout
return core.std.ModifyFrame(clip, clip, convert_func)
clip = key
src = core.ffms2.Source(clip)
# src = src[0:10]
# src.set_output(0)
src = to_rgbs(src)
arr = vsclip_ndarray(src)
# print(type(arr))
# np.savez_compressed('data.npz', arr)
for frame in range(0, src.num_frames):
for i in range(20, 1070):
arr[frame][i][:] = arr[frame][i+1][:]
arr1 = float32_vsclip(arr)
arr1 = arr1.std.AssumeFPS(fpsnum=24000, fpsden=1001)
# arr1.set_output(2)
final = depth(
to_yuvps(arr1.resize.Spline36(range_in_s="limited", range_s="full")), 10
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