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Created January 15, 2023 19:32
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import httpx
from dataclasses import dataclass
import json
from typing import Union
error_codes: dict = {
"10001": "service temporarily unavailable",
"10002": "missing CF-Ray header",
"10003": "missing account public ID",
"10004": "missing account tag",
"10005": "URL parameter account tag does not match JWT account tag",
"10006": "malformed account tag",
"10007": "malformed page argument",
"10008": "malformed per_page argument",
"10009": "key not found",
"10010": "malformed namespace",
"10011": "malformed namespace ID",
"10012": "malformed value",
"10013": "namespace not found",
"10014": "namespace already exists",
"10015": "missing account internal ID",
"10016": "malformed account internal ID",
"10018": "too many namespaces in this account",
"10019": "missing title",
"10021": "this namespace does not support the list-keys endpoint",
"10022": "too many requests",
"10024": "payload too large",
"10025": "endpoint does not exist",
"10026": "not entitled",
"10028": "invalid limit argument",
"10029": "invalid request",
"10030": "key too long",
"10033": "invalid expiration",
"10034": "invalid expiration ttl",
"10035": "this namespace does not support the bulk endpoint",
"10037": "the user lacks the permissions to perform this operation",
"10038": "this namespace does not support the list-keys prefix parameter",
"10041": "invalid \"list keys\" cursor",
"10042": "illegal key name",
"10043": "invalid order",
"10044": "invalid direction",
"10045": "deprecated endpoint",
"10046": "too many bulk requests",
"10047": "invalid metadata",
"10048": "free limit reached"
class Account:
mail: str
auth_key: str
account_id: str
class CfData:
account: Account
headers: dict
namespace_id: Union[str, None]
api: str
def __init__(self, namespace_id: str=None, *, account: Account):
self.account.mail = account.mail
self.account.auth_key = account.auth_key
self.headers = {
'X-Auth-Email': self.mail,
'X-Auth-Key' : self.auth_key
self.namespace_id = namespace_id
self.account.account_id = account.account_id
self.api = f"{self.account.account_id}/storage/kv/namespaces/{self.namespace_id}"
class KVNamespaceError(Exception):
class Namespace:
account: Account
headers: dict
namespace_id: Union[str, None]
api: str
def __init__(self, namespace_id: str=None, *, account: Account):
self.account.mail = account.mail
self.account.auth_key = account.auth_key
self.headers = {
'X-Auth-Email': self.mail,
'X-Auth-Key' : self.auth_key,
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
self.namespace_id = namespace_id
self.account.account_id = account.account_id
self.api = f"{self.account_id}"
async def create_namespace(self, title: str) -> CfData:
data = json.dumps({
'title': title
}) # disable json.dumps() to force a 10010 error
resp ="{self.api}", headers=self.headers, data=data)
if resp.status_code == 400:
resp_json = resp.json()
raise KVNamespaceError(error_codes[int(resp_json["errors"]["code"])])
return CfData(self.account.mail, self.account.auth_key, str(resp_json["result"]["id"]), self.account.account_id)
async def get_namespace(self, namespace_id: str=None, title: str=None) -> CfData:
# if id given, then send the object of that, else with title, call list_namespaces
if namespace_id is None and title:
resp = httpx.get(f"{self.api}", headers=self.headers)
resp_json = resp.json()
namespace_id, *_ = [i['id'] for i in resp_json["result"] if i['title'] == title]
return CfData(self.account.mail, self.account.auth_key, str(namespace_id), self.account.account_id)
return CfData(self.account.mail, self.account.auth_key, str(namespace_id), self.account.account_id)
async def list_namespaces(self) -> list:
resp = httpx.get(f"{self.api}", headers=self.headers)
resp_json = resp.json()
for namespace in resp_json["result"]:
print(namespace["title"] + ":" + namespace["id"])
def delete_namespace(self) -> None:
httpx.delete(f"{self.api}", headers=self.headers)
async def getter(nuke: str, cfobj: CfData):
resp = httpx.get(f"{cfobj.api}values/{nuke}", headers=cfobj.headers)
async def fetter(nuke: str, data: str, cfobj: CfData):
resp = httpx.put(f"{cfobj.api}/values/{nuke}", headers=cfobj.headers, data=data)
def main():
accobj = Account("", "ksudvcehbcj", "ejfcnkenclemc")
cfobj = CfData("kcjekjcnecmlk", accobj)
getter("", cfobj)
fetter("", "", cfobj)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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