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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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Save itsthatguy/9166257 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A few functions to help you test your bitwise operations
Foo = require("./")
describe 'Foo', ->
testOpts =
initialNumber: 255
initialArray: [255,255,255]
expectedBinary: 10010010101110101000
it 'should return a correct binary string', ->
foo = new Foo()
binary = foo.intToBinary(testOpts.initialNumber)
binary.should.equal "11111111"
it 'should return a correct hexadecimal string', ->
foo = new Foo()
binary = foo.intToHexadecimal(testOpts.initialNumber)
binary.should.equal "ff"
it 'should return a correct binary string from an array', ->
foo = new Foo()
binary = foo.arrayToBinary(testOpts.initialArray)
binary.should.equal "111111111111111111111111"
it 'should return a correct hexadecimal string from an array', ->
foo = new Foo()
binary = foo.arrayToHexadecimal(testOpts.initialArray)
binary.should.equal "ffffff"
class Foo
arrayToBinary: (array) -> ( (n) => @intToBinary(n)).join('')
arrayToHexadecimal: (array) -> ( (n) => @intToHexadecimal(n)).join('')
intToHexadecimal: (number) -> return parseInt(number).toString(16)
intToBinary: (number) -> return parseInt(number).toString(2)
module.exports = Foo
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