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Created October 13, 2009 16:58
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# conway.r
# Thomson Nguyen
# Simulates Conway's Game of Life
# size: the length of our starting matrix (a size^2 square)
# MIT License blah blah blah
# Directions:
# 1. Run script
# 2. Press enter to timestep
# 3. Breaks on non-blank input.
size <- 200
grid <- FALSE
matrix <- matrix(round(c(runif((size^2)))),nrow=size)
nrows <- dim(matrix)[1]
ncols <- dim(matrix)[2]
squaresize <- 60/max(c(nrows+1,ncols+1))
left = c(2:nrows,1)
right = c(nrows,1:nrows-1)
up = c(2:ncols,1)
down = c(ncols,1:ncols-1)
k = ""
# stop on keypress
while (nchar(k) == 0){
matrix.neigh <- matrix[,up] + matrix[left,] + matrix[,down] + matrix[right,] + matrix[left,up] + matrix[left,down] + matrix[right,up] + matrix[right,down]
# Conway's rules
mnew = matrix
mnew[(matrix==1 & matrix.neigh <= 1) | (matrix==1 & matrix.neigh >= 4)] <- 0
mnew[matrix==0 & matrix.neigh==3] <- 1
matrix = mnew
m1 <- which((matrix==1),arr.ind=TRUE)
if (grid == TRUE) m0 <- which((matrix==0),arr.ind=TRUE)
# plot time
if (grid == TRUE) points(m0[,c(2,1)],pch=22,cex=squaresize)
k <- scan(what = "character",nmax = 1,quiet=TRUE)
k <- paste(k,"",sep="")
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