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Thomson Nguyen itsthomson

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itsthomson / johnyaupoem
Created January 16, 2011 17:38
January 18, 1979
January 18, 1979
John Yau
So often artists have painted a woman
washing, or combing her hair.
And nearby is a mirror.
And there you were, crouched in the tub.
It was cold in the apartment.
It is always cold in winter.
For example, a turkey using Bayesian inference would have a very
specific posterior distribution of the kindness of a farmer who
feeds it every day for 1000 days only to be surprised by a
Thanksgiving event that was so many standard deviations away
from the turkey’s mean belief that he never would have saw it
when faced with two choices, simply toss a coin.
it works not because it settles the question for you.
but because in that brief moment when the coin is in the air,
you suddenly know what you are hoping for.
"Oxford is more ritualistic, is more conservative ... Cambridge
is more scientific, more liberal ... in terms of our religion,
[Oxford] is High Church [i.e. Catholic] ... Cambridge is Low
Church, is Protestant. It's probably partly to do with the
geography. [Cambridge and the East of England] is not very
rich ... There are not big landlords in the same way as in
central England, around Oxford ... [Cambridge] supported [the
republican] Oliver Cromwell, [whereas Oxford] supported the
king in the Civil War ... so in a way [Cambridge] is liberal
... and Oxford is a bit more aristocratic ... [Cambridge
Snippets from a letter written to me today,
from me on May 21, 2007 (using
You're still not considering shaving your head permanently, are you?
Hopefully, you're chugging along nicely through your PhD. So Cambridge?
from Le Monde, 26/04/10
Le roi Albert II a accepté, lundi 26 avril, en début de soirée, la démission du premier ministre,
Yves Leterme. Les Belges se rendront donc en principe aux urnes au début du mois de juin. Il ne
semble plus y avoir d'autre issue à la crise commencée jeudi dernier, moment où M. Leterme a
annoncé au roi la démission de son équipe. Le chef de l'Etat avait tenu sa décision en suspens,
dans l'espoir d'un éventuel retour au calme au sein de la coalition.
Comme M. Leterme, il avait toutefois dû constater un profond désaccord entre les trois partis
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Von: Safety Advisor <>
Betreff: [CUCBC Captains] Swan and sewage leak
Datum: Tue, 13 Apr 2010 11:54:06 +0100
There have been a number of recent attacks from the swan know as Mr Asbo
or Stalin at the bottom of the Reach and into Plough Reach. There are
states i've been to (11/50)
Dear Thomson,
How are you doing? I just wanted to let you know that I got into UC Riverside
and I owe it all to you man. I am still waiting on UC Irvine and UC Merced.
I wasn't planning on applying to any UC's at all because of my GPA and SAT
scores but I'm glad you forced me to. I will be the first one in my family
to go to college and hopefully the first one to graduate. Thanks again for
all the help you've given me on the personal statement and for giving me all
the cool books for me to read this year.
If fidelity to freedom of democracy is the code of our civic
religion, then surely the code of our humanity is faithful
service to that unwritten commandment that says we shall give
our children better than we ourselves received.