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Last active January 1, 2024 12:48
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  • Save itsuki-hayashi/66ae8c73e1cc7aa7743db6f79e1f9cc6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Convert AVIF to JPG in PowerShell with ImageMagick
# Single thread
Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath . -Filter *.avif | ForEach-Object {
$jpgFileName = [System.IO.Path]::ChangeExtension($_.Name, '.jpg')
magick convert $_.FullName $jpgFileName
# Or parallel
$scriptBlock = {
$outputFile = [System.IO.Path]::ChangeExtension($inputFile, '.jpg')
magick convert $inputFile $outputFile
$maxConcurrentJobs = [Environment]::ProcessorCount
$jobs = @()
Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath . -Filter *.avif | ForEach-Object {
if ($jobs.Count -ge $maxConcurrentJobs) {
$finishedJob = Wait-Job -Job $jobs -Any
Receive-Job -Job $finishedJob
$jobs = $jobs | Where-Object { $_.State -ne 'Completed' }
$job = Start-Job -ScriptBlock $scriptBlock -ArgumentList $_.FullName
$jobs += $job
# Wait for all jobs to complete and receive their output
Get-Job | Wait-Job
Get-Job | Receive-Job
# Clean up the job objects
Get-Job | Remove-Job
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