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Last active July 28, 2016 12:56
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Polymorphic matching
class FruitTest extends SpecificationWithJUnit {
trait Fruit
case class Apple(color: String) extends Fruit
case class Peach(ripeness: Double) extends Fruit
def aColorfulApple(color: String): Matcher[Fruit] = {
val appleMatcher: Matcher[Apple] = be_===(color) ^^ { a: Apple =>
a.color aka "apple color"
val fruitMatcher: Matcher[Fruit] = (_: Fruit) match {
case apple: Apple => appleMatcher.apply(MustExpectable[Apple](apple))
case _ => ko("something which is not an apple")
"match an apple from a set of fruits" in {
Set(Apple("red"), Apple("green"), Peach(0.3)) must contain(aColorfulApple("green"))
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ittaiz commented Jul 28, 2016

definitely. WDYT about contributing it to specs2? And WDYT about the T subtype of A?

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povilas commented Jul 28, 2016

Contributing to spec2:
Yeah, why not :) Just I personally would prefer syntax like this

class FruitTest extends SpecWithJUnit with Matchers {

  trait Fruit

  case class Apple(color: String) extends Fruit

  case class Peach(ripeness: Double) extends Fruit

  implicit class IsA[T: ClassTag](matcher: Matcher[T]) {
    def unary_~[A] = beLike[A] {
      case value: T => matcher(value)
      case value => MatchFailure("", "is not " + classTag[T].runtimeClass.getSimpleName, value)

  def aColorfulApple(color: String): Matcher[Apple] =
    be_===(color) ^^ ((_: Apple).color aka "color")

  "match an apple from a set of fruits" in {
    Set(Apple("red"), Apple("green"), Peach(0.3)) must contain(~aColorfulApple("greenz"))

But not everyone likes this :)

T subtype of A:
If you thinking about having def isA[A <: T, T: ClassTag](matcher: Matcher[T]): Matcher[A] - it doesn't compile and i'm not sure how to make it work :)

Error:(25, 67) type mismatch;
 found   : org.specs2.matcher.ValueCheck[FruitTest.this.Apple]
 required: org.specs2.matcher.ValueCheck[Product with Serializable with FruitTest.this.Fruit]
Note: FruitTest.this.Apple <: Product with Serializable with FruitTest.this.Fruit, but trait ValueCheck is invariant in type T.
You may wish to define T as +T instead. (SLS 4.5)
    Set(Apple("red"), Apple("green"), Peach(0.3)) must contain(isA(aColorfulApple("greenz")))

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ittaiz commented Jul 28, 2016

Actually given they have the beLike I don't know if the contribution is that dramatic

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povilas commented Jul 28, 2016

yup, its just small wrapper for simple:

    Set(Apple("red"), Apple("green"), Peach(0.3)) must contain(beLike[Fruit] {
      case value: Apple => aColorfulApple("greenz").apply(value)
      case _ => ko("not apple")

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I actually have a very different way of implementing this:

sealed trait Category
case class SpecificCategory(term: String) extends Category
case class CategoryGroup(prefix: String) extends Category

trait SpecificCategoryMatchers {
  // Basic category matcher:
  def aSpecificCategory: Matcher[SpecificCategory] =

  // Matcher builder as an extended class
  implicit class ExtendSpecificCategoryMatcher(base: Matcher[SpecificCategory]) {
    def withTerm(termMatcher: Matcher[String]): Matcher[SpecificCategory] =
      base and termMatcher ^^ { sc: SpecificCategory => sc.term }
    // ... more builders

  // Two implicit conversions for matching against containers (this is where the subtyping relationship really matters)
  /** Enables syntax like `results must contain(aSpecificCategory(...))` */
  implicit def `SpecificCategory matcher as ValueCheck`(m: Matcher[SpecificCategory]): ValueCheck[Category] =
      beAnInstanceOf[SpecificCategory] and
      { result: Category => result.asInstanceOf[SpecificCategory] } ^^ m

  /** Enable syntax like `results must contain(aSpecificCategory(...), aSpecificCategory(...), ...)` */
  implicit def `Sequence of SpecificCategory matcher as sequence of ValueChecks`(seq: Seq[Matcher[SpecificCategory]]): Seq[ValueCheck[Category]] =
    seq map `SpecificCategory matcher as ValueCheck`

While this is a bit annoying to write (although you can copy-paste or even template most of this), it allows very flexible syntax on the usage site:

    "employ case-insensitive alphabetic ordering" in {
      val lowerCase = aCategory("lower")
      val upperCase = aCategory("Upper")
      assert(lowerCase.term > upperCase.term, "This test case requires a lexicographically-ordered pair")
      val index = allocateIndex(aPayload.withCategories(lowerCase, upperCase))
      val results = index.suggestCategory("er").results
      // This is where the magic happens: results is a Seq[Category] and we're matching on multiple entries
      results should contain(exactly(

The same principal applies to all of the other subtypes, and you can mix-and-match them safely.

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The whole thing can be found in the onboarding server: matchers and test spec.

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povilas commented Jul 28, 2016

yup, this really looks nice in tests

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