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Created June 10, 2012 03:15
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Save itxx00/2903721 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
set nocompatible "关闭vi兼容
set enc=utf-8
"set number "显示行号
filetype plugin on "文件类型
set history=500 "历史命令
syntax on "语法高亮
"set autoindent "ai 自动缩进
"set smartindent "智能缩进
set showmatch "括号匹配
set ruler "右下角显示光标状态行
set nohls "关闭匹配的高亮显示
set incsearch "设置快速搜索
set foldenable "开启代码折叠
"set fdm=manual "手动折叠
set foldmethod=syntax "自动语法折叠
set modeline "自动载入模式行
func! AppendModeline()
let l:modeline = printf(" vim: set ts=%d sw=%d tw=%d :",
\ &tabstop, &shiftwidth, &textwidth)
let l:modeline = substitute(&commentstring, "%s", l:modeline, "")
call append(line("$"), l:modeline)
nnoremap <silent> <Leader>ml :call AppendModeline()<CR>
nnoremap <space> @=((foldclosed(line('.')) < 0) ? 'zc' : 'zo')<CR>
"set tabstop=4
"set shiftwidth=4
set ts=4
set sw=4
set expandtab
if version >= 603
set helplang=cn
set encoding=utf-8
autocmd BufNewFile *.py,*.sh exec ":call SetTitle()"
func SetTitle()
if &filetype == 'sh'
call setline(1, "\#!/bin/bash")
call append(line("."), "\#")
call append(line(".")+1, "")
call setline(1, "\#!/bin/env python")
call append(line("."), "\#coding:utf-8")
call append(line(".")+1, "\")
call append(line(".")+2, "")
autocmd BufNewFile * normal G
nnoremap <F2> :g/^\s*$/d<CR>
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