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Last active August 12, 2022 08:56
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#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
a_newer = 1
b_newer = -1
a_eq_b = 0
def stringToEVR(verstring):
if verstring in (None, ''):
return ('', '', '')
i = verstring.find(':')
if i == -1:
epoch = ''
epoch = verstring[:i]
i += 1
j = verstring.find('-', i)
if j == -1:
version = verstring[i:]
release = ''
version = verstring[i:j]
release = verstring[j+1:]
return (epoch, version, release)
def compare_evrs(evr_a, evr_b):
a_epoch, a_ver, a_rel = evr_a
b_epoch, b_ver, b_rel = evr_b
if a_epoch != b_epoch:
return a_newer if a_epoch > b_epoch else b_newer
ver_comp = compare_versions(a_ver, b_ver)
if ver_comp != a_eq_b:
return ver_comp
rel_comp = compare_versions(a_rel, b_rel)
return rel_comp
def compare_versions(version_a, version_b):
if version_a == version_b:
return a_eq_b
chars_a, chars_b = list(version_a), list(version_b)
except TypeError:
raise RpmError('Could not compare {0} to '
'{1}'.format(version_a, version_b))
while len(chars_a) != 0 and len(chars_b) != 0:
_check_leading(chars_a, chars_b)
if chars_a[0] == '~' and chars_b[0] == '~':
map(lambda x: x.pop(0), (chars_a, chars_b))
elif chars_a[0] == '~':
return b_newer
elif chars_b[0] == '~':
return a_newer
if len(chars_a) == 0 or len(chars_b) == 0:
block_res = _get_block_result(chars_a, chars_b)
if block_res != a_eq_b:
return block_res
if len(chars_a) == len(chars_b):
return a_eq_b
return a_newer if len(chars_a) > len(chars_b) else b_newer
def _check_leading(*char_lists):
for char_list in char_lists:
while (len(char_list) != 0 and not char_list[0].isalnum() and
not char_list[0] == '~'):
def _trim_zeros(*char_lists):
for char_list in char_lists:
while len(char_list) != 0 and char_list[0] == '0':
def _pop_digits(char_list):
digits = []
while len(char_list) != 0 and char_list[0].isdigit():
return digits
def _pop_letters(char_list):
letters = []
while len(char_list) != 0 and char_list[0].isalpha():
return letters
def _compare_blocks(block_a, block_b):
if block_a[0].isdigit():
_trim_zeros(block_a, block_b)
if len(block_a) != len(block_b):
return a_newer if len(block_a) > len(block_b) else b_newer
if block_a == block_b:
return a_eq_b
return a_newer if block_a > block_b else b_newer
def _get_block_result(chars_a, chars_b):
first_is_digit = chars_a[0].isdigit()
pop_func = _pop_digits if first_is_digit else _pop_letters
return_if_no_b = a_newer if first_is_digit else b_newer
block_a, block_b = pop_func(chars_a), pop_func(chars_b)
if len(block_b) == 0:
return return_if_no_b
return _compare_blocks(block_a, block_b)
(e1, v1, r1) = stringToEVR(sys.argv[1])
(e2, v2, r2) = stringToEVR(sys.argv[2])
rc = compare_evrs((e1 or None, v1 or None, r1 or None),
(e2 or None, v2 or None, r2 or None))
if rc >= 0:
# first ver >= second ver
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