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Last active October 11, 2023 09:49
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Known Answer Tests for Multimixer-128: Universal Keyed Hashing, based on Integer Multiplication
diff --git a/ReferenceCode/ b/ReferenceCode/
index 2f9b11e..54cb0a6 100644
--- a/ReferenceCode/
+++ b/ReferenceCode/
@@ -96,9 +96,70 @@ def Int_multimix(M,K):
#256 = block size of Multimixer-128
-l = int(input("Enter message Length: "))
+def gen_rand_bytes(l: int) -> bytes:
+ return bytes([random.randint(0x00, 0xff) for i in range(l)])
-Msg = rand_key(l*256)
-Key = rand_key(l*256)
+def bytes_to_bitstring(data: bytes, word_size_bits: int = 32) -> str:
+ word_size_bytes = word_size_bits // 8
+ word_cnt = len(data) // word_size_bytes
-print(Int_multimix(Msg, Key))
+ assert word_size_bytes in [4, 8], "Word size must be 32, 64 -bits !"
+ bs = ''
+ for i in range(word_cnt):
+ block = data[i * word_size_bytes:(i + 1) * word_size_bytes]
+ word = int.from_bytes(block, byteorder='little')
+ if word_size_bytes == 4:
+ bits = '{:032b}'.format(word)
+ else:
+ bits = '{:064b}'.format(word)
+ bs += bits
+ return bs
+def bitstring_to_bytes(bs: str, word_size_bits: int = 64) -> bytes:
+ word_size_bytes = word_size_bits // 8
+ word_cnt = len(bs) // word_size_bits
+ data = b''
+ for i in range(word_cnt):
+ bits = bs[i * word_size_bits:(i + 1) * word_size_bits]
+ word = int(bits, base=2)
+ block = word.to_bytes(word_size_bytes, byteorder='little')
+ data += block
+ return data
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ KAT_COUNT = 256
+ SEED = 1
+ random.seed(SEED)
+ for i in range(KAT_COUNT):
+ mlen = (i+1) * BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES
+ key = gen_rand_bytes(mlen)
+ msg = gen_rand_bytes(mlen)
+ key_bits = bytes_to_bitstring(key, word_size_bits=IN_WORD_SIZE_BITS)
+ msg_bits = bytes_to_bitstring(msg, word_size_bits=IN_WORD_SIZE_BITS)
+ assert bitstring_to_bytes(key_bits, word_size_bits=IN_WORD_SIZE_BITS) == key
+ assert bitstring_to_bytes(msg_bits, word_size_bits=IN_WORD_SIZE_BITS) == msg
+ md_bits = Int_multimix(msg_bits, key_bits)
+ md = bitstring_to_bytes(md_bits, word_size_bits=OUT_WORD_SIZE_BITS)
+ assert bytes_to_bitstring(md, word_size_bits=OUT_WORD_SIZE_BITS) == md_bits
+ print(f"mlen = {mlen}")
+ print(f"key = {key.hex()}")
+ print(f"msg = {msg.hex()}")
+ print(f"md = {md.hex()}\n")
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Steps for Reproducibly Generating KAT Files for Multimixer-128

Multimixer-128 is a universal keyed hashing scheme, based on 32 -bit integer addition and multiplication, which was defined in paper I implemented Multimixer-128 as a Rust library in But I couldn't find any KAT files, to ensure functional correctness and conformance of my library implementation, so I took the venture of creating a few, using the reference implementation of Multimixer-128, that was supplied by authors.

  1. Clone git repository, holding reference implementation of Multimixer-128.
git clone
pushd Multimixer/
git checkout 797bbba9d2b3c3ec15403cbf3d7ef588ec16d81d # Important step
  1. Clone git repository, holding above git patch.
git clone
pushd a32eab0244af55eba2847c6472337535
sha256sum git.patch # Must be 5b23db7ea62dc1a6c38c7cb67c92b65f5e74b1e491b45bfd1ecb12d30f9ffbf8
  1. Apply git patch on reference implementation of Multimixer-128.
cp a32eab0244af55eba2847c6472337535/git.patch Multimixer/
pushd Multimixer/
git apply git.patch
git diff # Optional, but shows the changes applied
  1. Generate Known Answer Tests.
pushd Multimixer/
python3 ReferenceCode/ | tee multimixer128.kat
sha256sum multimixer128.kat # Must be 88bb132696e986dd859af44a0d343d0e62a8e70feb0c159d6b69aee5dfe83094

Generated KAT file (multimixer128.kat) lives in the root directory of the reference implementation.

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