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Created February 16, 2019 16:58
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class Tree t where
subtrees :: t -> [t]
data BinTree a = Leaf a
| BinTree a :^: BinTree a
data STree a = Empty
| Split a (STree a) (STree a)
data RoseTree a = Rose a [RoseTree a]
deriving Show
instance Tree (BinTree a) where
subtrees (Leaf _) = []
subtrees (l :^: r) = [l, r]
instance Tree (STree a) where
subtrees Empty = []
subtrees (Split _ l r) = [l, r]
instance Tree (RoseTree a) where
subtrees (Rose _ ts) = ts
dfs :: Tree t => t -> [t]
dfs t = t : concat (map dfs (subtrees t))
bfs :: Tree t => t -> [t]
bfs = concat . lev
where lev t = [t] : foldr cat [] (map lev (subtrees t))
cat = combine (++)
combine :: (a -> a -> a) -> ([a] -> [a] -> [a])
combine f (x:xs) (y:ys) = f x y : combine f xs ys
combine f [] ys = ys
combine f xs [] = xs
find :: Tree t => (t -> Bool) -> t -> t
find p = head . filter p . dfs
-- 5
-- / \
-- 3 7
-- / \
-- 1 4
rt = Rose 5 [Rose 3 [Rose 1 [], Rose 4[]], Rose 7 []]
p :: Int -> RoseTree Int -> Bool
p n (Rose x _) = x == n
rdfs n = head . filter (p n) . dfs $ rt
rbfs n = head . filter (p n) . bfs $ rt
till :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
till p [] = []
till p (x:xs) | p x = [x]
| otherwise = x:(till p xs)
label :: RoseTree a -> a
label (Rose a _) = a
rbfs' p = (till p) . (map label) . bfs
t = rbfs' (==1) rt
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