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Created February 3, 2018 07:30
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#imaginile le gasesti aici
#=====GLOBAL VARIABLES============
import random
import tkinter
def load_images(card_images): #incarca imaginile cu cartile
suits= ['heart', 'club', 'diamond', 'spade'] #case sensitive
face_cards= ['jack', 'queen', 'king']
#apoi verificam ce versiune de tkinter folosim
#pt ca doar dupa 8.5 merge sa folosesti .png
#eu oricum nu folosesc PNG dar e bine de avut
if tkinter.TkVersion >= 8.6:
extension = 'ppm' #puneai aici png daca aveai pozele si in formatul ala
extension = 'ppm'
#for each suit, retrive the image for the cards
for suit in suits:
#first the number cards 1 to 10
for card in range(1,11):
name = 'cards\{}_{}.{}'.format(str(card), suit, extension) #cards e directorul in care avem pozele
image = tkinter.PhotoImage(file= name)
card_images.append((card, image))
#next the face cards
for card in face_cards:
name = 'cards\{}_{}.{}'.format(str(card), suit, extension) #daca esti pe linux/mac pui cards/, nu cards\ ca pe win
image = tkinter.PhotoImage(file = name)
card_images.append((10, image))
def deal_card(frame):
#pop the next card of the top of the deck
next_card = deck.pop(0) #pop retrieves an item from the END of the list, and also removes it
#opusul lui append
#insa, daca ii pui zero la argument in paranteza, o ia pe prima din pachet
#and add it to the back of the pack
deck.append(next_card) #daca nu pui linis asta si dai de multe ori new game
#ramai fara carti in pachet si va da eroare... dupa cateva jocuri
#add the image to a label and display a label
tkinter.Label(frame, image= next_card[1], relief= 'raised').pack(side= 'left')
#now return the card's face value
return next_card
#it's a bad ideea to mix grid and pack in the same window
def score_hand(hand):
#Calculate the total score of all cards in the list
#only 1 Ace can have the value of 11
#and the value of the Ace will be reduced to one if the hand will bust
score = 0
ace = False
for next_card in hand:
#ia cartile la rand
card_value = next_card[0] #prima carte
if card_value == 1 and not ace: #ace e False in momentul asta
ace = True
card_value = 11 #daca e singurul as, are 11 puncte
score += card_value
#if we would bust, check if there is an ace
#and substract 10 if you find one (Ace)
if score > 21 and ace: #daca ai scor >21 si ai as in mana
score -= 10
ace = False
return score
def deal_dealer():
dealer_score = score_hand(dealer_hand)
while 0 < dealer_score < 17: #daca scorul e sub 17, dealerul
#primeste automat inca o carte
dealer_score = score_hand(dealer_hand)
dealer_score_label.set(dealer_score) #show it on the screen
player_score = score_hand(player_hand)
if player_score > 21:
result_text.set("Dealer Wins!")
elif dealer_score > 21 or dealer_score < player_score:
result_text.set("Scorpion Wins! -player-")
elif dealer_score > player_score:
result_text.set("dealer wins!")
result_text.set("Draw !")
def deal_player():
player_score = score_hand(player_hand)
if player_score > 21:
result_text.set("SUB-ZERO wins! -dealer-")
def new_game():
global dealer_card_frame
global player_card_frame
global dealer_hand
global player_hand
#embedded frame to hold the card images for the dealer
dealer_card_frame.destroy() # to clear the score from prev game
dealer_card_frame = tkinter.Frame(card_frame, background = 'green')
dealer_card_frame.grid(row = 0, column =1, sticky = 'ew', rowspan = 2)
#embedded frame to hold the card images for the player
player_card_frame.destroy() # to clear the score from prev game
player_card_frame = tkinter.Frame(card_frame, background = 'green')
player_card_frame.grid(row = 2, column =1, sticky = 'ew', rowspan = 2)
result_text.set("") #empty string to clear the result from prev game
#create the list to store dealer`s and player's hand
dealer_hand = []
player_hand = []
deal_player() #pleier primeste automat prima carte
mai jos ai vechea varianta de deal_player
#daca totusi vrei sa modifici o variabila globala in interiorul unei functii
#folosesti keyword global, vor fi folosite variabelele globale
#si nu vor mai fi create variabile locale cu acelasi nume
global player_score
global player_ace
card_value = deal_card(player_card_frame)[0]
if card_value == 1 and not player_ace:
player_ace = True #cand ai un as o setezi true, pt cazul in care iti pica si al doilea
#as, asa o sa stie si o sa puna al doilea as 1, nu 11 puncte
card_value = 11 #asta verifica daca mai ai sau nu un as
#daca nu ai, asul tau va valora 11 puncte
#daca ai 2 asi, al doilea valoreaza 1 punct, ca sa nu faci peste 21
player_score += card_value
#if we would bust(faci peste 21), check if there is an ace, and substract 10
#aka il faci 1 pe al doilea as din mana
if player_score > 21 and player_ace: #player_ace verifica daca ai un as in mana
player_score -= 10
player_ace = False
if player_score > 21:
result_text.set("Dealer wins!")
print(locals()) #printeaza TOATE variabilele locale
#player_ace is set True if that would be necessary to prevent the player
#going bust. If it's False, the ace counts as 11, otherwise it counts as 1.
#That check is repeated for each ace found. If the player would go bust and
#has an ace, 10 is subtracted from the score (making the ace worth 1 instead of 11).
#exceptia este APPEND, daca faci append, nu faci shadowing si deci nu da eroare in caz ca pui o var globala
#intr-o functie fara sa folosesti keyword global
#atat player_hand[] cat si dealer_hand[] sunt initializate ca liste, continua sa faca referinta la aceleasi liste
#cat timp programul ruleaza, ADDING OR REMOVING ITEMS FROM A LIST IS NOT
#MODIFYING the list variable
#player_score_label isn't given a value in the function, it continues to refer to exactly
#the same widget all the time.
#Calling its set function to make the widget display different text isn't
#the same as changing the variable.
#That will make more sense when we cover classes, later in the course.
def shuffle():
random.shuffle(deck) #execute random.shuffle for the deck
mainWindow = tkinter.Tk()
#set up the screen and frames for the dealer and player
mainWindow.title("Black Jack")
result_text = tkinter.StringVar()
result = tkinter.Label(mainWindow, textvariable = result_text)
result.grid(row= 0, column= 0, columnspan= 3)
card_frame = tkinter.Frame(mainWindow, relief='sunken', borderwidth=1, background = 'green')
card_frame.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky = 'ew', columnspan= 3, rowspan= 2)
dealer_score_label = tkinter.IntVar()
tkinter.Label(card_frame, text='Dealer', background= 'green', fg= 'white').grid(row=0, column=0)
tkinter.Label(card_frame, textvariable= dealer_score_label, background='green', fg='white').grid(row= 1, column= 0)
#embeded frame to hold the card images
dealer_card_frame= tkinter.Frame(card_frame, background= 'green')
dealer_card_frame.grid(row= 0, column= 1, sticky= 'ew', rowspan= 2)
player_score_label = tkinter.IntVar()
#variables that are defined NOT IN A FUNCTION, are called GLOBAL V
#variables that are defined IN A FUNCTIONS, are called LOCAL V
tkinter.Label(card_frame, text= 'Player', background= 'green', fg='white').grid(row=2, column=0)
tkinter.Label(card_frame, textvariable= player_score_label, background= 'green', fg= 'white').grid(row= 3, column= 0)
#embedded frame to hold the card images
player_card_frame = tkinter.Frame(card_frame, background= 'green')
player_card_frame.grid(row=2, column= 1, sticky= 'ew', rowspan= 2) #ew adica pe toata latimea
button_frame = tkinter.Frame(mainWindow)
button_frame.grid(row= 3, column= 0, columnspan= 3, sticky='w')
#be carefull when setting up the command property of widgets, the value that you assign has to be the function
#that you want to be executed when the button is clicked
dealer_button = tkinter.Button(button_frame, text= 'Dealer', command= deal_dealer) #daca incluzi parantezele dupa numele functiei
#you're asigning the result of calling the function, rather than asigning the function itself
#and assigning the function itself is what you want
dealer_button.grid(row= 0, column=0)
player_button = tkinter.Button(button_frame, text= 'Player', command = deal_player)
player_button.grid(row= 0, column =1)
new_game_button = tkinter.Button(button_frame, text= 'New game', command = new_game)
new_game_button.grid(row = 0, column = 2)
shuffle_button = tkinter.Button(button_frame, text = 'Shuffle Cards', command = shuffle)
shuffle_button.grid(row =0, column = 3)
#load cards
cards = []
#create a new deck of cards and shuffle them
#shuffle e din modulul random
deck = list(cards) #daca puneai aici deck=cards, la fiecare 'mana'
#ramaneau din ce in ce mai putine carti
#pt a juca cu mai multe 'pachete ' de carti poti face asa:
# deck = list(cards) + list(cards) + list(cards)
#create the list to store dealer`s and player's hand
dealer_hand = []
player_hand = []
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