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Last active February 23, 2023 08:38
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Example of calling Fortran from C++ using the enhanced C/Fortran interoperability
#pragma once
#include <complex>
#include <vector>
#include <array>
#include <type_traits>
#include <span> // C++ 20
#include <iostream>
#include <ISO_Fortran_binding.h> // F2018
// for a peek into the internals from a particular vendor:
namespace cfi {
namespace cfi_internal {
* Function templates to convert a template argument
* into an integer type code
template<typename T>
constexpr CFI_type_t type();
// Non-interoperable structure (default)
template<typename T>
constexpr CFI_type_t type(){ return CFI_type_other; }
// Specializations for supported types
constexpr CFI_type_t type<char>(){ return CFI_type_char; }
constexpr CFI_type_t type<bool>(){ return CFI_type_Bool; }
constexpr CFI_type_t type<float>(){ return CFI_type_float; }
constexpr CFI_type_t type<double>(){ return CFI_type_double; }
constexpr CFI_type_t type<std::complex<float>>(){ return CFI_type_float_Complex; }
constexpr CFI_type_t type<std::complex<double>>(){ return CFI_type_double_Complex; }
constexpr CFI_type_t type<int>(){ return CFI_type_int; }
constexpr CFI_type_t type<long>(){ return CFI_type_long; }
constexpr CFI_type_t type<long long>(){ return CFI_type_long_long; }
constexpr CFI_type_t type<std::size_t>(){ return CFI_type_size_t; }
constexpr CFI_type_t type<std::int8_t>(){ return CFI_type_int8_t; }
constexpr CFI_type_t type<std::int16_t>(){ return CFI_type_int16_t; }
//constexpr CFI_type_t type<std::int32_t>(){ return CFI_type_int32_t; }
//constexpr CFI_type_t type<std::int64_t>(){ return CFI_type_int64_t; }
constexpr CFI_type_t type<void*>(){ return CFI_type_cptr; }
} // namespace cfi_internal
* Enumerator class for attributes
enum class attr : CFI_attribute_t {
other = CFI_attribute_other,
allocatable = CFI_attribute_allocatable,
pointer = CFI_attribute_pointer
* C++-descriptor class encapsulating Fortran array
template<typename T, int rank_ = 1, attr attr_ = cfi::attr::other,
bool contiguous = false>
class cdesc_t {
static_assert(rank_ >= 0, "Rank must be non-negative");
static_assert(rank_ <= CFI_MAX_RANK,
"The maximum allowed rank is 15");
using value_type = T;
using size_type = std::size_t;
using reference = T&;
using const_reference = const T&;
using pointer = T*;
using const_pointer = const T*;
constexpr CFI_type_t type() const { return cfi_internal::type<T>(); };
constexpr CFI_rank_t rank() const { return rank_; };
// Version of ISO_Fortran_binding.h
constexpr int version() const { return this->get()->version; }
// Element length in bytes
std::size_t elem_len() const { return this->get()->elem_len; }
// Base constructor for assumed-shape arrays
cdesc_t(T* ptr, size_t n) :
static_assert(rank_ == 1,
"Rank must be equal to 1 to construct descriptor from pointer and length");
CFI_index_t extents[1] = { static_cast<CFI_index_t>(n) };
[[maybe_unused]] int status = CFI_establish(
//std::cout << "Descriptor has been established\n";
// Constructor for static array
template<std::size_t N>
cdesc_t(T (&ref)[N]) : cdesc_t(ref,N) {
static_assert(attr_ == cfi::attr::other);
static_assert(rank_ == 1,
"Rank must be equal to 1 to construct descriptor from static array");
// Constructor from std::vector
cdesc_t(std::vector<T> &buffer) : cdesc_t(,buffer.size()) {
static_assert(attr_ == cfi::attr::other);
static_assert(rank_ == 1,
"Rank must be equal to 1 to construct descriptor from std::vector");
// Constructor from std::array
template<std::size_t N>
cdesc_t(std::array<T,N> &buffer) : cdesc_t(,N) {
static_assert(attr_ == cfi::attr::other);
static_assert(rank_ == 1,
"Rank must be equal to 1 to construct descriptor from std::array");
// Constructor from an external descriptor
// (typically a dummy argument originating in Fortran)
cdesc_t(CFI_cdesc_t *desc) : ptr_(desc) {
// TODO: Runtime checks for matching type, rank, and attributes
// TODO: Assumed-size should be forbidden (no size available)
// Implicit cast to C-descriptor pointer
operator CFI_cdesc_t* () { return this->get(); }
// Implicit cast to std::span (only for rank-1 arrays,
// otherwise use .flatten())
#if __cpp_lib_span
operator std::span<T> const () {
static_assert(rank_ == 1,
"Rank must be equal to 1 to convert implicitly to std::span");
size_type n = this->get()->dim[0].extent;
return {this->data(),n};
// Return a flattened view of the array.
// TODO: handle assumed-size arrays
std::span<T> flatten() {
size_type nelem = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < rank_; ++i) {
nelem *= this->get()->dim[i].extent;
return {this->data(),nelem};
// Return pointer to the underlying descriptor
// (the name get() is inspired by the C++ smart pointer classes)
constexpr auto get(){ return ptr_; }
// Array subscript operators
T& operator[](std::size_t idx) {
static_assert(rank_ == 1,
"Rank must be 1 to use array subscript operator");
return *(data() + idx);
const T& operator[](std::size_t idx) const {
static_assert(rank_ == 1,
"Rank must be 1 to use array subscript operator");
return *(data() + idx);
// Iterator support
T* begin() { return &this->operator[](0); }
T* end() { return &this->operator[](this->get()->dim[0].extent); }
const T* cbegin() { return &this->operator[](0); }
const T* cend() { return &this->operator[](this->get()->dim[0].extent); }
using attribute_type = typename std::underlying_type<attr>::type;
// Return base address of the Fortran array
// cast to the correct type
inline pointer data() { return static_cast<pointer>(this->get()->base_addr); }
constexpr auto get_descptr() {
return reinterpret_cast<CFI_cdesc_t *>(&desc_);
// Descriptor containing the actual data
CFI_CDESC_T(rank_) desc_;
// Pointer to opaque descriptor object
CFI_cdesc_t *ptr_{nullptr};
} // namespace cfi
!> dot
!> Dot product of two contiguous arrays
!> The arrays must have the same length
real(c_double) function dot(a,b) bind(c,name='dot')
use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding, only: c_double
implicit none
real(c_double), intent(in), contiguous :: a(:), b(:)
dot = dot_product(a,b)
end function
#include <array>
#include <iostream>
#include "cxxfi.hpp"
using namespace cfi;
// real(c_double) function dot(a,b) bind(c,name='dot')
// use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding, only: c_double
// real(c_double), intent(in), contiguous :: a(:), b(:)
// dot = dot_product(a,b)
// end function
extern "C" double dot(CFI_cdesc_t *a, CFI_cdesc_t *b);
int main() {
std::array<double,3> a{1.,2.,3.};
std::vector<double> b = {1.,2.,3.};
{ /* fortran operations */
// cfi::cdesc_t<type,rank> f_obj(cpp_obj);
// This class is an adaptor from C++ to Fortran with explicit type and rank
cfi::cdesc_t<double,1> fa(a);
cfi::cdesc_t<double,1> fb(b);
// 1^2 + 2^2 + 3^2 = 1 + 4 + 9 = 14
std::cout << "dot(a,b) = " << dot(fa,fb) << '\n';
// Range-based for loop
for (auto &bitem : fb) {
bitem += 1.0;
// 1*2 + 2*3 + 3*4 = 2 + 6 + 12 = 20
std::cout << "dot(a,b) = " << dot(fa,fb) << '\n';
for (auto bitem : fb) {
std::cout << bitem << '\n';
return 0;
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