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Diffusion in a shrinking cylinder using FEM
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from math import sqrt
from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp
def l1kw(a,b):
"""Lobatto quadrature using 2 knots (trapezoid-like)"""
h = b - a
w0 = (2*a + b) / 6
w1 = (2*b + a) / 6
return [a,b], [h*w0,h*w1]
def l2kw(a,b):
"""Lobatto quadrature using 3 knots (Simpson-like)"""
h = b - a
eta = a + h*(0.5 + h/(10*(a + b)))
w0 = (3*a**2 + 6*a*b + b**2) / (12*(2*a + 3*b))
w1 = 25*(a + b)**3/(12*(2*a + 3*b)*(3*a + 2*b))
w2 = (a**2 + 6*a*b + 3*b**2)/(12*(3*a + 2*b))
return [a,eta,b], [h*w0,h*w1,h*w2]
def g1kw(a,b):
"""Gauss quadrature rule with 1 knot"""
eta = (2./3.)*(b**3 - a**3)/(b**2 - a**2)
w = (b**2 - a**2)/2.0
return [eta], [w]
def g2kw(a,b):
"""Gauss quadrature rule with 2 knots"""
P2 = a**2 + 4*a*b + b**2
R2 = a**2 + 7*a*b + b**2
P4 = a**4 + 10*(a**3*b + a*b**3) + 28*a**2*b**2 + b**4
P3 = a**3 + 4*(a**2*b + a*b**2) + b**3
h = b - a
eta1 = (6*P3 - h*sqrt(6*P4))/(10*P2)
eta2 = (6*P3 + h*sqrt(6*P4))/(10*P2)
w1 = 0.25*(a + b) - h*R2/(6*sqrt(6*P4))
w2 = 0.25*(a + b) + h*R2/(6*sqrt(6*P4))
return [eta1,eta2], [h*w1,h*w2]
def cumquad(x,y,qrule=g2kw):
"""Cumulative integral using cylindrical quadrature rule"""
N = x.size
s = np.empty_like(y)
s[0] = 0.0
for i in range(1,N):
a, b = x[i-1:i+1]
eta, w = qrule(a, b) # Quadrature rule
lsum = 0
for ei, wi in zip(eta,w):
nb = (ei-a)/(b-a)
na = 1 - nb
yi = y[i-1]*na + y[i]*nb
lsum += wi*yi
s[i] = s[i-1] + lsum
return s
def mass_matrix(x,qrule=None):
"""Mass matrix using either analytical or numerical quadrature"""
N = x.size
M = np.zeros((N,N))
# Loop over elements
for iel in range(N-1):
a, b = x[iel:iel+2]
h = b - a
lm = np.zeros((2,2))
if qrule is None:
# Analytical integral
lm[0,0] = (1./12.)*(-3*a**2 + 2*a*b + b**2)
lm[0,1] = -(1./12.)*(a-b)*(a+b)
lm[1,0] = lm[0,1]
lm[1,1] = (1./12.)*(-a**2 - 2*a*b + 3*b**2)
eta, w = qrule(a,b)
for ei, wi in zip(eta,w):
na, nb = 1.0 - (ei - a)/(b - a), (ei-a)/(b-a)
lm[0,0] += wi*(na*na)
lm[0,1] += wi*(na*nb)
lm[1,1] += wi*(nb*nb)
lm[1,0] = lm[0,1]
# Insert the local element matrix into the global one
M[iel:iel+2,iel:iel+2] += lm
return M
def apply_stiffness_matrix(x,y,r,D,alpha,qrule=g2kw):
"""Applies the stiffness matrix to a vector of dofs
x (1d-array): The mesh (element edges)
y (1d-array): Nodal values or DoFs
r (1d-array): Nodal values of r in wet reference frame
D (float): The diffusivity
alpha (float): Shrinkage coefficient
qrule, optional: A quadrature rule function
The vector, where C is the stiffness matrix
def dzeta(u,r_over_xi):
return D/(1 + alpha*u)**2 * (r_over_xi)**2
N = x.size
u = np.zeros_like(y)
# Loop over elements
for iel in range(N-1):
a, b = x[iel:iel+2]
h = b - a
# Obtain quadrature rule fitted to element [a,b]
eta, w = qrule(a,b)
lb = np.zeros((2,2))
# Loop over quadrature knots
for ei, wi in zip(eta,w):
# Basis functions
na, nb = 1.0 - (ei-a)/(b-a), (ei-a)/(b-a)
# Value at quadrature knots
ye = na*y[iel] + nb*y[iel+1]
re = na*r[iel] + nb*r[iel+1]
# Diffusivity at the quadrature knots
de = dzeta(ye, re/ei)
# Basis functions derivative
nax, nbx = -1.0/(b-a), 1.0/(b-a)
# Quadrature contributions
lb[0,0] += wi*(de*nax*nax)
lb[0,1] += wi*(de*nax*nbx)
lb[1,1] += wi*(de*nbx*nbx)
# Symmetry
lb[1,0] = lb[0,1]
# Sum contribution of current element into global vector
u[iel:iel+2] -=[iel:iel+2])
return u
def diffode(t,y,mlu_and_piv,D,alpha,x):
"""Diffusion PDE with full mass matrix
The mass matrix M should be factorized beforehand
# Calculate wet radius
r = np.sqrt(x**2 + 2*alpha*cumquad(x,y,qrule=g2kw))
# Calculate right-hand side
dydt = apply_stiffness_matrix(x,y,r,D,alpha,qrule=g2kw)
dydt[-1] = 0
# Solve linear system
return dydt
def run(N):
U0 = 0.3
Ustar = 0.1
alpha = 1550./998.
D = 1.e-10
rwet = 0.001
rdry = sqrt(rwet**2/(1+alpha*U0))
tf = 6400
teval = [0,30,60,120,240,480,960,1600,3200,6400]
x = np.linspace(0,rdry,N)
M = mass_matrix(x)
# Dirichlet boundary at the surface
M[-1,:] = 0
M[-1,-1] = 1
# Factorize mass matrix
mlu_and_piv = sp.linalg.lu_factor(M)
# Initial conditions
y0 = U0*np.ones_like(x)
y0[-1] = Ustar
ode = lambda t, y: diffode(t,y,mlu_and_piv,D,alpha,x)
sol = solve_ivp(ode,(0,tf),y0,
# Calculate positions in post-processing step
r = np.empty_like(sol.y)
for i, ycol in enumerate(sol.y.T):
r[:,i] = np.sqrt(x**2 + 2*alpha*cumquad(x,ycol))
labels = ["t = {}".format(te) for te in teval]
plt.title("Diffusion in a shrinking cylinder")
if __name__ == '__main__':
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