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Last active January 31, 2023 09:17
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!> Example of replacing a complex loop nest with a solution
! based on smaller sub-programs.
! For more context visit the following page:
! Usage instructions are given just above the main program.
! A Makefile is available to compile the executable.
! Changelog:
! - 2023-01-29: renaming
! - 2023-01-28: removed redundant lbound and ubound; added storage information
! - 2023-01-27: first re-engineered version
module abcd_transform
implicit none
public :: abcd, dp
integer, parameter :: dp = kind(1.0d0)
! a_ij := a_ij + beta * b_ij
pure subroutine apb(A,B,beta)
real(dp), intent(inout) :: A(:,:)
real(dp), intent(in) :: B(:,:)
real(dp), intent(in) :: beta
A = A + beta*B
end subroutine
! a_ij := a_ij + b_ijkl c_kl
pure subroutine reduce_b(A,B,C)
real(dp), intent(inout) :: A(:,:)
real(dp), intent(in) :: B(:,:,:,:)
real(dp), intent(in) :: C(:,:)
integer :: k, l
do l = 1, size(B,4)
do k = 1, size(B,3)
call apb( A, B(:,:,k,l), C(k,l) )
end do
end do
end subroutine
! A_n := A_n + B1_cd C_cdn + B2_kl D_kln
! The elements of A_n are a_ijn
! The elements of B1_cd are B1_ijcd
! The elements of B2_kl are B2_ijkl
subroutine abcd(A,B1,C,B2,D)
real(dp), intent(inout), contiguous :: A(:,:,:)
real(dp), intent(in) :: B1(:,:,:,:)
real(dp), intent(in) :: B2(:,:,:,:)
real(dp), intent(in), contiguous, target :: C(:,:), D(:,:)
real(dp), pointer :: p_C(:,:,:) => null()
real(dp), pointer :: p_D(:,:,:) => null()
integer :: k
integer :: nc, nd
nc = size(B1,3)*size(B1,4)
nd = size(B2,3)*size(B2,4)
if (nc /= size(C,1)) then
error stop "FATAL ERROR: Dimension mismatch between B1 and C"
end if
if (nd /= size(D,1)) then
error stop "FATAL ERROR: Dimension mismatch between B2 and D"
end if
! Pointer remapping of arrays C and D to rank-3
p_C(1:size(B1,3),1:size(B1,4),1:size(C,2)) => C
p_D(1:size(B2,3),1:size(B2,4),1:size(D,2)) => D
!$omp parallel do default(private) shared(A,B1,p_C,B2,p_D)
do k = 1, size(A,3)
call reduce_b( A(:,:,k), B1, p_C(:,:,k))
call reduce_b( A(:,:,k), B2, p_D(:,:,k))
end do
!$omp end parallel do
end subroutine
end module
! Usage:
! N=100 ORIG=0|1 ./abcd
! N determines the problem size (a positive integer)
! ORIG whether to run the original loop nest (0: false, 1: true)
! Adjust OMP_NUM_THREADS to control how many threads are used.
program main
!$ use omp_lib, only: omp_get_wtime
use abcd_transform, only: abcd, dp
implicit none
! n0 [2,10]
! N [100,200]
integer, parameter :: n0 = 6
integer, parameter :: n00 = n0*n0
integer :: N, nVV
real(dp), allocatable :: A(:,:,:), B(:,:,:,:), C(:,:), D(:,:)
real(dp) :: t1, t2, t3
integer :: nseed
integer, allocatable :: seed(:)
logical :: with_original
! ---
call random_seed(size=nseed)
seed = 11327317
call random_seed(put=seed)
! ---
call read_settings(N,with_original)
nVV = (N - n0)**2
! ---
print *, "Memory occupied (MB): ", &
real(sizeof(A) + sizeof(B) + sizeof(C) + sizeof(D),dp) / 1024._dp**2
call random_number(B)
call random_number(C)
call random_number(D)
! ---
if (with_original) then
call cpu_time(t1)
!$ t1 = omp_get_wtime()
A = 0
call original(N,nVV,n0,n00,A,B,C,D)
print *, A(1,1,1), A(1,1,2)
call cpu_time(t2)
!$ t2 = omp_get_wtime()
print *, "Time original: ", t2 - t1
end if
! ---
call cpu_time(t1)
!$ t1 = omp_get_wtime()
A = 0
call abcd(A=A, &
B1=B(:,:,n0+1:N,n0+1:N), &
B2=B(:,:,1:n0,1:n0), &
C=C, &
print *, A(1,1,1), A(1,1,2)
call cpu_time(t3)
!$ t3 = omp_get_wtime()
print *, "Time new: ", t3 - t1
! We use environment variables to adjust the problem size
! (I couldn't be bothered to parse command line arguments.)
subroutine read_settings(N,with_orig)
integer, intent(out) :: N
logical, intent(out) :: with_orig
character(len=16) :: with_orig_str, N_str
call get_environment_variable("ORIG",with_orig_str)
with_orig = .false.
if (trim(with_orig_str) == '1') then
with_orig = .true.
end if
call get_environment_variable("N",N_str)
N = 100
if (trim(N_str) /= '') then
read(N_str,*) N
end if
end subroutine
! This was the original loop nest given in the StackOverflow question.
! The changes I made were:
! - prepending the letter i to the loop variables c,d,l,k
! - switching the order of the loops id,ic and il,ik; this has the
! effect of "transposing" C along the first dimension, which
! is actually used a linearized subscript of a rank-2 array
subroutine original(N,nVV,n0,n00,A,B,C,D)
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: N, nVV, n0, n00
real(dp), intent(inout) :: A(N,N,nVV)
real(dp), intent(in) :: B(N,N,N,N)
real(dp), intent(in) :: C(nVV,nVV), D(n00,nVV)
integer :: p, q, ab
integer :: cd, kl
integer :: ic, id, ik, il
do p=1,N
do q=1,N
do ab=1,nVV
cd = 0
do id=n0+1,N
do ic=n0+1,N
cd = cd + 1
A(p,q,ab) = A(p,q,ab) + B(p,q,ic,id)*C(cd,ab)
end do
end do
kl = 0
do il=1,n0
do ik=1,n0
kl = kl + 1
A(p,q,ab) = A(p,q,ab) + B(p,q,ik,il)*D(kl,ab)
end do
end do
end do
end do
end do
end subroutine
end program
FCFLAGS=-Wall -O2 -fopenmp
.phony: all clean
all: abcd
abcd: abcd.F90
$(FC) $(FCFLAGS) -o $@ $<
rm -f abcd *.mod
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