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Created December 8, 2020 12:56
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Quadtree example in Fortran with gnuplot output
module quadtree
! Adapted from the tutorial at
implicit none
integer, parameter :: wp = kind(1.0d0)
type :: qtnode
real(wp) :: c(2)
real(wp) :: w, h
real(wp) :: bnd(4)
integer :: max_points = 0
integer :: depth = 0
integer :: n = 0
integer, allocatable :: points(:)
type(qtnode), pointer :: children(:) => null()
logical :: divided = .false. ! could also be called has_children
end type
type :: qtree
type(qtnode) :: root
integer :: n = 0
real(wp), pointer :: points(:,:) => null()
procedure :: init => qtree_init
procedure :: populate => qtree_populate
procedure :: output_gnuplot => qtree_output_gnuplot
procedure :: size => qtree_size
procedure :: query => qtree_query
procedure :: query_radius => qtree_query_radius
end type
integer, parameter :: DEFAULT_MAX_POINTS = 4
interface size
module procedure qtree_size
end interface
interface operator(.contains.)
module procedure :: contains
end interface
interface operator(.intersects.)
module procedure :: intersects
end interface
! sequential colormap
integer, parameter :: colors(0:6) = [int(z'eff3ff'),&
! qualitative color map
! integer, parameter :: colors(0:6) = [int(z'7fc97f'),&
! int(z'beaed4'),&
! int(z'fdc086'),&
! int(z'ffff99'),&
! int(z'386cb0'),&
! int(z'f0027f'),&
! int(z'bf5b17')]
subroutine qtree_init(self,cx,cy,w,h,max_points)
class(qtree), intent(out) :: self
real(wp), intent(in) :: cx, cy, w, h
integer, intent(in), optional :: max_points
call qtnode_init(self%root,cx,cy,w,h,max_points)
end subroutine
subroutine qtree_populate(self,points)
class(qtree), intent(inout) :: self
real(wp), intent(in), target :: points(:,:)
real(wp) :: p(2)
integer :: n, i
! assert dimensions ...
self%points => points
n = 0
do i = 1, size(self%points,dim=1)
p = self%points(i,:)
if (qtnode_insert_point(self%root,p,i)) then
n = n + 1
end if
end do
self%n = n
end subroutine
subroutine qtree_output_gnuplot(self,unit,color)
use iso_fortran_env, only: output_unit
class(qtree), intent(in) :: self
integer, intent(in), optional :: unit
logical, intent(in), optional :: color
integer :: unit_
unit_ = output_unit
if (present(unit)) unit_ = unit
call qtnode_print_boundaries(self%root,unit_,color)
end subroutine
recursive subroutine qtnode_print_points(self,points,unit,color)
class(qtnode), intent(in) :: self
real(wp), intent(in) :: points(:,:)
integer, intent(in) :: unit
logical, intent(in), optional :: color
integer :: i
do i = 1, self%n
write(unit,'(G0.6,1X,G0.6,1X,I0)') points(self%points(i),1:2), colors(self%depth)
end do
if (self%divided) then
do i = 1, 4
call qtnode_print_points(self%children(i),points,unit,color)
end do
end if
end subroutine
recursive subroutine qtnode_print_boundaries(self,unit,color)
class(qtnode), intent(in) :: self
integer, intent(in) :: unit
logical, intent(in), optional :: color
logical :: color_
character(200) :: fmt
character(9) :: hex_string
integer :: i
character, parameter :: quote = achar(39)
color_ = .false.
if (present(color)) color_ = color
if (color_) then
fmt = "('set object rectangle center ',(G0.6),',',(G0.6),' size ',G0.6,',',G0.6,' fs empty border lc rgb ',A, ' lw 2')"
if (self%depth < 7) then
write(hex_string,'(A1,"#",Z6,A1)') quote,colors(self%depth),quote
write(hex_string,'(A1,"#",Z6,A1)') quote,colors(6),quote
end if
write(unit,trim(fmt)) self%c(1), self%c(2), self%w, self%h, hex_string
fmt = "('set object rectangle center ',(G0.6),',',(G0.6),' size ',G0.6,',',G0.6,' fs empty border lc 2')"
! write(unit,trim(fmt)) self%bnd(4), self%bnd(2), self%bnd(3), self%bnd(1)
write(unit,trim(fmt)) self%c(1), self%c(2), self%w, self%h
end if
if (self%divided) then
do i = 1, 4
call qtnode_print_boundaries(self%children(i),unit,color_)
end do
end if
end subroutine
pure function boundaries(cx,cy,w,h) result(bnd)
real(wp), intent(in) :: cx, cy, w, h
real(wp) :: bnd(4)
! north
bnd(1) = cy + h/2.0_wp
! south
bnd(2) = cy - h/2.0_wp
! east
bnd(3) = cx + w/2.0_wp
! west
bnd(4) = cx - w/2.0_wp
end function
subroutine qtnode_init(self,cx,cy,w,h,max_points,depth)
class(qtnode), intent(out) :: self
real(wp), intent(in) :: cx, cy, w, h
integer, intent(in), optional :: max_points
integer, intent(in), optional :: depth
self%c(1) = cx
self%c(2) = cy
self%w = w
self%h = h
self%bnd = boundaries(cx,cy,w,h)
self%max_points = DEFAULT_MAX_POINTS
if (present(max_points)) self%max_points = max_points
self%depth = 0
if (present(depth)) self%depth = depth
self%points = -1
end subroutine
subroutine qtnode_divide(self)
class(qtnode), intent(inout) :: self
real(wp) :: cx, cy, w, h
cx = self%c(1)
cy = self%c(2)
w = self%w/2.0_wp
h = self%h/2.0_wp
! north west
call qtnode_init(self%children(1),cx - w/2.0_wp,cy + h/2.0_wp,w,h, &
self%max_points,self%depth + 1)
! north east
call qtnode_init(self%children(2),cx + w/2.0_wp,cy + h/2.0_wp,w,h, &
self%max_points,self%depth + 1)
! south east
call qtnode_init(self%children(3),cx + w/2.0_wp,cy - h/2.0_wp,w,h, &
self%max_points,self%depth + 1)
! south west
call qtnode_init(self%children(4),cx - w/2.0_wp,cy - h/2.0_wp,w,h, &
self%max_points,self%depth + 1)
self%divided = .true.
end subroutine
recursive logical function qtnode_insert_point(self,p,idx) result(success)
class(qtnode), intent(inout) :: self
real(wp), intent(in) :: p(2)
integer, intent(in) :: idx
logical :: nw, ne, se, sw
if (.not. (self%bnd .contains. p)) then
success = .false.
end if
if (self%n < self%max_points) then
self%n = self%n + 1
self%points(self%n) = idx
success = .true.
end if
if (.not. self%divided) then
call qtnode_divide(self)
end if
nw = qtnode_insert_point(self%children(1),p,idx)
ne = qtnode_insert_point(self%children(2),p,idx)
se = qtnode_insert_point(self%children(3),p,idx)
sw = qtnode_insert_point(self%children(4),p,idx)
success = (nw .or. ne) .or. (se .or. sw)
end function
pure recursive integer function qtnode_size(self) result(npoints)
class(qtnode), intent(in) :: self
integer :: i
npoints = self%n
if (self%divided) then
do i = 1, 4
npoints = npoints + qtnode_size(self%children(i))
end do
end if
end function
pure integer function qtree_size(self) result(npoints)
class(qtree), intent(in) :: self
npoints = qtnode_size(self%root)
end function
pure function distance(p,q) result(d)
real(wp), intent(in) :: p(2)
real(wp), intent(in) :: q(2)
real(wp) :: d
d = hypot(p(1)-q(1),p(2)-q(2))
end function
pure logical function contains(bnd,p)
real(wp), intent(in) :: bnd(4)
real(wp), intent(in) :: p(2)
real(wp) :: x, y, ne, se, ee, we
x = p(1)
y = p(2)
ne = bnd(1)
se = bnd(2)
ee = bnd(3)
we = bnd(4)
contains = (x >= we .and. x < ee .and. &
y >= se .and. y < ne)
end function
logical function intersects(bnd1,bnd2)
real(wp), intent(in) :: bnd1(4)
real(wp), intent(in) :: bnd2(4)
associate(ne1 => bnd1(1), se1 => bnd1(2), ee1 => bnd1(3), we1 => bnd1(4), &
ne2 => bnd2(1), se2 => bnd2(2), ee2 => bnd2(3), we2 => bnd2(4))
intersects = .not. ((we2 > ee1 .or. ee2 < we1) .or. (se2 > ne1 .or. ne2 < se1))
end associate
! print *, "hello", intersects
end function
recursive integer function qtnode_count_blocks(self,bnd) result(nblocks)
class(qtnode), intent(in) :: self
real(wp), intent(in) :: bnd(4)
integer :: i
nblocks = 0
if (self%bnd .intersects. bnd) then
nblocks = nblocks + 1
end if
if (self%divided) then
do i = 1, 4
nblocks = nblocks + qtnode_count_blocks(self%children(i),bnd)
end do
end if
end function
recursive subroutine qtnode_query_rect(self,points,bnd,nfound,idxs)
class(qtnode), intent(in) :: self
real(wp), intent(in) :: bnd(4)
real(wp), intent(in) :: points(:,:)
integer, intent(inout) :: nfound
integer, intent(inout) :: idxs(:)
real(wp) :: p(2)
integer :: i
if (.not. (self%bnd .intersects. bnd)) then
end if
do i = 1, self%n
p = points(self%points(i),1:2)
if (bnd .contains. p) then
nfound = nfound + 1
idxs(nfound) = self%points(i)
end if
end do
if (self%divided) then
do i = 1, 4
call qtnode_query_rect(self%children(i),points,bnd,nfound,idxs)
end do
end if
end subroutine
function qtree_query(self,boundary) result(idxs)
class(qtree), intent(in) :: self
real(wp), intent(in) :: boundary(4)
integer, allocatable :: idxs(:)
integer :: nblocks, nfound
integer, allocatable :: temp_idxs(:)
nblocks = qtnode_count_blocks(self%root,boundary)
allocate(temp_idxs(nblocks*self%root%max_points)) ! worst case scenario if all blocks are full
nfound = 0
call qtnode_query_rect(self%root,self%points,boundary,nfound,temp_idxs)
end function
recursive subroutine qtnode_query_circle(self,points,bnd,center,radius,nfound,idxs)
class(qtnode), intent(in) :: self
real(wp), intent(in) :: points(:,:)
real(wp), intent(in) :: bnd(4)
real(wp), intent(in) :: center(2)
real(wp), intent(in) :: radius
integer, intent(inout) :: nfound
integer, intent(inout) :: idxs(:)
integer :: i
real(wp) :: p(2)
if (.not. (self%bnd .intersects. bnd)) then
end if
do i = 1, self%n
p = points(self%points(i),1:2)
if ((bnd .contains. p) .and. distance(p,center) <= radius) then
nfound = nfound + 1
idxs(nfound) = self%points(i)
end if
end do
if (self%divided) then
do i = 1, 4
call qtnode_query_circle(self%children(i),points,bnd,center,radius,nfound,idxs)
end do
end if
end subroutine
function qtree_query_radius(self,center,radius) result(idxs)
class(qtree), intent(in) :: self
real(wp), intent(in) :: center(2)
real(wp), intent(in) :: radius
integer, allocatable :: idxs(:)
integer :: nblocks, nfound
real(wp) :: boundary(4)
integer, allocatable :: temp_idxs(:)
boundary = boundaries(center(1),center(2),2*radius,2*radius)
nblocks = qtnode_count_blocks(self%root,boundary)
allocate(temp_idxs(nblocks*self%root%max_points)) ! worst case scenario if all blocks are full
nfound = 0
call qtnode_query_circle(self%root,self%points,boundary,center,radius,nfound,temp_idxs)
end function
end module
program test_quadtree
use quadtree
implicit none
integer, parameter :: n = 140
real(wp) :: points(n,2)
type(qtree) :: tree
integer :: i, unit, unit2
real(wp) :: bnd(4)
integer, allocatable :: idxs(:)
call random_number(points)
points(41:60,:) = points(41:60,:)*0.5_wp
points(61:n,:) = points(61:n,:)*0.25_wp
points(61:n,1) = points(61:n,1) + 0.3_wp
points(61:n,2) = points(61:n,2) + 0.3_wp
call tree%init(0.5_wp,0.5_wp,1.0_wp,1.0_wp)
call tree%populate(points)
print *, "size = ", size(tree)
bnd = boundaries(0.75_wp,0.75_wp,0.6_wp,0.6_wp)
print *, "nblocks = ", qtnode_count_blocks(tree%root,bnd)
call qtnode_print_points(tree%root,tree%points,unit=unit)
call tree%output_gnuplot(unit=unit2,color=.true.)
idxs = tree%query(bnd)
do i = 1, size(idxs)
write(unit,*) points(idxs(i),:)
end do
idxs = tree%query_radius([0.75_wp,0.75_wp],0.3_wp)
do i = 1, size(idxs)
write(unit,*) points(idxs(i),:)
end do
end program
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Ivan - this code is super clean and (potentially) really helpful for my fortran applications (particle motion/mass transfer/chemical reactions). A quick question - if I want to use the tree several times as I track particles over time I suppose I need to kill the tree before re-creating it. How would I do that using a recursive subroutine?

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