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Created June 28, 2020 12:07
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Cube root code example 1
module cbrt_mod1
implicit none
public :: cbrt, sp, r
interface cbrt
module procedure cbrt_sp_sp
module procedure cbrt_csp_csp
end interface
integer, parameter :: sp = kind(1.)
complex(sp), parameter :: r = cmplx(-1,sqrt(3._sp))/2._sp
function cbrt_sp_sp(x) result(cbrt)
real(sp), intent(in) :: x
real(sp) :: cbrt
if (x >= 0.0_sp) then
cbrt = x**(1._sp/3)
cbrt = -(-x)**(1._sp/3)
end if
end function
function cbrt_csp_csp(z) result(cbrt)
complex(sp), intent(in) :: z
complex(sp) :: cbrt
cbrt = z**(1._sp/3)
end function
end module
program test_cbrt
use cbrt_mod1, only: cbrt,sp, r
implicit none
complex(sp) :: z
character(40) :: fmtr, fmtc
fmtr = '(A,F7.4)'
fmtc = '(A,F7.4,SP,F7.4,"j")'
write(*,'(A)') "real to real"
write(*,fmtr) "cbrt( 8._sp) = ", cbrt(8._sp)
write(*,fmtr) "cbrt(-8._sp) = ", cbrt(-8._sp)
write(*,'(/,A)') "complex to complex"
z = cmplx(-8._sp)
write(*,fmtc) "z = ", z
write(*,fmtc) "r = ", r
write(*,fmtc) "cbrt(z) = ", cbrt(z)
write(*,fmtc) "cbrt(z)*r = ",cbrt(z)*r
write(*,fmtc) "cbrt(z)*r' = ",cbrt(z)*conjg(r)
end program
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