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Last active October 26, 2017 20:44
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Script that collects disk space from Linux and pushes a message to Slack with the results, if it is an alert it will also mention @channel.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
: ' Script that collects disk space from Linux and pushes a message to Slack with
the results, if it is an alert it will also mention @channel.
# check if debug flag is set
if [ "${DEBUG}" = true ]; then
set -x # enable print commands and their arguments as they are executed.
export # show all declared variables (includes system variables)
whoami # print current user
# unset if flag is not set
unset DEBUG
# bash default parameters
set -o errexit # make your script exit when a command fails
set -o pipefail # exit status of the last command that threw a non-zero exit code is returned
set -o nounset # exit when your script tries to use undeclared variables
# check binaries
__AWK=$(which awk)
__CURL=$(which curl)
__DF=$(which df)
__GREP=$(which grep)
# parameters
readonly __disk="${1:-"/dev/sda1"}"
readonly __disk_size_alert_trigger_in_GB="${2:-"5"}"
readonly __msg_from="${3:-"robot-monitor"}"
readonly __msg_icon="${4:-":robot_face:"}"
readonly __slack_webhook_url="${5:-""}"
readonly __slack_channel_or_person="${6:-"#monitor"}"
# college disk usage
readonly __disk_free_in_KB=$(${__DF} \
| ${__GREP} "${__disk}" \
| ${__AWK} '{print $4'} \
# conversions
readonly __disk_size_alert_trigger_in_KB=$(((${__disk_size_alert_trigger_in_GB}*1024)*1024))
readonly __disk_free_in_GB=$(((${__disk_free_in_KB}/1024)/1024))
# variables / message and icons definitions
readonly __server=$(hostname)
readonly __msg_alert_icon=":x:"
readonly __msg_alert_text="${__msg_alert_icon} ${__server^^} disk *${__disk}* is running out of space. *${__disk_free_in_GB} GB* free, @channel please check."
readonly __msg_ok_icon=":white_check_mark:"
readonly __msg_ok_text="${__msg_ok_icon} ${__server^^} disk *${__disk}* is working under normal parameters. *${__disk_free_in_GB} GB* free."
# push message to slack function
function push_to_slack {
# parameters
local __from="${1:-}"
local __channel_or_person="${2:-}"
local __text="${3:-}"
# push to slack via webhook
${__CURL} --request POST \
--data-urlencode \
"payload={\"username\": \"${__from}\",
\"icon_emoji\": \"${__msg_icon}\",
\"channel\": \"${__channel_or_person}\",
\"text\": \"${__text}\",
\"as_user\": \"false\",
\"link_names\": \"true\"
}" \
} # end of push_to_slack
# check trigger
if [ "${__disk_free_in_KB}" -lt "${__disk_size_alert_trigger_in_KB}" ]; then
push_to_slack "${__msg_from}" "${__slack_channel_or_person}" "${__msg_alert_text}"
push_to_slack "${__msg_from}" "${__slack_channel_or_person}" "${__msg_ok_text}"
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