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Last active July 29, 2023 06:31
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Write-Output "--- m4d.dll patch by Linu (because badtime sucks lel) ---"
function Wait-Key
Write-Host -NoNewLine 'Press any key to continue...';
$null = $Host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey('NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown');
Write-Output "Starting..."
# Are we in the correct directory?
$m4d_exists = [System.IO.File]::Exists("m4d.dll");
if ( ! $m4d_exists )
Write-Error "m4d.dll not found. Are you sure that you are in Swat4 Content/System directory?"
exit 1
# Copy m4d.dll to a backup file
[System.IO.File]::Copy("m4d.dll", "m4d.dll.bak");
Write-Output "Saved m4d.dll to m4d.dll.bak"
# Read the bytes from the original m4d.dll
$bytes = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes("m4d.dll");
# Edit "" to "localhost"
$bytes[0x3c340] = 0x6c; # 'l'
$bytes[0x3c341] = 0x6f; # 'o'
$bytes[0x3c342] = 0x63; # 'c'
$bytes[0x3c343] = 0x61; # 'a'
$bytes[0x3c344] = 0x6c; # 'l'
$bytes[0x3c345] = 0x68; # 'h'
$bytes[0x3c346] = 0x6f; # 'o'
$bytes[0x3c347] = 0x73; # 's'
$bytes[0x3c348] = 0x74; # 't'
$bytes[0x3c349] = 0x00; # NUL padding to overwrite string
$bytes[0x3c34a] = 0x00;
$bytes[0x3c34b] = 0x00;
$bytes[0x3c34c] = 0x00;
$bytes[0x3c34d] = 0x00;
$bytes[0x3c34e] = 0x00;
$bytes[0x3c34f] = 0x00;
# Rewrite to m4d.dll
[System.IO.File]::WriteAllBytes("m4d.dll", $bytes);
Write-Output "Patched successfully!"
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