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Created June 24, 2022 23:37
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Inecobank scraping
(in-package :yobabank)
(defparameter *1pw-secure-note-name* "Yobabank Data")
(defparameter *1pw-vault* "Personal")
(defun 1pw-get-field (object name)
(when (typep object 'st-json:jso)
(st-json:getjso name object)))
(defun 1pw-get-id (object)
(1pw-get-field object "id"))
(defun 1pw-value-by-id (object id)
(or (1pw-get-field (find id object :key #'1pw-get-id :test #'equal) "value")
(error "can't get value of 1password field ~s" id)))
(defun 1pw-get (name fields &optional (vault *1pw-vault*))
(uiop:run-program (list "op" "item" "get" name "--fields"
(format nil "~{label=~a~^,~}" fields)
"--format" "json"
"--vault" vault)
:output :string
:error-output t)))
(defun 1pw-get-login (name &optional (vault *1pw-vault*))
(let ((object (1pw-get name '("username" "password") vault)))
(values (1pw-value-by-id object "username")
(1pw-value-by-id object "password"))))
(defun 1pw-delete-item (name &optional (vault *1pw-vault*))
(ignore-errors (uiop:run-program (list "op" "item" "delete" name "--vault" vault))))
(defun 1pw-store-secure-note (data &optional (name *1pw-secure-note-name*) (vault *1pw-vault*))
(let ((text (with-standard-io-syntax
(with-output-to-string (out)
(print data out)))))
(uiop:with-temporary-file (:stream out :pathname out-path :direction :output)
(st-json:jso "fields"
(list (st-json:jso "id" "notesPlain"
"type" "STRING"
"purpose" "NOTES"
"label" "notesPlain"
"value" text)))
(finish-output out)
(1pw-delete-item name vault)
(uiop:run-program (list "op" "item" "create"
"--category" "securenote"
"--title" name
"--vault" vault
"--template" (namestring out-path))
:output nil
:error-output t))))
(defun 1pw-read-secure-note (&optional (name *1pw-secure-note-name*) (vault *1pw-vault*))
(when-let ((object (ignore-errors (1pw-get name '("notesPlain") vault))))
(read-from-string (1pw-get-field object "value")))))
(defvar *secret*)
(defun reset-secret ()
(1pw-delete-item *1pw-secure-note-name*)
(makunbound '*secret*))
(defun ensure-secret-loaded ()
(unless (boundp '*secret*)
(setf *secret* (1pw-read-secure-note))))
(defun store-secrets ()
(if (boundp '*secret*)
(1pw-store-secure-note *secret*)
(warn "Secret not loaded")))
(defun secret-get (name &optional default)
(getf *secret* name default))
(defun (setf secret-get) (value name &optional default)
(declare (ignore default))
(setf (getf *secret* name) value))
(in-package :yobabank)
;; <input class="dxeTextBoxSys" id="txtToken" type="text" name="txtToken" onchange="aspxEValueChanged('txtToken')" onkeydown="aspxEKeyDown('txtToken', event)" onkeypress="aspxEKeyPress('txtToken', event)" autocomplete="off">
;; <input title="Get security code by sms" class="dxb-hb" value="Get security code by SMS" type="button" name="btnSMS">
;; succcessful login:
;; <table class="balancetbl" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
(defun save-screenshot ()
(let ((b64 (screenshot)))
(with-open-file (out "/Users/ivan4th/rmme/a.png" :direction :output
:if-does-not-exist :create
:if-exists :supersede
:element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
(write-sequence (base64:base64-string-to-usb8-array b64) out)
(defun execute-cdp-command (command &rest args)
(webdriver::session-path webdriver::*session* "/goog/cdp/execute")
:cmd command
:params (plist-hash-table args :test #'equal)))
(defun grab-webdriver-cookies (key)
(setf (secret-get key)
(iter (for cookie in (webdriver:cookie))
(collect (remove-from-plist (alist-plist cookie) :same-site)))))
(defun set-webdriver-cookies (key)
(execute-cdp-command "Network.enable")
(iter (for cookie in (secret-get key))
(destructuring-bind (&key domain expiry http-only name path secure value &allow-other-keys)
(apply #'execute-cdp-command
"domain" domain
"http-only" http-only
"name" name
"path" path
"secure" (or secure :false)
"value" value
(when expiry
;; sic!
(list "expires" expiry)))))
(execute-cdp-command "Network.disable"))
(defun wait-and-dismiss-alert ()
(iter (repeat 10)
(while (null (ignore-errors (webdriver:alert-text))))
(sleep 1)
(when (ignore-errors (webdriver:alert-text))
(defun ineco-web-login (key credentials &optional (interactive-session-p t))
(dbg "Inecobank Web login: ~s ~s" key credentials)
(multiple-value-bind (login password)
(1pw-get-login credentials)
(flet ((doit ()
(dbg "Initializing cookies")
(set-webdriver-cookies key)
(dbg "Loading Inecobank page")
(setf (webdriver:url) "")
(wait-for "#txtUserName,.balancetbl")
(unless (find-elem ".balancetbl")
(dbg "Logging in")
(let ((elem (find-elem "#txtUserName")))
(webdriver:element-clear elem)
(webdriver:element-send-keys elem login))
(let ((elem (find-elem "#txtPassword")))
(webdriver:element-clear elem)
(webdriver:element-send-keys elem password))
(click "#btnSubmit")
(wait-for "[name=btnSMS],.balancetbl")
(let ((ts (load-last-sms-code)))
(when-let ((elem (find-elem "#txtToken")))
(dbg "Performing 2FA")
(click "#btnSMS_CD")
(webdriver:element-send-keys elem (wait-for-sms-code :start-ts ts))
(click "#btnSubmit")
(wait-for ".balancetbl"))
(dbg "Loading cookies")
(grab-webdriver-cookies key)
(dbg "Storing secrets")
(let ((caps (make-capabilities
:always-match '((:browser-name . "chrome"))
:first-match (list
'((:platform-name . "macos"))
'((:platform-name . "linux"))))))
(cond (interactive-session-p
(webdriver:start-interactive-session caps)
(with-session caps
(defun cookie-jar-from-secret (key)
(iter (for cookie in (secret-get key))
(destructuring-bind (&key domain expiry http-only name path secure value &allow-other-keys) cookie
(make-instance 'drakma:cookie
:name name
:value value
:path path
:expires expiry
:domain domain
:securep secure
:http-only-p http-only))))))
(defun parse-cookie-bool (str)
(cond ((string-equal "TRUE" str) t)
((string-equal "FALSE" str) nil)
(warn "invalid cookie bool: ~s" str)
(defun parse-cookies-txt (path)
(with-open-file (in path)
(iter (for line = (read-line in nil nil))
(while line)
(let ((trimmed (trim line)))
(unless (or (emptyp trimmed)
(starts-with #\# trimmed))
(let ((parts (split-sequence:split-sequence #\tab trimmed)))
(if (length= 7 parts)
(destructuring-bind (domain flag path secure expiration name value)
(declare (ignore flag))
(collect (make-instance 'drakma:cookie
:name name
:value value
:path path
:expires (let ((v (cond ((parse-integer expiration))
(warn "Failed to parse expiration time: ~s"
(if (plusp v)
(unix-timestamp->universal-time v)
:domain domain
:securep (parse-cookie-bool secure)
:http-only-p nil)))
(warn "invalid cookie line:~%~a" line)))))))))
(defparameter *ineco-web-user-agent* "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:101.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/101.0")
(defparameter *ineco-web-cookie-file* #p"/tmp/cookies-online-inecobank-am.txt")
(defparameter *ineco-web-account-prefix* "20528")
(defparameter *ineco-web-statement-dir* #p "/Users/ivan4th/work/ledger/statements")
(defvar *loaded-statements* (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
(defun load-statement (account cookie-key)
(when (numberp account)
(setf account (princ-to-string account)))
(when (starts-with-subseq *ineco-web-account-prefix* account)
(setf account (subseq account (length *ineco-web-account-prefix*))))
;; TBD: handle errors (html page)
(drakma:http-request ""
:method :post
:user-agent *ineco-web-user-agent*
:cookie-jar (cookie-jar-from-secret cookie-key)
#++ (parse-cookies-txt *ineco-web-cookie-file*)
:force-binary t
`(("export_filter" . ,(format nil "17/06/2020;17/06/2030;~a;3" account))
("export_sorting" . "")
("DXScript" . "...")
("DXCss" . "....")
. ,(format nil "{\"export_filter\":\"17/06/2020;17/06/2030;~a;3\",\"export_sorting\":null}" account))
("btnExportCsv" . "btnExportCsv")))
:encoding :utf-16))
(defun load-all-statements-by-type (type cookie-key)
(let ((accounts (or (rest (assoc type *ineco-accounts*))
(error "no accounts for type ~s" type))))
(iter (for (name account) in accounts)
(setf (gethash (cons type name) *loaded-statements*)
(load-statement account cookie-key))
(dbg "loaded: ~s ~s ~s" type name account))))
(defun write-statements ()
(let ((dir (uiop:ensure-directory-pathname *ineco-web-statement-dir*)))
(uiop:delete-directory-tree dir
:if-does-not-exist :ignore
:validate #'(lambda (path)
(search "/statements/" (namestring path))))
(uiop:ensure-all-directories-exist (list dir))
(iter (for (key csv) in-hashtable *loaded-statements*)
(let ((filename
(merge-pathnames (format nil "~(~a--~a~).csv" (car key) (cdr key))
(dbg "Writing ~s" filename)
(write-string-into-file (remove #\return csv) filename)))))
(defun load-all-statements ()
(ineco-web-login :web-ep-cookies "Inecobank - EP")
(load-all-statements-by-type :ep :web-ep-cookies)
(ineco-web-login :web-personal-cookies "Inecobank - personal")
(load-all-statements-by-type :personal :web-personal-cookies)
(defun get-statement-csv (key)
(or (gethash key *loaded-statements*)
(error "statement not found for key ~s" key)))
(defun read-web-statement (&optional (key '(:personal . :card-mc)))
(with-input-from-string (in (get-statement-csv key))
(read-statement in)))))
(in-package :yobabank)
(defparameter *chat-id* ".inecobank")
(defparameter *sms-db*
(trivial-shell:get-env-var "HOME")
(defparameter *sms-code-query*
"select + strftime('%s', '2001-01-01') as ts,
from message m, chat_message_join cm, chat ch
lower(m.text) like '%security code is%' and
m.rowid = cm.message_id and cm.chat_id = ch.rowid and
ch.chat_identifier like '%INECOBANK%'
order by desc
limit 1")
(defmacro with-chat-db (&body body)
`(sqlite:with-open-database (db *sms-db*) ,@body))
(defun load-sms ()
(sqlite:execute-to-list/named db *sms-query* ":chat" *chat-id*)))
(defun load-last-sms-code ()
(iter (for row in
(sqlite:execute-to-list db *sms-code-query*)))
(destructuring-bind (ts text) row
(with-match (code) (".*Security Code is (\\d{4}).*" text :case-insensitive-mode t)
(return (values ts code))))
(return (values 0 nil)))))
(defun wait-for-sms-code (&key (attempts 60) (interval 1) (start-ts (load-last-sms-code)))
(iter (repeat attempts)
(multiple-value-bind (cur-ts code) (load-last-sms-code)
(unless (= start-ts cur-ts)
(return code)))
(sleep interval)
(finally (error "timed out waiting for sms"))))
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