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Created December 21, 2008 20:35
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Media Temple Capistrano Deployment Recipe

With GitHub

See comments in the files for explanation. This works flawlessly for me on MediaTemple + Git(Hub).

NOTE: this assumes that the application name on the grid container and the application name in GitHub are the same.

To use:

On the Server

  1. SSH into your MediaTemple server.
  2. Put your public key into ~/.ssh/authorized_keys2 with mode 0600
  3. Run mtr generate_config and give your serveradmin username and password

Then, On Your Computer

  1. Have a file config/ with your Media Temple MySQL details (you can delete it once your site is running, and it should not be in your git repository)
  2. Modify the first 4 lines of the attached deploy.rb file
  3. On your local computer, commit and push your changes to GitHub
  4. Run cap deploy:setup deploy:cold
  5. Navigate to your domain, and you should see your app running.
# This deployment recipe assumes public keys are in use and that `mtr generate_config`
# has been run on the sever. This eliminates any need for passwords to be stored or typed
# in.
require 'mt-capistrano.rb' # use local copy instead of mt-capistrano gem
# Configure this...
set :site, "" # e.g. 12345
set :application, "" # e.g. myblog
set :webpath, "" # e.g.
set :git_user, "" # bjeanes (github url taken from this + application -- change this below)
# Shouldn't have to change anything below (except repository details if different...)
set :domain, "s#{site}"
set :user, "serveradmin%#{webpath}"
# Other options
ssh_options[:username] = user
ssh_options[:forward_agent] = true
default_run_options[:pty] = true
set :use_sudo, false # MediaTemple don't allow sudo command
# Repo stuff
set :scm, :git
set :repository, "{git_user}/#{application}.git"
set :deploy_to, "/home/#{site}/containers/rails/#{application}"
set :current_deploy_dir, "#{deploy_to}/current"
set :deploy_via, :remote_cache
set :tmp_dir, "#{deploy_to}/tmp"
set :branch, "master"
set :git_enable_submodules, 1
set :checkout, "export"
# Roles
role :web, domain
role :app, domain
role :db, domain, :primary => true
# Tasks
namespace :deploy do
desc "Upload the database.yml file to the shared folder."
task :upload_database_yml do
yml = 'config/'
if File.exists?(yml)
put(, "#{shared_path}/database.yml", :mode => 0644)
puts "Create #{yml} then re-run `cap deploy:upload_database_yml` before proceeding..."
after "deploy:cold", "mt:create_link"
after "deploy:start", "mt:generate_htaccess"
after "deploy:restart", "mt:generate_htaccess"
before "deploy:symlink" do
run "rm -drf #{release_path}/public/uploads"
run "ln -s #{shared_path}/uploads #{release_path}/public/uploads"
run "rm -f #{release_path}/config/database.yml"
run "ln -s #{shared_path}/database.yml #{release_path}/config/database.yml"
after "deploy:setup" do
# This file is part of the Media Temple capistrano gem
# (sudo gem install mt-capistrano --source=
# I have modified it because the way it sets up the rake command is flawed.
# Instead I just `source .bash_profile` which has these same details in it
# from the `mtr setup_rubygems` command
# Also, I've commented out the username and password flags because this requires
# saving the password in your deploy.rb. Instead, you can run `mtr generate_config`
# to have the mtr command save your username and password. If you prefer to have it saved
# in your deploy.rb, switch the commented commands below.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# make sure that the site specific rake (and other libs) are found
Capistrano::Configuration.instance(:must_exist).load do
# took this out because it doesn't work
#set(:rake) { "PATH=$PATH:/home/#{site}/data/rubygems/bin:/home/#{site}/data/rubygems/gems/bin RUBYLIB=/home/#{site}/data/rubygems/local/lib/site_ruby/1.8 GEM_HOME=/home/#{site}/data/rubygems/gems rake" }
# this does!
set(:rake) { "source $HOME/.bash_profile && rake"}
# set up the mt namespace and tasks
namespace :mt do
desc "Register the application using 'mtr add'"
task :add do
# run "mtr -u #{user} -p #{password} add #{application} #{deploy_to}/current #{webpath}"
run "mtr add #{application} #{deploy_to}/current #{webpath}"
%w{remove start stop restart create_link generate_htaccess info}.each do |command|
desc "Runs 'mtr #{command} <appname>' on the server."
task command.to_sym do
# run "mtr -u #{user} -p #{password} #{command} #{application}"
run "mtr #{command} #{application}"
%w{list status}.each do |command|
desc "Runs 'mtr #{command}' on the server."
task command.to_sym do
# run "mtr -u #{user} -p #{password} #{command}"
run "mtr #{command}"
# override built-in capistrano application lifecycle tasks
namespace :deploy do
%w{start stop restart}.each do |command|
desc "#{command.capitalize} the application."
task command.to_sym do
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