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Last active September 2, 2019 09:03
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Collect basic Sitecore Azure PaaS setup information for web apps, hosting plans, Azure SQL DBs, Redis Cache and Azure Search. [ProjectReview]
### In order to run this script you need to install new Az PowerShell module including Az.Search module
################# Functions
function Get-WebAppsBasicInfo {
param (
$hostingPlansResources = Get-AzResource -ResourceType "Microsoft.Web/serverfarms" -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName
$hps = @()
foreach ($res in $hostingPlansResources) {
$temp = Get-AzAppServicePlan -Name $res.Name -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName
$tempWebApps = Get-AzWebApp -AppServicePlan $temp
$webapps = [string]::Join("|", $tempWebApps.Name)
$hps += [PSCustomObject]@{
HostingPlanName = $temp.Name
NumberOfSites = $temp.NumberOfSites
Size = $temp.Sku.Name
InstancesCount = $temp.Sku.Capacity
WebApps = $webapps
$hps | Select-Object -Property HostingPlanName, NumberOfSites, Size, InstancesCount, WebApps | Export-Csv -Path $OutputCsvFilePath -Delimiter ';'
function Get-SqlBasicInfo {
param (
$sqlServers = Get-AzSqlServer -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName
$dbs = @()
foreach ($server in $sqlServers) {
$tempDbs = Get-AzSqlDatabase -ServerName $server.ServerName -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName
$tempDbs | Select-Object -Property DatabaseName, ServerName, CurrentServiceObjectiveName, SkuName, Capacity, Location, ElasticPoolName | Export-Csv -Path ($OutputCsvFolderPath + "\" + $server.ServerName + ".csv") -Delimiter ';'
function Get-AzureSearchBasicInfo {
param (
$searchService = Get-AzSearchService -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName
$searchService | Select-Object -Property Name, Sku, ReplicaCount, PartitionCount, Location | Export-Csv -Path $OutputCsvFilePath -Delimiter ';'
function Get-AzureRedisCacheBasicInfo {
param (
$searchService = Get-AzRedisCache -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName
$searchService | Select-Object -Property Name, Sku, Size, Location | Export-Csv -Path $OutputCsvFilePath -Delimiter ';'
################# Functions. End
# Opens Login popup
$azureSubscriptionId = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter Azure Subscription ID of the reviewed Resource Group";
Set-AzContext -SubscriptionId $azureSubscriptionId
$resourceGroupName = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter Resource Group name";
## Step #1
Get-WebAppsBasicInfo -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -OutputCsvFilePath ".\HostingPlansInformation.csv"
## Step #2
#### Getting Azure SQL DBs info
Get-SqlBasicInfo -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -OutputCsvFolderPath "."
## Step #3
#### Getting Azure Search info
Get-AzureSearchBasicInfo -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -OutputCsvFilePath ".\AzureSearchInfo.csv"
## Step #4
#### Getting Redis Cache
Get-AzureRedisCacheBasicInfo -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -OutputCsvFilePath ".\AzureRedisInfo.csv"
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