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Forked from wsargent/genclient
Created December 14, 2016 06:11
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Create a working(!) client certificate for use with nginx, using only keytool
export PW=`pwgen -Bs 10 1`
echo "$PW" > password
# Create a self signed certificate & private key to create a root certificate authority.
keytool -genkeypair -v \
-alias clientCA \
-keystore client.jks \
-dname "CN=clientCA, OU=Example Org, O=Example Company, L=San Francisco, ST=California, C=US" \
-keypass:env PW \
-storepass:env PW \
-keyalg RSA \
-keysize 2048 \
-ext KeyUsage="keyCertSign" \
-ext BasicConstraints="ca:true" \
-validity 365
# Create another key pair that will act as the client. We want this signed by the client CA.
keytool -genkeypair -v \
-alias client \
-keystore client.jks \
-dname "CN=client, OU=Example Org, O=Example Company, L=San Francisco, ST=California, C=US" \
-keypass:env PW \
-storepass:env PW \
-keyalg RSA \
-keysize 2048
# Create a certificate signing request from the client certificate.
keytool -certreq -v \
-alias client \
-keypass:env PW \
-storepass:env PW \
-keystore client.jks \
-file client.crq
# Make clientCA create a certificate chain saying that client is signed by clientCA.
keytool -gencert -v \
-alias clientCA \
-keypass:env PW \
-storepass:env PW \
-keystore client.jks \
-infile client.crq \
-outfile client.crt \
-ext EKU="clientAuth" \
# Export the client-ca certificate from the keystore. This goes to nginx under "ssl_client_certificate"
# and is presented in the CertificateRequest.
keytool -export -v \
-alias clientCA \
-file clientca.crt \
-storepass:env PW \
-keystore client.jks \
# Import the signed certificate back into client.jks. This is important, as JSSE won't send a client
# certificate if it can't find one signed by the client-ca presented in the CertificateRequest.
keytool -import -v \
-alias client \
-file client.crt \
-keystore client.jks \
-storetype JKS \
-storepass:env PW
# Export the client CA to pkcs12, so it's safe.
keytool -importkeystore -v \
-srcalias clientCA \
-srckeystore client.jks \
-srcstorepass:env PW \
-destkeystore clientca.p12 \
-deststorepass:env PW \
-deststoretype PKCS12
# Then, strip out the client CA from client.jks.
keytool -delete -v \
-alias clientCA \
-storepass:env PW \
-keystore client.jks
# List out the contents of client.jks just to confirm it.
keytool -list -v \
-keystore client.jks \
-storepass:env PW
echo "PW = $PW"
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