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Created March 20, 2014 01:12
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  • Save ivancp/9655326 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ivancp/9655326 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
'Put this function in new/existing MS-Access module.
' Version History:
' 2012-03-16 - First version
' 2014-02-09 - Seamus Casey
' a modification to Ivan's handy Access to MySQL relationship/constraint generator
' changes include:
' 1) skip Access system tables (TableDefAttributeEnum.dbSystemObjec)
' 2) add support for cascading updates/deletes
Public Sub printRelations()
Dim sql, fk As String
Dim I, J As Integer
Dim db As Database
Dim Table As TableDef
Dim TableName As String
' grab a reference to this once, otherwise when we retrieve a table below,
' we will get an 'Object Invalid or No Longer Set' error.
Set db = CurrentDb
For I = 0 To db.Relations.Count - 1
Set Table = db.TableDefs.Item(db.Relations(I).Table)
If ((Table.Attributes And TableDefAttributeEnum.dbSystemObject) = 0) Then
sql = "ALTER TABLE `" & db.Relations(I).ForeignTable & _
"` ADD CONSTRAINT `" & db.Relations(I).Name & "` FOREIGN KEY ("
fk = "("
For J = 0 To db.Relations(I).Fields.Count - 1
sql = sql & "`" & db.Relations(I).Fields(J).ForeignName & "` ,"
fk = fk & "`" & db.Relations(I).Fields(J).Name & "` ,"
Next J
sql = Left(sql, Len(sql) - 1)
fk = Left(fk, Len(fk) - 1)
fk = fk & ")"
sql = sql & ") REFERENCES `" & db.Relations(I).Table & "`" & fk
If (db.Relations(I).Attributes And RelationAttributeEnum.dbRelationUpdateCascade) Then
sql = sql & " ON UPDATE CASCADE"
End If
If (db.Relations(I).Attributes And RelationAttributeEnum.dbRelationDeleteCascade) Then
sql = sql & " ON DELETE CASCADE"
End If
sql = sql & ";"
Debug.Print sql
End If
Next I
End Sub
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hdushku commented Dec 17, 2018

Thank you
Very useful

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