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Created November 18, 2013 18:00
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Here's a template I sometimes use for OOP-similar behavior in JavaScript. As you can see, you can simulate private (both static and instance) members using closures. What new MyClass() will return is an object with only the properties assigned to the this object and in the prototype object of the "class." As you can see, the classes correctly in…
var bob = new MyClass();
bob.announce(); // id is 1, name shows as "Bob"
var john = new MyChildClass('Doe');
john.announce(); // id is 2, name shows as "John Doe"
alert(john instanceof MyClass); // true
// It's a good idea to have a utility class to wire up inheritance.
function inherit(cls, superCls) {
// We use an intermediary empty constructor to create an
// inheritance chain, because using the super class' constructor
// might have side effects.
var construct = function () {};
construct.prototype = superCls.prototype;
cls.prototype = new construct;
cls.prototype.constructor = cls;
cls.super = superCls;
var MyChildClass = (function () {
// constructor
var cls = function (surName) {
// Call super constructor on this instance (any arguments
// to the constructor would go after "this" in call(…)).;
// Shadowing instance properties is a little bit less
// intuitive, but can be done:
var getName = this.get_name;
// public (this instance only)
this.get_name = function () {
return + ' ' + surName;
inherit(cls, MyClass); // <-- important!
return cls;
var MyClass = (function () {
// private static
var nextId = 1;
// constructor
var cls = function () {
// private
var id = nextId++;
var name = 'Unknown';
// public (this instance only)
this.get_id = function () { return id; };
this.get_name = function () { return name; };
this.set_name = function (value) {
if (typeof value != 'string')
throw 'Name must be a string';
if (value.length < 2 || value.length > 20)
throw 'Name must be 2-20 characters long.';
name = value;
// public static
cls.get_nextId = function () {
return nextId;
// public (shared across instances)
cls.prototype = {
announce: function () {
alert('Hi there! My id is ' + this.get_id() + ' and my name is "' + this.get_name() + '"!\r\n' +
'The next fellow\'s id will be ' + MyClass.get_nextId() + '!');
return cls;
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