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Created December 27, 2022 14:32
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  • Save ivanferrer/62a6234c24ad38dca3be9adc19942ff0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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"AT": "at",
"BACK": "Back",
"CLOSE": "Close",
"I": "I",
"NO": "No",
"PLUS_N": "(+ {{n}})",
"YES": "Yes",
"COMING_SOON": "Coming soon",
"LINE_1": "Update",
"LINE_2": "Picture"
"SHOW_PROFILE": "Show profile"
"HOME": {
"LINE1": "Hello",
"LINE2": "You are at Impulseup",
"LINE3": ""
"TITLE": "Access options",
"WELCOME": "Welcome to Impulseup,",
"DASHBOARD_LINK": "Proceed to the dashboard",
"OR": "or",
"LOGOUNT_LINK": "logout"
"GREETINGS1": "You are not logged in. If you have the right credentials,",
"DASHBOARD_LINK": "Proceed to the dashboard page",
"GREETINGS2": ". You will be asked for your credentials."
"WELCOME": "Welcome, ",
"MESSAGE_1": "Proceed to your organization page"
"TITLE":"Change Survey",
"MESSAGE":"Data save with success"
"TITLE":"Oops, something didn't go right...",
"MESSAGE":"System has failed, please try again later."
"GENERAL_TITLE": "New Research",
"TITLE_1": "Form Survey",
"SUBTITLE_1": "Extensive survey type with questions of various types.",
"TITLE_2": "Pulse Research",
"SUBTITLE_2": "Recurring and short survey type, usually between 1 and 5 questions.",
"TITLE_3": "NPS Research",
"SUBTITLE_3": "Type of survey with questions following NPS methodology."
"POPUP": {
"MESSAGE_SUCCESS": "Password definition email sent to the user successfully.",
"TITLE_ERROR": "Ops, something didn't work ...",
"MESSAGE_ERROR": "We did not find the email you entered. Please make sure that the email you provided is the same as the one you used to register with Impulseup."
"MESSAGE_SUCCESS_INVATITION": "We have sent you an email with instructions on how to reset your password.",
"MESSAGE_SUCCESS_INVATITION_ADMIN": "We have sent you an email with instructions to reset your password.",
"TITLE_ERROR_INVATITION": "Ops, something didn't work ...",
"MESSAGE_ERROR_INVATITION": "This email is related to an account that is not yet active. We sent you an email to set a password and activate your account. ",
"MESSAGE_ERROR_INVATITION_ADMIN": "This email is related to an account that is not yet active. Sent an email to set a password and activate the account. "
"NAV_BAR_TITLE": "Appraisals"
"NAME": "Untitled appraisal",
"BOX_1_TITLE": "Create New Appraisal",
"TEMPLATE_BOX_1_TITLE": "Create from template",
"TEMPLATE_BOX_1_LINE_1": "Use one of our appraisal templates and edit it according to your needs. The templates are 100% customizable!",
"TEMPLATE_BOX_1_LINE_2": "It is a good option if you want to try before running an appraisal for real.",
"TEMPLATE_BOX_1_BUTTON_1": "Start!",
"TEMPLATE_BOX_2_TITLE": "Create new appraisal",
"TEMPLATE_BOX_2_LINE_1": "This is the best option if you have already competencies defined and want to create an appraisal with them.",
"TEMPLATE_BOX_2_BUTTON_1": "Start!",
"TEMPLATE_BOX_3_TITLE": "Appraisal templates",
"TEMPLATE_BOX_3_LINE_1": "Choose a template to build an appraisal:",
"BUTTON_CLOSE": "Close",
"BUTTON_CREATE": "Create appraisal",
"TEMPLATE_1": "Key competencies",
"TEMPLATE_2": "Key competencies (simplified)",
"TEMPLATE_3": "Leaders and managers",
"TEMPLATE_4": "Sales team",
"TEMPLATE_5": "Customer service team",
"TEMPLATE_6": "Project team",
"TEMPLATE_7": "Potencial and key competencies",
"TEMPLATE_8": "IT team",
"TEMPLATE_BOX_MENSAGE_1": "Please, select one of appraisal templates on the left.",
"TEMPLATE_BOX_MENSAGE_3": "Assessed competencies:",
"TEMPLATE_BOX_MENSAGE_4": "Potencial:",
"TEMPLATE_BOX_MENSAGE_5": "Soft Skills:",
"TEMPLATE_BOX_MENSAGE_6": "Hard Skills:",
"TEMPLATE_1_MESSAGE": "This performance appraisal aims to identify and improve competencies which are generally required by organizations regardless of industry.",
"TEMPLATE_1_COMPETENCIES_1": "Communication",
"TEMPLATE_1_COMPETENCIES_2": "Problem solving",
"TEMPLATE_1_COMPETENCIES_4": "Results Orientation",
"TEMPLATE_1_COMPETENCIES_5": "Initiative",
"TEMPLATE_1_COMPETENCIES_6": "Flexibility",
"TEMPLATE_1_COMPETENCIES_7": "Organization",
"TEMPLATE_1_COMPETENCIES_8": "Self development",
"TEMPLATE_1_COMPETENCIES_9": "Emotional intelligence",
"TEMPLATE_1_COMPETENCIES_10": "Job technical competencies",
"TEMPLATE_2_MESSAGE": "This performance appraisal consists of a simplified version of the \"Key competencies\" template and that directly assesses competencies rather than behaviors.",
"TEMPLATE_2_COMPETENCIES_1": "Communication",
"TEMPLATE_2_COMPETENCIES_2": "Problem solving",
"TEMPLATE_2_COMPETENCIES_4": "Results Orientation",
"TEMPLATE_2_COMPETENCIES_5": "Initiative",
"TEMPLATE_2_COMPETENCIES_6": "Self development",
"TEMPLATE_3_MESSAGE": "This performance appraisal is focused on professionals who hold management and leadership roles. Its main purpose is to improve the performance of their teams and to be more effective in their actions.",
"TEMPLATE_3_COMPETENCIES_1": "Communication",
"TEMPLATE_3_COMPETENCIES_2": "Problem solving",
"TEMPLATE_3_COMPETENCIES_3": "Systemic view",
"TEMPLATE_3_COMPETENCIES_4": "Analytical competencies",
"TEMPLATE_3_COMPETENCIES_5": "Results Orientation",
"TEMPLATE_3_COMPETENCIES_6": "Emotional intelligence",
"TEMPLATE_3_COMPETENCIES_7": "Ability to delegate",
"TEMPLATE_3_COMPETENCIES_9": "Leadership",
"TEMPLATE_3_COMPETENCIES_10": "Interpersonal relationship",
"TEMPLATE_3_COMPETENCIES_11": "Conflict resolution",
"TEMPLATE_3_COMPETENCIES_12": "Development of employees",
"TEMPLATE_4_MESSAGE": "This performance appraisal aims to identify and develop competencies which are generally required by sale professionals to perform well.",
"TEMPLATE_4_COMPETENCIES_1": "Communication",
"TEMPLATE_4_COMPETENCIES_2": "Results Orientation",
"TEMPLATE_4_COMPETENCIES_3": "Predictability",
"TEMPLATE_4_COMPETENCIES_4": "Organization",
"TEMPLATE_4_COMPETENCIES_6": "Negotiation",
"TEMPLATE_4_COMPETENCIES_7": "Flexibility",
"TEMPLATE_4_COMPETENCIES_8": "Self esteem",
"TEMPLATE_4_COMPETENCIES_9": "Confidence",
"TEMPLATE_4_COMPETENCIES_10": "Self development",
"TEMPLATE_4_COMPETENCIES_11": "Emotional intelligence",
"TEMPLATE_5_MESSAGE": "This performance appraisal aims to develop professionals who deal directly with the client in order to increase customer satisfaction and engagement.",
"TEMPLATE_5_COMPETENCIES_1": "Communication",
"TEMPLATE_5_COMPETENCIES_2": "Customer focus",
"TEMPLATE_5_COMPETENCIES_3": "Problem solving",
"TEMPLATE_5_COMPETENCIES_5": "Conflict resolution",
"TEMPLATE_5_COMPETENCIES_6": "Negotiation",
"TEMPLATE_5_COMPETENCIES_7": "Initiative",
"TEMPLATE_5_COMPETENCIES_8": "Self development",
"TEMPLATE_5_COMPETENCIES_9": "Emotional intelligence",
"TEMPLATE_6_MESSAGE": "This performance appraisal aims to develop teams of project oriented organizations to deliver them informations to improve the quality of their work.",
"TEMPLATE_6_COMPETENCIES_1": "Communication",
"TEMPLATE_6_COMPETENCIES_2": "Problem solving",
"TEMPLATE_6_COMPETENCIES_4": "Analytical competencies",
"TEMPLATE_6_COMPETENCIES_5": "Compliance with deadlines",
"TEMPLATE_6_COMPETENCIES_6": "Flexibility",
"TEMPLATE_6_COMPETENCIES_7": "Organization",
"TEMPLATE_6_COMPETENCIES_9": "Risk management",
"TEMPLATE_6_COMPETENCIES_10": "Conflict resolution",
"TEMPLATE_7_MESSAGE": "This model contains competencies that are generally required by employees of any organization and also a potential appraisal. You can create a Nine-Box matrix with both of appraisals.",
"TEMPLATE_7_COMPETENCIES_1": "Communication",
"TEMPLATE_7_COMPETENCIES_2": "Problem solving",
"TEMPLATE_7_COMPETENCIES_4": "Results Orientation",
"TEMPLATE_7_COMPETENCIES_5": "Initiative",
"TEMPLATE_7_COMPETENCIES_6": "Self development",
"TEMPLATE_7_COMPETENCIES_7": "Aspiration",
"TEMPLATE_7_COMPETENCIES_8": "Capacity for action",
"TEMPLATE_7_COMPETENCIES_9": "Engagement and commitment",
"TEMPLATE_8_MESSAGE": "This template has skills that are generally required by IT professionals.",
"TEMPLATE_8_SOF_SKILLS_1": "Communication",
"TEMPLATE_8_SOF_SKILLS_2": "Teamwork",
"TEMPLATE_8_SOF_SKILLS_3": "Learning",
"TEMPLATE_8_SOF_SKILLS_4": "Troubleshooting",
"TEMPLATE_8_SOF_SKILLS_5": "Company Alignment",
"TEMPLATE_8_SOF_SKILLS_6": "Customer Focus",
"TEMPLATE_8_SOF_SKILLS_7": "Excellence in Results",
"TEMPLATE_8_SOF_SKILLS_8": "Responsibility",
"TEMPLATE_8_SOF_SKILLS_9": "Empathy",
"TEMPLATE_8_SOF_SKILLS_10": "Productivity",
"TEMPLATE_8_SOF_SKILLS_11": "Organization",
"TEMPLATE_8_SOF_SKILLS_12": "Feedback",
"TEMPLATE_8_HARD_SKILLS_1": "Design knowledge",
"TEMPLATE_8_HARD_SKILLS_2": "Knowledge in Development",
"TEMPLATE_8_HARD_SKILLS_3": "Knowledge in Operation"
"ARCHIVE": "Click to view archived reviews",
"UNARCHIVE": "Click to hide archived reviews"
"ALL_ARCHIVED": "All appraisals are archived.",
"ARCHIVED_FILES": "Archived appraisals",
"TITLE": "Appraisals",
"LABEL_LINE_1": "You still haven't created any appraisal. Choose one of the options and start right now!",
"LABEL_DEADLINE": "Deadline",
"LABEL_SUBMITTED": "Answered",
"LABEL_PARTIAL": "Started",
"LABEL_CREATED": "Created",
"LABEL_UPDATED": "Updated",
"LABEL_EDIT": "Edit",
"LABEL_MONITOR": "Monitor",
"LABEL_ANALYSIS": "Analyze",
"LABEL_NINEBOX": "Nine-Box",
"MESSAGE_MONITOR": "Monitoring disabled.\nSend the appraisal to monitore it.",
"LABEL_DELETE": "Delete",
"LABEL_COPY": "Copy",
"LABEL_ARCHIVE": "Archive",
"LABEL_UNARCHIVE": "Unarchive",
"ARCHIVED": "Archived",
"DRAFT": "Not started",
"OPEN": "In Evaluation",
"CLOSED": "Appraisal Closed",
"OPENFINAL": "Open",
"CLOSEDFINAL": "Closed",
"APPRAISAL_CLOSED": "Appraisal Closed",
"REVIEWER_INDICATION": "Indicate evaluators",
"REVIEWER_EVALUATION": "View evaluation",
"APPRAISAL_CONSENSUS": "Make consensus",
"START_EVALUATION": "Answer evaluation",
"IN_INDICATION": "In indication",
"INDICATION_DEADLINE": "Deadline for making nominations",
"MORE_OPTIONS": "More options",
"REVIEWER_INDICATION_VIEW": "Visualizar indicações"
"NIVEL_SUBTITLE": "Scale levels",
"SCALE_SYMBOL_LABEL": "Scale symbol",
"CUSTOMIZE": "[customize...]",
"CUSTOMIZE_TITLE": "Customize rating scale",
"VIEW_TITLE": "View rating scale",
"VALUE": "Value",
"DISPLAY_NAME": "Nivel name",
"ADD": "Add another level...",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"APPLY": "Save"
"DISABLED": "Disabled"
"MENU_TITLE": "Sections",
"LABEL_LINE_1": "New section",
"BUTTON_LINE_2": "Add section"
"MENU_TITLE": "Report settings",
"MENU_ITEM_1": "Display results",
"MENU_ITEM_2": "Display other information",
"MENU_ITEM_3": "Display comments",
"MENU_ITEM_4": "Returns and consensus",
"MENU_ITEM_5": "Nine-box and calibration",
"MENU_ITEM_6": "Weights per appraiser",
"MENU_ITEM_7": "Display of averages",
"MENU_ITEM_8": "PDF report"
"MENU_TITLE": "Specific sections",
"LABEL_LINE_1": "Goals",
"LABEL_LINE_2": "Potential",
"LABEL_LINE_3": "Final considerations"
"SCALE": {
"TITLE": "Ops...",
"MESSAGE_1": "Scale levels cannot contain equal values."
"TABS": {
"TAB_1": "Weight",
"TAB_2": "Visibility by appraisee",
"TAB_3": "Visibility by reviewer"
"MESSAGE_1": "An unexpected error occurred while importing the file",
"MESSAGE_4": "All rows in the spreadsheet have been imported successfully.",
"MESSAGE_3": "The spreadsheet is empty. No records to be imported.",
"MESSAGE_11": "Your spreadsheet has been successfully imported.",
"MESSAGE_10": "Import error",
"MESSAGE_24": "A section name is required. Enter a name before importing.",
"MESSAGE_25": "Unnamed section is not allowed.",
"FILE_EMPTY": "The spreadsheet is empty. No records to be imported.",
"COMPETENCY_NAME_HEADER_NOT_FOUND": "Could not find competency name in spreadsheet header",
"COMPETENCY_NAME_VALUE_EMPTY": "Competency name is required. ({{cellAddress}}) Line: {{rowIndex}}, Cell: {{cellIndex}}.",
"COMPETENCY_NAME_DUPLICATED": "Duplicate competency name in the spreadsheet. ({{cellAddress}}) Value: {{value}}, Line: {{rowIndex}}, Cell: {{cellIndex}}.",
"VISIBILIT_NOT_FOUND_REVIEWER_TYPE": "It was not possible to find visibility with the type of evaluator. Types of evaluators available ({{availableValues}}). ({{cellAddress}}) Value: {{value}}, Line: {{rowIndex}}, Cell: {{cellIndex}}.",
"VISIBILIT_NOT_FOUND_DEPARTMENT": "It was not possible to find the visibility of the area, register before evaluated in Step 4. ({{cellAddress}}) Value: {{value}}, Line: {{rowIndex}}, Cell: {{cellIndex}}.",
"VISIBILIT_NOT_FOUND_JOB_TITLE": "It was not possible to find the job title visibility, register previously evaluated in Step 4. ({{cellAddress}}) Value: {{value}}, Line: {{rowIndex}}, Cell: {{cellIndex}}.",
"VISIBILIT_NOT_FOUND_CUSTOM1": "Nao foi possível encontrar a visibilidade do custom1, cadastre antes avaliados na Etapa 4. ({{ cellAddress }}) Valor: {{ value }}, Linha: {{ rowIndex }}, Celula: {{ cellIndex }}.",
"VISIBILIT_NOT_FOUND_CUSTOM2": "Nao foi possível encontrar a visibilidade do custom2, cadastre antes avaliados na Etapa 4. ({{ cellAddress }}) Valor: {{ value }}, Linha: {{ rowIndex }}, Celula: {{ cellIndex }}.",
"VISIBILIT_NOT_FOUND_CUSTOM3": "Nao foi possível encontrar a visibilidade do custom3, cadastre antes avaliados na Etapa 4. ({{ cellAddress }}) Valor: {{ value }}, Linha: {{ rowIndex }}, Celula: {{ cellIndex }}.",
"VISIBILIT_NOT_FOUND_CUSTOM4": "Nao foi possível encontrar a visibilidade do custom4, cadastre antes avaliados na Etapa 4. ({{ cellAddress }}) Valor: {{ value }}, Linha: {{ rowIndex }}, Celula: {{ cellIndex }}.",
"VISIBILIT_NOT_FOUND_CUSTOM5": "Nao foi possível encontrar a visibilidade do custom5, cadastre antes avaliados na Etapa 4. ({{ cellAddress }}) Valor: {{ value }}, Linha: {{ rowIndex }}, Celula: {{ cellIndex }}.",
"VISIBILIT_NOT_FOUND_CUSTOM6": "Nao foi possível encontrar a visibilidade do custom6, cadastre antes avaliados na Etapa 4. ({{ cellAddress }}) Valor: {{ value }}, Linha: {{ rowIndex }}, Celula: {{ cellIndex }}.",
"VISIBILIT_NOT_FOUND_LEVEL": "It was not possible to find the level's visibility, register previously evaluated in Step 4. ({{cellAddress}}) Value: {{value}}, Line: {{rowIndex}}, Cell: {{cellIndex}}."
"TEMPLATE_BOX_TITLE": "New section",
"LABEL_TEXT_FIELD_1": "Section title",
"LABEL_WEIGHT": "Section weight in final score",
"PLACEHOLDER_TEXT_FIELD_1": "New section",
"LABEL_DROPDOWN_1": "Section Rating scale",
"SELECT_1_DROPDOWN_1": "Never, Rarely, Sometimes, Frequently, Always",
"SELECT_2_DROPDOWN_1": "Unsatisfactory, Improvement needed, Meets expectations, Exceeds expectations, Exceptional",
"SELECT_3_DROPDOWN_1": "Strongly disagree, Disagree, Neutral, Agree, Strongly agree",
"LABEL_CHECKBOX_1": "Allow \"N/A\" answers",
"LABEL_CHECKBOX_2": "Allow reviewer's comment on each competency",
"LABEL_CHECKBOX_3": "Comment field is required",
"MANDATORY_COMMENT_FOR_EXTREMES_SCALE": "Comment field is mandatory only for extremes of the scale",
"ALERT_TEXT": "This section has no competencies yet",
"BUTTON_TEXT": "Add competency",
"OTHER_CONFIGURATIONS": "Other configurations...",
"OTHER_CONFIGURATIONS_TITLE": "Other configurations",
"VISIBILITY": "Visibility",
"WEIGHT": "Weight",
"VISIBILITY_PROMPT_COMPETENCY": "Show this competency...",
"VISIBILITY_PROMPT_FREE_TEXT": "Show this field...",
"VISIBILITY_PROMPT_SECTION": "Show this section...",
"VISIBILITY_PROMPT_SECTION_REVIEWERS": "Display section only for reviewers with the criteria below:",
"VISIBILITY_PROMPT_ATTRIBUTE": "Show this behavior...",
"VISIBILITY_CONFIGURE": "Configure visibility...",
"VISIBILITY_EVALUATION_TYPES": "When the participant is being reviewed by (leave empty for no filter):",
"VISIBILITY_REVIEWERS": "Assessed by the following evaluators:",
"VISIBILITY_REVIEW_DEPARTMENTS": "From the following areas:",
"VISIBILITY_REVIEW_VISIBILITY_JOB_TITLES": "From the following positions:",
"VISIBILITY_REVIEW_TYPES": "Of the following types:",
"VISIBILITY_REVIEWER_CUSTOMS": "Of the following {{ custom }}:",
"VISIBILITY_DEPARTMENTS": "When the reviewee belongs to one of the following departments (leave empty for no filter):",
"VISIBILITY_JOB_TITLES": "When the reviewee has one of the following job titles (leave empty for no filter):",
"VISIBILITY_LEVELS": "When the reviewee has one of the following levels (leave empty for no filter):",
"VISIBILITY_CUSTOMS": "Evaluated from the following {{ custom }}:",
"VISIBILITY_CUSTOMS1": "Evaluated from the following custom1:",
"VISIBILITY_CUSTOMS2": "Evaluated from the following custom2:",
"VISIBILITY_CUSTOMS3": "Evaluated from the following custom3:",
"VISIBILITY_CUSTOMS4": "Evaluated from the following custom4:",
"VISIBILITY_CUSTOMS5": "Evaluated from the following custom5:",
"VISIBILITY_CUSTOMS6": "Evaluated from the following custom6:",
"VISIBILITY_PLACEHOLDER_2": "Type and press enter...",
"uncheckAll": "Uncheck all",
"defaultTitle": "No options selected (will be displayed for all reviewees)",
"searchPlaceholder": "",
"searchEmptyResult": ""
"uncheckAll": "Uncheck all",
"defaultTitle": "No options selected (will be displayed for all reviewees)",
"searchPlaceholder": "",
"searchEmptyResult": ""
"uncheckAll": "Uncheck all",
"defaultTitle": "No configuration",
"searchPlaceholder": "",
"searchEmptyResult": ""
"VISIBILITY_REGISTER_BEFORE_MSG": "* To configure the visibilities register before evaluated in Step 4.",
"OTHER_CONFIGURATIONS_LABEL_1": "Levels required per job role",
"OTHER_CONFIGURATIONS_LABEL_2": "Level required by default for all reviewees:",
"OTHER_CONFIGURATIONS_LABEL_3": "No level required by default",
"OTHER_CONFIGURATIONS_LABEL_4": "Require the levels below for specific charges:",
"REMOVE_TOOLTIP": "Clicking here will remove the section",
"COMPETENCY_WEIGHT_TITLE": "Competency weight",
"COMPETENCY_WEIGHT": "Competency weight in section score",
"SAVE": "Save data",
"BUTTON_DOWNLOAD": "Download template",
"BUTTON_UPLOAD": "Import spreadsheet",
"BUTTON_EXPORT": "Export spreadsheet",
"TAB": {
"VISIBILITY": "Visibility",
"VISIBILITY_REVIEWER": "Visibility per reviewer",
"VISIBILITY_REVIEWEER": "Visibility per reviewer",
"LEVEL_REQUIRED": "Levels required",
"SCALE": "Scale"
"ALERT_TEXT": "This section is only displayed for managers while evaluating their direct subordinates.",
"LABEL_CHECKBOX_1": "Enable this section",
"ALERT_TEXT_2": "This section has no goals yet",
"TEXT_1": "Written question",
"TEXT_2": "No items registered",
"TEXT_3": "Add a field with an essay question"
"TEMPLATE_BOX_TITLE": "Potential",
"ALERT_TEXT": "This section is only displayed for managers while evaluating their direct subordinates",
"LABEL_CHECKBOX_1": "Enable this section",
"ALERT_TEXT_2": "This section has no items yet!"
"TEMPLATE_BOX_TITLE": "Final considerations",
"ALERT_TEXT": "This section is shown for all participants",
"LABEL_CHECKBOX_1": "Allow participants to add final considerations at the end of the appraisal",
"TEMPLATE_BOX_SUB_TITLE": "Final considerations",
"PLACEHOLDER_TEXT_AREA_1": "Please write your final considerations about the appraisal.",
"NAME_LABEL": "Section name",
"NAME_PLACEHOLDER": "Customize the final considerations section name",
"PROMPT_LABEL": "Final considerations prompt",
"PROMPT_PLACEHOLDER": "Write an explanatory prompt for users"
"TITLE": "This is the only section in this appraisal",
"MESSAGE": "You cannot have an appraisal without sections."
"TITLE": "Are you sure?",
"MESSAGE": "Please confirm the removal of this section",
"BUTTON_REMOVE": "Remove",
"SelfEvaluations": "Him/Herself (self-assessment)",
"ManagerEvaluations": "His or Her Manager",
"ReporteeEvaluations": "A subordinate (if exists)",
"PeerEvaluations": "A peer (if exists)",
"ClientEvaluations": "A third person related to him/her (if exists)",
"ConsensusEvaluations": "Consensus assessment (between manager and subordinate)",
"CUSTOM_LABEL": "{{ customLabel }} (if exists)"
"SelfEvaluations": "The reviewee him/herself (self-assessment)",
"ManagerEvaluations": "Manager or direct superior of the reviewee",
"ReporteeEvaluations": "Subordinates of the reviewee (if exist)",
"PeerEvaluations": "Peers of the reviewee (if exist)",
"ClientEvaluations": "A third person related to the reviewee (if exist)",
"ConsensusEvaluations": "Allow consensus assessment",
"CUSTOM_LABEL": "Evaluation by {{ customLabel}}"
"SelfEvaluations": "Result of self-assessment",
"ManagerEvaluations": "Result of the manager's evaluation",
"ReporteeEvaluations": "Result of the assessment of the team",
"PeerEvaluations": "Result of peer review",
"ClientEvaluations": "Result of the evaluation of customers and suppliers",
"CUSTOM_LABEL": "Result of the {{customLabel}} evaluation",
"FinalResult": "Final result (in tables and graphs)"
"SEND_APPRAISAL": "Sending appraisals",
"SEND_APPRAISAL_EMAIL":"Sending appraisals by email",
"SENDED_EMAIL":"Appraisals sent (email)",
"PROCESS_APPRAISAL":"Processing appraisals",
"COMPLETED_PROCESS_APPRAISAL":"Processed appraisals",
"SUCCESS_SENDED_APPRAISAL":"Appraisals sent successfully!",
"SUCCESS_PROCESS_APPRAISAL":"Appraisals processed successfully!"
"SEND_APPRAISAL": "Sending review",
"SEND_APPRAISAL_EMAIL":"Sending appraisals by email",
"SENDED_EMAIL":"Appraisals sent (email)",
"PROCESS_APPRAISAL":"Processing appraisal",
"COMPLETED_PROCESS_APPRAISAL":"Processed appraisal",
"SUCCESS_SENDED_APPRAISAL":"Appraisal sent successfully!",
"SUCCESS_PROCESS_APPRAISAL":"Appraisal processed successfully!"
"TITLE_CONSUMPTION":"Credit Consumption",
"TITLE_TOTAL_CONSUMPTION":"Credit consumption total",
"TITLE_TOTAL_APPRAISALS":"Total appraisals",
"TITLE_EMAIL_NOTIFICATION":"Sent email notifications",
"SENT_BY":"Sent by",
"TITLE": "Evaluation submission",
"STARTED_ON":"Started on",
"FINISHED_ON":"Finished on",
"SEND_INTERRUPTED":"Sending interrupted.",
"CONSUMPTION": "It will be consumed",
"CONSUMPTION_SINGULAR": "will be consumed",
"CONSUMPTION_PLURAL": "will be consumed",
"CREDIT_SINGULAR": "credit",
"CREDIT_PLURAL": "credits",
"USER_ACTIVE_SINGULAR": "active user",
"USER_ACTIVE_PLURAL": "active users",
"OUT_OF": "out of",
"AVAILABLE_SINGULAR": "available",
"AVAILABLE_PLURAL": "available",
"REQUIRES_ACTIVE_USERS": "Oops..! You need ",
"REQUIRES_CREDITS": "Oops..! You need ",
"REQUIRES_CURRENT_BALANCE": "You have now a total of ",
"REQUIRES_CURRENT_USER_ACTIVE": "You currently have a total of ",
"REQUIRES_GET_MORE_MESSAGE": "Select less reviewees or get more credits ",
"REQUIRES_GET_MORE_USER_ACTIVE_MESSAGE": "Select less rated or get more active users ",
"REQUIRES_GET_MORE_LINK": "by clicking here.",
"NO_REQUIRED_CREDITS": "No credits will be spent",
"REMAINING_1": "You have already paid for",
"PARTICIPANT_PLURAL": "evaluators",
"REMAINING_2": "The remaining credits are based on new reviewees which were added or configured after the last time you sent this appraisal.",
"EXPLANATION_1": "Each appraiser consumes",
"EXPLANATION_1_1": "one credit",
"EXPLANATION_1_2": ", regardless of how many people rate it.",
"EXPLANATION_2": "An email will be sent to each reviewer with a link to answer the appraisal.",
"CLOSE": "Fechar",
"CANCEL": "Cancelar",
"START_NOW": "Send",
"SUCCESS": "Appraisal started!",
"CREDITS_NONE": "No credits were consumed",
"CREDITS_SINGULAR": "{{value}} credit was consumed",
"CREDITS_PLURAL": "{{value}} credits were consumed",
"AND": "and",
"INVITATIONS_NONE": "no new emails were sent",
"INVITATIONS_SINGULAR": "{{value}} email was sent",
"INVITATIONS_PLURAL": "{{value}} emails were sent",
"INVITATION_SENT": "Sent to evaluators {{date}}",
"INVITATION_NOT_SENT": "Not sent to evaluators",
"INVALID_DATA_MESSAGE": "Select at least one reviewee",
"VALIDATION_MESSAGE_1": "Select at least one reviewee, to send the appraisal."
"TITLE": "Phased Evaluation",
"DESCRIPTION":"Different deadlines for each type of evaluator to respond to the appraisal",
"TITLE_QUESTION_SEND":"Send staged assessment?",
"DESCRIPTION_SEND":"Send to specific evaluator types",
"SELECT_IS_APPRAISAL_PHASED_TYPE": "Send to specific evaluator type:",
"EVALUATION_TYPE_OPTIONS_LABEL": "Send to specific evaluator type:",
"SelfEvaluations": "Self-Evaluation",
"ManagerEvaluations": "Manager",
"ReporteeEvaluations": "Leaded",
"PeerEvaluations": "Peers",
"ClientEvaluations": "Responsible",
"CUSTOM_LABEL": "{{customLabel}}"
"WHEN_TO_NOTIFY_EMAIL_EVALUATORS":"When to notify evaluators by email",
"BACK_REQUEST":"Reply item",
"FINAL_MESSAGE": "Closing of open appraisals",
"BACK_SELECT_EVALUATIONS": "Back to appraisee selection",
"SELECT_PEOPLES":"Selection of people to evaluate",
"TOOLTIP_DEVOLUTIVA":"Return performed",
"TITLE": "<span>Ao retirar o tipo do avaliador, informações desse tipo de avaliador serão excluídas da Etapa 4.</span><p></p> <span>Deseja continuar?</span> ",
"BTN_YES": "Sim",
"BTN_NO": "Não"
"TITLE": "Error saving information",
"HTML": "<p>Oops... Looks like something went wrong. </p> <p> Reload Impulseup and if the problem persists contact our Support.</p>" },
"TITLE": "Error saving information",
"HTML": "<p>Oops... Looks like you have no internet connection. </p> <p>Check your connection and try accessing Impulseup again.</p>" },
"TITLE": "Are you sure you want to proceed with the closure? ",
"TEXT": "You are ending your evaluation. After closing, you will no longer be able to change your answers. ",
"BTN_CLOSE_REVIEW": "Close appraisals",
"BTN_CLOSE_REVIEW_SINGULAR": "Close appraisal",
"SUB_TITLE_CONSENSUS": "Select the people you want to carry out the consensus assessment and click {{buttonName}}:",
"SUB_TITLE_CONTINUE_CONSENSUS": "To continue others' consensus rating, select who you want to rate and click {{buttonName}}.",
"SUB_TITLE": "Select the people you want to evaluate and click {{buttonName}}:",
"SUB_TITLE_CONTINUE": "To continue evaluating other people, select who you want to evaluate and click {{buttonName}}.",
"SelfEvaluations": "Self-evaluation",
"ManagerEvaluations": "Subordinates",
"ReporteeEvaluations": "Managers",
"PeerEvaluations": "Your pairs",
"ClientEvaluations": "Clients or partners",
"ConsensusEvaluations": "Consensus"
"SelfEvaluations": "Self-evaluation",
"ManagerEvaluations": "Subordinate",
"ReporteeEvaluations": "Manager",
"PeerEvaluations": "Your pair",
"ClientEvaluations": "Client or partner",
"ConsensusEvaluations": "Consensu"
"CHECK_ALL": "Select all",
"CHECK_GROUP": "Select group"
"STARTED": "Started",
"FINISHED": "Answered",
"NOT_STARTED": "Not started"
"NEVER": "Not started",
"DRAFT": "Closed"
"ALL_SELECT": "Evaluate all people at once",
"SELECTED_PARTICIPANT": "Select the people you want to evaluate",
"TOTAL_SELECTED":"Total selected appraisees"
"SAVING_MSG": "Saving...",
"TITLE": "Ops...",
"MESSAGE": "Another user may be working on this same assessment, or there may be another browser window with this same assessment open. To avoid inconsistencies, close other open windows or tabs with Impulseup and refresh this page (F5). the problem persists, contact our support team. "
"TITLE": "Ops...",
"MESSAGE": "It looks like some invalid data is being sent to the server, please check your latest evaluation changes please. If the problem persists please contact our support team. "
"TITLE": "Ops...",
"MESSAGE": "It was not possible to save the evaluation. Please refresh the page (F5) and try again. If it persists, contact our support. "
"TITLE": "Ops...",
"MESSAGE": "Your session is no longer valid. Please login again. "
"TITLE": "Ops...",
"MESSAGE": "Your session has expired. Please refresh the page (F5) to renew your session. "
"TITLE": "Confirm removal",
"MESSAGE": "Are you sure you want to remove this participant?",
"BUTTON_OK": "Yes, remove",
"BUTTON_CANCEL": "Cancel",
"SUCCESS": "The participant was successfully removed!"
"TITLE": "Confirm removal",
"MESSAGE": "Are you sure you want to remove all selected participants?",
"BUTTON_OK": "Yes, remove then",
"BUTTON_CANCEL": "Cancel",
"SUCCESS": "The participants was successfully removed!"
"REVIEWER": "Reviewer:",
"TITLE": "Removal not allowed",
"MESSAGE": "It is not possible to exclude this competency because it already has responses from evaluators."
"TITLE": "Removal not allowed",
"MESSAGE": "It is not possible to exclude this behavior because it already has responses from evaluators."
"INVALID_DATA_MESSAGE": "Invalid data",
"VALIDATION_MESSAGE_1": "Provide at least the appraisal name and who will be the reviewers.",
"VALIDATION_MESSAGE_2": "Provide sections titles and competencies titles. Each section should have at least one competency."
"ITEMS_1": "Appraisals",
"ITEMS_2": "Editing appraisal:"
"BUTTON_STEP_1": "Setup",
"BUTTON_STEP_2": "Form",
"BUTTON_STEP_3": "Report",
"BUTTON_STEP_4": "Reviewees"
"TITLE_1": "Appraisal without name",
"TITLE_2": "Monitoring",
"TITLE_3": "Back to monitoring",
"TITLE_4": "Monitoring appraisal",
"LABEL_TEXT_FIELD_1": "Appraisal title",
"LABEL_TEXT_FIELD_1_TOOLTIP": "This is the name of your evaluation and will be displayed to all evaluated and evaluators.",
"PLACEHOLDER_TEXT_FIELD_1": "Provide the appraisal title",
"LABEL_TEXT_AREA_1": "Introduction to reviewers",
"LABEL_TEXT_AREA_1_TOOLTIP": "The introduction will be displayed as soon as the reviewers access the form to answer the appraisal.",
"PLACEHOLDER_TEXT_AREA_1": "Write a welcome message to the reviewers and a short explanation about the appraisal.",
"TEMPLATE_BOX_TITLE_TOOLTIP": "Corresponds to the type of people that can or cannot assess each reviewee.",
"TEMPLATE_BOX_TITLE": "Reviewers",
"LABEL_CHECKBOX_1": "Subordinates of the reviewee (if exist)",
"LABEL_CHECKBOX_2": "Manager of the reviewee (if exist)",
"LABEL_CHECKBOX_3": "Peers of the reviewee (if exist)",
"LABEL_CHECKBOX_4": "Self reviewee (self-assessment)",
"LABEL_CHECKBOX_5": "Third people related to the reviewee (if exist)"
"TEMPLATE_BOX_TITLE": "Report Configuration",
"EXPLANATION_WEIGHTS": "Please attribute weights to each evaluation type",
"TEMPLATE_BOX_TITLE_TOOLTIP": "Configuration of the final result of the evaluation of each evaluated.",
"TEMPLATE_BOX_TITLE_TOOLTIP_WEIGHTS": "Sets the rating weight for each rater type. ",
"SHOW_FINAL_SCORES_LABEL": "Display final report result in ",
"SHOW_FINAL_SCORES_OR_PERCENTAGE_LABEL": "Show final result in score or percentage",
"SHOW_FINAL_SCORES_TOOLTIP": "Show final score in participant's report",
"LABEL": "Sorting of competency results:",
"TYPES": {
"LARGEST_TO_SMALLEST": "From the highest score to the lowest",
"SMALLEST_TO_LARGEST": "From the lowest score to the highest",
"FORM_ORDER": "Same order as shown on the form"
"NONE_SHOW": "Do not display",
"SelfEvaluations": "Self-evaluations",
"ManagerEvaluations": "Manager evaluations",
"ReporteeEvaluations": "Subordinate evaluations",
"PeerEvaluations": "Peer evaluations",
"ClientEvaluations": "Third-party evaluations",
"ConsensusEvaluations": "Consensus evaluations"
"CONFIG_DECIMAL_PLACES": "Number of decimal places displayed:"
"TEMPLATE_BOX_TITLE": "Notifications",
"TEMPLATE_BOX_TITLE_TOOLTIP": "Response deadline setting for evaluation for sending automatic notifications.",
"LABEL_TEXT_FIELD_1": "End date of the evaluation for all evaluators:",
"LABEL_CHECKBOX_3_DAYS": "3 days before deadline date",
"LABEL_CHECKBOX_1_DAY": "1 day before deadline date",
"LABEL_TEXT_DEADLINE_CUSTOM_LABEL": "Forecast end of assessment by {{ customLabel }}:"
"TEMPLATE_BOX_TITLE": "IDP Configuration",
"TEMPLATE_BOX_TITLE_TOOLTIP": "Individual Development Plan - Qualification of IDPs and evaluators and updates of development business plan from the result of the evaluation.",
"LABEL_TEXT_FIELD": "Deadline for creation of development actions",
"LABEL_TEXT_FIELD_INPUT": "Days after submission of report to manager",
"LABEL_CHECKBOX_CAN_UPDATE_ACTIONS": "Allow the evaluator to create and edit the development actions",
"LABEL_CHECKBOX_CAN_UPDATE_STATUS": "Allow appraiser to change status of development actions",
"LABEL_CHECKBOX_MANAGER_MATURITY_NOTIFICATION": "Send notifications to managers about deadlines.",
"LABEL_CHECKBOX_REVIEWEE_MATURITY_NOTIFICATION": "Send notifications to reviewee about deadlines.",
"TOGGLE_ON": "Enabled",
"TOGGLE_OFF": "Disabled",
"TITLE": "Thank you!",
"PLURAL": "Answered appraisals",
"SINGULAR": "Answered appraisal"
"PLURAL": "Pending appraisals",
"SINGULAR": "Pending appraisal"
"SUBTITLE":"Answered appraisal",
"MESSAGE_1_SINGULAR": "This answered review is ready to be closed.",
"MESSAGE_1_PLURAL": "These answered reviews are ready to be closed.",
"MESSAGE_2": "You have already finished your assessment. You can review your answers by clicking \"Back to Selected Assessments\".",
"MESSAGE_3": "Final Considerations",
"MESSAGE_4": "You have already completed the consensus assessment.",
"BUTTON_FINISH": "Send appraisal",
"BUTTON_SEND_ASYNC": "Sending...",
"BUTTON_LAST_SEND":"Last submission",
"BUTTON_REMOVE": "Remove selected",
"BUTTON_IMPORT_ASYNC": "Importing...",
"TITLE": "Ops..!",
"MESSAGE_1": "Some required items wasn't completed answered. Please, fill out all the required items before sending the evaluation.",
"BUTTON_FINISH": "Send appraisal"
"TITLE": "Closing of open appraisals",
"MESSAGE_1": "The appraisals of ",
"MESSAGE_1_PLURAL": "The appraisals have required items to be answered and are not completed. However, your answers are saved.",
"MESSAGE_1_SINGULAR": "The appraisals has required items to be answered and is not complete. However, your answer is saved.",
"MESSAGE_2": "have been answered.",
"MESSAGE_3": "have some required items to be answered. Because of that, the appraisal can't be sent, but your answers are saved.",
"MESSAGE_4": "The appraisal of ",
"MESSAGE_5": "has been answered.",
"MESSAGE_6": "have some required items to be answered. Because of that, the appraisal can't be sent, but your answers are saved.",
"MESSAGE_7": "View pending items",
"MESSAGE_8": "Evaluated outstanding:",
"BUTTON_FINISH": "Send appraisal",
"OPEN_APPRAISAL_AND_ANSWERED_MSG": "Do you want to end this appraisal review?",
"WARNING_INFO_TO_CLOSE":"Once closed, this appraisal cannot be edited."
"TITLE": "Removal not allowed",
"MESSAGE": "This appraisal has already been sent to reviewers."
"TITLE": "Oops..!",
"MESSAGE": "We couldn't find an appraisal with the link provided."
"TITLE": "Access disabled",
"MESSAGE": "Your access has been disabled. Contact your Admin to reinstate your access."
"TITLE": "Your appraisal has been sent successfully"
"TITLE": "You need to evaluate all competencies of at least one assessed"
"TITLE": "Your review was submitted only to those who had all items evaluated",
"TEXT": "The evaluation was sent only to those evaluated who had all the items answered."
"TITLE": "Please fill in all required items to submit your review."
"GENERATE": "Generate test data",
"DELETE": "Delete test data",
"EXPLANATION_1": "Would you like to simulate an appraisal with an example scenario?",
"EXPLANATION_2": "We'll generate fictitious reviewers and reviewers with the appraisal already answered, then you'll be able to check reports generated by Impulseup.",
"EXPLANATION_3": "Don't worry, this action don't use your credits and you can delete all the data generated easily.",
"BUTTON_GENERATE": "Generate data",
"BUTTON_CANCEL": "Cancel",
"TITLE": "Sample data generated",
"MESSAGE": "Don't forget to check out the sample reports!"
"TITLE": "Confirm removal",
"MESSAGE": "Do you really want to remove all test data?",
"BUTTON_REMOVE": "Yes, remove",
"SUCCESS": "Test data was removed successfully!"
"TITLE": "Confirm removal",
"MESSAGE": "Do you really want to remove this appraisal? This action can't be undone.",
"BUTTON_REMOVE": "Yes, remove",
"TITLE": "Confirm copy",
"MESSAGE": "Do you really want to copy this appraisal?",
"BUTTON_REMOVE": "Yes, copy",
"TITLE": "Confirm Archiving",
"MESSAGE": "Are you sure you want to archive the selected assessment?",
"BUTTON_REMOVE": "Yes, archive",
"BUTTON_CANCEL": "Cancel",
"SUCCESS": "Rating successfully archived!"
"TITLE": "Confirm unarchiving",
"MESSAGE": "Are you sure you want to unarchive the selected assessment?",
"BUTTON_REMOVE": "Yes, unarchive",
"BUTTON_CANCEL": "Cancel",
"SUCCESS": "Evaluation unarchived successfully!"
"TITLE": "Unnamed competence is not allowed.",
"MESSAGE": "A name for the competency is required. Enter a name or remove the competency."
"TITLE": "Unnamed section is not allowed.",
"MESSAGE": "A section name is required. Enter a name or remove the section."
"MESSAGE_1": "An unexpected error occurred while importing the file",
"MESSAGE_2": "Line (s) with error (s) that were not imported: ",
"MESSAGE_3": "The worksheet is empty. No record to be imported.",
"MESSAGE_4": "All rows in the spreadsheet were imported successfully.",
"MESSAGE_5": "The following errors occurred:",
"MESSAGE_6": "Invalid file extension.",
"MESSAGE_7": "The spreadsheet header is missing.",
"MESSAGE_8": "Order of the columns are incorrect. <br> Correct order is: ",
"MESSAGE_9": "Missing worksheet column (s): ",
"MESSAGE_10": "Import Error",
"MESSAGE_11": "Your spreadsheet was imported successfully.",
"MESSAGE_12": "The following worksheet rows have been imported successfully: ",
"MESSAGE_13": "Line (s) with error (s) that were not imported: ",
"MESSAGE_14": "Configuration of the evaluation without manager",
"MESSAGE_15": "Configuration of the evaluation without peer",
"MESSAGE_16": "Configuration of the evaluation without subordinate",
"MESSAGE_17": "Configuration of the evaluation without others",
"MESSAGE_18": "Invalid Reviewer Type",
"MESSAGE_19": "Invalid emails",
"MESSAGE_20": "Unfilled emails",
"MESSAGE_21": "Invalid names",
"MESSAGE_22": "Unfilled Names",
"MESSAGE_23": "No spreadsheet row was imported.",
"MESSAGE_24": "We were unable to update {{count}} appraisals because your appraisals are closed.",
"FILE_SIZE_LIMIT": "O arquivo ultrapassa o limite definido de 500kb",
"PREVIEW_FORM_LINK": "Preview form",
"PREVIEW_FORM_EXPLANATION": "Click here to check out a sample form which would be sent to reviewers.",
"PREVIEW_REPORT_LINK": "Reviewee report",
"PREVIEW_REPORT_EXPLANATION": "Click the button below to check out a <strong>reviewee</strong> report with <strong>sample</strong> data.",
"PREVIEW_NO_EVALUATION_TYPES": "Select at least one type of reviewer in the setup screen to preview",
"PREVIEW_FORM_SENT": "Appraisal sent successfully!",
"FORM_CLOSED": "Evaluation already closed.",
"PREVIEW_FORM_VIEW": "View evaluation form data",
"PREVIEW_FORM_NO_ANSWERS_SAVED": "This is only a preview of the appraisal form. Your answers here won't be saved.",
"PREVIEW_TITLE": "Appraisal preview",
"PREVIEW_LABEL_1": "Click to navigate",
"PREVIEW_LABEL_2": "Navigate on appraisal sections",
"PREVIEW_LABEL_3": "of",
"PREVIEW_BUTTON_1": "Close",
"PREVIEW_BUTTON_2": "Preview",
"PREVIEW_BUTTON_5": "Previous",
"PREVIEW_BUTTON_6": "Start",
"PREVIEW_BUTTON_7": "View evaluation",
"PREVIEW_BUTTON_8": "Continue evaluation",
"PREVIEW_BUTTON_9": "Cancel",
"PREVIEW_BUTTON_11":"Selection of appraisees",
"TITLE": "Do you want to confirm the deletion",
"MESSAGE": "Caution! The evaluator being excluded has already assessed competencies for this assessed.",
"MESSAGE_2": "By excluding this appraiser, your answers to this appraiser will be permanently deleted.",
"BUTTON_REMOVE": "Confirm",
"REALIZED":"Devolutiva realizada",
"NOT_REALIZED":"Devolutiva não realizada"
"BUTTON_MOVE_DOWN": "Move down",
"BUTTON_MOVE_UP": "Move up",
"LABEL_NO_COMPETENCY_DESCRIPTION": "No description provided",
"LABEL_UNNAMED_COMPETENCY": "Competency name",
"LABEL_SELECT_RATING": "Select a rating scale for this section",
"LABEL_COMMENTS_FIELD": "Comment or justification field",
"LABEL_COMPETENCY_NAME": "Competency name",
"PLACEHOLDER_COMPETENCY_NAME": "Add a competency name (E.g. 'Communication')",
"ERROR_COMPETENCY_NAME": "Very large name for proficiency (max 250 characters)",
"LABEL_DESCRIPTION": "Description",
"PLACEHOLDER_DESCRIPTION": "Add a clear description of this competency so the reviewers can assess it in consistent way.",
"RADIO_RATE_COMPETENCY": "Rate only the competency",
"RADIO_RATE_BEHAVIORS": "Rate behaviors related to the competency.",
"PLACEHOLDER_BEHAVIOR": "Add a behavior's description that is related to the competency to be evaluated.",
"MESSAGE_CHILDREN": "Behaviors for the competency:",
"BUTTON_ADD_BEHAVIOR": "Add behavior",
"REMOVE_TOOLTIP": "By clicking here the competence will be removed",
"REMOVE_TOOLTIP_ATRIBUTE": "Remove behavior",
"UPDATE_TOOLTIP": "Update the data of competency",
"CONFIG_TOOLTIP": "Others config of competency",
"WEIGHT_LABEL": "Weight in section:"
"TITLE": "Are you sure?",
"MESSAGE": "Please confirm the removal of this competency.",
"BUTTON_REMOVE": "Remove",
"LABEL_SECTION_COMMENT": "Written question"
"LABEL_NO_PROMPT": "No prompt provided",
"LABEL_FIELD_NAME": "Field name",
"PLACEHOLDER_FIELD_NAME": "Add a field name",
"PLACEHOLDER_FIELD_PROMPT": "Add a prompt which will be displayed to the reviewer",
"LABEL_IS_MANDATORY": "Mandatory field",
"TEXT_1": "Untitled field",
"TITLE": "Are you sure?",
"MESSAGE": "Please confirm the removal of this free text field.",
"BUTTON_REMOVE": "Remove",
"UPDATE_TOOLTIP": "Update the question",
"REMOVE_TOOLTIP": "Remove the question"
"LABEL_NO_GOAL_DESCRIPTION": "No description provided",
"LABEL_SELECT_RATING": "Please select a rating scale for the goals",
"LABEL_GOAL_NAME": "Goal name",
"PLACEHOLDER_GOAL_NAME": "Add a goal name",
"PLACEHOLDER_GOAL_DESCRIPTION": "Add a description which will be displayed to the reviewer"
"LABEL_NO_POTENTIAL_DESCRIPTION": "No description provided",
"LABEL_SELECT_RATING": "Please select a rating scale for this section",
"LABEL_POTENTIAL_NAME": "Potential name",
"PLACEHOLDER_POTENTIAL_NAME": "Add a potential name",
"PLACEHOLDER_POTENTIAL_DESCRIPTION": "Add a description which will be displayed to reviewers"
"CONSENSUS_FINAL_FEEDBACK_FORM_LABEL": "Final consensus comment",
"REVIEWEE_NAME": "Reviewee:",
"ITEM_NAME": "{{path}} {{name}}",
"ITEM_UNNAMED": "{{path}} Unnamed item",
"LABEL": {
"NAME": "Name reviewee"
"SEND": "Required itens answered",
"PARTIAL": "Partially answered",
"NOTSEND": "Not answered"
"COMPETENCY_SECTION_UNNAMED": "{{idx}}. Unnamed section",
"GOAL_SECTION_NAME": "{{idx}}. Goals",
"POTENTIAL_SECTION_NAME": "{{idx}}. Potential",
"FEEDBACK_SECTION_NAME": "{{idx}}. Feedback",
"LABEL_WELCOME": "Welcome, ",
"LABEL_WELCOME": "Navigate on appraisal sections",
"BUTTON_NEXT": "Next",
"BUTTON_PREVIOUS": "Previous",
"LABEL_NAVIGATE": "(click to navigate)",
"TITLE_NAVIGATE": "Navigate appraisal sections"
"LABEL_THANKYOU": "Thank you!",
"LABEL_LINE_1": "You have just finished your appraisal!",
"LABEL_LINE_2": "You can change your answers before send your appraisal.",
"BUTTON_PREVIOUS": "Previous",
"NA_ANSWER": "I do not know evaluate",
"FINAL_FEEDBACK_LABEL": "Leave your final consensus comment:",
"managers": "Your consensus ratings",
"subordinates": "Your subordinates"
"managers": "Your consensus rating",
"subordinates": "Your subordinate"
"BTN": {
"CLOSE": "Close",
"REOPEN": "Reopen"
"CLOSE": "The trial was closed successfully.",
"REOPEN": "The trial was successfully reopened."
"CLOSE": "Unable to close trial.",
"REOPEN": "The assessment could not be reopened."
"OPEN": "Open",
"CLOSED": "Closed"
"TOTAL_SELECTED": "Total selected evaluates:",
"ON_APPROVAL": "On approval",
"APPROVED": "Approved",
"DISAPPROVED": "Not approved"
"ON_APPROVAL": "On approval",
"APPROVED": "Approved",
"DISAPPROVED": "Disapproved"
"TO_APPROVE": "Approve",
"REJECT": "Fail",
"SEND_APPROVAL": "Send approval",
"RESEND_APPROVAL": "Resubmit for approval"
"SEND_APPROVAL_ON": "Sent on: ",
"NOT_SEND": "not sent",
"SUCCESS_MSG": "Approval email sent successfully.",
"ERROR_MSG": "Unable to send approval email."
"SUCCESS_MSG": "Approval status changed successfully.",
"ERROR_MSG": "Unable to change approval status."
"NO_REVIEWEES": "No reviewees matched your search criteria.",
"TEXT_1": "Total records:",
"TEST": " (Test data)",
"TITLE_TEMPLATE": "Import reviewees",
"LABEL_LINE": "If you'd rather you can insert reviwees through a spreadsheet.",
"BUTTON_DOWNLOAD": "Download model",
"BUTTON_UPLOAD": "Upload spreadsheet",
"BUTTON_CLOSE": "Close",
"BUTTON_EXPORT_PARTICIPANTS": "Export spreadsheet",
"BUTTON_REVIEWER_DEFINITION": "Indication of evaluators ...",
"PERMISSION_ON_REFERRALS":"Permission on referrals",
"RELEASE_NOMINATION_OF_EVALUATORS":"Release nomination of evaluators",
"BLOCK_REFEREE_REFERRALS":"Block referee referrals",
"RELEASE_INDICATION_ON_SUBORDINATES":"Release indication on subordinates",
"BLOCK_REFERRALS_ABOUT_SUBORDINATES" :"Block referrals about subordinates",
"NOTIFY_TO_NOMINATE_EVALUATORS":"Notify to nominate evaluators",
"NOTIFY_TO_NOMINATE_ABOUT_SUBORDINATES":"Notify to nominate about subordinates",
"COLUMN_1": "#",
"COLUMN_2": "Reviewee",
"COLUMN_3": "Manager",
"COLUMN_4": "Peers",
"COLUMN_5": "Subordinates",
"COLUMN_6": "Others",
"COLUMN_7": "Status",
"COLUMN_LEVEL": "Level",
"COLUMN_DEPARTMENT": "Sector / Department",
"COLUMN_INDICATION": "Indications",
"COLUMN_DEFINITION": "Manager definition"
"REVIEWEE_NAME": "Reviewee:",
"REVIEWEE_MANAGER": "Evaluated manager:",
"STATUS": "Status:",
"DEPARTMENT": "Department:",
"JOB_TITLE": "Job title:",
"LEVEL": "Level:",
"INDICATION": "Indication:",
"MANAGER_DEFINITION": "Manager definition:"
"EXPORT_PARTICIPANTS_SUCCESS": "Worksheet with appraisers and appraisers successfully exported."
"LABEL_LINE_1": "Register a new reviewer or search for one",
"BUTTON_NEW": "New",
"PLACEHOLDER_NEW": "Search by email or name of the reviewer"
"TITLE_TEMPLATE_1": "New reviewer",
"TITLE_TEMPLATE_2": "Edit reviewer",
"LABEL_NAME": "Name:",
"LABEL_NAME_INVALID_1": "Name is required.",
"LABEL_NAME_INVALID_2": "Name must be at least 4 characters long.",
"LABEL_NAME_INVALID_3": "Name must be up to 255 characters long.",
"LABEL_EMAIL": "Email:",
"LABEL_EMAIL_INVALID_1": "Email is required.",
"LABEL_EMAIL_INVALID_2": "This isn't a valid email.",
"BUTTON_SAVE": "Save",
"LABEL_MESSAGE": "There are no reviewers",
"COLUMN_1": "#",
"COLUMN_2": "Name",
"COLUMN_3": "Email",
"TOOLTIP_FORM_REVIEW_LINK": "Go to review form link."
"LABEL_NAME": "Name",
"LABEL_EMAIL": "Email"
"TITLE_MODAL_NEW": "New reviewee",
"TITLE_MODAL_EDIT": "Edit reviewee: ",
"TITLE_REVIEWER": "Reviewers",
"LABEL_EMAIL": "Email",
"LABEL_EMAIL_INVALID_1": "Email is required.",
"LABEL_EMAIL_INVALID_2": "This isn't a valid email.",
"LABEL_NAME": "Name",
"LABEL_NAME_INVALID_1": "Name is required.",
"LABEL_NAME_INVALID_2": "Name must be at least 4 characters long.",
"LABEL_NAME_INVALID_3": "Name must be up to 255 characters long.",
"LABEL_DEPARTMENT": "Sector / Department",
"LABEL_LEVEL": "Level"
"BUTTON_CLOSE": "Close",
"MESSAGE_SELF": "Only self-assessment will be done.",
"MESSAGE_NEED_EVALUATOR": "You need to add at least one reviewer.",
"LABEL_MANAGER": "Managers",
"LABEL_PAIRS": "Peers",
"LABEL_SUBORDINATES": "Subordinates",
"LABEL_CLIENTS": "Others",
"MENU": {
"MENU_BUTTON_ORG": "Organizations",
"MENU_BUTTON_360": "Appraisals",
"INFO_DRAG_DROP":"Drag and drop to move. Use mouse scroll to zoom in or out."
"TITLE_TEMPLATE_BOX": "My Organization detail"
"TITLE_TEMPLATE_BOX": "Tenant dashboard",
"BUTTON_TEST": "Test authentication"
"TITLE_MENU_BUTTON_1": "Administrators users",
"TITLE_MENU_BUTTON_2": "User invitations",
"MENU_BUTTON_1": "Invite an user",
"PLACEHOLDER_SEARCH": "search by name or email",
"COLUMN_1": "E-mail",
"COLUMN_2": "Full name",
"COLUMN_3": "Roles",
"TITLE_BUTTON": "Roles...",
"LABEL_REMOVE": "Remove ",
"LABEL_ADD": "Add "
"LABEL_MESSAGE": "No items were found"
"TITLE": "Are you sure?",
"MESSAGE": "This action will remove the privilege of this user. ",
"BUTTON_REMOVE": "Remove",
"TITLE_MENU_BUTTON_1": "Administrators users",
"TITLE_MENU_BUTTON_2": "User invitations",
"MENU_BUTTON_1": "Invite an user"
"LABEL_LINE_1": "The following invitations have been made and are still active:",
"LABEL_ROLE": "With role ",
"BUTTON_DELETE": "Delete",
"LABEL_MESSAGE": "You haven't made any invitations yet."
"NAME": "Organization Admin",
"DESCRIPTION": "Organization Administrators have unlimited access to all software's features for their organization"
"NAME": "Root",
"DESCRIPTION": "Application Administrators have unlimited access to everything in the system"
"NAME": "Assistant",
"DESCRIPTION": "Assistants have read-only access to assessment's results"
"NAME": "Support",
"DESCRIPTION": "Support Representatives can resolve tickets"
"NAME": "Participant",
"DESCRIPTION": "Participants have read-only access to their own appraisals"
"PREVIOUS_PAGE": "User invitations",
"ACTUAL_PAGE": "Invite user",
"RESEND_INVITATION_TITLE": "Resend invitation by user"
"TEXT_FIELD_NAME": "Full Name",
"TEXT_FIELD_MESSAGE": "Leave a short message (not required)",
"CHECKBOX_ROLES": "Add a roles for this user",
"BUTTON_SEND": "Send invitation",
"TEXT_MULTISELECT_DEFAULT": "No users selected",
"TITLE_TEMPLATE_BOX": "Get credits and appraise more employees",
"SUB_TITLE_TEMPLATE_BOX": "Check price and get credits",
"TEXT_FIELD_AMOUNT": "How many people do you intend to evaluate?",
"TEXT_FIELD_AMOUNT_INFO": "We charge per assessed person in an evaluation cycle, including access to Feedback, IDP, and Analytics modules.",
"TEXT_FIELD_WHEN": "When do you want to appraise your employees?",
"LINK_PRICES": "Table of prices",
"TEXT_FIELD_PRICE": "Total amount of credits:",
"TEXT_FIELD_PRICE_TOTAL": "Cantidad total de créditos:",
"TEXT_FIELD_PRICE_OF": "of credit",
"TEXT_FIELD_PRICE_USER": "Value per user / month:",
"TEXT_FIELD_PRICE_USER_TOTAL": "Total monthly amount:",
"TEXT_FIELD_PRICE_INFO": "Value per person assessed. The more credits purchased the lower the credit value. Credits can be used within 2 years of purchase.",
"TEXT_FIELD_PRICE_INFO_2": "1 credit corresponds to a person assessed in an applied assessment, including access to the IDP, Feedback and Analytics modules for 1 year.",
"PRICE_PER_CREDIT": "$ 52,00",
"TEXT_FIELD_TOTAL": "Total value with service:",
"TEXT_FIELD_TOTAL_USER": "Total amount per year:",
"TEXT_FIELD_IMPLEMENTATION_SERVICE_INFO": "The implementation service aims to ensure the successful implementation of impulseUP in your organization. It involves the support of a team of HR specialists and Performance Management processes assisting with best practices, configuration and operational activities.",
"TEXT_FIELD_COUPON": "Discount coupon:",
"PLACEHOLDER_COUPON": "Coupon code",
"BUTTON_COUPON": "Validate",
"LABEL_COUPON_TITLE_MESSAGE": "Discount coupons",
"LABEL_COUPON_MESSAGE": "Apply this coupon at the main page. It is not valid for purchases.",
"TEXT_FIELD_TOTAL_DISCOUNT": "Total discount amount:",
"LABEL_COUPON_PERCENTAGE": "% of discount",
"LABEL_COUPON_DISCOUNT": " of discount",
"LABEL_PAYMENT_METHOD": "Payment method:",
"RADIO_1": "Bank slip",
"RADIO_2": "Credit card",
"RADIO_3": "PayPal",
"BUTTON_OK": "Ok",
"LABEL_1": "(evaluated)",
"LABEL_2": "(users)",
"LABEL_3": "* Considering annual contracts and monthly payments.",
"LABEL_4": " Including the ",
"LABEL_5": " only.",
"LABEL_6": " Including the ",
"LABEL_7": " and ",
"LABEL_8": " For annual payment in a single installment, we have a 20% discount.",
"BUTTON_2": "Next",
"BUTTON_3": "Show total value",
"MESSAGE_1": "Thank you!",
"MESSAGE_2": "We will get in touch soon to proceed with your credits purchase to your appraisal.",
"MESSAGE_3": "Welcome to Impulseup!",
"MESSAGE_4": "You just won 5 credits!",
"MESSAGE_5": "(1 credit is equivalent to 1 appraisal of 1 person)",
"MESSAGE_6": "Tip: Use the credits to test and validate Impulseup as the solution to your appraisal process.",
"MESSAGE_7": "Any question, we'll be glad to help you through the chat. Call us there!",
"MESSAGE_8": "Congratulations for your credits",
"MESSAGE_9": "For this number of evaluated employees we will contact you to better understand your need.",
"MESSAGE_10": "The minimum purchase quantity is 20.",
"MESSAGE_11": "The minimum purchase quantity is 40."
"TITLE_TEMPLATE_BOX": "what is included?",
"LABEL_INCLUDED_TEXT": "You can have access to all the evaluation features, apply the evaluation for the number of employees based on the credits acquired and watch the data and the reports of employees' evaluation, chat support and email."
"TEXT_FIELD_CREDITCARD": "Number of the credit card:",
"TEXT_FIELD_NAME": "Name printed on the credit card:",
"TEXT_FIELD_CVC": "Card verification code (CVC):",
"TEXT_FIELD_EXPIRATION": "Expiration date: ",
"TEXT_FIELD_ADDRESS": "Address: ",
"BUTTON_PURCHASE": "Purchase",
"BUTTON_BACK": "Back",
"LABEL_WARRANTY": "30 Day Money Back Guarantee after your purchase! We want you satisfied with our software."
"TITLE_TEMPLATE_BOX": "Credits Purchased",
"LABEL_LINE_1": "Purchased credits by your organization",
"COLUMN_1": "Amount",
"COLUMN_2": "Payment day",
"COLUMN_3": "Price",
"COLUMN_4": "Payment Methods",
"COLUMN_5": "Discount coupon"
"TITLE_TEMPLATE_BOX": "Purchases historic",
"LABEL_LINE_1": "Purchase history made by your organization",
"COLUMN_1": "Purchase type",
"COLUMN_2": "Name",
"COLUMN_3": "Purchase date",
"COLUMN_4": "Quantity",
"COLUMN_5": "Discount amount",
"COLUMN_6": "Amount"
"TITLE_TEMPLATE_BOX": "Free Credits",
"LABEL_LINE_1": "Free credits of your organization",
"BUTTON_BACK": "Back",
"SIGNUP_CREDITS": "On sign up in Impulseup",
"CREDIT_CONSUMPTION": "Credit spent"
"COLUMN_1": "Event",
"COLUMN_2": "Amount",
"COLUMN_3": "Date"
"TITLE_TEMPLATE_BOX": "Créditos utilizados",
"LABEL_LINE_1": "Créditos utilizados para sua organização",
"BUTTON_BACK": "Voltar"
"COLUMN_1": "Evento",
"COLUMN_2": "Quantidade",
"COLUMN_3": "Data",
"WITHDRAWAL_VALUE": "Consumo de créditos",
"DEPOSIT_FREE_CREDITS_VALUE": "Créditos Gratuitos",
"LABEL_1": "Credits",
"LABEL_2": "Amount of credits from your organization",
"LABEL_3": "Free credits",
"LABEL_4": "Historial de compras",
"LABEL_5": "Used credits",
"LABEL_6": "Availabel credits",
"LABEL_7": "Do you have a promotional coupon?",
"LABEL_8": "Submit",
"LABEL_9": "Credits successfully redeemed",
"LABEL_10": "Coupon not found or already used",
"LABEL_13": "Get more credits",
"TOOLTIP": "A credit corresponds to a reviewee assessed independently of the number of reviewers."
"ARCHIVED": "Archived",
"DRAFT": "Not started",
"OPEN": "Open",
"OPEN_ANSWERED": "Open (100% answered)",
"CLOSED": "Closed"
"ON_INDICATION": "In indication",
"ON_APPROVAL": "Completed indication",
"IN_DEFINITION": "In definition",
"DEFINITION_COMPLETE": "Definition completed"
"SELF": "Evaluated",
"MANAGER": "Manager",
"PEER": "Peer",
"REPORTEE": "Subordinate",
"CLIENT": "Customer or other"
"SEND": "Answered",
"PARTIAL": "Partially answered",
"NEVER": "Not Initiated ",
"INITIAL": "Initiated",
"NOT_APPLICABLE": "Not applicable",
"NOT_AVAILABLE": "Not available",
"ANSWERED_IN": " em {{ date}}"
"INACTIVE": "Not started",
"UNDER_EVALUATION": "On evaluation",
"SUBMITTED": "Reviews answered",
"CLOSED": "Reviews finished",
"SEND": "Sent to everyone",
"PARTIAL": "Sent (pending reviewers)",
"NEVER": "Not Sent",
"ANY": "Any"
"EVALUATING": "Evaluating",
"SUBMITTED": "Reviews answered",
"CLOSED": "Reviews closed"
"OPEN": "On evaluation",
"SUBMITTED": "Appraisal answered",
"CLOSED": "Appraisal closed",
"SEND": "Completed",
"PARTIAL": "Partially completed",
"NEVER": "Open",
"ANY": "Any"
"YOURSELF": "You",
"MANAGER_EVALUATIONS": "John (your subordinate)",
"REPORTEE_EVALUATIONS": "Mary (your manager)",
"PEER_EVALUATIONS": "Jack (your peer)",
"CLIENT_EVALUATIONS": "[Name of another Person]",
"SELF_EVALUATIONS": "You (self-assessment)",
"CONSENSUS_EVALUATIONS": "Consensus Assessment",
"SelfEvaluations": "Self-Evaluation",
"ManagerEvaluations": "Manager",
"ConsensusEvaluations": "Consensus Assessment"
"LABEL_1": "Justify or comment your evaluation about ",
"LABEL_2": "Evaluate the behaviors below:",
"LABEL_3": "mandatory",
"LABEL_4": "optional",
"LABEL_5": "About ",
"LABEL_6": "You must enter at least 3 words.",
"PLACEHOLDER":"Enter your justifications and comments here",
"TITLE":"Justify and comments",
"INFO_OPTIONAL": "Justify or comment on your assessment (optional)",
"INFO_REQUIRED": "Justify or comment on your assessment (required)"
"TITLE": "Other results",
"RESULT": "Result"
"TABS": {
"REPORT": "Report",
"MANAGERS_FEEDBACK": "Manager's feedback",
"NINE_BOX": "Nine-Box",
"CONSENSUS_FEEDBACK_LABEL": "Final consensus comment",
"MANAGERS_FEEDBACK_LABEL": "Manager's feedback",
"TITLE_FINAL_SCORE": "Final Result",
"TITLE": "Calibração de resultados",
"TITLE": "Competence"
"TITLE": "Behavior"
"ManagerEvaluations": "Manager"
"SAVE": "Save",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"TITLE": "Saved successfully",
"OK": "Ok"
"ERROR": {
"TITLE": "Error saving results calibration",
"OK": "Ok"
"SCORE_RANGE_MESSAGE": "Allowed score from {{minScore}} to {{maxScore}}",
"COMMENT": "Comment",
"UPDATE_DATE": "Updated: ",
"UPDATE_BY": "Updated by: ",
"ORIGINAL_SCORE": "Original Score: ",
"CALIBRATED_SCORE": "Calibrated score: ",
"CALIBRATE_TOOLTIP": "Calibrate result"
"TITLE": "Change manager response",
"SAVE": "Save",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"TITLE": "Successfully saved",
"OK": "Ok"
"ERROR": {
"TITLE": "Error saving response change",
"OK": "Ok"
"COMMENT": "Comment / Justification *: ",
"UPDATE_DATE": "Changed on: ",
"UPDATE_BY": "Changed by: ",
"ORIGINAL_ANSWER": "Original answer: ",
"CALIBRATED_NEW_ANSER": "New answer: ",
"TABS": {
"REPORT": "Report",
"NINEBOX": "Nine-Box",
"SELF": "Individual reports"
"X_AXIS": "X Axis: ",
"Y_AXIS": "Y Axis: ",
"SELECT_SECTION": "Choose a section",
"SEARCH": "View results",
"SHOW_CALIBRATED_RESULTS": "Show results calibrated by Nine-Box"
"TABS": {
"REPORT": "Report",
"NINEBOX": "NineBox"
"X_AXIS": "X axis: ",
"Y_AXIS": "Y axis: ",
"SELECT_SECTION": "Choose a section",
"SEARCH": "Apply filters"
"SECTIONS": "Section",
"ALL_SECTIONS": "All sections",
"ATTRIBUTES": "Behaviors/attributes",
"BREADCRUMB_PANEL": "Monitoring",
"NO_DATA": "Report not available yet",
"TEXT_1": "You're in: ",
"TEXT_2": "My Reports",
"TEXT_4": "My Team Reports",
"TEXT_3": "Report:",
"TEXT_5": "Appraisals",
"TEXT_6": "Appraisal edit",
"TEXT_7": "My Appraisals",
"TEXT_8": "Appraisal:",
"TEXT_9": "Indication - ",
"TEXT_10": "Consensus appraisal: ",
"LOADING": "Loading report's data",
"REPORT_OF": "Reviewee name",
"COMMENT": "Comments",
"REPORT_DEPARTMENT": "Sector / Departament:",
"REPORT_REFRESH": "Refresh",
"REPORT_COMMENT": "Comments or justifications",
"TITLE_COMPETENCY": "Detailed result",
"TITLE_MEDIA_OF_TEAM_RESULTS": "Average Team Result",
"TITLE_COUNT_REVIEWERS": "Number of Evaluators",
"TITLE_RESULT_FINAL": "Result Final",
"TITLE_SECTION": "Results by competency",
"LABEL_SECTION": "Section",
"COMPETENCY": "Competency",
"REQUIRED_LEVEL": "Required level",
"REPORT_OF_PDF": "Reviewee:",
"SelfEvaluations": "Self-assessment",
"ManagerEvaluations": "Manager(s)",
"PeerEvaluations": "Peers",
"ReporteeEvaluations": "Subordinates",
"ClientEvaluations": "Third-party",
"Others": "General",
"REQUIRED_LEVELS": "Required Levels",
"AVG_SCORE_JOB_TITLE": "Same job title avg. score",
"AVG_SCORE_DEPARTMENT": "Same department avg. score",
"AVG_SCORE_LEVEL": "Same level avg. score",
"AVG_SCORE": "Global avg. score",
"ConsensusEvaluations": "Consensus",
"FINAL_COMP_SCORE": "Overall score"
"SelfEvaluations": "Self-assessment",
"ManagerEvaluations": "Manager",
"ConsensusEvaluations": "Consensus",
"PeerEvaluations": "Peer",
"ReporteeEvaluations": "Subordinate",
"ClientEvaluations": "Third-party",
"Others": "General"
"FILE_NAME_PDF": "Appraisal Report - ",
"LOADING": "Loading data for your appraisal...",
"TITLE": "Individual Appraisal Report",
"TITLE_TEAM": "Team Appraisal Report",
"DATE": "Date: "
"SELF_EVALUATION_LEGEND": "Self-assessment",
"OTHERS_EVALUATION_LEGEND": "Other average scores (excluding yours)"
"LABEL": "Average score"
"LOADING": "Loading data for your team's appraisal...",
"TABS": {
"TEAM": "Team Results",
"PERSONAL": "Individual Result"
"BY_PARTICIPANT": "Filter by reviewee:",
"BY_EVALUATION_TYPE": "Filter by assessments done by:",
"UNSELECT_ALL": "Unselect all",
"SELECT": "Select",
"ALL_SELECTED": "All selected",
"CHECK_ALL": "Select all",
"CHECKED": "selected",
"CHECKED_PLURAL": "selecteds"
"TITLE": "Individual and Team Report"
"AVG_TABLE_HEADER": "Assessments average",
"AVG_TABLE_TOTAL": "Total assessments average",
"SELF_TABLE_HEADER": "Self-assessment",
"FINAL_SCORE_TITLE": "Final scores",
"AVG_SECTION_TOTAL": "Section score",
"SECTION_LABEL": "Section",
"OPEN_QUESTION": "Open questions",
"INDIVIDUAL_TEAM_REPORTS": "Links two individual reports",
"APPRAISAL": "Final evaluation result",
"CYCLE_OKR": "Final result of the objectives cycle",
"GOALS": "Goals",
"OKR": "Objectives and Key Results",
"PROGRESS" :"Progress",
"FINAL_RESULT_GOALS":"Objective cycle result",
"FINAL_RESULT_OKRS":"Goal cycle result"
"FINAL_RESULT_NAME": "Final result",
"COMPETENCES": "Competences",
"SCORES_NOT_SAVED_MSG": "Changes made unsaved.",
"SAVE_CHANGED_SCORES": "Save editions",
"GROUP_BY_ORGANIZATION": "All organization",
"FILTERS_APPLY":"Applied filters:",
"HIDE_SUCESSOR": "Hide succession information",
"SUCCESSOR_TO": "Successor to:",
"SUCCEEDED_BY": "Succeeded by:"
"GROUP_BY_LABEL": "Group by",
"MODE_LABEL": "Exhibition mode:",
"MANAGERS_LABEL": "Managers:",
"DEPARTMENTS_LABEL": "Sector / Departament:",
"APRAISAL_LABEL": "Appraisal:",
"CALIBRATE_LABEL": "Display results:",
"ROLE_LABEL": "Role:",
"SECTIONS_LABEL": "Appraisal sections:",
"COMPETENCIES_LABEL": "Competencies:",
"LEVEL_LABEL": "Levels",
"PARTICIPANT_STATUS": "Evaluated status:",
"SUCCEEDED_BY": "Succeeded by:",
"SUCCESSOR_TO": "Successor to:",
"EXIT_RISK": "Exit Risk:",
"IMPACT": "Impact:",
"IS_SUCCESSOR": "It is a successor",
"READLINESS": "Readiness:",
"CALIBRATE_EVALUATION_ONLY": "(Only) calibrated appraisal",
"REMOVE":"Remove filters"
"MANAGERS_HEADER": "Managers",
"ROLE_HEADER": "Role",
"DEPARTMENT_HEADER": "Sector / Departament",
"SECTION_HEADER": "Section",
"STATUS_HEADER": "Status",
"COMPETENCY_HEADER": "Competency",
"SCORE_HEADER": "Result",
"LEVEL_HEADER": "Level",
"FINAL_SCORE_HEADER": "Final result",
"APPRAISAL_FINAL_SCORE_HEADER": "Final evaluation result"
"MODES": {
"SelfEvaluations": "Self evaluations",
"ManagerEvaluations": "Manager evaluations",
"ConsensusEvaluations": "Consensus assessments",
"ReporteeEvaluations": "Reportee evaluations",
"PeerEvaluations": "Peer evaluations",
"eNPSEvaluations":"Research eNPS impulseup",
"ClientEvaluations": "Third-party evaluations",
"CompetencyScores": "Final scores by competency",
"CompetencyAttributeScores": "Final behavior results",
"SectionScores": "Final scores by section",
"FinalReportScores": "Final report scores",
"ObjectiveCycleResults": "Objective cycle results",
"FinalReportScoresCombinedWithOkr": "Final report scores combined with objective cycle results"
"CUSTOM_LABEL": "Reviews of {{ customLabel }}",
"TEXT_1": "No selected filter",
"TEXT_2": "Uncheck filters",
"TEXT_3": "Check filters",
"TEXT_4": "Sheet with the results analysis data generated successfully.",
"TEXT_12": "All status",
"LABEL_1": "Reviewee",
"LABEL_2": "Job",
"LABEL_3": "Sector / Department",
"LABEL_4": "X axis",
"LABEL_5": "Y axis",
"LABEL_6": "Choose a section",
"LABEL_7": "Level",
"LABEL_8": "Calibrated by Nine-box",
"LABEL_9": "Manager calibrated score",
"LABEL_NINE_BOX_COMMENT": "Calibration comment:",
"NINE_BOX_COMMENT_WITH": "With comments",
"NINE_BOX_COMMENT_LEGEND": "Calibration Comment",
"BACK_BUTTON": "Back",
"ANALYSE_TITLE": "Results Analysis",
"APPRAISAL_SUBTITLE": "Appraisal: ",
"VIEW_BUTTON": "View results",
"FILTER_BUTTON": "Filter",
"EXPORT_DATA": "Export",
"LEGEND": "Subtitle:",
"TEXT_6": "Successor to",
"TEXT_7": "Succeeded by",
"LEGENT_INACTIVE": "Inactive Contributor",
"TEXT_8": "Calibrated evaluation",
"TEXT_9": "Displaying original results",
"TEXT_10": "Deselect all",
"TEXT_11": "Mark all",
"MSG_NO_RESULTS": "There are no results for the filters selected.",
"RESULTS_LIMITED": "Results were limited to 20 participants. Please refine your search to compare differente people.",
"RESULTS_LIMITED_JOBTITLE": "Results were limited to 20 job titles. Please refine your search to compare differente job title.",
"RESULTS_LIMITED_LEVEL": "Results were limited to 20 levels. Please refine your search to compare differente level.",
"RESULTS_LIMITED_DEPARTMENT": "Results were limited to 20 departments. Please refine your search to compare differente department.",
"RESULTS_LIMITED_RADAR": "Results were limited to 10 participants. Please refine your search to compare differente people.",
"RESULTS_LIMITED_JOBTITLE_RADAR": "Results were limited to 10 job titles. Please refine your search to compare differente job title.",
"RESULTS_LIMITED_LEVEL_RADAR": "Results were limited to 10 levels. Please refine your search to compare differente level.",
"RESULTS_LIMITED_DEPARTMENT_RADAR": "Results were limited to 10 departments. Please refine your search to compare differente department.",
"MATRIX": "Nine-Box Matrix",
"GRAPH": "Graph",
"SECTION_SCORES_TITLE": "Compare section scores",
"SECTION_EXPLANATION": "Choose the sections representing each axis of the Nine-Box graph:",
"LOW": "Low",
"MEDIUM": "Medium",
"HIGH": "High"
"GENERAL": "General",
"NINE_BOX": "Nine-Box",
"DISTRIBUTION_RANGE": "Distribution graph",
"SURVEYS": "Survey analysis",
"CALIBRATED_RESULTS": "Show calibrated manager evaluations",
"NINE_BOX_RESULTS": "Show calibrated ninebox evaluations",
"SHOW_EVALUATION_CALIBRATED_ONLY": "(Only) calibrated appraisals",
"INCLUDE_EVALUATION_WITHOUT_RESULTS": "Include evaluated without results",
"LABEL": "Show or hide columns: ",
"DEFAULT_COLUMN": "Select one or more columns"
"TITLE_TOTAL":"Total of Responses:",
"SUBTITLE_1": "(Net Promoter Score)",
"TITLE_2":"NPS response distribution",
"TITLE_2":"Number of responses",
"TITLE": "Do you want to close the selected appraisals?",
"TITLE_SINGLE": "Do you want to close the selected appraisal?",
"TITLE_ALL": "Do you want to close all open appraisals?",
"EXPLANATION": "After closing, reviewers will no longer be able to rate participants.",
"EXPLANATION_SINGLE": "After closing, reviewer will no longer be able to rate participants.",
"PROCEED": "Confirm",
"GO_BACK": "Go back and do not close the appraisals",
"GO_BACK_SINGLE": "Go back and do not close the appraisals"
"TITLE": "Do you want to reopen the selected appraisals?",
"TITLE_SINGLE": "Do you want to reopen the selected appraisal?",
"TITLE_ALL": "Do you want to reopen all closed appraisals?",
"EXPLANATION": "After reopening, reviewers will be able to change their ratings.",
"EXPLANATION_SINGLE": "After reopening, reviewers will be able to change their ratings.",
"PROCEED": "Confirm",
"GO_BACK": "Go back and do not reopen the appraisals",
"GO_BACK_SINGLE": "Go back and do not reopen the appraisal"
"TITLE": "Resend selected reviews?",
"EXPLANATION": "An email with a link to participate in these reviews will be sent to the reviewers.",
"PROCEED": "Confirm",
"GO_BACK": "Go back and not resend reviews",
"MODAL": {
"INVITATION_SENT": "Invitations sent!",
"INVITATION_SENT_TEXT": "An email with a link to participate in these reviews was sent to the reviewers.",
"INVITATION_SENT_ERROR_TEXT": "An unexpected error occurred while sending the invitation."
"TITLE": "Submit selected consensus assessments?",
"EXPLANATION": "An email with a link to answer the consensus assessment will be sent to the managers.",
"PROCEED": "Send",
"GO_BACK": "Go back and do not send consensus assessments",
"MODAL": {
"INVITATION_SENT": "Invitations sent!",
"INVITATION_SENT_TEXT": "Email to respond to consensus assessment has been sent.",
"INVITATION_SENT_ERROR_TEXT": "An unexpected error occurred while sending the invitation."
"TITLE": "End selected consensus assessments?",
"EXPLANATION": "After closing, consensus assessments will be blocked for further responses.",
"PROCEED": "Confirm",
"GO_BACK": "Go back and do not end reviews",
"MODAL": {
"TITLE_SUCCESS": "Consensus assessments ended successfully.",
"TITLE_ERROR": "It was not possible to end the consensus assessments."
"TITLE": "Reopen selected consensus assessments?",
"EXPLANATION": "After the reopening, the evaluators will be able to change their responses.",
"PROCEED": "Corfirm",
"GO_BACK": "Go back and do not reopen reviews",
"MODAL": {
"TITLE_SUCCESS": "Consensus assessments have been successfully reopened.",
"TITLE_ERROR": "The evaluations could not be reopened."
"TITLE": "End the returns of the selected managers?",
"EXPLANATION": "After closing, the managers' returns will be blocked.",
"PROCEED": "Confirm",
"GO_BACK": "Return and do not close the returns",
"MODAL": {
"TITLE_SUCCESS": "The returns of the managers were successfully closed.",
"TITLE_ERROR": "It was not possible to close the managers' returns."
"TITLE": "Reopen selected managers' returns?",
"EXPLANATION": "After reopening, managers will be able to change their returns.",
"PROCEED": "Confirm",
"GO_BACK": "Go back and do not reopen the returns",
"MODAL": {
"TITLE_SUCCESS": "The managers' returns have been successfully reopened.",
"TITLE_ERROR": "Unable to reopen managers' returns."
"BTN_LABEL": "Post-evaluation",
"CONFIGURATION": "Settings",
"SEND_CONSENSUS_APPRAISAL": "Submit consensus assessments",
"CLOSE_CONSENSUS_APPRAISAL": "End consensus assessments",
"REOPEN_CONSENSUS_APPRAISAL": "Reopen consensus reviews",
"RELEASE_FEEDBACK_FOR_MANAGERS": "Release returns by managers",
"CLOSE_FEEDBACK_FOR_MANAGERS": "End returns by managers"
"NOT_APPLICABLE": "Not applicable",
"ON_APPROVAL": "On approval",
"APPROVED": "Approved",
"DISAPPROVED": "Rejected",
"PARTIAL_APPROVAL": "Partially approved"
"NO_REVIEWERS": "No reviewers matched your search criteria.",
"NO_REVIEWEES": "No reviewees matched your search criteria.",
"REVIEWERS": "Reviewers",
"NAME_FILTER": "Filter by reviewees",
"REVIEWEES": "Reviewees",
"MANAGER_REVIEWER": "Reviewer manager",
"EMAIL": "Email",
"STATUS": "Status",
"REPORT_STATUS": "Report status",
"PARTICIPANT_STATUS": "Employee Status",
"STATUS_APPRAISAL": "Appraisal Status",
"DEVOLUTIVE_RELEASE_STATUS_LABEL": "Return release status",
"OPEN": "Open",
"CLOSED": "Closed",
"null": "Closed"
"LABEL_STATUS_REVIEWEES": "Reviewers who answered",
"STATUS_REVIEWEES": "Reviewers who answered",
"STATUS_MANAGERS_FEEDBACK": "Status of returns",
"STATUS_FEEDBACK_THE_MANAGER": "Manager returns status",
"STATUS_FEEDBACK_THE_SUBORDINATE": "Status of the participant returns",
"STATUS_CONSENSUS": "Consensus status",
"STATUS_APPROVAL_CONSENSUS": "Consensus approval",
"CONSENSUS_STATUS": "Consensus status",
"NAME_REVIEWEE": "Reviewee Name:",
"DEPARTMENT": "Department:",
"OPTION_TEXT_1": "Any",
"JOBTITLE": "Job Title:",
"LEVEL": "Level",
"NAME_REVIEWEER": "Reviewer Name:",
"MANAGER_REVIEWEER": "Reviewer Manager:",
"MANAGER_REVIEWEE": "Reviewee Manager:",
"NAME": "Name",
"LINK": "Link reviewees",
"CONSENSUS_LINK": "Consensus link",
"STATUS_EMAIL_LABEL": "Status mail",
"OTHERS": "(mais...)",
"LINK_LABEL": "Link",
"REPORT_SENT_TO_REVIEWEE": "Report to the reviewee?",
"REPORT_SENT_TO_MANAGER": "Report to his/her manager?",
"NOT_SENT": "Not sent",
"SENT": "Sent {{date}}",
"SENT_TO_MANAGER": "Sent {{date}}",
"PROGRESS": "Progress",
"CLOSE_SELECTED": "Close appraisals...",
"CLOSE_ALL": "Close all open appraisals",
"REOPEN_SELECTED": "Reopen appraisals...",
"RESEND_REPORTS": "Resend reviews...",
"REOPEN_ALL": "Reopen all closed appraisals",
"EXPORT_LINK": "Links of the appraisals",
"STATUS_EMAIL": "Updates status emails",
"APPRAISAL_RESULT": "Analyze results",
"APPRAISAL_EXPORT_RESULT": "Export results",
"APPRAISAL_EXPORT_PROGRESS_REVIEWEE": "Export reviewee progress",
"APPRAISAL_EXPORT_PROGRESS_REVIEWER": "Export reviewer progress",
"OPEN_SELECTED": "Reopen",
"TOTAL_REVIEWS": "Reviewer <div class='reviewer-review-label'>|</div> Reviews",
"INITIAL_TOTAL_REVIEWS": "Total evaluated",
"INITIAL_TOTAL_REVIEWER": "Total evaluators",
"PENDING_REVIEWERS": "Pending reviewers",
"COMPLETED_REVIEWS": "Finished appraisals",
"INITIAL_COMPLETED_REVIEWS": "Total finished appraisals",
"COMPLETED_REVIEWERS": "Reviewers who responded",
"INITIAL_COMPLETED_REVIEWERS": "Total reviewers who comrespondedpleted",
"REPORTS_SENT": "Reports sent",
"INITIAL_REPORTS_SENT": "Total reports sent",
"DEVOLUTIVES_ANSWERED": "Devolutivas respondidas",
"INITIAL_DEVOLUTIVES_ANSWERED": "Total de devolutivas respondidas",
"APPRAISALS": "Appraisals",
"MONITORING": "Monitoring",
"FINISHED_REVIEW": "Appraisal finished on {{date}}",
"STARTED_REVIEW": "Appraisal started on {{date}}",
"INVITATION_SENT": "Appraisal sent {{date}}",
"INVITATION_NOT_SENT": "Appraisal not yet sent",
"VIEW_REPORT": "View report",
"SEND_REPORT": "Send reports...",
"SEND_REPORT_ALL": "Send reports of all closed appraisals",
"SEND_INVITATION": "Resend appraisal",
"TITLE": "Monitoring",
"BACK_STEP4": "Return to reviewees edition",
"RELOAD": "Reload",
"APPRAISAL_DATA": "Appraisal: ",
"TOOLTIP_MESSAGE_1": "Select a reviewee to finish his/her appraisal.",
"TOOLTIP_MESSAGE_2": "It's only possible to send reports to finished appraisals.",
"TOOLTIP_MESSAGE_3": "Exports excel with links from reviewers to respond to appraisals.",
"TOOLTIP_MESSAGE_4": "Updates the status of emails sent to reviewees",
"TOOLTIP_REOPEN": "Select a reviewee to reopen his/her appraisal.",
"TOOLTIP_RESEND_REPORTS": "Please select a reviewer to resubmit your review.",
"TITLE": "Warning",
"TEXT": "You are accessing a report with partial data",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"OK": "Ok, view the report"
"NONE_CONSENSUS_SENDABLE": "No consensus assessments among those selected can be submitted at this time.",
"NONE_CONSENSUS_CHANGE_TO_OPEN": "No consensus assessments from the selected ones can be opened at this time",
"NONE_CONSENSUS_CHANGE_TO_CLOSE": "No consensus assessments among those selected can be closed at this time.",
"NONE_MANAGERS_FEEDBACK_TO_OPEN": "Não há nenhum liderado para liberar a devolutiva.",
"NONE_MANAGERS_FEEDBACK_TO_CLOSED": "Não há nenhum liderado para encerrar a devolutiva.",
"INVITATION_SENT": "Convite enviado!",
"INVITATION_SENT_TEXT": "An email with a link to participate in this appraisal has been sent to the reviewer",
"INVITATION_SENT_ERROR_TEXT": "An unexpected error ocurred while trying to send the email",
"CLOSE_REVIEWEES": "The appraisals were closed successfuly",
"CLOSE_REVIEWEES_SINGLE": "The appraisal were closed successfuly",
"REOPEN_REVIEWEES": "The appraisals were reopened successfuly",
"REOPEN_REVIEWEES_SINGLE": "The appraisal were reopened successfuly",
"NONE_SELECTED": "Please select any record before proceeding",
"NONE_CLOSEABLE": "None of the selected appraisals can be closed right now",
"NONE_REOPENABLE": "None of the selected appraisals can be reopened right now",
"NONE_SENDABLE": "None of the selected appraisals can have their reports sent right now",
"CLOSE_REVIEWEES_ERROR": "Could not close appraisals",
"CLOSE_REVIEWEES_ERROR_SINGLE": "Could not close appraisal",
"REOPEN_REVIEWEES_ERROR": "Could not reopen appraisals",
"REOPEN_REVIEWEES_ERROR_SINGLE": "Could not reopen appraisal",
"OPEN_REVIEWEES": "Appraisals were opened successfuly",
"OPEN_REVIEWEES_ERROR": "Could not open appraisals",
"CLOSE_REVIEW": "Appraisal was closed successfuly",
"CLOSE_REVIEWS": "The evaluations have been successfully closed.",
"CLOSE_REVIEW_ERROR": "Could not close appraisal",
"CLOSE_REVIEWS_ERROR": "The evaluations could not be closed.",
"REOPEN_REVIEW": "Appraisal was reopened successfuly",
"REOPEN_REVIEW_ERROR": "Could not reopen appraisal",
"SEND_REPORT_PROMPT": "Report submission and viewing",
"SEND_REPORT_PROMPT_TEXT": "Select who must receive this reviewee's report:",
"SEND_REPORT_PROMPT_TEXT_PLURAL": "Select who must receive these reviewee's reports:",
"AVAILABLE_REPORT_MANAGER": "visible to manager",
"AVAILABLE_REPORT_MANAGERS": "visible to managers",
"AVAILABLE_REPORT_REVIEWEE": "visible to reviewee",
"AVAILABLE_REPORT_REVIEWEES": "visible to reviewees",
"AVAILABLE_REPORT_MANAGER_INFO": "Indicates whether the manager can view the selected appraisal report.",
"AVAILABLE_REPORT_MANAGERS_INFO": "Indicates whether managers can view reports of selected appraisers.",
"AVAILABLE_REPORT_REVIEWEE_INFO": "Indicates whether the selected appraiser can view their report.",
"AVAILABLE_REPORT_REVIEWEES_INFO": "Indicates whether selected respondents can view their reports.",
"SEND_REPORT_SUBTITLE": "Emailing Reports",
"SEND_REPORT_REVIEWEE": "The reviewee",
"SEND_REPORT_REVIEWEES": "The reviewees",
"SEND_REPORT_MANAGER": "The reviewee manager",
"SEND_REPORT_MANAGERS": "The reviewees managers",
"SEND_REPORT_REVIEWEE_INFO": "By clicking the button next to it, an email will be sent with a link to access the report of the selected appraiser.",
"SEND_REPORT_REVIEWEES_INFO": "By clicking on the button next to it, an email will be sent with a link to access the report of the selected appraisers.",
"SEND_REPORT_MANAGER_INFO": "By clicking the button next to it, an email will be sent with a link to access the report of the selected appraiser to your manager.",
"SEND_REPORT_MANAGERS_INFO": "By clicking the button next to it, an email will be sent with a link to access the report of the selected appraisers to their managers.",
"SEND_REPORT_OK": "Report was sent",
"SEND_REPORT_OK_PLURAL": "Reports were sent",
"AVAILABLE_REPORT_SAVED": "Report view has been saved",
"SEND_REPORT_ERROR": "Error submitting report",
"SEND_REPORT_ERROR_PLURAL": "Error submitting reports",
"AVAILABLE_REPORT_SAVED_PLURAL": "Report view has been saveds",
"AVAILABLE_REPORT_SAVE_ERROR": "Error saving report preview",
"AVAILABLE_REPORT_SAVE_ERROR_PLURAL": "Error saving report previews",
"REVIEWEES_LINK": "Successfully generated reviewers data",
"APPRAISAL_DATA_LINK": "Successfully generated appraisal data",
"UPDATE_MAIL_STATUS": "Email status updated successfully",
"UPDATE_MAIL_STATUS_ERROR": "It wasn't possible to update the email status "
"CURRENT_PAGE_REVIEWEES_CHECKED": "{{selectedByPage}} </b> selected evaluated.",
"CURRENT_PAGE_REVIEWERS_CHECKED": "{{selectedByPage}} </b> selected reviewer.",
"SELECT_ALL_REVIEWEES": "Select all evaluated {{totalElements}}.",
"SELECT_ALL_REVIEWERS": "Select all reviewer {{totalElements}}.",
"ALL_PAGE_REVIEWEES_CHECKED": "All evaluated <b> {{selectedByPage}} </b> are selected.",
"ALL_PAGE_REVIEWERS_CHECKED": "All reviewer <b> {{selectedByPage}} </b> are selected.",
"CLEAR_CHECKED_REVIEWEES": "Clear selection.",
"SEND_TO_MANAGER": "Sent to manager",
"NOT_SEND_TO_MANAGER": "Not sent to manager",
"VISIBLE_FOR_MANAGER": "Visible to manager",
"NOT_VISIBLE_FOR_MANAGER": "Not visible to manager",
"SEND_TO_PARTICIPANT": "Sent to evaluated",
"NOT_SEND_TO_PARTICIPANT": "Not submitted for review",
"VISIBLE_FOR_PARTICIPANT": "Visible to evaluated",
"NOT_VISIBLE_FOR_PARTICIPANT": "Not visible for evaluated"
"BREAKDOWN": "Status by reviewer",
"TITLE": "Reviewee detail",
"LABEL_1": "Reviewee",
"LABEL_2": "Reviewer:",
"LABEL_3": "Job Title / Department",
"CLOSE": "Close",
"CLOSE_ALL": "Close all",
"REOPEN": "Reopen",
"CLOSE_MODAL": "Close",
"NOTES": "Notes about this reviewee"
"APPRAISALS": "Appraisals",
"CREDITS": "Credits",
"PDI": "IDP",
"FEEDBACKS": "Feedback",
"ANALYTICS": "Analytics",
"LABEL": "check values",
"ONE_ON_ONE": "Meetings",
"DASHBOARD": "Dashboard",
"RESEARCH": "Researchs",
"OKR": "Goals and OKRs",
"PDI": "IDP",
"RESULTS": "Results",
"FEEDBACK": "Feedback",
"PEOPLE": "People",
"SURVEYS": "Surveys"
"YOU_IN":"You are in: ",
"FEEDBACK_TO":"Feedbacks sent and received from "
"LABEL":"Feedbacks sent/received",
"LAST_30_DAYS":"Last 30 days",
"LAST_15_DAYS":"Last 15 days",
"LAST_7_DAYS":"Last 7 days",
"LAST_MONTH":"Last month",
"CURRENT_MONTH":"This month",
"CURRENT_YEAR":"This year",
"CURRENT_QUARTER":"This quarter",
"LAST_QUARTER":"Last Quarter",
"ALL":"Any period"
"VIEW": "View :",
"VISUALIZED": "Visualized",
"NOT_VISUALIZED": "Not visualized",
"NOT_COMMENTED":"Not commented",
"NO_RESULTS":"There are no results for this filter.",
"NAME": "Name",
"RECEIVED_TO_ME":"Received from me",
"TOTAL_RECEIVED":"Received (Total)",
"RECEIVED_BY_TYPE":"Received by type",
"TITLE": "Feedback request error",
"TEXT": "Feedback request deleted"
"TITLE": "Feedback request error",
"TEXT": "Could not find feedback request"
"MODAL": {
"TITLE": "Feedback Request",
"FORM": {
"USER": "Collaborator *:",
"MESSAGE": "Message *:",
"STATUS": "Status:",
"SEND_BY": "Requested by:",
"BTN_SEND": "Send request",
"BTN_CANCEL": "Cancel",
"BTN_CLOSE": "Close",
"MESSAGE_LABEL": "Message :"
"TABS": {
"REQUESTS_SUBMITTED": "Sent requests",
"REQUESTS_RECEIVED": "Requests received"
"LIST": {
"ADD": "New feedback",
"VIEW": "View feedback",
"VIEW_EDIT": "View feedback",
"REMOVE": "Delete"
"REQUEST_DATE": "Request date:"
"REQUESTS_SUBMITTED": "You have not yet sent a feedback request.",
"REQUESTS_RECEIVED": "You have not yet received a feedback request."
"PENDING": "Pending",
"SENT": "Answered",
"ARCHIVED": "Archived"
"VIEWED_IN": "Viewed in:",
"NOT_VIEWED": "Not viewed",
"EMITTER_FROM": "Sent by: "
"TITLE": "Do you want to remove this feedback?",
"REMOVE": "Remove",
"CANCEL": "Cancel"
"WARNING": "Attention:",
"MESSAGE": "in the case of disciplinary measures, send an email to and follow the flow with the responsible area. For more information see the ",
"FILE_NAME": "Flow of Disciplinary Measures"
"ACCEPT": "Accept feedback",
"MENSAGEM_EXCEL": "Spreadsheet with the data of the Feedbacks generated successfully.",
"MENSAGEM_EXCEL_COLABORADOR": "Worksheet with employee data generated successfully.",
"APPRAISAL_WITHOUT_FEEDBACKS": "There are no feedbacks for appraisal.",
"EMPTY_FEEDBACKS": "There is no feedback for you.",
"EMPTY_FILTERED_FEEDBACKS": "There is no feedback corresponding to the filter performed.",
"NO_APPRAISALS_FEEDBACK": "You can schedule meetings of feedback and allow programmers to post feedback to your team. There are no reviews yet for you to enable the Feedback feature. Create an evaluation to enable this feature.",
"SELECT_APPRAISAL": "Select an appraisal.",
"NO_APPRAISALS_FEEDBACK_TIP_1": "Here you can define when feedback meetings between managers and employees should be held and manage all registered feedbacks.",
"NO_APPRAISALS_FEEDBACK_TIP_2": "Create a rating to enable this feature."
"REQUEST_FEEDBACK": "Request feedback",
"ADD": "Add feedback",
"REMOVE_FILTER": "Remove filters",
"FILTER_BUTTON": "Filters",
"CONFIGURE_MEETING": "Feedback meeting configuration",
"LABEL": {
"APPRAISALS": "Choose an appraisal",
"PARTICIPANTS": "Filter by collaborator",
"EMITTERS": "Filter by manager",
"RECEIVERS": "Filter by subordinate",
"DEPARTMENTS": "Filter by departments",
"ROLES": "Filter by roles",
"MANAGERS": "Managers",
"TYPES": "Filter by {{ label }}"
"TABLE": {
"PARTICIPANT": "Collaborator",
"SEND": "Feedback Sent ",
"RECEIVE": "Feedback Received ",
"CONFIRM": "Feedback Confirmed "
"APPRAISAL_LABEL": "Appraisal",
"EMITTER_LABEL": "Manager:",
"PARTICIPANT_LABEL": "Collaborator:",
"DEPARTMENT_LABEL": "Area/Departmen:",
"ROLES_LABEL": "Post:",
"COMPETENCY_LABEL": "Competency:",
"STATUS": "Status:",
"STATUS_PARTICIPANT": "Collaborator status:",
"TYPE_FILTER": "Display by:",
"MANAGER_LABEL": "Manager:",
"RECEIVER_LABEL": "Subordinate:",
"LABEL": {
"RECEIVER": "Filter by subordinate"
"RECEIVER": "Choose a subordinate"
"TYPE": "Type feedback",
"RECEIVED_BY": "Feedback received by:",
"SENT_BY": "Feedback sent by:",
"DISCIPLINARY_OCCURRENCE": "Disciplinary measure applied ",
"HAS_INTERNAL_OBSERVATION": "Has internal observation",
"DATE_RANGE": "Sent in:",
"DATE_RANGE_CREATE": "Deadline:",
"DATE_RANGE_FILTER": "Filter by sent in",
"DATE_RANGE_FILTER_CREATE": "Filter by deadline",
"FILTER_BY_COMPETENCY": "Filter by competency",
"FILTER_BY_STATUS": "Filter by status"
"FEEDBACK": "Feedback",
"PARTICIPANT": "Collaborator"
"FORM": {
"ERROR": {
"DATE": "Date is required.",
"FEEDBACK": "Feedback can't be leave alone.",
"MAX_DATE": "Date is required.",
"RECEIVER": "Choose at least one subordinate.",
"FEEDBACK_DATE": "Feedaback date cannot be empty."
"LABEL": {
"ACCEPT": "Yes",
"CANCEL": "No",
"CONFIRMED": "Confirmed by subordinate?",
"DATE": "Feedback given in:",
"EMITTER": "Feedback by:",
"FEEDBACK": "Feedback:",
"MAX_DATE": "Limit date to given feedback",
"OBSERVATION": "Internal observations (not visible to employee):",
"RECEIVER": "Feedback to:",
"RECEIVER_FILTER": "Filter here by contributor name:",
"REMOVE": "Remove",
"RESPONSE": "Reviewee's response",
"SAVE": "Save",
"SEND": "Submit",
"TYPE": "Feedback's type:",
"ALL": "All feedback's",
"POSITIVE": "Positive",
"CONSTRUCTIVE": "Improvement",
"RECOGNIZE": "Guidance",
"FEEDBACK_DATE": "Feedback date:",
"VIEWED_INFO": "Viewed by the feedback receiver:",
"NOT_VIEWED": "Not viewed",
"PRAISE": "Praise",
"OCCURRENCE": "Occurrence",
"DISCIPLINARY_OCCURRENCE": "Show application checkbox disciplinary measure: ",
"DISCIPLINARY_OCCURRENCE_LABEL": "Apply disciplinary measure"
"FEEDBACK": "Feedback about subordinate",
"OBSERVATION": "Internal observations only for manager",
"PARTICIPANT": "Filter by user",
"RECEIVER": "Search by name by typing 3 characters",
"RESPONSE": "Subordinate's response to feedback made by manager"
"LABEL": "Confirm feedback and understanding of feedback:",
"YES": "Yes",
"NO": "No"
"LABEL": {
"CONFIRMED": "Confirmed by subordinate",
"DATE": "Feedback date",
"EMITTER": "From",
"MAX_DATE": "Deadline",
"OBSERVATION": "Observations",
"RESPONSE": "Subordinate's response",
"WITHOUT_DATE": "Feedback not made yet",
"WITHOUT_FEEDBACK": "Unrealized",
"NOT_CONFIRMED_YET": "Not confirmed",
"CONFIRMED_YET": "Confirmed",
"LABEL_1": "Select",
"LABEL_2": " to ",
"LABEL_3": "Cancel",
"LABEL_4": "Clean",
"LABEL_5": "Selecionar período",
"LABEL_MONTH_1": "Jan",
"LABEL_MONTH_2": "Feb",
"LABEL_MONTH_3": "Mar",
"LABEL_MONTH_4": "Apr",
"LABEL_MONTH_5": "May",
"LABEL_MONTH_6": "Jun",
"LABEL_MONTH_7": "Jul",
"LABEL_MONTH_8": "Aug",
"LABEL_MONTH_9": "Sep",
"LABEL_MONTH_10": "Oct",
"LABEL_MONTH_11": "Nov",
"LABEL_MONTH_12": "Dec",
"LABEL_DAY_1": "Sun",
"LABEL_DAY_2": "Mon",
"LABEL_DAY_3": "Tue",
"LABEL_DAY_4": "Wed",
"LABEL_DAY_5": "Thu",
"LABEL_DAY_6": "Sex",
"LABEL_DAY_7": "Sat"
"MENU": {
"INDIVIDUAL": "My feedbacks",
"TEAM": "Team's feedbacks"
"MODAL": {
"DESCRIPTION": "Do you confirm that you have received feedback and that you understand it?",
"DESCRIPTION_MANAGER": "Do you confirm that the feedback was carried out by your manager and did you understand it?",
"TITLE": "Confirmation of feedback"
"ADD": {
"TITLE": "Organization's feedback"
"TITLE": "Do you want to remove the feedback?"
"SUBTITLE_ADMIN": "Feedback meeting and recorded feedback",
"TITLE": "Feedbacks",
"TITLE_ADMIN": "Feedbacks Administration",
"TITLE_SELF": "My Feedbacks",
"TITLE_TEAM": "My Team Feedbacks",
"ALL": "All",
"CONFIRMED": "Confirmed",
"FULFILLED": "Realized",
"SELF_RECEIVED": "Received",
"UNCONFIRMED": "Not confirmed",
"UNFILLED": "Not realized",
"WHO_SENT": "Who Sent",
"WHO_RECEIVED": "Who Received"
"CONFIGURATION": "Settings",
"ITEMS": "Feedbacks",
"NOTIFICATION" :"Notifications"
"TOOLTIP_RECURRENCE_SEND":"The day of the week defines the beginning of the recurrence that the notification will reach the recipient who did not send feedback.",
"TOOLTIP_RECURRENCE_SEND_PDI":"The day of the week defines the beginning of the recurrence that the notification will reach the recipient who did not send IDP.",
"TOOLTIP_RECURRENCE_VIEW":"The day of the week defines the beginning of the recurrence that the notification will reach the recipient who did not see feedback.",
"TOOLTIP_RECURRENCE_VIEW_PDI":"The day of the week defines the beginning of the recurrence that the notification will reach the recipient who did not see IDP.",
"ENABLE_MODULE_FEEDBACK":"Enable Feedback module",
"ENABLED_TITLE":"Feedback enabled",
"TITLE_INPUTS_FORM":"Feedback form fields",
"REQUEST_NOTIFICATIONS_TITLE":"Request to send first feedback",
"WEEK_OPTIONS":"Day of the week",
"HOUR_VIEWED_FEEDBACK":"Sent at 4:00 am",
"HOUR_NOT_SEND":"Sent at 3:00 am",
"DAY": "day",
"TITLE": "Notifications",
"SUBTITLE":"Summary of PDI shares of leaders for managers",
"DESCRIPTION":"Email sent repeatedly to managers with a summary of the status of their team's PDI actions.",
"RECURRENCY_TIME":"Sent at 10:00 pm",
"REQUEST_NOTIFICATIONS_DESCRIPTION":"Email sent to all users who have not yet provided feedback",
"DISPLAY_MODEL_EMAIL":"View Email Template",
"SEND_EMAIL":"Send email",
"LAST_SEND_EMAIL":"Last sent sent:",
"PERIOD_TO_USERS":"{date} to {n} users",
"REMINDER_SEND":"Feedback Send Reminder",
"REMINDER_SEND_DESCRIPTION":"Email sent repeatedly to users who did not send feedback",
"NOTIFY_USERS_NOT_SEND":"Notify users who haven't sent feedback in a while",
"NOTIFY_USERS_NOT_VIEWED":"Notify users whose feedback has not been viewed for more than",
"REMINDER_NOT_VIEWED":"Feedback Reminder Not Viewed",
"REMINDER_NOT_VIEWED_DESCRIPTION":"Email sent repeatedly to users who have unviewed feedback",
"LABEL_TOGGLE_ENABLE": "Enable feedback:",
"LABEL_TOGGLE_MANAGER_ONLY": "Only manager can send feedback:",
"LABEL_FIELD_CONFIGURATION": "Field configuration",
"LABEL_FIELD_NO_SHARE_FEEDBACK": "Do not allow sharing feedback",
"SUBTITLE_LABEL_WHO_CAN_RECEIVE_FEEDBACK": "Allow users to send Feedback to: ",
"LABEL_VIEW_INDIRECT_TEAM": "Allow managers to view feedback from indirect teams",
"LABEL_CAN_SEND_TO_ALL": "All users in the organization",
"LABEL_CAN_SEND_TO_AREA": "Users in your area",
"LABEL_CAN_SEND_TO_SUBORDINATES": "Your subordinates",
"LABEL_CAN_SEND_TO_PAIRS": "Your pairs",
"LABEL_CAN_SEND_TO_MANAGER": "Your manager",
"TITLE":"Request to send first feedback",
"MESSAGE":"Emails will be sent to {n} active users. Do you want to continue?",
"TITLE":"Request to send first feedback",
"MESSAGE":"All emails have been sent successfully!",
"MESSAGE_FAIL":"There are no registered emails to be sent"
"FORM": {
"SUCCESS": "Field configuration saved successfully.",
"ERROR": "Error saving field configuration"
"LABEL": {
"SHOW": "Show",
"REQUIRED": "Required",
"FIELD_NAME": "Field name",
"VALUES": "List of values ",
"LIST_OF_VALUES": "List of values",
"VALUE": "Value",
"VALUES_TOOLTIP": " For the field that supports a list of predefined values, enter the values ​​separated by commas."
"INPUT_VALUES_INFO": "Comma-separated values"
"MODAL": {
"PDI": {
"TITLE": "IDP action form setup"
"TITLE": "Feedback form setup"
"TITLE": "Fields configurations"
"FORM": {
"LABEL": {
"SAVE": "Save",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"BACK": "Back"
"EXPORT_PDI_LIBRARY_ACTION_SUCCESS_MSG": "Planilha com os dados da biblioteca de ações de gerada com sucesso.",
"YOU_IN":"You are here: ",
"ACTION_TO":"Development Actions for "
"LAST_30_DAYS":"Last 30 days",
"LAST_15_DAYS":"Last 15 days",
"LAST_7_DAYS":"Last 7 days",
"CURRENT_MONTH":"This month",
"CURRENT_YEAR":"This year",
"LAST_MONTH":"Last month",
"CURRENT_QUARTER":"This quarter",
"LAST_QUARTER":"Last Quarter",
"ALL":"Any period"
"NO_PARTICIPANT":"No team registered",
"MODAL": {
"TITLE": "Register of competences"
"FORM": {
"ADD": "Add",
"SAVE": "Save",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"PT_BR": "pt-br",
"EN_US": "en-us",
"ES_MX": "es-mx",
"PLACEHOLDER_COMPETENCY_NAME_ES_MX": "Nombre de la competencia",
"SUCCESS": "Competencies successfully saved",
"EMPTY_LIST": "No competence registered"
"TITLE": "Do you want to remove this competency?",
"REMOVE": "Remove",
"CANCEL": "Cancel"
"TITLE": "Competency successfully removed",
"OK": "OK"
"TITLE": "Exclusion not allowed",
"TEXT": "It is not possible to exclude this competency because it already has IDP action",
"OK": "OK"
"TITLE": "Do you want to remove this development action?",
"REMOVE": "Remove",
"CANCEL": "Cancel"
"TITLE_1": "Will be created ",
"TITLE_2": " development actions for selected contributors.<br>Do you want to proceed?",
"YES": "Yes",
"NO": "No"
"TABS": {
"APPRAISAL": "Competence to develop",
"DEVELOPMENT": "Development action"
"EDIT_LIST_VALUES": "Edit list of values",
"ADD": "Add",
"REMOVE": "Remove",
"ACTIONS": "Actions",
"TITLE": "Individual Development Plan",
"TITLE_SELF": "My Individual Development Plan",
"TITLE_TEAM": "My Team's Individual Development Plan",
"TITLE_ADMIN": "IDP's Administration",
"TITLE_TOOLTIP": "Individual Development Plan",
"SUBTITLE_ADMIN": "Administration of Individual Development Plans",
"MENSAGEM_1": "Sheet with the IDP generated successfully.",
"MENSAGEM_3": "Sheet with the collaborators generated successfully.",
"MENSAGEM_2": "Characters remaining ",
"CHARACTERS_LIMIT_MSG": "Exceeded characters ",
"MENSAGEM": "There are no ratings yet with IDP enabled. Create an appraisal and enable the IDP to plan the development actions.",
"APPRAISAL_LABEL": "Appraisal",
"DEPARTMENT_LABEL": "Area/Department",
"ROLES_LABEL": "Post",
"MANAGER_LABEL": "Manager"
"APPRAISAL_WITHOUT_ACTIONS": "This appraisal don't have development actions yet.",
"EMPTY_FILTERED_ACTIONS": "There are no actions IDP found.",
"NO_ACTIONS": "You don't have actions in your IDP yet.",
"NO_ACTIONS_ASSIGNED": "Your manager doesn't added an action to your IDP yet.",
"NO_ACTIONS_MANAGER": "You have not yet added an action to your IDP or subordinates.",
"NO_ACTIONS_TEAM": "Your team does not yet have any development action added to or their IDPs.",
"NO_APPRAISALS_PDI": "There are no appraisals with IDP enabled to display development actions.",
"NO_APPRAISALS_PDI_TIP_1": "Here you can manage all the development actions assigned to your employees after an evaluation has been made.",
"NO_APPRAISALS_PDI_TIP_2": "Create and submit a review to enable this feature."
"ADD_ACTION": "Add Action",
"EXCEL_ACTION": "Export",
"REMOVE_ACTION": "Delete",
"REMOVING_ACTION": "Deleting",
"BACK": "Back",
"ALL": "All the Actions",
"UNITIALIZED": "Not started",
"IN_PROGRESS": "In Progress",
"FINISHED": "Finished",
"INTERRUPTED": "Paused",
"CANCELED": "Canceled",
"INTERRUPTED_OR_CANCELED": "Paused or Canceled",
"LABEL": {
"APPRAISALS": "Appraisals",
"DEPARTMENTS": "Departments",
"MANAGERS": "Managers",
"ROLES": "Roles",
"PARTICIPANT": "Filter by user",
"APPRAISAL_FILTER": "Filter by appraisal",
"CUSTOM": "Filter by {{ custom }}"
"FORM": {
"ERROR": {
"ACTION_NAME": "Action name can't be empty.",
"ACTION_DESCRIPTION": "Success indicator {{ name }}.",
"ACTION_OBSERVATION": "{{ name }} can't be empty.",
"ACTION_MATURITY": "Maturity is required.",
"ACTION_MATURITY_INVALID": "Invalid maturity.",
"ACTION_MATURITY_MIN": "Maturity can't be earlier and inclusive today.",
"ACTION_COLABORATOR": "At least one user must be selected.",
"ACTION_COMPETENCIES": "At least one {{ name }} must be selected.",
"ACTION_COMPETENCY_DETAIL": "{{ name }} cannot be empty.",
"ACTION_CATEGORIES": "At least one type must be selected."
"LABEL": {
"ACTION_NAME": "Action name *:",
"ACTION_DESCRIPTION": "Success indicator",
"ACTION_OBSERVATION": "Needed resources",
"ACTION_FACILITATOR": "Facilitator:",
"ACTION_MATURITY": "Deadline *:",
"ACTION_COLABORATOR": "Assign a user",
"ACTION_COMPETENCY": "Competency",
"ACTION_COMPETENCY_DETAIL": "Competency details",
"ACTION_EDIT": "Edit",
"ACTION_SAVE": "Save",
"ACTION_CANCEL": "Cancel",
"ACTION_REMOVE": "Remove",
"ACTION_REMOVE_COMPETENCY": "Remove competency",
"ACTION_STATUS": "Status",
"ACTION_PARTICIPANT": "Collaborator",
"APPRAISAL": "Appraisal :",
"NEXT": "Next",
"PREVIOUS": "Previous",
"LIST_OF_VALUES": "List of values",
"ACTION_NAME": "Action identifier name",
"ACTION_DESCRIPTION": "Indicators that define the success of the action",
"ACTION_OBSERVATION": "Observations or resources necessary for the development of the action",
"PDI_ACTION": "IDP action",
"PARTICIPANT": "Paticipant "
"TABLE": {
"ACTION_STATUS": "Development action status",
"PARTICIPANT": "Participant",
"TOTAL": "Total",
"UNITIALIZED": "Not started",
"IN_PROGRESS": "In Progress",
"INTERRUPTED_OR_CANCELED": "Paused ou Canceled",
"FINISHED": "Finished"
"LABEL": {
"COLABORATOR": "Collaborator",
"COMPETENCY": "Competency (ies)",
"MATURITY": "Deadline: ",
"COMMENTS": "Comments",
"EXPIRATION_DATE": "Deadline: "
"MENU": {
"TEAM": "IDP's Team"
"MODAL": {
"TITLE": "Add Action"
"TITLE": "Do you want to remove the action?"
"TITLE": "Confirm removal",
"MESSAGE": "Do you really want to remove this comment? This action can't be undone.",
"BUTTON_REMOVE": "Yes, remove",
"CONFIGURATION": "Settings",
"ACTION": "IDP Actions",
"ACTION_LIBRARY": "Actions library",
"CONFIGURATION_NOT_APPRAISAL": "Non-assessment related configuration",
"CONFIGURATION_NOT_APPRAISAL_SUBTITLE": "Configuration for IDP actions not related to an assessment",
"CONFIGURATION_APPRAISAL": "Assessment related setup",
"CONFIGURATION_APPRAISAL_SUBTITLE": "Setting for IDP actions by related assessment",
"PDI_ACTION_FORM": "IDP action form",
"PDI": "When enabling, IDP actions not related to an assessment can be created.",
"PDI_RELATED": "When enabling, IDP actions related to an assessment can be created.",
"ACTION_CREATION_DEADLINE": "After this period, managers and employees will not be able to create IDP actions.",
"PERMISSIONS": "These permissions are related to creating and updating the status of IDP actions for the collaborator himself. Managers already have the permission to create and update the status of IDP actions for their team, without the need for configuration."
"APPRAISAL": "Appraisal",
"PDI_ENABLED": "IDP Enabled",
"ACTION_CREATION_DEADLINE": "Action creation deadline",
"ALLOWING_APPRAISALS": "Allowing appraisals to",
"CREATE_NEW_ACTIONS": "Create new actions",
"UPDATE_STATUS": "Update status",
"FIELD_CONFIG": "Field configuration",
"COMPETENCY_REGISTER": "Register of competences",
"PERMISSIONS": "Permissions"
"LABEL_VIEW_INDIRECT_TEAM": "Allow managers to view IDP of indirect teams",
"TITLE_SUGGESTION_FOR_ACTION": "Suggestion for development action",
"LABEL_TOGGLE_ENABLE": "Enable library:",
"TOGGLE_ON": "Yes",
"ADD_ACTION": "Add action"
"MODAL": {
"ADD_ACTION_TITLE": "Development action"
"EMPTY_LIBRARY_ACTIONS": "There is no registered actions library yet.",
"FORM": {
"ERROR": {
"ACTION_NAME": "Action name can't be empty.",
"ACTION_DESCRIPTION": "Success indicator can't be empty.",
"ACTION_OBSERVATION": "Observations / needed resources can't be empty."
"LABEL": {
"ACTION_NAME": "Action name",
"ACTION_DESCRIPTION": "Success indicator",
"ACTION_OBSERVATION": "Needed resources",
"ACTION_FACILITATOR": "Facilitator",
"ACTION_COMPETENCY": "Competency",
"ACTION_EDIT": "Edit",
"ACTION_SAVE": "Save",
"ACTION_CANCEL": "Cancel",
"ACTION_REMOVE": "Remove",
"ACTION_REMOVE_COMPETENCY": "Remove competency",
"ACTION_NAME": "Action identifier name",
"ACTION_DESCRIPTION": "Indicators that define the success of the action",
"ACTION_OBSERVATION": "Observations or resources necessary for the development of the action",
"COPY": {
"TITLE_LIBRARY_FILTER": "Library of IDP actions",
"FORM": {
"LABEL_NAME": "Development action:",
"PLACEHODER_NAME": "Description of development action ...",
"LABEL_COMPETENCY": "Skill(s):",
"MODAL": {
"TITLE": "Setting up the IDP action form"
"FORM": {
"LABEL": {
"SAVE": "Save",
"CANCEL": "Cancel"
"INPUT_VALUES_INFO": "Comma-separated values",
"SUCCESS": "Field configuration saved successfully.",
"ERROR": "Error saving field configuration"
"LABEL": {
"SHOW": "Show",
"REQUIRED": "Required",
"IDIOMA": "Language:",
"IDIOMA_1": "Portuguese",
"IDIOMA_2": "English",
"IDIOMA_3": "Espanish",
"FIELD_NAME": "Field name",
"RELATED_COMPETENCE":"Related competence",
"VALUES": "Values",
"VALUES_TOOLTIP": "For the field that supports a list of predefined values, enter the values separated by commas.",
"TYPE": "Type",
"EDIT": "Edit"
"competencies": "Competency:",
"description": "Success Indicator:",
"observation": "Notes or Resources Needed:"
"MSG_DEFAULT_LABEL": "When not filling in the field name, the default field name with translation will be displayed."
"ALL_SELECTED": "All selected",
"CHECK_ALL": "Select all",
"CHECKED": "selected",
"CHECKED_PLURAL": "selected",
"SEARCH_EMPTY_RESULT": "Not found...",
"SEARCH_EMPTY_RESULT_DEPARTMENT": "Filter by department",
"SEARCH_EMPTY_RESULT_JOB_TITLE": "Filter by job title",
"SEARCH_EMPTY_RESULT_LEVEL": "Filter by level",
"SEARCH_EMPTY_RESULT_INDICATION": "Filter by indication",
"SEARCH_EMPTY_RESULT_DEFINITION": "Filter by definition",
"SEARCH_BY": "Filter by ",
"UNCHECK_ALL": "Unselect all",
"SEARCH_EMPTY_RESULT_USER": "Select a user",
"ALL": "All"
"APPRAISAL": "Appraisal",
"SELECT_AN_APPRAISAL": "Find an appraisal",
"NO_APPRAISAL_REFERENCE": "Not related to evaluation",
"LANGUAGE": "Language:",
"DEFAULT_LANGUAGE": "Default language",
"PORTUGUESE_BR": "Portuguese",
"ENGLISH": "English",
"SPANISH": "Spanish"
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"SAVE": "Save"
"ADD": "added this action for",
"TITLE": "Timeline",
"MOD": {
"DESCRIPTION": "updated the action's success indicator to",
"OBSERVATION": "updated the action's observations / needed resources to",
"EXPIRATION_DATE": "updated the action's maturity to",
"NAME": "updated the action's name to",
"STATUS": "updated the action's status to",
"COMPETENCY_DETAIL": "updated the details of the action's competence to"
"ADD": "Add comment",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"DELETE": "Delete",
"EDIT": "Edit",
"MENSAGEM": "255 character limit.",
"PLACEHOLDER": "Comment here...",
"SAVE": "Save"
"TITLE": "Feedback's comments"
"SHOW_LESS": "Show less",
"SHOW_MORE": "Show more"
"ERROR": {
"JOB_TITLE": "Você não tem permissão para criar colaboradores para este Cargo",
"DEPARTMENT": "Você não tem permissão para criar colaboradores para esta Área",
"LEVEL": "Você não tem permissão para criar colaboradores para {{ fieldName }}",
"CUSTOM1": "Você não tem permissão para criar colaboradores para {{ fieldName }}",
"CUSTOM2": "Você não tem permissão para criar colaboradores para {{ fieldName }}"
"IMPORT_LABEL": "Import profile photos",
"IMPORT_TEMPLATE_LABEL": "Photo import template",
"NOT_IMPORTED": "Could not import any profile photo",
"IMPORTED": "Profile photos imported successfully",
"TOTAL_IMPORTED": "Total imported profile photos: {{ totalImported }}"
"IMPORTED": "Profile photo imported successfully",
"TOTAL_IMPORTED": "1 imported profile photo"
"ERROR": {
"INVALID_FILE": "Invalid file: {{fileName}}",
"REFERENCE_FILE_NOT_FOUND": "Could not find the file \"{{fileName}}\" needed to import the profile photo",
"REFERENCE_FILE_EMPTY": "Could not read any record of the file \"{{fileName}}\" needed to import the profile photo"
"IMAGE": {
"INVALID_IMAGE": "Error extracting image: {{ fileName }}",
"REFERENCE_IMAGE_NOT_FOUND": "Could not find image \"{{referenceFileName}}\" on line {{lineNumber}}",
"IMAGE_NAME_NOT_FOUND_IN_REFERENCE_FILE": "Could not find image name \"{{fileName}}\" in file \"{{referenceFileName}}\" "
"FILE_REFERENCE_LINE_ERROR": "Error reading line {{lineNumber}} in file: {{fileName}}"
"USER": {
"REFERENCE_USER_NOT_FOUND": "Could not find the user with email \"{{referenceEmail}}\" on line {{lineNumber}}"
"LABEL": "Export spreadsheet",
"EXPORT_SUCCESS": "Worksheet with users successfully exported",
"EXPORT_ERROR": "Error when exporting spreadsheet with users"
"LABEL": "Import from spreadsheet",
"DOWNLOAD": "Download sample spreadsheet",
"ERROR": {
"COULD_NOT_FIND_ANY_RECORDS": "Não foi possível encontrar nenhum registro no arquivo",
"TEXT": "There was an error during import",
"BLANK_NAME": "Cell (name) is empty",
"BLANK_EMAIL": "Cell (email) is empty",
"INVALID_EMAIL": "Cell (email) invalid value",
"INVALID_MANAGER_EMAILS": "Cell (manager emails) invalid emails ",
"INVALID_PASSWORD_LENGTH": "Cell (password) minimum 4 characters ",
"INVALID_STATUS_TYPE": "Invalid (status) cell ",
"INVALID_ACCESS_TYPE": "Cell (access) invalid value ",
"INVALID_PASSWORD_ACCESS_BY_LOGING": "Cell (password) you need to create a password for login access ",
"EXISTS_IN_OTHER_ORG": "Cell (password) this user belongs to other organizations on the Impulseup platform. He / she must request a password change.",
"TO_CHANGE_PASSWORD_NEED_ACCESS_BY_LOGIN": "Cell (password) to change password the cell (access) must have the value \"Login\" ",
"LANGUAGE_ID_NOT_FOUND": "The language could not be found. Allowed languages code \"pt-BR \", \"en-US \", \"es-MX \""
"TEXT": "Users were imported successfuly!"
"TEXT": "A total of {{count}} user(s) could not be imported.",
"LINE_NUMBER_ERROR": "Line {{ lineNumber }}: "
"ERROR": {
"DEPARTMENT": "Field (department) with administrator restriction",
"LEVEL": "Cell (level) with administrator restriction",
"JOB_TITLE": "Cell (job tile) with administrator restriction",
"CUSTOM1": "Cell (custom1) with administrator restriction",
"CUSTOM2": "Cell (custom2) with administrator restriction"
"ADD_TITLE": "Add a manager",
"REMOVE_TITLE": "Remove manager",
"DISMISS": "Cancel",
"SUBMIT_ADD": "Add manager",
"SUBMIT_REMOVE": "Remove manager",
"SUBMIT_ADD_REMOVE": "Change manager",
"MANAGER_TOOLTIP": "Type the first 3 characters of the manager's name or email...",
"MANAGER_LABEL": "Select a manager for {{name}}:",
"CANNOT_MANAGE_SELF": "It is not possible to assign a person as his/her own manager",
"CYCLIC_DEPENDENCY": "{{args.0}} is either directly or indirectly a subordinate of {{args.1}}, and cannot therefore be assigned as a manager"
"TITLE": "Users",
"TITLE_ADM": "User administration",
"ADD_USER": "Add user",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"SEARCH_PLACEHOLDER": "Search by name or email...",
"SEARCH_MANAGER_PLACEHOLDER": "Search by name or email...",
"SEARCH": "Search",
"FILTER": "Filter",
"INVITATION_SENT_AT": "Invitation sent on {{date}}",
"CHANGE_MANAGER_SUCCESS": "Manager changed successfully",
"REMOVE_ALL_MANAGERS_SUCCESS": "Removed all managers successfuly",
"CURRENT_PAGE_PEOPLE_CHECKED": "<b>{{ selectedByPage }}</b> selected users.",
"SELECT_ALL_PEOPLE": "Select all {{ totalElements }} users.",
"ALL_PAGE_PEOPLE_CHECKED": "All of <b>{{ selectedByPage }}</b> users are selected.",
"CLEAR_CHECKED_PEOPLE": "Clear selection.",
"SINGULAR": "The invitation for \"{{email}}\" was not made because the user is currently disabled in this platform.",
"PLURAL": "The invitations for {{count}} users were not made because they are currently disabled in this platform."
"SINGULAR": "The invitation for \"{{email}}\" was not made. You cannot invite yourself.",
"PLURAL": "The invitations for {{count}} users were not made. You cannot invite yourself"
"SINGULAR": "The user \"{{email}}\" already existed in this platform and was added to this organization with the selected roles.",
"PLURAL": "Among the invitations, {{count}} referred to existing users in this platform. They were added to this organizatino with the selected roles."
"SINGULAR": "An invitation was sento to \"{{email}}\". He or she will be added to this organization with the selected roles as soon as registration is complete.",
"PLURAL": "A total of {{count}} invitations were sent. Users will be added to this organization with the selected roles as soon as they complete registration."
"RESEND_INVITATION": "The invitation was resent to email {{email}} so that the user can define their password to access Impulseup.",
"AT_LEAST_ONE_AUTHORITY": "Select at least one role for the user.",
"ALL": "Serão enviados emails para acesso à área de perfil e definição de login e senha somente para usuários ATIVOS que estão com acesso via Link e para usuários que já receberam um convite de acesso e ainda não definiram sua senha.",
"SELECTED": "Serão enviados emails para acesso à área de perfil e definição de login e senha somente para usuários ATIVOS que estão com acesso via Link e para usuários que já receberam um convite de acesso e ainda não definiram sua senha."
"QUESTION": "Are you sure you want to remove this invitation?",
"CONFIRM": "Yes, remove it",
"CANCEL": "Don't remove",
"SUCCESS": "Invitation was removed successfuly"
"TABLE": {
"EMAIL": "Email",
"NAMES": "Name",
"STATUS": "Status",
"ACCESS": "Access",
"NO_ITEMS": "No users satisfy current search criteria",
"FULL_NAME": "Full name",
"DEPARTMENT": "Department",
"JOB_TITLE": "Job title",
"MANAGERS": "Managers",
"HIERARCHY": "Hierarchy",
"USER_TYPE": "User type"
"UNDEFINED": "Não definido",
"INTERNAL": "Interno",
"EXTERNAL": "Externo"
"EMPTY": "",
"EMPTY_NAMES": "No manager",
"NAME_OR_EMAIL": "Name or email:",
"MANAGER": "Manager:",
"DEPARTMENTS": "Departments:",
"JOB_TITLES": "Job titles:",
"PARTICIPAT_APPRAISAL": "Appraisal participant:",
"STATUSES": "Status:",
"ACCESS": "Access:",
"LOGIN": "By login",
"LINK": "By link",
"ACTIVE": "Active",
"INACTIVE": "Inactive",
"PROFILE": "Profile:",
"ADMINISTRATOR": "Administrator",
"USER": "User",
"USER_TYPE": "User type:"
"ACTIVE": "By login",
"INACTIVE": "By link",
"INVITATION_SENT": "Invitation sent",
"INVITE_SENT": "Invitation sent",
"REDEFINE_PASSWORD_SENT": "Redefinir senha enviado",
"DEFINE_PASSWORD_SENT": "Definir senha enviado"
"ORGANIZATION_ADMIN": "Administrator",
"REGULAR_USER": "Regular user"
"ACTIVATE": "Activate",
"INACTIVATE": "Inactivate",
"RESEND_INVITATION": "Resend invite",
"INVITE": "Invite",
"REMOVE_ADMIN_RIGHTS": "Remove admin role",
"PERFIL_RESTRICTION": "To define profile restrictions",
"ADD_ADMIN_RIGHTS": "Make admin",
"REMOVE_INVITATION": "Remove invitation",
"INVITE_NEW_TOOLTIP": "Invites a new user to join this organization",
"INVITE_NEW": "Invite new user",
"INVITE_SELECTED": "Invite selected users",
"INVITE_SELECTED_TOOLTIP": "Sends an email to selected users inviting them to join this organization",
"INVITE_ALL": "Invite users",
"SEND_INVITE_PASSWORD_DEFINITION": "Enviar link de definição de senha",
"SEND_INVITE_PASSWORD_DEFINITION_SELECTED": "Enviar aos selecionados link de definição de senha",
"ADD_MANAGER": "Add a manager...",
"REMOVE_MANAGER": "Remove {{managerName}}",
"REMOVE_ALL_MANAGERS": "Remove all managers"
"USER_IS_ALREADY_A_MEMBER": "This user is already a member of this organization.",
"USER_DISABLED_GLOBALLY": "This user is currently disabled in this platform."
"PROMPT": "The user \"{{email}}\" already exists in this platform. Would you like to grant it access to this organization?",
"ADD_MEMBERSHIP": "Grant access",
"DO_NOT_ADD_MEMBERSHIP": "Don't grant"
"PROMPT": "Are you sure you want to modify the user's form of access to Link instead of using Login and Password?",
"INVITE_BLOCK": "Unable to send invitation to the initial user."
"TITLE_FORM": "Custom fields",
"SAVE": "Save",
"DISMISS": "Close",
"CUSTOM1_FIELD_NAME": "Custom1",
"CUSTOM2_FIELD_NAME": "Custom2",
"CUSTOM3_FIELD_NAME": "Custom3",
"CUSTOM4_FIELD_NAME": "Custom4",
"CUSTOM5_FIELD_NAME": "Custom5",
"CUSTOM6_FIELD_NAME": "Custom6",
"CUSTOM7_FIELD_NAME": "Custom7",
"CUSTOM8_FIELD_NAME": "Custom8",
"CUSTOM9_FIELD_NAME": "Custom9",
"CUSTOM10_FIELD_NAME": "Custom10",
"CUSTOM11_FIELD_NAME": "Custom11",
"CUSTOM12_FIELD_NAME": "Custom12",
"CUSTOM13_FIELD_NAME": "Custom13",
"CUSTOM14_FIELD_NAME": "Custom14",
"CUSTOM15_FIELD_NAME": "Custom15",
"CUSTOM16_FIELD_NAME": "Custom16",
"CUSTOM17_FIELD_NAME": "Custom17",
"CUSTOM18_FIELD_NAME": "Custom18",
"CUSTOM19_FIELD_NAME": "Custom19",
"CUSTOM20_FIELD_NAME": "Custom20",
"CUSTOM21_FIELD_NAME": "Custom21",
"CUSTOM22_FIELD_NAME": "Custom22",
"CUSTOM23_FIELD_NAME": "Custom23",
"CUSTOM24_FIELD_NAME": "Custom24",
"CUSTOM25_FIELD_NAME": "Custom25",
"CUSTOM_DATE1_FIELD_NAME": "Custom1 date",
"CUSTOM_DATE2_FIELD_NAME": "Custom2 date",
"CUSTOM_DATE3_FIELD_NAME": "Custom3 date",
"CUSTOM_DATE4_FIELD_NAME": "Custom4 date",
"CUSTOM_LINK1_FIELD_NAME": "Custom1 link",
"CUSTOM_LINK2_FIELD_NAME": "Custom2 link",
"CUSTOM_LINK3_FIELD_NAME": "Custom3 link",
"CUSTOM_LINK4_FIELD_NAME": "Custom4 link",
"CUSTOM_FILE1_FIELD_NAME": "Custom1 attachments",
"CUSTOM_FILE2_FIELD_NAME": "Custom2 attachments",
"CUSTOM_FILE3_FIELD_NAME": "Custom3 attachments",
"CUSTOM_FILE4_FIELD_NAME": "Custom4 attachments",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM1_PT": "Custom1 (Pt)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM1_EN": "Custom1 (En)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM1_ES": "Custom1 (Es)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM2_PT": "Custom2 (Pt)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM2_EN": "Custom2 (En)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM2_ES": "Custom2 (Es)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM3_PT": "Custom3 (Pt)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM3_EN": "Custom3 (En)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM3_ES": "Custom3 (Es)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM4_PT": "Custom4 (Pt)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM4_EN": "Custom4 (En)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM4_ES": "Custom4 (Es)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM5_PT": "Custom5 (Pt)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM5_EN": "Custom5 (En)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM5_ES": "Custom5 (Es)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM6_PT": "Custom6 (Pt)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM6_EN": "Custom6 (En)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM6_ES": "Custom6 (Es)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM7_PT": "Custom7 (Pt)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM7_EN": "Custom7 (En)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM7_ES": "Custom7 (Es)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM8_PT": "Custom8 (Pt)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM8_EN": "Custom8 (En)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM8_ES": "Custom8 (Es)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM9_PT": "Custom9 (Pt)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM9_EN": "Custom9 (En)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM9_ES": "Custom9 (Es)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM10_PT": "Custom10 (Pt)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM10_EN": "Custom10(En)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM10_ES": "Custom10 (Es)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM11_PT": "Custom11 (Pt)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM11_EN": "Custom11 (En)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM11_ES": "Custom11 (Es)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM12_PT": "Custom12 (Pt)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM12_EN": "Custom12 (En)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM12_ES": "Custom12 (Es)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM13_PT": "Custom13 (Pt)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM13_EN": "Custom13 (En)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM13_ES": "Custom13 (Es)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM14_PT": "Custom14 (Pt)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM14_EN": "Custom14(En)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM14_ES": "Custom14 (Es)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM15_PT": "Custom15 (Pt)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM15_EN": "Custom15 (En)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM15_ES": "Custom15 (Es)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM16_PT": "Custom16 (Pt)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM16_EN": "Custom16 (En)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM16_ES": "Custom16 (Es)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM17_PT": "Custom17 (Pt)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM17_EN": "Custom17 (En)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM17_ES": "Custom17 (Es)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM18_PT": "Custom18 (Pt)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM18_EN": "Custom18(En)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM18_ES": "Custom18 (Es)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM19_PT": "Custom19 (Pt)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM19_EN": "Custom19 (En)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM19_ES": "Custom19 (Es)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM20_PT": "Custom20 (Pt)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM20_EN": "Custom20 (En)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM20_ES": "Custom20 (Es)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM21_PT": "Custom21 (Pt)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM21_EN": "Custom21 (En)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM21_ES": "Custom21 (Es)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM22_PT": "Custom22 (Pt)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM22_EN": "Custom22 (En)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM22_ES": "Custom22 (Es)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM23_PT": "Custom23 (Pt)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM23_EN": "Custom23(En)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM23_ES": "Custom23 (Es)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM24_PT": "Custom24 (Pt)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM24_EN": "Custom24 (En)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM24_ES": "Custom24 (Es)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM25_PT": "Custom25 (Pt)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM25_EN": "Custom25 (En)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM25_ES": "Custom25 (Es)",
"PLACEHOLDER_CUSTOM10_PT": "Custom10 (Pt)",
"PLACEHOLDER_CUSTOM10_EN": "Custom10(En)",
"PLACEHOLDER_CUSTOM10_ES": "Custom10 (Es)",
"PLACEHOLDER_CUSTOM11_PT": "Custom11 (Pt)",
"PLACEHOLDER_CUSTOM11_EN": "Custom11 (En)",
"PLACEHOLDER_CUSTOM11_ES": "Custom11 (Es)",
"PLACEHOLDER_CUSTOM12_PT": "Custom12 (Pt)",
"PLACEHOLDER_CUSTOM12_EN": "Custom12 (En)",
"PLACEHOLDER_CUSTOM12_ES": "Custom12 (Es)",
"PLACEHOLDER_CUSTOM13_PT": "Custom13 (Pt)",
"PLACEHOLDER_CUSTOM13_EN": "Custom13 (En)",
"PLACEHOLDER_CUSTOM13_ES": "Custom13 (Es)",
"PLACEHOLDER_CUSTOM14_PT": "Custom14 (Pt)",
"PLACEHOLDER_CUSTOM14_EN": "Custom14(En)",
"PLACEHOLDER_CUSTOM14_ES": "Custom14 (Es)",
"PLACEHOLDER_CUSTOM15_PT": "Custom15 (Pt)",
"PLACEHOLDER_CUSTOM15_EN": "Custom15 (En)",
"PLACEHOLDER_CUSTOM15_ES": "Custom15 (Es)",
"PLACEHOLDER_CUSTOM16_PT": "Custom16 (Pt)",
"PLACEHOLDER_CUSTOM16_EN": "Custom16 (En)",
"PLACEHOLDER_CUSTOM16_ES": "Custom16 (Es)",
"PLACEHOLDER_CUSTOM17_PT": "Custom17 (Pt)",
"PLACEHOLDER_CUSTOM17_EN": "Custom17 (En)",
"PLACEHOLDER_CUSTOM17_ES": "Custom17 (Es)",
"PLACEHOLDER_CUSTOM18_PT": "Custom18 (Pt)",
"PLACEHOLDER_CUSTOM18_EN": "Custom18(En)",
"PLACEHOLDER_CUSTOM18_ES": "Custom18 (Es)",
"PLACEHOLDER_CUSTOM19_PT": "Custom19 (Pt)",
"PLACEHOLDER_CUSTOM19_EN": "Custom19 (En)",
"PLACEHOLDER_CUSTOM19_ES": "Custom19 (Es)",
"PLACEHOLDER_CUSTOM20_PT": "Custom20 (Pt)",
"PLACEHOLDER_CUSTOM20_EN": "Custom20 (En)",
"PLACEHOLDER_CUSTOM20_ES": "Custom20 (Es)",
"PLACEHOLDER_CUSTOM21_PT": "Custom21 (Pt)",
"PLACEHOLDER_CUSTOM21_EN": "Custom21 (En)",
"PLACEHOLDER_CUSTOM21_ES": "Custom21 (Es)",
"PLACEHOLDER_CUSTOM22_PT": "Custom22 (Pt)",
"PLACEHOLDER_CUSTOM22_EN": "Custom22 (En)",
"PLACEHOLDER_CUSTOM22_ES": "Custom22 (Es)",
"PLACEHOLDER_CUSTOM23_PT": "Custom23 (Pt)",
"PLACEHOLDER_CUSTOM23_EN": "Custom23(En)",
"PLACEHOLDER_CUSTOM23_ES": "Custom23 (Es)",
"PLACEHOLDER_CUSTOM24_PT": "Custom24 (Pt)",
"PLACEHOLDER_CUSTOM24_EN": "Custom24 (En)",
"PLACEHOLDER_CUSTOM24_ES": "Custom24 (Es)",
"PLACEHOLDER_CUSTOM25_PT": "Custom25 (Pt)",
"PLACEHOLDER_CUSTOM25_EN": "Custom25 (En)",
"PLACEHOLDER_CUSTOM25_ES": "Custom25 (Es)",
"DATE_FORMAT_LABEL": "Fields in Date format",
"TEXT_FORMAT_LABEL": "Text format fields",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM_DATE1_PT": "Custom1 data (Pt)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM_DATE1_EN": "Custom1 date (En)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM_DATE1_ES": "Custom1 fecha (Es)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM_DATE2_PT": "Custom2 data (Pt)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM_DATE2_EN": "Custom2 date (En)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM_DATE2_ES": "Custom2 fecha (Es)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM_DATE3_PT": "Custom3 data (Pt)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM_DATE3_EN": "Custom3 date (En)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM_DATE3_ES": "Custom3 fecha (Es)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM_DATE4_PT": "Custom4 data (Pt)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM_DATE4_EN": "Custom4 date (En)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM_DATE4_ES": "Custom4 fecha (Es)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM_LINK1_PT": "Custom1 link (Pt)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM_LINK1_EN": "Custom1 link (En)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM_LINK1_ES": "Custom1 link (Es)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM_LINK2_PT": "Custom2 link (Pt)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM_LINK2_EN": "Custom2 link (En)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM_LINK2_ES": "Custom2 link (Es)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM_LINK3_PT": "Custom3 link (Pt)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM_LINK3_EN": "Custom3 link (En)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM_LINK3_ES": "Custom3 link (Es)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM_LINK4_PT": "Custom4 link (Pt)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM_LINK4_EN": "Custom4 link (En)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM_LINK4_ES": "Custom4 link (Es)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM_FILE1_PT": "Custom1 anexos (Pt)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM_FILE1_EN": "Custom1 attachments (En)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM_FILE1_ES": "Custom1 adjuntos (Es)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM_FILE2_PT": "Custom2 anexos (Pt)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM_FILE2_EN": "Custom2 attachments (En)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM_FILE2_ES": "Custom2 adjuntos (Es)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM_FILE3_PT": "Custom3 anexos (Pt)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM_FILE3_EN": "Custom3 attachments (En)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM_FILE3_ES": "Custom3 adjuntos (Es)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM_FILE4_PT": "Custom4 anexos (Pt)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM_FILE4_EN": "Custom4 attachments (En)",
"FIELD_LABEL_CUSTOM_FILE4_ES": "Custom4 adjuntos (Es)",
"PLACEHOLDER_CUSTOM_FILE1_PT": "Custom1 anexos",
"PLACEHOLDER_CUSTOM_FILE1_EN": "Custom1 attachments",
"PLACEHOLDER_CUSTOM_FILE1_ES": "Custom1 adjuntos",
"PLACEHOLDER_CUSTOM_FILE2_PT": "Custom2 anexos",
"PLACEHOLDER_CUSTOM_FILE2_EN": "Custom2 attachments",
"PLACEHOLDER_CUSTOM_FILE2_ES": "Custom2 adjuntos",
"PLACEHOLDER_CUSTOM_FILE3_PT": "Custom3 anexos",
"PLACEHOLDER_CUSTOM_FILE3_EN": "Custom3 attachments",
"PLACEHOLDER_CUSTOM_FILE3_ES": "Custom3 adjuntos",
"PLACEHOLDER_CUSTOM_FILE4_PT": "Custom4 anexos",
"PLACEHOLDER_CUSTOM_FILE4_EN": "Custom4 attachments",
"PLACEHOLDER_CUSTOM_FILE4_ES": "Custom4 adjuntos",
"TITLE": "Successfully saved custom fields.",
"MESSAGE": "Default fields will be replaced by custom fields."
"TITLE": "Error saving.",
"MESSAGE": "An error occurred while saving custom fields."
"ACTIVE": "Active",
"INACTIVE": "Inactive"
"TITLE": "Error",
"MESSAGE": "You cannot add new users. The maximum limit of active users has been reached."
"TITLE": "Error",
"MESSAGE": "The user could not be activated. The maximum limit of active users has been reached."
"TITLE": "Error",
"MESSAGE": "You cannot add {{ newUsers }} new users. The current limit is {{ activeUsersPurchase }} of active users."
"TITLE": "Error",
"MESSAGE": "Unable to add user. The current limit is {{ activeUsersPurchase }} of active users."
"TITLE": "Import in progress",
"HTML": "<p> While importing users is in progress, it is not possible to perform another import. </p> <p> Import started by: {{userName}} </p> <p> Total import time so far: {{processingTime}} </p>"
"TITLE": "Add user",
"ACTIVE_USER": "This email is being used by an existing Impulse UP user. The user will be added as a member of this organization",
"EMAIL": "E-mail (username)",
"FULL_NAME": "Full name",
"PASSWORD": "Password",
"ADD_MEMBERSHIP": "Add as a member",
"CREATE_USER": "Create user",
"ACCESS_TYPE": "Access type",
"LOGIN": "Login",
"LINK": "Link"
"SET_PASSWORD": "Set password",
"SEND_INVITE": "Send invite",
"TITLE": "User saved successfuly",
"MESSAGE": "This participant has been converted into an user"
"TITLE": "Usuário adicionado com sucesso."
"ERROR": {
"TITLE": "Error",
"MESSAGE": "Please fix form errors before proceeding"
"TITLE": "Login access",
"PASSWORD_LABEL": "For this user to have access via login, it is necessary to define a password for his access:",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"GRANT_ACCESS": "Grant access",
"PASSWORD": "New password:",
"CONFIRM_PASSWORD": "Confirm new password:",
"PASSWORD_NOT_MATCH": "New password and Confirm new password are different!",
"TITLE": "Saved successfully",
"MESSAGE": "Login granted successfully granted"
"SHOW_RESULT_METRICS": "Exibir resultados de métricas importados: ",
"USE_COMPENTECY_CONCEPT_FOR_APPRAISAL_RESULT": "Usar esta escala para o resultado final da avaliação de competências.",
"HIDE_EVALUATION_TYPES": "Hide from report: ",
"SHOW_CONSENSUS_SCORE": "View consensus score",
"INCLUDE_CONSENSUS_COMMENTS": "Include consensus comments",
"INCLUDE_FINAL_CONSENSUS_COMMENTS": "Include final consensus comment",
"INCLUDE_MANAGER_FEEDBACK_AFTER_EVALUATION": "Include record of manager's feedback after assessment",
"TITLE_PDF": "PDF View",
"TITLE": "Report View",
"GROUP_SCORES": "Hide appraiser type in results",
"GROUP_COMMENTS": "Hide appraiser type in comments",
"GROUP_SCORES_TOOLTIP": "Select this if you don't want to identify scores and comments by their sources - they will all be kept under a generic group.",
"SHOW_ATTRIBUTE_SCORES": "Show behavioral results",
"SHOW_NUMBER_TYPE_REVIEWERS": "Show reviewers quantities by reviewer type",
"HIDE_WEB_GRAPHIC": "Hide skills web chart",
"SHOW_REQUIRED_LEVEL": "Show required level",
"SHOW_GRAPHICS": "Show graph for behaviors",
"SHOW_DESCRIPTION": "Show competency description",
"SHOW_GLOBAL_AVERAGES": "Show global average scores",
"HIDE_COMMENTS": "Hide comments of appraisal",
"SHOW_AVERAGES_BY": "Show average scores by:",
"SHOW_AVERAGES_BY_NONE": "Don't show",
"INTRO_TITLE": "Introductory title",
"INTRO_TEXT": "Introductory text",
"LOGO_URL": "Header image (logo)",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"DONE": "Use this!",
"HINT": "Best size and proportion: 500px (width) x 130px (height) with 500 KB",
"CLEAR": "Clear",
"SHOW_TO_MANAGERS": "Show these sections to managers:",
"SHOW_TO_PARTICIPANTS": "Show these sections to participants:",
"SHOW_ATTRIBUTE_SCORES_TOOLTIP": "Display the results of each behavior.",
"SHOW_GRAPHICS_TOOLTIP": "Display graphs for each behavior.",
"SHOW_GLOBAL_AVERAGES_TOOLTIP": "Display the average of all organization ratings.",
"SHOW_AVERAGES_BY_JOB_TITLE_TOOLTIP": "Display the average of reviewee's job position.",
"SHOW_AVERAGES_BY_DEPARTMENT_TOOLTIP": "Display the average of reviewee's area.",
"SHOW_AVERAGES_BY_LEVEL_TOOLTIP": "Display the average of reviewee's level.",
"GROUP_COMMENTS_TOOLTIP": "Do not classify comments by reviewer type. For example, describe if a comment is from a peer or from a subordinate.",
"LOGOTIPO_TOOLTIP": "The logo image will be displayed on all PDF pages.",
"TITLE_TOOLTIP": "On the first page of the PDF report, after the cover, you can include a title and text explaining the report to the reviewee. If you do not enter anything in these fields, this page will not be displayed.",
"REVIEWERS": "reviewers",
"LESS_THAN": "Only group when there are less than:",
"REVIEWER_TYPES": "Group the following types together:",
"PERCENTAGE": "In percentage",
"SCORE": "In punctuation",
"CONCEPT": "In concept",
"ADD_CONCEPT": "Add concept",
"INITIAL": "Initial",
"FINAL": "Final",
"CONCEPT": "Concept"
"SHOW_CALIBRATED_RESULTS": "Show calibrated manager evaluations in report",
"SHOW_NINE_BOX_RESULTS": "Show nine-box calibrated results in report",
"SHOW_NINE_BOX_TO_MANAGER": "Display Nine-Box to the manager",
"SHOW_NINE_BOX_TO_MANAGER_SUCCESSION": "View succession information",
"EDIT_NINE_BOX_TO_MANAGER_SUCCESSION": "Edit succession information",
"EDIT_NINE_BOX_TO_MANAGER": "Allow to perform calibration",
"SHOW_NINE_BOX_TO_PARTICIPANT": "Show Nine-Box to Collaborator",
"CHANGE_AXIS_NINE_BOX_TO_MANAGER": "Allow to change axes",
"OKR_CYCLE": "Show results for the following OKR cycle:",
"WEIGHT_CONFIGURATION_TOOLTIP": "If there is no configuration for the combination of types of evaluators for a given evaluation, the weights will be distributed equally to the types of existing evaluators",
"ADD_WEIGH_CONFIGURATION": "Add configuration",
"ENABLE_ADVANCED_WEIGHT_CONFIG": "Advanced weight configuration",
"ADVANCED_WEIGHT_SUB_TITLE": "Combination weights:",
"SelfEvaluations": "self-evaluation",
"ManagerEvaluations": "manager",
"ReporteeEvaluations": "subordinates",
"PeerEvaluations": "pairs",
"ClientEvaluations": "customers",
"CONJUCTION": "and",
"ONLY_TEXT": "only"
"TITLE": "Weight setting",
"DEFAULT": "Select a type",
"SEARCH_EMPTY": "No type available"
"LABEL_TYPE": "Type: ",
"ADD": "Add",
"SAVE": "Save",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"ERROR_COMBINATION_EXISTS_MESSAGE": "This type combination has already been saved, please choose another one"
"SCORE": "In punctuation",
"FINAL_RESULT_COMBINATION": "In% combined with result of objectives"
"WEIGHT_LABEL": "Weights of the final result of the evaluation combined with result of objectives:",
"SHOW_FINAL_SCORE_LABEL": "Display final evaluation result in the report:",
"SHOW_FINAL_SCORE_IN_CONCEPT_LABEL": "Display final result in concept",
"SCORE": "punctuation"
"LABEL_CALCULATE_RESULT_FINAL_TYPE": "Calculate final assessment result:"
"SHOW_OKR_SCORE": "View result of goal cycle in scoring",
"SHOW_OKR_CONCEP": "Display result of cycle of goals in concept",
"SHOW_OKR_WEIGHT": "Display only goals or targets with a weight greater than zero"
"TITLE": "Participant Page",
"TAB1": "Direct Team",
"TAB2": "Indirect Team",
"SELF": {
"TITLE": "My appraisals",
"EMPTY": "You have not participated in any appraisal as a reviewer"
"TITLE": "My reports",
"EMPTY": "There is no report available."
"TITLE": "My feedbacks",
"EMPTY": "There is no feedback available."
"PDI": {
"TITLE": "My IDP",
"EMPTY": "There is no development action available."
"TEAM": {
"TITLE": "Reports from my team",
"EMPTY": "There is no team report available."
"TITLE": "Team feedbacks",
"EMPTY": "There is no feedback available from your team."
"PDI": {
"TITLE": "Team IDP",
"EMPTY": "There is no development action available from your team."
"JOB_TITLES": "Job titles",
"DEPARTMENTS": "Departments",
"LEVELS": "Levels",
"EVALUATION_TYPES": "Reviewers",
"EMPTY": "No filters configured"
"CALIBRATION_SUCCESSION_TITLE": "Calibration and succession",
"TITLE": "Nine-Box calibration",
"CHOOSE_QUADRANT": "Choose a quadrant to set suggested values...",
"DRAGGED_HERE": "You dragged here",
"ORIGINALLY_HERE": "Originally here",
"CUSTOMIZE_DIRECTLY": "... or customize scores directly:",
"SECTION": "Section",
"ORIGINAL_SCORE": "Original score:",
"RANGE": "Range:",
"CONSIDER": "Consider the following score:",
"MIN": "Minimum value:",
"MAX": "Maximum value:",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"SAVE": "Save",
"COMMENTS": "Comments:",
"USER": "Last calibration done by",
"PARTICIPANT_NAME": "Collaborator:",
"NINE_BOX_POSITION": "Position in the Nine-Box",
"NINE_BOX_POSITION_ORIGINAL": "Original position:",
"NINE_BOX_POSITION_CALIBRATED": "Calibrated position:",
"TAB": {
"CALIBRATION": "Calibration of the Nine-Box",
"SUCCESSION": "Succession",
"COMMENTS": "Comentários"
"SAVE_LAZY": "Save later"
"TITLE": "Nine-Box range",
"INFO": "Define the scores which delimit Nine-Box quadrants",
"RANGE": "Range:",
"MIN": "Minimum value:",
"MAX": "Maximum value:",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"SAVE": "Save",
"FROM_TO": "From {{ from }} quadrant to {{ to }} quadrant:",
"RANGE_IS_PERCENTAGE": "Scale is in percentage"
"TITLE": "Distribution range",
"RESULT_NAME": "Result type:",
"INITIAL": "Initial",
"ADD_DISTRIBUTION_RANGE": "Add distribution range",
"FINAL": "End",
"DISTRIBUTION": "Distribution",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"SAVE": "Save"
"TITLE": "Nine-Box Quadrant",
"LABEL": "Description of the Nine-Box quadrant:",
"COR": "Color of the Nine-Box quadrant:",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"SAVE": "Save",
"SELECT": "Choose a color"
"NO_DESCRIPTION":"Without description",
"ATTRIBUTE_NOT_SET": "Attribute not set",
"EMAIL": "E-mail:",
"MANAGER": "Manager",
"LABEL_MANAGER": "Select a manager",
"DEPARTMENT": "Area or department:",
"FULL_NAME": "Full name:",
"JOB_TITLE": "Job title:",
"LEVEL": "Level:",
"NO_DATA":"There are no fields registered for this section",
"REGISTER_DATE": "Register's date:",
"SEE_REPORT": "See report",
"APPRAISALS": "Appraisals",
"FEEDBACKS": "Feedback",
"MY_TEAM": "My team",
"PDI": "IDP",
"REPORTS": "Reports",
"OKR": "Objectives",
"MEETING": "Meetings",
"SURVEYS": "Surveys",
"HOME": "Home",
"SURVEYS_TEAM": "Surveys",
"ORGANIZATIONS": "Organizations"
"TITLE": "Personal information",
"TIMELINE": "Information history",
"TIMELINE_EMPTY": "No history available",
"TITLE": "Person details: {{ name }}",
"JOB_TITLES_GROUPED": "Job titles",
"DEPARTMENTS_GROUPED": "departments",
"EMPTY_ATTRIBUTE": "<empty>",
"APPRAISAL_NAMES": "Appraisals",
"APPRAISAL_EMPTY_NAME": "Unnamed appraisal",
"DISMISS": "Close",
"FULL_NAME": "Full name",
"EMAIL": "Email",
"JOB_TITLE": "Job title",
"DEPARTMENT": "Department",
"LEVEL": "Level",
"HISTORY": "History",
"NA": "",
"MANAGERS": "Managers",
"PASSWORD": "Enter a new password for this user",
"CONFIRM_PASSWORD": "Confirm a new password:",
"TABS": {
"MAIN": "Main",
"RESET_PASSWORD": "Reset password",
"HISTORY": "History"
"UPDATE_PERSON": "Update",
"TEXT_1": "Change user password",
"TEXT_2": "Send email to user to set their password",
"TEXT_3": "Change photo",
"TEXT_4": "Change password",
"TEXT_5": "How do you want to reset this user's password?",
"TEXT_6": "or",
"TEXT_7":"Update email",
"TEXT_8":"Unify users",
"TEXT_9":"When you update your email, you will receive a confirmation message in this new email with instructions to guide you through this process.",
"TEXT_10":"By unifying the users, their access will be exclusively by the target user with the respective information below.",
"TEXT_11":"The data below",
"TEXT_12":"will be replaced",
"TEXT_13":"by the target user's data.",
"TEXT_14":"serão tranferidos",
"TEXT_15":" para usuário de destino:",
"TEXT_20":"Os dados abaixo do usuário de origem serão excluídos:",
"RESET_PASSWORD": "Reset password",
"LABEL_1": "Feedbacks sended",
"LABEL_2": "IDPs completed",
"LABEL_3": "Appraisals completed",
"LABEL_4": "Current email",
"LABEL_5": "New email",
"LABEL_6": "Email",
"LABEL_7":"Actions of the IDP",
"LABEL_8": "Feedbacks received",
"LABEL_9": "Appraisals answered",
"LABEL_10": "Appraisals as evaluated",
"LABEL_11": "Objectives",
"LABEL_12": "Goals you are responsible",
"LABEL_13": "Goals you are own",
"LABEL_14": "Avaliações como avaliado ou avaliador",
"LABEL_15": "Objetivos/Metas (Proprietário, Responsável ou Aprovador) ",
"PLACEHOLDER_NEW_EMAIL":"Enter new user email",
"PLACEHOLDER_TARGET_EMAIL":"Enter user target",
"REVERSE_BUTTON": "Reverse",
"INACTIVE_USER": "This person is not an active user of the platform",
"EXISTS_IN_OTHER_ORG": "This user is a member of other organizations in this platform. His/her password reset must be requested by him/herself.",
"EDIT_SUCCESS": "User saved successfuly",
"PASSWORD_RESET_SUCCESS": "Password reset successfuly",
"LOCKED_OUT": "Locked out",
"EMPTY_REPORT_LIST_MSG": "No reports available at this time",
"EMPTY_ACCESS_HISTORY_LIST_MSG": "No access history found",
"NOT_ALLOWED_CHANGE_PHOTO_MSG": "User must have login access to have a photo.",
"USER_TYPE": "User type:",
"UNDEFINED": "Undefined",
"INTERNAL": "Internal",
"EXTERNAL": "External"
"WITH_SELF_EVALUATION": "Com autoavaliação:",
"YES": "Sim",
"NO": "Não"
"REQUIRED": "Required field",
"EMAIL": "Invalid email",
"MINLENGTH": "Required length: {{args.requiredLength}}",
"MAXLENGTH": "Maximum length: {{args.requiredLength}}",
"SIZE": "Required length of {{args.1}} to {{args.0}} characters",
"EMAIL": "Invalid email",
"NOTEMPTY": "Required field",
"NOTNULL": "Required field"
"TITLE": "Import participants",
"PERSON_TOOLTIP": "Type 3 characters to search by email or name...",
"DISMISS": "Cancel",
"SUBMIT": "Import selected",
"IMPORT_ALL": "Import all people from organization",
"SUCCESS": "People were imported successfuly"
"NO_HAVE_PERMISSION": "It appears you do not have sufficient permissions to proceed.",
"Max date to add new IDP actions for this appraisal was expired.": "Max date to add new IDP actions for this appraisal was expired.",
"EXPIRED_TRIAL_TITLE": "Trial Period Expired",
"EXPIRED_CREDITS_TITLE": "Inactivated user",
"ACCESS_DENIED_TITLE": "Access denied",
"EXPIRED_TRIAL_TEXT": "Your account testing period has ended. If you need more time to evaluate Impulseup, click below to submit a request to our team.",
"EXPIRED_CREDITS_TEXT": "Your user has been automatically deactivated for no further credits / users after 2 years. If you wish to recover your account please contact us at",
"ACCESS_DENIED_TEXT": "It appears you do not have sufficient permissions to proceed.",
"DISABLED_ORGANIZATION_TEXT": "Thie organization has been disabled. Please contact us at for more information.",
"SELECT_INFO": "(Select up to {{maxCountSelectToRemove}} participants)",
"UNCHECK_ALL": "Unmark all",
"MODAL": {
"TITLE": "Confirming deleted Exclusions",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"CONFIRM": "Delete",
"SINGULAR_SUCCESS": "Participant successfully deleted!",
"PLURAL_SUCCESS": "Participants successfully deleted!",
"CONFIRM_NUMBER_MSG": "Enter {{number}} to confirm deletion:",
"WARNING_MSG": "After clicking Delete this action is irreversible and cannot be undone.",
"WARNING_INFO": "This action is irreversible",
"LABEL": {
"APPRAISAL": "Appraisal",
"PDI": "IDP actions",
"FEEDBACK_FROM": "Feedbacks received",
"FEEDBACK_FOR": "Feedbacks sent",
"TOTAL": "- Total",
"REMOVE_TYPE": "Select the exclusion type:",
"BOTH": "Evaluated and Evaluated - All data as assessed (s) and evaluator (s), including received and sent responses, feedbacks, and IDP actions.",
"PARTICIPANT": "Evaluated - Only data as evaluated including responses already received."
"VALUE": {
"PARTICIPANT": "Participant",
"REVIEWER": "Reviewer"
"ERROR": {
"SINGULAR_FIND_DEPENDENCIES": "Error fetching information from the participant!",
"PLURAL_FIND_DEPENDENCIES": " Error fetching information from participants!",
"SINGULAR_DELETE_PARTICIPANT_DEPENDENCIES": "Error deleting participant and his info",
"PLURAL_DELETE_PARTICIPANT_DEPENDENCIES": "Error deleting participants and his info"
"TITLE": "This action can only be performed for up to 50 records together.",
"TEXT": "Select 50 or fewer records to delete."
"APPRAISAL_IDS": "Appraisals:",
"JOB_TITLES": "Job titles:",
"DEPARTMENTS": "Departments:",
"LEVELS": "Levels:",
"CUSTOM_1": "Custom field 1",
"CUSTOM_2": "Custom field 2",
"TITLE": "Administration privileges",
"EXPLANATION": "Administrators with restrictions will only be able to view data concerning participants who satisfy the following criteria:",
"SAVE": "Save",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"MODULES_LABEL": "Modules with administration privilege:",
"USER_GROUP_LABEL": "Administration privilege restricted to users with the following information:",
"APPRAISAL_LABEL": "Administration privilege restricted to the following assessments:",
"MODULE": "By module",
"USER": "By group of users",
"APPRAISAL": "By appraisal"
"ANALYTICS_APPRAISAL": "Analytics - Appraisals",
"ANALYTICS_SURVEY": "Analytics - Researchs",
"TITLE": "Plans and purchases",
"BUTTON_HOME":"Plans and prices",
"CREDITS": "Credits",
"USERS": "Users",
"PURCHASES_HISTORIC": "Purchases historic",
"PLAN_PRICES": "Plans and prices"
"BALAMCE_LABEL": "Credit balance",
"CONSULT_CREDIT_VALUES": "Consult values ​​and credits",
"CREDIT_INFO": "Each credit corresponds to a user evaluated in an Evaluation independent of how many evaluators. This evaluated user has the right to access their reports and the IDP and Feedback functionalities. (The Objectives module is not included when contracting via credits)",
"CREDIT_STATEMENT_SUB_TITLE": "Credit statement",
"EMPTY_RESULT_MSG": "No credit statement records."
"USERS": {
"ACTIVE_USERS_LABEL": "Currently active users",
"ACTIVE_PURCHASE_USERS_LABEL": "Maximum active users allowed",
"PURCHASE_USERS_SUB_TITLE": "User history contracts",
"EMPTY_RESULT_MSG": "There are no records of contracted users.",
"TABLE": {
"QTY": "Quatity",
"FROM": "From",
"TO": "To",
"MODULES": "Modules"
"HISTORY_SUB_TITLE": "Purchases made",
"EMPTY_RESULT_MSG": "There is no recorded purchase history"
"PRICE_TITLE": "Consult plans and prices",
"PRICE_TITLE_CREDITS": "Credit Model",
"PRICE_TITLE_USERS": "User Model",
"PRICE_SUB_TITLE": "Select the modules:",
"MODULE_1": "Evaluation, Feedback and IDP",
"MODULE_1_LABEL_2": "evaluation, feedback and IDP",
"MODULE_1_LABEL": "evaluation, feedback, IDP",
"MODULE_2_LABEL": " and objectives.",
"MODULE_2_LABEL_2": " goals only.",
"MODULE_2": "Goals and objectives",
"PRICE_LABEL_1": "How often do you evaluate employees?",
"PRICE_BUTTON_1": "Next",
"PRICE_BUTTON_2": "Back",
"PRICE_BUTTON_3": "Show values",
"PRICE_RADIO_1": "Yearly",
"PRICE_RADIO_2": "Semester",
"PRICE_RADIO_3": "Quarterly",
"PRICE_RADIO_4": "More times",
"TEXT_1": "Select any of the modules.",
"TEXT_2": "Select the frequency that evaluates employees.",
"LABEL_TEXT_FIELD_1": "How many employees does your company have?",
"LABEL_TEXT_FIELD_2": "When do you intend to start using it for your employees?",
"LABEL_TEXT_FIELD_3": "How many employees would be evaluated?",
"LABEL_TEXT_FIELD_4": "When do you intend to carry out the assessment?"
"MIN_VALUE_CREDIT_MESSAGE": "* A quantidade mínima de créditos possíveis para contratação é de {{minValue}}.",
"MIN_VALUE_USER_MESSAGE": "* The minimum number of possible hiring users is {{minValue}}.",
"PLAN_LABEL": "Plan",
"REQUEST_PROPOSAL": "Request proposal",
"SERVICE_INFO": "<strong> Services not included in the values ​​presented. </strong>. We have specific services for each type of company in order to guarantee a successful implementation. The services are conducted by specialists in people management and HR. Talk to our team and check the values",
"CREDIT_INFO": " * 1 credit corresponds to a person evaluated in an applied evaluation, including access to the IDP, Feedback and Analytics modules for 1 year.",
"NO_PRE_DEFINED_PRICES": "We do not have pre-defined prices for this number of employees. Click below that a consultant will contact you shortly to analyze your project and be able to make a budget.",
"MINIMUM_USER_QUANTITY_MSG": "** The minimum amount of contracting users is 40",
"MINIMUM_CREDIT_QUANTITY_MSG": "** The minimum amount of credit contracting is 100",
"PLAN": "Appraisal",
"TYPE": "Credit model",
"COST_INFO": "by credit *",
"FOR_QUANTITY": "For {{quantity}} credits",
"MONTHLY_COST": "Or <strong> {{monthlyCost}} </strong> per user / month",
"MINIMUM_USER_QUANTITY_MSG": "The minimum amount of contracting credits is {{minimumQuantity}}",
"ITEM_1": "<strong> 1 (one) </strong> Evaluation per employee",
"ITEM_2": "Evaluation models",
"ITEM_3": "IDP - Individual Development Plan",
"ITEM_4": "Feedback",
"ITEM_5": "Meetings",
"ITEM_6": "Analytics"
"PLAN": "Appraisal",
"TYPE": "Annual user model",
"COST_INFO": "Per user / year",
"FOR_QUANTITY": "For {{quantity}} users ",
"MONTHLY_COST": "Or <strong> {{monthlyCost}} </strong> per user / month",
"MINIMUM_USER_QUANTITY_MSG": "The minimum amount of contracting users is {{minimumQuantity}}",
"ITEM_1": "<strong> Unlimited amount of </strong> reviews per employee",
"ITEM_2": "Evaluation models",
"ITEM_3": "IDP - Individual Development Plan",
"ITEM_4": "Feedback",
"ITEM_5": "Meetings",
"ITEM_6": "Analytics"
"PLAN": "Goals and objectives",
"TYPE": "Annual user model",
"COST_INFO": "Per user / year",
"FOR_QUANTITY": "For {{quantity}} users ",
"MONTHLY_COST": "Or <strong> {{monthlyCost}} </strong> per user / month",
"MINIMUM_USER_QUANTITY_MSG": "The minimum amount of contracting users is {{minimumQuantity}}",
"ITEM_1": "Goals and objectives",
"ITEM_2": "IDP - Individual Development Plan",
"ITEM_3": "Feedback",
"ITEM_4": "Meetings",
"ITEM_5": "Analytics"
"PLAN": "Evaluation and Objectives and Goals",
"TYPE": "Annual user model",
"COST_INFO": "Per user / year",
"FOR_QUANTITY": "For {{quantity}} users ",
"MONTHLY_COST": "Or <strong> {{monthlyCost}} </strong> per user / month",
"MINIMUM_USER_QUANTITY_MSG": "The minimum amount of contracting users is {{minimumQuantity}}",
"ITEM_1": "Goals and objectives",
"ITEM_2": "<strong> Unlimited amount of </strong> reviews per employee",
"ITEM_3": "Evaluation models",
"ITEM_4": "IDP - Individual Development Plan",
"ITEM_5": "Feedback",
"ITEM_6": "Meetings",
"ITEM_7": "Analytics"
"TITLE": "Request sent",
"TEXT": "OK! Your request has been sent. An Impulseup consultant will contact you shortly to review your project.",
"TITLE":"Annual Performance",
"DESCRIPTION":"Credit Ratings & Development",
"DESCRIPTION":"POIs, Feedbacks, Meetings"
"DECORATE_INFO":"* A credit allows the appraisal of a collaborator and gives access to the development module.",
"LABEL_PARSE1_1":"Annual appraisal ",
"LABEL_PARSE1_2": "by credit",
"DESCRIPTION1": "Flexible 90°, 180° and 360° appraisals",
"LABEL_PARSE2_1":"Appraiser indication flow",
"LABEL_PARSE2_2": "",
"LABEL_PARSE3_1":"Consensus Assessment",
"LABEL_PARSE3_2": "",
"LABEL_PARSE4_1":"Assessment feedback",
"LABEL_PARSE4_2": "",
"LABEL_PARSE5_1":"Calibration and Nine Box",
"LABEL_PARSE5_2": "",
"LABEL_PARSE6_1":"Succession Planning",
"LABEL_PARSE6_2": "",
"LABEL_PARSE7_1":"People Analytics",
"LABEL_PARSE7_2": "",
"TITLE":"Continuous Performance",
"DESCRIPTION":"Unlimited Reviews <br>& Development",
"DESCRIPTION":"POIs, Feedbacks, Meetings"
"LABEL_PARSE1_2": "unlimited",
"DESCRIPTION1": "Flexible 90°, 180° and 360° evaluations",
"LABEL_PARSE2_1":"Appraiser indication flow",
"LABEL_PARSE2_2": "",
"LABEL_PARSE3_1":"Consensus Assessment",
"LABEL_PARSE3_2": "",
"LABEL_PARSE4_1":"Assessment feedback",
"LABEL_PARSE4_2": "",
"LABEL_PARSE5_1":"Calibration and Nine Box",
"LABEL_PARSE5_2": "",
"LABEL_PARSE6_1":"Succession Planning",
"LABEL_PARSE6_2": "",
"LABEL_PARSE7_1":"People Analytics",
"LABEL_PARSE7_2": "",
"DESCRIPTION":"OKRs and Goals <br>& Development",
"DESCRIPTION":"POIs, Feedbacks, Meetings"
"LABEL_PARSE1_1":"OKR Cycles",
"LABEL_PARSE1_2": "Objectives and key results",
"LABEL_PARSE2_1":"Goals and KPIs Cycles",
"LABEL_PARSE2_2": "",
"LABEL_PARSE3_1":"Alignment Tree",
"LABEL_PARSE3_2": "",
"LABEL_PARSE4_1":"Advanced progress calculation",
"LABEL_PARSE4_2": "",
"LABEL_PARSE5_1":"Calculating individual results",
"LABEL_PARSE5_2": "",
"LABEL_PARSE6_1":"Views by cycle or period",
"LABEL_PARSE6_2": "",
"LABEL_PARSE7_1":"Alignment between different cycles",
"LABEL_PARSE7_2": "",
"DESCRIPTION":"Continuous performance <br>& Alignment",
"DESCRIPTION":"POIs, Feedbacks, Meetings"
"DECORATE_INFO":"Includes all modules below",
"LABEL_PARSE1_1":"Continuous performance",
"LABEL_PARSE1_2": "Unlimited ratings",
"LABEL_PARSE2_2": "OKRs and Goals"
"TITLE": "Development",
"DESCRIPTION": "POIs, Feedbacks and Meetings",
"OPT_PLAN": "Module included in all plans",
"SRV1":"People Organization Chart",
"SRV2":"Continuous Feedback",
"SRV3":"IDPs - Individual Development Plans",
"SRV4":"Meetings & Check-ins"
"TITLE": "Engagement",
"DESCRIPTION": "Research & Pulse",
"OPT_PLAN": "Optional module to any plan",
"SRV1":"Climate and Engagement Survey",
"SRV2":"Bank of questions by topic",
"SRV3":"Pulse Survey and e-NPS",
"SRV4":"Analytics and Heatmap"
"CALC_TITLE":"Calculate value",
"QUESTION_COLABORATORS":"How many employees does your company have?",
"PAYMENT_TEXT_ANNUAL":"Annual payment with 20% discount",
"PAYMENT_TEXT_MONTHLY":"Monthly Payment",
"DESCRIPTION":"* Implementation services are not included in the values shown. Schedule a presentation with our team to explain the services that can be hired.",
"TEXT_REQUEST":"Request Demo",
"TEXT_MODULE_SEARCH":"Search Module",
"DESCRIPTION_VALUES_MONTHLY":"The total amount for - credits is: R$ -",
"DESCRIPTION_VALUES_ANNUAL":"The total amount for - credits is: R$ -"
"DESCRIPTION_VALUES_MONTHLY":"That is, R$ - per month,<br> and R$ - per year",
"DESCRIPTION_VALUES_ANNUAL":"That is, R$ - per month,<br> and R$ - per year"
"FOR_USER_MONTH":"Per user / month",
"FOR_CREDIT":"By credit"
"PRICE_INFO_LARGE_QUANTITY":"For {{quantity}} employees or more, contact our team to receive a quote."
"APPRAISAL": "Appraisal",
"PDI": "IDP",
"FEEDBACK": "Feedback",
"OBJECTIVE": "Objective",
"SURVEY": "Research"
"TABS": {
"USER": {
"SUCCEED": "Successor to",
"SUCCESSORS": "Succeeded by"
"JOB": {
"SUCCEED": "Employees who can hold office",
"SUCCESSORS": "Positions that may occupy"
"ADD": "Add",
"COLABORATOR": "Successors per employee",
"JOB": "Successors by position",
"SAVE": "Save",
"CANCEL": "Cancel"
"NAME": "Name",
"READLINESS": "Readiness",
"ACTION": "Action",
"JOB_TITLE": "Job title",
"DEPARTMENT": "Department"
"JOB_POSSIBLE_SUCCESSORS": "Positions of possible successors",
"ADD_USER_SUCCEED": "Add collaborator",
"ADD_USER_SUCCESSORS": "Add collaborator",
"ADD_JOB_SUCCEED": "Add collaborator",
"ADD_JOB_SUCESSORS": "Add job title"
"FORM": {
"DEFAULT_SELECT": "Undefined",
"COLABORATOR": "Collaborator *:",
"READLINESS": "Readiness *:",
"JOB_TITLE": "Job title *:",
"EXIST_RISK": "Exit risk :",
"EXIST_IMPACT": "Impact : "
"USER_NAME": "Collaborator:",
"JOB_TITLE": "Job title:",
"DEPARTMENT": "Department:"
"LOW": "Low",
"MEDIUM": "Medium",
"HIGH": "High"
"LOW": "Low",
"MEDIUM": "Medium",
"HIGH": "High"
"IMMEDIATE": "Immediate",
"6_MONTHS": "6 months",
"1_YEAR": "1 year",
"1_YEAR_AND_6_MONTHS": "1 year and 6 months",
"2_YEARS": "2 years",
"3_YEARS": "3 years"
"MODAL": {
"TITLE": "Do you want to remove this record?",
"REMOVE": "Remove",
"CANCEL": "Cancel"
"TITLE": "Do you want to remove this record?",
"REMOVE": "Remove",
"CANCEL": "Cancel"
"TITLE": "Do you want to remove this record?",
"REMOVE": "Remove",
"CANCEL": "Cancel"
"TITLE": "Successfully saved",
"OK": "Ok"
"TITLE": "Successfully saved",
"OK": "Ok"
"TITLE": "Successfully saved",
"OK": "Ok"
"TITLE": "Import of participants",
"PROMPT_NO_EVALUATION_TYPES": "Click \"Import\" to upload the spreadsheet.",
"SUBTITLE": "Automatic definition of raters",
"LABEL": "If you want the automatic setting to occur, select below:",
"PROMPT": "It is possible to automatically define the evaluators of each employee based only on the information of the appraised and his manager present in the spreadsheet.",
"TYPES": {
"REPORTEE_EVALUATIONS": "Define subordinates who will evaluate managers",
"PEER_EVALUATIONS": "Defines pairs that will evaluate each other"
"SUBTITLE": "Import type",
"LABEL": "Select which import method you want to perform?",
"INFO": {
"INCREMENTAL": "In this option, the existing information of evaluated and evaluators in Step 4 is kept and records are only added or updated based on the information contained in the imported spreadsheet.",
"SNAPSHOT": "In this option, the evaluators and evaluators from Step 4 will be identical to what appears in the imported worksheet. Attention: Records of evaluated and evaluators that may appear in Step 4 but do not exist in the imported worksheet will be excluded. (If they already exist responses from evaluators to evaluators, these will not be deleted if they do not exist in the spreadsheet.)"
"TYPES": {
"INCREMENTAL": "Incremental",
"SNAPSHOT": "Identical to worksheet"
"PARTICIPANT_IMPORT_PROCESSING": "Importando participantes",
"PARTICIPANT_IMPORTED_WITH_SUCCESS": "Importação de participantes finalizada",
"PARTICIPANT_IMPORT_INTERRUPTED": "Importação de participantes interrompida.",
"IMPORTED_BY": "Importação iniciada por:",
"FILE_NAME": "Nome do arquivo: "
"CANCEL": "Cancel import",
"SUBMIT": "Import"
"TITLE_1": "Choose your password",
"MESSAGE_1": "Please enter a password.",
"LABEL_1": "Enter your new password",
"BUTTON_SUBMIT": "Submit",
"TITLE_PASSWORD_CONFIRM": "Password confirmation",
"PASSWORD_CONFIRM": "Passwords must be the same"
"POPUP": {
"TITLE_SUSCCESS": "Success",
"MESSAGE_SUCCESS": "Your password has been set.",
"TITLE_ERROR": "Uh oh!",
"MESSAGE_ERROR": "This password URL is invalid."
"DEFINITION_TITLE_MODAL": "Definition - {{ participantName}} ",
"YOUR_INDICATION_TITLE": "Your indications",
"QUANTITY_REVIEWER_MINIMUM": "Number of reviewers needed:",
"SINGULAR":"<p>Choose your rater by clicking on the nomination buttons below:<br>{{typePar}}: person who works in the same area as you{{others}}<br>At least {{ minimumQuantity }} person to rate you.</p>",
"PLURAL":"<p>Choose your raters by clicking on the nomination buttons below:<br>{{typePar}}: people working in the same field as you{{others}}<br>At least {{ minimumQuantity }} people to rate you.</p>",
"_ADD_SINGULAR_OTHERS":"<br>{{typeOther}}: another person with whom you work or provide services",
"_ADD_PLURAL_OTHERS":"<br>{{typeOther}}: other people with whom you work or provide services"
"TITLE": "Error releasing indication",
"TEXT": "There is no configuration for the indication of evaluators. It is necessary to configure this configuration before clicking on Indication of evaluators"
"TITLE": "Error releasing indication",
"TEXT": "There is no configuration of indication of subordinates. It is necessary to configure this configuration before clicking on Indication of evaluators."
"TITLE": "Notice of Referral of Evaluators",
"TEXT": "Do you really want to notify selected reviewers to nominate their reviewers?",
"YES": "Yes",
"TITLE": "Notice of Referral of Evaluators",
"TEXT": "Do you really want to notify the selected evaluators to indicate about their subordinates?",
"YES": "Yes",
"TITLE": "Notifications Sent",
"TEXT": "{{ totalNotifySent }} notifications have been sent to the evaluators."
"TITLE": "Notifications Sent",
"TEXT": "{{ totalNotifySent }} notifications have been sent to reviewers."
"TITLE": "Nomination released",
"TEXT": "Successfully released reviewer referral for selected reviewers."
"TITLE": "Notice about subordinates",
"TEXT": "Indication about led successfully released to the selected evaluated."
"TITLE": "Indication blocked",
"TEXT": "Evaluator referral successfully blocked for selected evaluators."
"TITLE": "Notice about subordinates",
"TEXT": "Evaluator referral successfully blocked for selected evaluators."
"ERROR": {
"TITLE": "Error sending notifications",
"TEXT": "There are selected reviewers who do not have permission to indicate their reviewers, so it is not possible to send notifications to the selected group."
"TITLE": "Error sending notifications",
"TEXT": "There are selected evaluators who do not have permission to indicate about their subordinates, so it is not possible to send notifications to the selected group."
"NONE_SELECTED": "Select an appraiser to proceed.",
"TITLE": "Oops..!",
"TEXT": "Cannot find any indications pending approval.",
"TYPE": "warning"
"TITLE": "Successfully Approved",
"TEXT": "{{ approvedCount }} pending referrals were successfully approved.",
"TYPE": "success"
"TITLE": "Successfully Approved",
"TEXT": "1 pending nomination was successfully approved.",
"TYPE": "success"
"ADD_EDIT": "Adicionar / Editar"
"INDICATION_OF_REVIEWER_DISABLED_MSG": "Indicator of evaluators disabled ",
"ManagerEvaluations": "Managers",
"PeerEvaluations": "Pairs",
"ClientEvaluations": "Customers/Suppliers"
"ManagerEvaluations": "Manager",
"PeerEvaluations": "Pair",
"ClientEvaluations": "Customer supplier"
"TAB": {
"DEFINITION_BY_MANAGER": "Definition by the manager",
"DEFINITION_BY_PARTICIPANT": "Indication by the appraised",
"GENERAL_CONFIG": "Configurações gerais"
"TITLE": "Nomination of evaluators",
"NOTIFICATION_MSG": "E-mail will be sent to the selected appraisers with a link to define their appraisers according to the settings above.",
"NOTIFICATION_NO_USERS_SELECTED_MSG": "It is necessary to select appraisers by checking them to start the flow of nominations by sending notifications to define their appraisers.",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"SAVE": "Save",
"SEND_NOTIFICATIONS": "Send notifications"
"SELECTED_USERS": "Selected evaluated",
"NO_USERS_SELECTED": "No evaluated selected",
"ManagerEvaluations": "Definition of led by the manager",
"PeerEvaluations": "Definition of pairs by the manager",
"ClientEvaluations": "Definition of {{customLabel}} by the manager",
"GROUP": "Definition of pairs, {{customLabel}} by the manager"
"ManagerEvaluations": "Manager indication",
"PeerEvaluations": "Indication of pairs",
"ClientEvaluations": "Indication of customers / suppliers",
"GROUP": "Indication of pairs, {{customLabel}}"
"LABEL": {
"DEADLINE": "Deadline for nomination:",
"MANAGER_DEADLINE": "Deadline for definition:",
"APPROVAL_DEADLINE": "Deadline for approval: ",
"MANAGER_APPROVAL_DEADLINE": "Deadline for approval: ",
"MAXIMUM_QUANTITY": "Maximum number of reviewers:",
"MINIMUM_QUANTITY": "Minimum number of evaluators:",
"MAXIMUM_REVIEWEE_BY_REVIEWER_QUANTITY": "Maximum number of reviews per reviewer:",
"REQUIRED_MANAGER_APPROVAL": "Approval required by the manager",
"RESTRICTION_INDICATION_IN_APPRAISAL": "Restringir indicações a colaboradores presentes na avaliação (Etapa 4)",
"ManagerEvaluations": "Allow to appoint manager",
"PeerEvaluations": "Allow to indicate pair",
"ClientEvaluations": "Allow to indicate customers / suppliers",
"CUSTOM_LABEL": "Allow to indicate {{ customLabel }}"
"ManagerEvaluations": "Allow manager to define his team",
"PeerEvaluations": "Allow manager to define peers of his followers",
"ClientEvaluations": "Allow managers to define customers and suppliers of their followers",
"CUSTOM_LABEL": "Allow manager to define {{customLabel}}"
"TITLE": "Manager indication",
"REQUIRED_REVIEWER_APPROVAL": "Approval required by the manager"
"GROUP": {
"TITLE": "Indication of pairs, customers / suppliers",
"REQUIRED_REVIEWER_APPROVAL": "Approval required by the evaluators"
"GROUP": "Aprovação necessária dos avaliadores indicados pelo gestor",
"ClientEvaluations": "Aprovação necessária dos avaliadores indicados pelo gestor",
"PeerEvaluations": "Aprovação necessária dos avaliadores indicados pelo gestor",
"ManagerEvaluations": "Aprovação necessária pelo liderado"
"SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY": "Saved successfully",
"ERROR_SAVING": "Erro ao Salvar",
"NOTIFICATION_SEND": "Notifications successfully sent",
"ERROR_SEND_NOTIFICATION": "Error sending notifications"
"NOTIFICATION_SEND": "Notification sent successfully",
"ERROR_SEND_NOTIFICATION": "Error sending notification"
"FORM": {
"ERROR": {
"DEADLINE": "Deadline for nomination cannot be empty.",
"MANAGER_DEADLINE": "Deadline for definition cannot be empty."
"APPRAISAL_NAME_TITLE": "Referral - {{appraisalName}}",
"MANAGER_DEFINITION_APPRAISAL_NAME_TITLE": "Definition - {{ appraisalName }}",
"BACK": "Back",
"CONJUNCTION": " and ",
"PEERS": "Pairs",
"CUSTOMERS_SUPPLIERS": "Customers / Suppliers"
"TO_APPROVAL_TITLE": "Nominations received",
"TO_APPROVAL_TITLE_DESCRIPTION": "Contributors who want to be evaluated by you",
"TAB": {
"ManagerEvaluations": "Manager",
"PeerEvaluations": "Pairs",
"ClientEvaluations": "{{ customLabel }}",
"GROUP": "Peers and {{ customLabel }}",
"APPROVALS": "Approvals",
"MY_REVIEWERS": "My evaluators",
"MY_MANAGER": "My manager"
"ManagerEvaluations": "Managers who will evaluate:",
"PeerEvaluations": "Pairs who will evaluate:",
"ClientEvaluations": "{{ customLabel }} who will evaluate:",
"GROUP": "Peers and {{ customLabel }} who will evaluate:",
"MANAGER_DEFINITION": "His subordinates:"
"INFO_MSG_DEADLINE": "Deadline for making nominations:",
"INFO_COMPLETE_INDICATIONS": "Referrals completed successfully",
"GROUP": {
"TAB_NAME": "{{ group1 }} {{ conjunction }} {{ group2}}",
"SUBTITLE_LIST": "{{ group1 }} {{ conjunction }} {{ group2}} who will evaluate:",
"INFO_MSG": "(You must have a maximum of {{maxQuantity}} reviewers to rate it)",
"REVIEWER_APPROVAL": "Appraiser approval",
"EMPTY": "No reviewer found"
"INFO_MSG_MAX": "Maximum reviewers to rate you: {{maxQuantity}}",
"INFO_MSG_MIN": "Minimum appraisers to rate you: {{minQuantity}}",
"MISSING_INDICATIONS": " {{missingIndicationsCount}} referrals required",
"MISSING_INDICATIONS_STILL": "You still need to have {{missingIndicationsCount}} referees listed",
"MISSING_INDICATIONS_APPROVED": "You must have {{missingIndicationsCount}} nominated and approved reviewers",
"MISSING_INDICATIONS_APPROVED_STILL": "You must also have {{missingIndicationsCount}} nominated and approved reviewers"
"INFO_MSG_MAX": "Maximum appraiser to rate you: {{maxQuantity}}",
"INFO_MSG_MIN": "Minimum appraiser to rate you: {{minQuantity}}",
"MISSING_INDICATIONS": "You must have {{missingIndicationsCount}} referrer indicated",
"MISSING_INDICATIONS_STILL": "You still need to have {{missingIndicationsCount}} referee indicated",
"MISSING_INDICATIONS_APPROVED": "You must have a {{missingIndicationsCount}} nominated and approved reviewer",
"MISSING_INDICATIONS_APPROVED_STILL": "You still need to have {{missingIndicationsCount}} nominated and approved reviewer"
"ManagerEvaluations": "Add manager",
"PeerEvaluations": "Add pair",
"ClientEvaluations": "Add Customer / Supplier",
"CUSTOM_LABEL": "Add {{ customLabel }}",
"TAB_NAME": "Manager",
"SUBTITLE_LIST": "Managers who will evaluate:",
"INFO_MSG_MAX": "Maximum managers to rate you: {{maxQuantity}}",
"INFO_MSG_MIN": "Minimum number of managers to rate you: {{minQuantity}}",
"MISSING_INDICATIONS": "You must have {{missingIndicationsCount}} managers appointed",
"MISSING_INDICATIONS_STILL": "You must also have {{missingIndicationsCount}} managers appointed",
"MISSING_INDICATIONS_APPROVED": "You must have {{missingIndicationsCount}} nominated and approved managers",
"MISSING_INDICATIONS_APPROVED_STILL": "You must also have {{missingIndicationsCount}} nominated and approved managers"
"INFO_MSG_MAX": "Maximum manager to rate you: {{maxQuantity}}",
"INFO_MSG_MIN": "Minimum manager to rate you: {{minQuantity}}",
"MISSING_INDICATIONS": "You must have {{missingIndicationsCount}} designated manager",
"MISSING_INDICATIONS_STILL": "You still need to have {{missingIndicationsCount}} manager appointed",
"MISSING_INDICATIONS_APPROVED": "You must have {{missingIndicationsCount}} nominated and approved manager",
"MISSING_INDICATIONS_APPROVED_STILL": "You must also have {{missingIndicationsCount}} nominated and approved manager"
"REVIEWER_APPROVAL": "Manager approval",
"EMPTY": "No managers found"
"NAME": "Name",
"JOB_TITLE": "Position",
"TYPE": "Type of indication",
"INDICATION_DATE": "Date of indication",
"ACTIONS": "Actions"
"SUBORDINATE": "Leaded",
"JOB_TITLE": "Position",
"APPROVED_REVIEWERS": "Approved Reviewers",
"INDICATI0N_STATUS": "Indication Status",
"ACTIONS": "Actions",
"ADD_REVIEWER": "Add Reviewer",
"NOT_STARTED": "Not started",
"NOT_FINISHED": "Not completed",
"FINISHED": "Completed"
"NAME": "Name",
"REVIEWER": "Evaluator",
"JOB_TITLE": "Job title",
"TYPE": "Type",
"STATUS": "Status",
"INDICATION_STATUS": "Indication Status",
"ACTIONS": "Actions",
"RESEND": "Resend",
"RESEND_BUTTON": "Resend request",
"DELETE": "Remove",
"WAITING_FOR_REVIEWER_APPROVAL": "Waiting for approval",
"APPROVED": "Accepted",
"REJECTED": "Refused",
"CYCLIC_MANAGER_ERROR": "Circular manager reference",
"DIRECT_DEFINED": "Definido pelo administrador"
"TO_APPROVE": "To approve",
"REJECT": "Reject",
"POPUP": {
"TITLE": "Success",
"TEXT": "Reviewer removed successfully"
"TITLE": "Error",
"TEXT": "Error removing reviewer"
"TITLE": "Success",
"TEXT": "Successful approval request resubmitted"
"TITLE": "Error",
"TEXT": "Error resending approval request"
"TITLE": "Success",
"TEXT": "Approval status updated successfully"
"TITLE": "Error",
"TEXT": "Error updating approval status"
"TITLE": "Success",
"TEXT": "Leaded successfully removed"
"TITLE": "Error",
"TEXT": "Error removing led"
"APPROVAL_NOTIFICATION_SENT_ON": "Resend notification for appraiser to perform approval",
"TITLE": "Do you really want to remove?",
"MESSAGE": "This action will remove your lead.",
"BUTTON_REMOVE": "Remove",
"ManagerEvaluations": "Manager",
"PeerEvaluations": "Pair",
"ClientEvaluations": "Customer / Suppliers"
"ManagerEvaluations": "Managers",
"PeerEvaluations": "Peers",
"ClientEvaluations": "Customers/Suppliers"
"TITLE": {
"ClientEvaluations": "Add customer or supplier",
"PeerEvaluations": "Add pair",
"ManagerEvaluations": "Add Manager",
"CUSTOM_LABEL": "Add {{customLabel}}",
"MANAGER_DEFINITION": "Adicionar liderado",
"EDIT_CUSTOM_LABEL": "Edit {{customLabel}} evaluators"
"ClientEvaluations": "Customers / suppliers",
"PeerEvaluations": "Pairs",
"ManagerEvaluations": "Managers"
"EMPTY": "No appraisee found",
"ADD": "Add",
"SEARCH_AND_ADD_REVIEWER": "Search and add evaluator",
"NAME": "Name:",
"DEPARTMENT": "Department:",
"JOB_TITLE": "Job title:",
"SEARCH": "Search"
"TABLE": {
"NAME": "Name",
"DEPARTMENT": "Department",
"JOB_TITLE": "Job title"
"POPUP": {
"TITLE": "Success",
"TEXT": "Reviewer added successfully"
"TITLE": "Error",
"TEXT": "Error adding reviewer"
"TITLE": "Oops...",
"TEXT": "The contributor cannot be nominated as he has already reached the maximum number of people he can evaluate.<br><br> You must nominate another contributor."
"TITLE": "Oops...",
"TEXT": "You've reached the limit of contributors you can review. It's not possible to accept this contributor anymore for you to review."
"TITLE": "Success",
"TEXT": "Leaded successfully added"
"TITLE": "Error",
"TEXT": "Error adding the lead"
"YOUR_CUSTOM": "{{customLabel}} evaluators of "
"NO_VISIBILITY": "You have no invitation for nomination or approval"
"LABEL": {
"BTN_ATTACHED_FILES": "Attach file",
"INPUT_TITLE": "Attach files"
"EMPTY_LIST": "No files attached",
"ERROR": {
"TITLE": "Error adding file",
"TEXT": "The file has {{fileSize}} exceeds the maximum allowed size of {{maxFileSize}}"
"TO_ADD": {
"TITLE": "Error adding",
"TEXT": "Couldn't add the file"
"MANAGER": "Managers",
"JOB_TITLE": "Office",
"DEPARTMENT": "Department",
"LEVEL": "Level",
"CUSTOM1": "Custom1",
"CUSTOM2": "Custom2",
"CUSTOM3": "Custom3",
"CUSTOM4": "Custom4",
"CUSTOM5": "Custom5",
"CUSTOM6": "Custom6",
"CUSTOM_DATE1": "Custom1 Date",
"CUSTOM_DATE2": "Custom2 Date",
"CUSTOM_DATE3": "Custom3 Date",
"CUSTOM_DATE4": "Custom4 Date",
"STATUS": "Evaluated status",
"SECTION": "Evaluation section",
"SUCCEEDED_BY": "Succeeded by",
"SUCCESSOR_TO": "Successor to",
"EXIT_RISK": "Exit Risk",
"IMPACT": "Impact",
"IS_SUCCESSOR": "It is a successor",
"READLINESS": "Readiness"
"MANAGER": "Managers",
"JOB_TITLE": "Office",
"LEVEL": "Level",
"CUSTOM1": "Custom1",
"CUSTOM2": "Custom2",
"CUSTOM3": "Custom3",
"CUSTOM4": "Custom4",
"CUSTOM5": "Custom5",
"CUSTOM6": "Custom6",
"CUSTOM_DATE1": "Custom1 Date",
"CUSTOM_DATE2": "Custom2 Date",
"CUSTOM_DATE3": "Custom3 Date",
"CUSTOM_DATE4": "Custom4 Date",
"STATUS": "Evaluated status",
"SECTION": "Evaluation section",
"COMPETENCY": "Skills",
"SUCCEEDED_BY": "Succeeded by",
"SUCCESSOR_TO": "Successor to",
"EXIT_RISK": "Exit Risk",
"IMPACT": "Impact",
"IS_SUCCESSOR": "It is a successor",
"READLINESS": "Readiness"
"SEARCH_LABEL": "Add filters"
"MODAL": {
"TITLE": "Customization of appraisal type",
"DISMISS": "Cancel",
"SAVE": "Save",
"ClientEvaluations": {
"PT_BR": "Customers or suppliers (Pt)",
"ES_MX": "Customers or providers (En)",
"EN_US": "Customers or suppliers (Es)"
"ClientEvaluations": "Customers or suppliers"
"ANALYTICS": "<p>This area is undergoing emergency maintenance.</p><p>Sorry for the inconvenience. We are taking all steps to restore it as soon as possible.</p><p> If you have any questions and would like more information, just contact our support via or through our Chat.</p>"
"TITLE": "Post-Assessment Settings",
"TABS": {
"CONSENSUS": "Consensus",
"MANAGER_FEEDBACK": "Feedback from the manager"
"SAVE": "Save",
"CANCEL": "Cancel"
"SAVE_SUCCESS": "Post evaluation configuration saved successfully",
"SAVE_ERROR": "Error saving post-assessment configuration"
"DEADLINE_DATE": "Deadline for carrying out the consensus assessment * :",
"INSTUCTIONS": "Instructions for consensus assessment:",
"ALLOW_COMMENTS": "Allow manager comments for each consensus assessment item",
"INCLUDE_FINAL_FEEDBACK": "Allow general comment by manager for all consensus assessment",
"NEED_PARTICIPANT_APPROVAL": "Request appraised contributor approval of consensus assessment" }
"DEADLINE_DATE": "Deadline for carrying out the return *:",
"REGISTERED_BY": "Registered by: ",
"WAS_NO_DEVOLUTIVE_BY": "Não houve devolutiva por: ",
"managerOptions": {
"ENABLE_FEEDBACK": "Display field for manager to record feedback to the evaluated",
"LABEL_ENABLE_FEEDBACK": "Feedback from the manager",
"REQUIRE_FEEDBACK_CONFIRMATION": "Require confirmation of the return record by the manager",
"LABEL_REQUIRE_FEEDBACK_CONFIRMATION": "Do you confirm that the feedback has been carried out?",
"OPTIONS_LABEL": "Answer Options",
"CUSTOM_LABEL": "Field name"
"participantOptions": {
"ENABLE_FEEDBACK": "Display field to evaluate the feedback received",
"LABEL_ENABLE_FEEDBACK": "Reviewed comment on the feedback received",
"REQUIRE_FEEDBACK_CONFIRMATION": "Require confirmation of the feedback received by the appraisee",
"LABEL_REQUIRE_FEEDBACK_CONFIRMATION": "Do you confirm that the feedback has been carried out?",
"OPTIONS_LABEL": "Answer Options",
"CUSTOM_LABEL": "Field name"
"TITLE": "Manager's Return",
"DEADLINE": "Deadline for the return:",
"NOT_ANSWER_MSG": "Did not return",
"FEEDBACK_CONFIRMED_MSG": "Confirmed return completion",
"SAVE": "Save",
"OPEN": "Open",
"CLOSED": "Closed"
"TITLE": "Do you want to remove this comment?",
"REMOVE": "Remove",
"CANCEL": "Cancel"
"LIST": {
"SUB_TITLE": "Comments",
"EMPTY_MSG": "No comments saved",
"VISIBILITY_LABEL": "Visibility:",
"TAGS_LABEL": "Tags:",
"TAG": "Filter by tag"
"SEARCH": "Search"
"ADD_COMMENT": "Add comment",
"SAVE": "Save",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"EDIT": "Edit",
"REMOVE": "Remove",
"SAVE_CHANGES": "Save changes"
"FORM": {
"VISIBILITY_LABEL": "Allow to be viewed by:",
"MANAGER": "Manager",
"PARTICIPANT": "Contributor",
"TAGS": "Tags: "
"BTN": {
"NEXT": "Next",
"PREV": "Previous",
"DONE": "Done",
"START": "Start",
"CLOSE": "Close"
"STEP_0": {
"TITLE": "{{ userName }}, nice to have you here! 🙌",
"CONTENT": "<p>We are very happy to show you what we can do for your company's <strong class='step-text-highlight'>Performance Management</strong>!</p><p></p><p>We are the only Brazil platform that allows you to explore, by yourself, the entire solution intuitively. So, click on <strong class='step-text-highlight'>START</strong> and let's go!</p>"
"STEP_1": {
"TITLE": "Appraisal models",
"CONTENT": "<p>To make it easy to get started, you can create an assessment using one of our templates with predefined competencies.</p><p><strong class='step-text-highlight'>Click above to get started!</strong></p>"
"STEP_1": {
"TITLE": "Appraisal models",
"CONTENT": "<p>Select one of the templates and <strong class='step-text-highlight'>create your first assessment!</strong></p><p>Remembering that <strong class='step-text-highlight'>you can edit</strong> all content of the selected template.</p>"
"STEP_0": {
"TITLE": "1. Assessment Settings",
"CONTENT": "<p>In 4 simple steps, your review is ready to be submitted. The first is the <strong class='step-text-highlight'>setup.</strong></p><p> Explore the options, and if in doubt, just hover over the symbols for <strong class='step-text-highlight'>(?)</strong>.</p><p>When you're done, go to a <strong class='step-text-highlight'>Step 2</strong> to continue to know our platform!</p>"
"STEP_0": {
"TITLE": "2. Evaluation form",
"CONTENT": "<p>This is where you enter which competencies will be assessed in your assessment. <p></p>The form is organized into Sections. Each section can contain <strong class='step-text-highlight '>competencies and behaviors</strong> that will be evaluated. By clicking on settings, you can define <strong class='step-text-highlight'>custom visibility criteria, scales and weights </strong>.</p>"
"STEP_1": {
"TITLE": "Form Preview",
"CONTENT": "<p>By clicking on the side, you can preview the form that your evaluators will receive.</p> "
"STEP_0": {
"TITLE": "3. Report configuration",
"CONTENT": "<p>Here, you have all the flexibility to customize the reports that the evaluated will receive at the end of the evaluation.</p><p>You can <strong class='step-text-highlight'>pre- view a report</strong> with dummy data as an example.</p><p>Be sure to do this!</p>"
"STEP_0": {
"TITLE": "4. Submission of evaluation",
"CONTENT": "<p>We've reached the last step!<p></p>This is where you enter your reviewers and reviewers. You can do this in two ways:</p><p>< strong class='step-text-highlight'>1. Importing a simple spreadsheet</strong></p><p><strong class='step-text-highlight'> 2. Directly informing raters and raters</strong ></p><p>Enter some reviewers and reviewers and make your first submission as a test!</p>"
"PARTICIPANT": "Participant",
"SCHEDULED": "Scheduled",
"UPDATE_PENDING": "Update pending",
"DONE": "Done",
"NOT_DONE": "Not done",
"TOTAL": "Total",
"ALL": "All"
"NEW_MEETING": "New meeting",
"BACK": "Back"
"TITLE": "Meetings",
"TABS": {
"MEETINGS": "Meetings",
"FOLLOWING_METTINGS": "Future meetings ",
"PREVIOUS_METTINGS": "Past meetings"
"FORM": {
"TITLE": "TItle",
"LOCATION": "Place",
"LINK": "Link",
"TYPE": "Type",
"PARTICIPANTS": "Participants",
"MY_TEAM": "My team",
"OTHER_PARTICIPANT_TEAMS": "Other partipicants",
"OR": "or",
"AND": "and",
"START_DATE": "Date",
"OF_TIME": "From",
"RECURRENCE": "Recurrence",
"NOT_REPEAT": "DO not repeat",
"WEEKLY": "Weekly: each {{ dayOfWeek }} ",
"FORTNIGHT": "Biweekly: {{ dayOfWeek }} a cada 15 dias",
"MONTHLY": "Montlhy {{ weekNumberOfMonth }}(a) {{ dayOfWeek }} ",
"QUARTELY": "Quarterly {{ weekNumberOfMonth }}(a) {{ dayOfWeek }} ",
"SEMESTER": "semiannual {{ weekNumberOfMonth }}(a) {{ dayOfWeek }} "
"SUBTITLE": "Organizer",
"SUBTITLE_DESCRIPTION": "Who is the meeting organizer?",
"MULTISELECT_DEFAULT": "Choose an organizer"
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"SAVE": "Save"
"TITLE": "Insert a title of the meeting",
"LOCATION": "Insert the place of the meeting",
"LINK": "Insert the link of the meeting"
"TYPE": {
"DEFAULT_TITLE": "Choose a type"
"DEFAULT_TITLE": "Select a participant"
"MEETING_DATE_TIME": "Start time cannot be later than end time."
"TOPIC": {
"FORM": {
"SAVE": "Save",
"CANCEL": "Cancel"
"DESCRIPTION":"Topics to be discussed at the meeting",
"TITLE":"Date and recurrence",
"DESCRIPTION":"Choose the data and route of the meeting"
"DESCRIPTION":"Who will be invited to the meeting?"
"TITLE":"Meeting details",
"DESCRIPTION":"Configure your meeting details",
"IN_PERSON":"In person"
"FORM": {
"SAVE": "Save",
"CANCEL": "Cancel"
"PARTICIPANT": "Select",
"STATUS": "Select"
"IS_EMPTY":"No notes recorded."
"IS_EMPTY":"No matters registered."
"NOT_STARTED": "Not initiated",
"IN_PROGRESS": "Initiated",
"COMPLETED": "Done",
"CANCELED": "Cancelled"
"TABLE": {
"RESPONSIBLE": "Responsible",
"ACTION": "Action",
"STATUS": "Status",
"DESCRIPTION":"What are the outputs of the meeting? What are the next steps?"
"TITLE": "Meetings Administration",
"SUBTITLE": "Meetings and configurations",
"TABS": {
"MEETING": "Meetings",
"CONFIGURATION": "Configurations"
"ONLY_MANAGER_SCHEDULE": "Allow only managers schedule meetings",
"REGISTER_MEETING_TYPES": "Type registration"
"TYPES": {
"MODAL": {
"TITLE": "Registration of meeting types",
"ADD": "Add",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"SAVE": "Save"
"EMPTY_LIST": "No type added"
"TOGGLE_MEETING": "Meetings",
"ORGANIZATION_OR_GUESTS_PARTICIPANTS": "Organizer or participant:",
"ORGANIZATION": "Organizer:",
"GUEST_MANAGERS": "Guest Manager:",
"PERIOD": "Period:",
"TYPE": "Type:"
"DEFAULT": "Apply",
"MANAGERS": "Filter by manager",
"PERIOD": "Filter by period",
"TYPE": "Filter by type"
"TABLE": {
"PARTICIPANT": "Employee",
"SCHEDULED": "Scheduled",
"UPDATE_PEDING": "Pending update",
"DONE": "Done",
"NOT_DONE": "Cancelled",
"TOTAL": "Total"
"DATE_TIME": "Date",
"DURATION": "Duration",
"LOCATION": "Place",
"LINK": "Link",
"ACCESS_MEETING_LINK": "Access meeting"
"DATE_TIME": "Date:",
"DURATION": "Duration:",
"TYPE": "Type:",
"STATUS": "Status:"
"MODAL": {
"TITLE": "Meeting exclusion",
"TEXT": "<p>Are you sure that you really want to exclude this meeting and its information?</p><p></p><p>This action cannot be undone.</p>",
"CANCEL": "No",
"REMOVE": "Yes"
"TITLE": "Meeting exclusion",
"TEXT": "<p>This meeting is recurrent. You can only remove this meeting or all future recurrent meetings.</p><p></p><p>This action cannot be undone.</p>",
"REMOVE_ONLY_THIS_MEETING": "Remove only this meeting",
"REMOVE_ALL_FUTURE_MEETING": "Remove all recorrent meetings",
"CANCEL": "Cancel"
"STATUS_PENDING_PREVIOUS": "Pending update meetings",
"FOLLOWING": "Future meetings",
"0": "sunday",
"1": "monday",
"2": "tuesday",
"3": "wednesday",
"4": "thursdau",
"5": "friday",
"6": "saturday"
"1": "first",
"2": "second",
"3": "third",
"4": "fourth",
"5": "fifth"
"SCHEDULED": "Scheduled",
"DONE": "Done",
"NOT_DONE": "Cancelled"
"NEXT_MEETING": "Next meeting:",
"LAST_MEETING": "Last meeting:"
"SINGULAR": "{{ days }} days ago",
"PLURAL": "{{ days }} days ago"
"NEW_MEETING": "New meeting",
"FILTER_MEETINGS": "Filter meetings",
"OPEN_FILTER": "Filters",
"REMOVE_FILTER": "Remove filters",
"FILTER": "Apply",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"CANCEL": "Cancel"
"MSG_1": "There is no meetings scheduled with you yet. ",
"MSG_2": "Click here ",
"MSG_3": "to create your first meeting. "
"TITLE": "Dashboard configuration",
"FEEDBACK": "Feedback",
"PDI": "IDPs",
"MEETING": "Meetings",
"PERSON": "Users",
"APPRAISAL": "Appraisals",
"OBJECTIVE": "Objectives",
"POSITION": "Position"
"SAVE": "Save",
"CANCEL": "Cancel"
"TITLE": "Dashboard",
"WELCOME": "Hello, {{ userName }}!"
"CARD": {
"SHOW_ALL_LINK": "Show all",
"DEFAULT_APPRAISAL": "All Evaluations",
"WITH_OUT_INFORMATION_LABEL": "Nothing information",
"THIS_WEEK": "This Week",
"THIS_MONTH": "Thes Month",
"LAST_3_MONTHS": "Last 3 Months",
"THIS_YEAR": "This Year"
"TITLE": "Feedbacks",
"TOTAL_LABEL": "Users with feedback",
"TOTAL_INFO": "Active users who received at least one feedback during the selected period.",
"TYPE_LABEL": "Feedbacks by type",
"TOP_MORE": "More feedbacks",
"TOP_LESS": "Less feedbacks ",
"COUNT_BY": " by users",
"EMPTY_COUNT_BY": " by users",
"SHOW_ALL_LINK": "Show all",
"PDI": {
"TITLE": "IDPs",
"TOTAL_LABEL": "Users with IDP action",
"TOTAL_INFO": "Active users who have at least one development action of \"Not Started\" status or \"In Progress\" status created in the selected period.",
"TYPE_LABEL": "IDP actions by status",
"TOP_MORE": "More IDP actions",
"TOP_LESS": "Less IDP actions",
"COUNT_BY": " by user",
"EMPTY_COUNT_BY": " by user",
"SHOW_ALL_LINK": "Show all",
"TITLE": "Meetings",
"TOTAL_LABEL": "Employees with scheduled meetings",
"TOTAL_INFO": "Active users who have at least one meeting scheduled within the selected period.",
"TYPE_LABEL": "Meetings by status",
"TOP_MORE": "More meetings",
"TOP_LESS": "Less meetings",
"COUNT_BY": " by user",
"EMPTY_COUNT_BY": " by user",
"SHOW_ALL_LINK": "Show all",
"TITLE": "Users",
"TOTAL_ACTIVE_USERS_LABEL": "Users actives:",
"SINGLE_ACCESS_COUNT_LABEL": "Unique accesses:",
"SINGLE_ACCESS_COUNT_INFO": "Percentage of active users who have login access and who accessed the impulseup platform at least once during the selected period.",
"DEPARTMENT_TOP_MORE": "Areas with more employees",
"MANAGER_TOP_MORE": "Managers with more employees",
"DEPARTMENT_COUNT_BY": " employees",
"MANAGER_COUNT_BY": " employees"
"TITLE": "Appraisal",
"TOTAL_FINISHED_LABEL": "Answered appraisal",
"REPORT_SENT_LABEL": "Reports sent ",
"REPORT_PARTICIPANT_LABEL": "to the evaluated",
"REPORT_MANAGER_LABEL": "to the managers",
"LAST_APPRAISAL_SENT_LABEL": "Last appraisal sent:",
"DEADLINE_LABEL": "Closing:",
"SHOW_ALL_LINK": "Show all",
"NEXT_APPRAISAL_LABEL": "Next appraisal:"
"TITLE": "Objectives",
"COMING_SOON_MSG": "Coming soon!",
"LABEL_TOTAL_GOALS":"Total goals",
"LABEL_GRAPH_GOALS":"Goals updated",
"LABEL_TOTAL_OKR":"Total goals",
"LABEL_GRAPH_OKR":"Objectives updated",
"LABEL_TITLE_GOALS":"Goals updated",
"LABEL_TITLE_OKR":"Organizational Objectives",
"LABEL_NO_DATA_GOALS":"No information",
"LABEL_NO_DATA_OKR":"No information",
"NO_INFO":"No information"
"TITLE": "Surveys",
"TYPES": {
"ALL": "All feedback",
"POSITIVE": "Positive",
"CONSTRUCTIVE": "Improvement",
"RECOGNIZE": "Orientation",
"PRAISE": "Praise",
"OCCURRENCE": "Occurrence"
"PDI": {
"TYPES": {
"ALL": "All actions",
"UNITIALIZED": "Not initiated",
"IN_PROGRESS": "Initiated",
"FINISHED": "Finished",
"INTERRUPTED": "Paused",
"CANCELED": "Cancelled",
"INTERRUPTED_OR_CANCELED": "Pauser or cancelled"
"TYPES": {
"ALL": "All meetings",
"SCHEDULED": "Scheduled",
"UPDATE_PENDING": "Update pending",
"DONE": "Done",
"NOT_DONE": "Cancelled"
"ALERT_EMPTY_LIST" : "Empty list",
"DISPLAY_SUBORDINATES": "Show all subordinates",
"VIEW_PROFILE": "View profile",
"FULLSCREEN_MODE":"Fullscreen mode"
"BREADCRUMB_TEXT_1":"You are in: ",
"BREADCRUMB_TEXT_3":"Browse edit of {{type}}",
"TITLE": "Results analysis",
"ALLOW_MANAGER_ANALYSE_SUBORDINATE_RESULT": "Allow managers to analyze their team's results",
"MINIMUM_QUANTITY_MANAGER_ANALYSE_SUBORDINATE_RESULT": "Minimum number of respondents to release the result to the manager:"
"STEP_1": "Settings",
"STEP_2": "Form",
"STEP_3": "Participants",
"STEP_4": "Send"
"NEXT": "Next",
"BACK": "Back"
"NAME": "Title of the search:",
"NAME_TOOLTIP": "This name gives me research and will be displayed for all of your participants.",
"INSTRUCTIONS": "Instructions to participants:",
"INSTRUCTIONS_TOOLTIP": "The instructions will be displayed as long as the participants will access the form to respond to the inquiry.",
"INSTRUCTIONS_PLACEHOLDER": "Write here a message from many of the participants and an instruction on how we should respond to the inquiry.",
"LABEL": "Type of research:",
"TOOLTIP": "A search can be of three types.\nAnonymous: The collaborator has not been identified in any way and if given, as a position in the area, they will be saved or answered.\nConfidential: The collaborator has not been identified, please given, such as position and area, are saved for research analysis purposes.\nIdentified: It will be possible for the administrator to identify who responds to the research and their responses.",
"ANONYMOUS": "Anonymous",
"PARTIALLY_ANONYMOUS": "Confidential",
"NOT_ANONYMOUS": "Identified"
"LABEL": "Require login:",
"TOOLTIP": "In order to require login, the collaborator will have to login to respond to the inquiry or access the inquiry link.",
"YES": "Yes",
"NO": "No"
"FORM": {
"MENU": {
"PREVIEW_FORM": "Preview form",
"TITLE": "Sections of research",
"NEW_SECTION_LABEL": "New section",
"ADD_SECTION": "Include section"
"NEW_SECTION_TITLE": "New section",
"TITLE_SECTION_LABEL": "Section Name:",
"REMOVE_SECTION_TOOLTIP": "Remove section",
"SHOW_COMMENTS": "Include comment field in each question",
"COMMENTS_REQUIRED": "Comment field is always required",
"COMMENTS_REQUIRED_EXTREMES_SCALE": "Comment field is required only for scale extremes",
"SECTION_HAS_NO_ITEMS_ALERT": "This section does not have questões yet.",
"QUESTION_TITLE": "Questions",
"QUESTIONS_MODAL_LINK": "Quest models",
"ADD_NEW_ITEM": "New issue",
"ADD_NEW_ITEM_OPEN_QUESTION": "New open question",
"UNNAMED_ITEM": "Report to question...",
"UPDATE_ITEM_TOOLTIP": "Edit question",
"MOVE_DOWN_TOOTIP": "Move down",
"MOVE_UP_TOOLTIP": "Move to top",
"EDIT_ITEM_TOOLTIP": "Edit question",
"REMOVE_ITEM_TOOLTIP": "Remove issue",
"NO_ITEM_DESCRIPTION": "No informed description",
"SELECT_SCALE_FOR_SECTION": "Select the scale of inquiry for this section",
"COMMENTS_FIELD": "Field for comment or justification",
"ITEM_QUESTION": "Question:",
"ITEM_OPEN_QUESTION": "Open Question:",
"ITEM_NAME_ERROR": "Very large quest (use no more than 250 characters)",
"ITEM_DESCRIPTION": "Description:",
"ITEM_DESCRIPTION_PLACEHOLDER": "Add a clear description for the question so that participants can answer the same way.",
"SAVE_ITEM": "Save",
"CANCEL_ITEM": "Cancel",
"THEME1_LABEL": "Theme:",
"TYPE_LABEL": "Scale type: ",
"ALLOW_NOT_APPLICABLE": "Include \"I will not respond\"",
"NIVEL_SUBTITLE": "Levels of scale",
"SCALE_SYMBOL_LABEL": "Scale Symbol",
"CUSTOMIZE": "Customize Scale",
"CUSTOMIZE_TITLE": "Customize Scale",
"VIEW_TITLE": "View Scale",
"VALUE": "Value",
"DISPLAY_NAME": "Name two scale levels",
"ADD": "Add new item",
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"CLOSE": "Close",
"APPLY": "Save",
"PREVIEW_LABEL": "Preview",
"HIDE_LEGENDS":"Hide legends",
"LIMITED_FIVE_ITEMS": "Limited to 5 items",
"LIKERT": "(Likert):",
"MULTIPLE_CHOICE": "(Multiple choice):",
"SINGLE_CHOICE": "(Single choice):",
"YES_NO": "(Yes or no):",
"NPS": "(NPS):"
"TITLE": "Ops...",
"MESSAGE_1": "The levels of the scale cannot contain equal values."
"TYPES": {
"LIKERT": "Likert scale",
"MULTIPLE_CHOICE": "Multiple choice",
"SINGLE_CHOICE": "Single choice",
"YES_NO": "Yes or no",
"NPS": "NPS"
"value": 1,
"name": "Never",
"description": null
"value": 2,
"name": "Rarely",
"description": null
"value": 3,
"name": "Sometimes",
"description": null
"value": 4,
"name": "Often",
"description": null
"value": 5,
"name": "Always",
"description": null
"OPTION": "Option {{ option }}"
"OPTION": "Option {{ option }}"
"OPTIONS_LABEL": "Options",
"OPTIONS_QUANTITY_LABEL": "Default section options quantity",
"QUESTION_LABEL": "Question",
"PREVIEW_LABEL": "Preview",
"PREVIEW_QUESTION": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer mauris dui, mausuada sed lacinia ac, sollicitudin vitae massa.",
"ADD_OPTION": "Add item"
"YES_NO": {
"QUESTION_LABEL": "Question",
"PREVIEW_LABEL": "Preview",
"PREVIEW_QUESTION": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer mauris dui, mausuada sed lacinia ac, sollicitudin vitae massa?",
"YES_LABEL": "Yes",
"NO_LABEL": "No"
"NPS": {
"CONFIGURATION_LABEL": "Customization",
"MINIMUM_TITLE": "Minimum score title:",
"MAXIMUM_TITLE": "Maximum Score Title:",
"PREVIEW_LABEL": "Preview",
"PREVIEW_QUESTION": "On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend a friend or colleague who works at this company?",
"DEFAULT_MINIMUM_TITLE_LABEL": "Would not recommend",
"TITLE": "Do you have certainty?",
"MESSAGE": "Please confirm that you want to remove this questão.",
"BUTTON_REMOVE": "Remove",
"TITLE": "Pre-visualization of the research form",
"FORM_ATTENTION": "Attention:",
"FORM_NO_ANSWERS_SAVED": "This is a preview of the research form. Your answers will not be saved.",
"GROUP_PARTICIPANT_TITLE": "Groups of participants",
"FIXED_PARTICIPANT_TITLE": "Fixed list of participants",
"SELECTED_PARTICIPANT_TITLE": "Fixed list of participants",
"TOTAL_PARTICIPANTS_BY_CRITERIA": "{{ total }} participants from dynamic lists",
"TOTAL_PARTICIPANTS_FIXED_LIST": "{{ total }} participants gives fixed list",
"ALL_ACTIVE_USERS_CRITERIA": "All active users",
"TITLE": "New dynamic list of participants",
"SUB_TITLE": "Selection Criteria",
"TOTAL_PARTICIPANTS_BY_CRITERIA": "{{ total }} participants of the selection criteria",
"FORM": {
"TITLE_NAME": "List Title:",
"TITLE_NAME_PLACEHOLDER": "Define a title for your dynamic list",
"DEPARTMENT": "Area:",
"JOB_TITLE": "Position:",
"LEVEL": "Level",
"CUSTOM1": "Custom1",
"CUSTOM2": "Custom2",
"CUSTOM3": "Custom3",
"CUSTOM4": "Custom4",
"CUSTOM5": "Custom5",
"CUSTOM6": "Custom6",
"SAVE": "Save",
"CANCEL": "Cancel"
"TITLE": "Add participant",
"ALL_PAGES_PARTICIPANTS_CHECKED": "All {{ selectedByPage }} selected participants.",
"CURRENT_PAGE_PARTICIPANTS_CHECK": "Check just this page ({{totalElements}} participants.)",
"NO_PARTICIPANT": "Nenhum participant found.",
"TABLE": {
"NAME": "Name",
"JOB_TITLE": "Job Title",
"FORM": {
"TITLE_NAME": "List Title:",
"NAME_OR_EMAIL": "Name or email:",
"NAME_OR_EMAIL_PLACE_HOLDER": "Search by name or email...",
"DEPARTMENT": "Area:",
"JOB_TITLE": "Position:",
"LEVEL": "Level",
"CUSTOM1": "Custom1",
"CUSTOM2": "Custom2",
"CUSTOM3": "Custom3",
"CUSTOM4": "Custom4",
"CUSTOM5": "Custom5",
"CUSTOM6": "Custom6",
"ADD_BTN": "Add",
"CANCEL_BTN": "Cancel",
"FILTER_BTN": "Search",
"CLEAR_FILTER_BTN": "Clear filters"
"NO_PARTICIPANT": "Nenhum participant found.",
"ALL_PAGES_PARTICIPANTS_CHECKED": "All {{ selectedByPage }} selected participants.",
"CURRENT_PAGE_PARTICIPANTS_CHECK": "Check just this page ({{totalElements}} participants.)",
"TABLE": {
"NAME": "Name",
"JOB_TITLE": "Job Title",
"DEPARTMENT": "Department",
"ACTIONS": "Actions"
"TITLE": "Would you like to remove this participant?",
"REMOVE": "Remove",
"CANCEL": "Cancel"
"TITLE": "Would you like to remove these participants?",
"REMOVE": "Remove",
"CANCEL": "Cancel"
"TITLE": "Add participant"
"NAME": "Group name",
"CRITERIA": "Group selection criteria",
"NUMBERS_OF_PARTICIPANTS": "Number of participants",
"ACTIONS": "Actions",
"NO_CRITERIA": "Nenhum criteria found."
"ADD_ACTIVE_PARTICIPANTS": "Add all active users",
"ADD_PARTICIPANTS": "Add Participants",
"IMPORT_PARTICIPANT_EMAILS": "Import list of emails"
"ERROR": {
"TITLE": "Ops...",
"TEXT": "An error occurred during import."
"TITLE": "Imported with success",
"TEXT": "List of emails was imported with success."
"TOTAL_PARTICIPANTS_WITH_LOGIN_ACCESS": "(with access via login)",
"MENU": {
"TITLE": "Groups and participant lists",
"TYPES": {
"GROUP": "Groups of participants",
"FIXED": "Fixed list of participants"
"TITLE": "I summarize two participants",
"TOTAL_PARTICIPANTS_LABEL": "Your non-total research",
"TOTAL_PARTICIPANTS_VALUE_PLURAL": " {{ total }} participants",
"TOTAL_PARTICIPANTS_VALUE_SINGULAR": " {{ total }} participant",
"ALLOW_PARTICIPANTS_NOT_INVITED_LABEL": "Allow uninvited participants"
"TITLE": "Participants",
"CLOSE_BTN": "Date",
"NO_PARTICIPANT": "Nenhum participant found.",
"TABLE": {
"NAME": "Name",
"JOB_TITLE": "Job Title",
"DEPARTMENT": "Department"
"TITLE": "I summarize two participants",
"SUBMISSION_TITLE": "Research Submission",
"SUBMISSION_TITLE_TOOLTIP": "Availability of survey",
"SUBMISSION_CLOSE_TITLE": "Search Enclosure",
"DAYS_TO_CLOSE_LABEL": "Days to reply:",
"DAYS_TO_CLOSE_LABEL_TOOLTIP": "Number of days until the end of the survey",
"ONE_DAYS_LABEL": "Notify 1 day before lockdown",
"THREE_DAYS_LABEL": "Notify 3 days before lockdown",
"HISTORY_TITLE": "History of shipments",
"EXPORT_BTN": "Export",
"FREQUENCY_LABEL": "Frequency:",
"RECURRENCE_LABEL": "Recurrence:",
"SCHEDULE_START_DATE": "Next upload",
"EXPORT_SURVEY_RESULT_SUCCESS_MSG": "Worksheet with the data of the research generated with success.",
"NEXT_SCHEDULED_DATE": "Envio automático será realizado em ",
"eNPS": "e-NPS",
"PULSE": "Pulse",
"FORM": "Form"
"TITLE": "Cannot activate survey.",
"HTML": "<p>Only one survey of {{ type }} can be active at a time.</p><p>You must disable {{ surveys }} before enabling this survey.</p>"
"TITLE": "Cannot activate survey.",
"HTML": "<p>Only one survey of {{ type }} can be active at a time.</p><p>You must disable the scheduling of {{ surveys }} before enabling this survey.</p >"
"LABEL": "Survey available:",
"YES": "Yes",
"NO": "No"
"NOT_REPEAT": "Does not repeat",
"EVERY_DAY": "Daily",
"EVERY_7_DAYS": "Weekly",
"EVERY_15_DAYS": "Fortnightly",
"EVERY_30_DAYS": "Monthly"
"SENT_DATE": "Send date",
"PARTICIPANTS_COUNT": "Participants",
"TOTAL_ANSWERED": "Answered",
"CLOSED_DATE": "Closed date",
"STATUS": "Status",
"SURVEY_LINK": "Link to survey",
"EXPORT_RESULTS": "Export results",
"NO_SURVEY_SENT_HISTORY": "Nenhum sent the survey found.",
"RESEND_SURVEY": "Reenviar pesquisa",
"OPENED": "Open",
"CLOSED": "Closed"
"SEND_SURVEY": "Send survey now",
"RESEND_SURVEY": "Resend survey now",
"ACTIVE_SCHEDULE_SURVEY": "Activate survey",
"INACTIVE_SCHEDULE_SURVEY": "Inactivate survey now"
"TITLE": "Survey available",
"TEXT": "The {{type}} survey was successfully made available to participants."
"TITLE": "Pesquisa reenviada",
"TEXT": "A pesquisa de {{type}} foi reenviada para os participantes com sucesso."
"ERROR": {
"TITLE": "Ops...",
"TEXT": "Error sending to search"
"TITLE": "Participants",
"CLOSE_BTN": "Date",
"NO_PARTICIPANT": "Nenhum participant found.",
"ALL_PAGES_PARTICIPANTS_CHECKED": "All {{ selectedByPage }} selected participants.",
"CURRENT_PAGE_PARTICIPANTS_CHECK": "Check just this page ({{totalElements}} participants.)",
"RESEND_SURVEY_NOTIFICATION_BTN": "Notify again by email",
"SEND_SURVEY_NOTIFICATION_OK": "Notification email sent",
"SEND_SURVEY_NOTIFICATION_OK_PLURAL": "Notification emails sent",
"SEND_SURVEY_NOTIFICATION_ERROR": "Error sending or email notification",
"SEND_SURVEY_NOTIFICATION_ERROR_PLURAL": "Error sending email notifications",
"TABLE": {
"NAME": "Name",
"JOB_TITLE": "Job Title",
"STATUS": "Response status"
"NOT_ANSWERED": "Not started",
"ON_GOING": "Started",
"ANSWERED": "Answered"
"FILTER_LABEL": "Filters:",
"STATUS": "Response status",
"FILTER_BTN": "Search"
"SAVING_MSG": "Saving...",
"TITLE": "Ops...",
"MESSAGE": "Another user may be working on the same search or he may have another page in his browser with this same open evaluation. To avoid inconsistencies, date the other pages or you were open as Impulseup and update this page (F5). or problem persist between contact with our support team."
"TITLE": "Ops...",
"MESSAGE": "It seems that some invalid data is being sent to the server, confirm your last modifications in the search, please. If the problem persists between contacting our support team."
"TITLE": "Ops...",
"MESSAGE": "It was not possible to save the research. Please update the page (F5) and try again. We will continue to contact you with our support."
"TITLE": "Ops...",
"MESSAGE": "Your session is no longer valid. Please log in again."
"TITLE": "Ops...",
"MESSAGE": "Your session has lost its validity. Please refresh the page (F5) to renew your session. "
"STEP_1": {
"TITLE": "Invalid Dice",
"TEXT": "Report or research title."
"STEP_2": {
"TITLE": "Invalid Dice",
"TEXT": "Report or name the sections and the quests. Each section must also contain at least one quest."
"TITLE": "Invalid Dice",
"TEXT": "Report or theme of the questões. Each questão must contain a theme."
"TITLE": "Invalid data",
"TEXT": "You must define a name for the section or delete this section."
"TITLE": "Invalid data",
"TEXT": "You must have at least one question for the section or delete this section."
"eNPS": "The e-NPS survey only allows {{ questionLimit }} questions as it is a quick survey",
"PULSE": "Pulse type poll only allows {{ questionLimit }} questions as it is a quick poll"
"eNPS": "The e-NPS survey only allows {{ questionLimit }} open questions as it is a quick survey",
"PULSE": "Pulse type poll only allows {{ questionLimit }} open questions as it is a quick poll"
"STEP_3": {
"STEP_4": {
"NEW_SURVEY": "Create new survey",
"NEW_SURVEY_DESCRITION": "If you have the topics and quests defined for your research and want to raise the research completely from scratch, start here.",
"SURVEY_FROM_TEMPLATE": "Use survey template",
"SURVEY_FROM_TEMPLATE_DESCRIPTION": "Choose and use two of our survey templates by selecting quests by topic. The templates and quests are 100% customizable.",
"true": "Click to hide archived searches",
"false": "Click to display the archived researches"
"ARCHIVED_FILES":"Archived Appraisals"
"SURVEY_WITHOUT_NAME": "Survey without name",
"STATUS": "Status:",
"CREATED_AT": "Maid:",
"MODIFIED_AT": "Updated:",
"DEADLINE": "Deadline:",
"EDIT": "Edit",
"LABEL_DELETE": "Delete",
"LABEL_ARCHIVE": "Archive",
"LABEL_UNARCHIVE": "Unarchive",
"NOT_STARTED": "Not started",
"TITLE": "Investigations",
"EMPTY": "You still don't participate in any research.",
"SURVEY_WITHOUT_NAME": "Survey without name",
"DEADLINE": "Deadline to reply:",
"NOT_ANSWERED": "Not started",
"VIEW_SURVEY": "View survey",
"ANSWER_SURVEY": "Answer inquiry"
"USER_NAME_LABEL": "Username:",
"DEADLINE_LABEL": "Deadline to reply:",
"ANONYMOUS": "Anonymous",
"INSTRUCTIONS": "Instructions"
"YOU_ARE_IN": "You are in: ",
"SURVEY_LINK": "Surveys",
"SURVEY_OF": "Survey of "
"TITLE": "Welcome to the search for "
"COMMENT_LABEL": "Justify or comment on the question",
"REQUIRED": "mandatory",
"OPTIONAL": "optional",
"COMMENT_3_LEAST_WORDS_MSG": "It is necessary to inform at least 3 words."
"TITLE": "Enclosure",
"SHOW_NOT_ANSWERED_ITEMS": "Show pending items",
"HIDE_NOT_ANSWERED_ITEMS": "Hide pending items",
"ANSWER_ITEM_BTN": "Answer item",
"EXPLANATION_ALL_ANSWERED_MSG": "You will answer all the mandatory items and conclude the investigation.",
"SUCCESS_THANKS": "Thanks!",
"NOT_ANSWERED_ITEMS_LABEL": "Incomplete inquiry:",
"EXPLANATION_NOT_ANSWERED_MSG": "The questions below have mandatory items to be answered and not concluding:"
"SEND": "Obligatory items answered",
"PARTIAL": "Partially answered",
"NOTSEND": "Not answered"
"TEAM": {
"TITLE": "My team surveys"
"BACK_LINK": "Back",
"SUBTITLE": "Filters",
"SURVEY_LABEL": "Survey:",
"SURVEY_PERIOD_LABEL": "Application periods:",
"MODE_LABEL":"Display mode:",
"GROUP_BY_LABEL": "Display results grouped by:",
"JOB_TITLE_LABEL": "Position:",
"QUESTIONS":"Question analyzed::",
"REMOVE":"Remove filters",
"QUESTION_SCORES": "Score per question",
"THEME1_SCORES": "Scores by theme",
"SECTION_SCORES": "Scores per section",
"FINAL_SCORES": "Total Score"
"WITH_OUT_GROUP": "Without grouping",
"JOB_TITLE": "Job Title",
"DEPARTMENT": "Department",
"DEFAULT_TITLE": "All occurrences"
"TABLE": {
"THEME1": "Theme",
"JOBTITLE_GROUP_BY": "Position",
"LEVEL_GROUP_BY": "Level",
"NAME": "Question",
"CHART_VARIATION": "Variation - Score History",
"AVG_SCORE": "Average score",
"LAST_SCORE": "Score",
"PARTICIPANT_COUNT": "respondents",
"MSG_NO_RESULTS": "There are no results for the selected filters."
"DEFAULT_TITLE": "All occurrences"
"PARTICIPANT": "Total participants:",
"ALL":"All researches",
"FORM":"Form Research",
"PULSE":"Pulse Research",
"ENPS":"NPS Research",
"NO_RESULTS":"There are no results for"
"MODAL": {
"TITLE": "Do you really want to unify users?",
"TEXT": "<p>Information related to user {{ fromEmail }} will be transmitted to user {{toEmail}}.</p><p>Origin user: {{fromEmail}} will be excluded.</ p>",
"YES": "Confirm",
"TEXT": "Do you really want to make this email alteration?",
"YES": "Confirm",
"TEXT": "Unification carried out successfully."
"TEXT": "Email altered with success. "
"TITLE": "It was not possible to carry out the unification.",
"TEXT": "{{error}}"
"TITLE": "It was not possible to alter or email.",
"TEXT": "{{error}}"
"TITLE": "It was not possible to carry out the unification",
"TEXT": "<p>The users of origin and destination are in the same evaluation.</p> <p>To carry out this procedure it will be necessary to contact support (</p>< h4>Assessments where duplicates are found:</h4> {{appraisals}}"
"TITLE": "Email in use",
"TEXT": "<p>This email is already being used by another user. </p><p>Use the option to unify users, in case you really want to use this email.</p>"
"INVALID_EMAIL_MSG": "Invalid email"
"TITLE":"Wait, don't leave!",
"TEXT":"Schedule a conversation with us now and let us show you how impulseup can impact your company:",
"TOPIC1":"Saving 10 to 100 times the time spent by employees in performance management processes.",
"TOPIC2":"Lots of flexibility to adapt the platform to your process and not the other way around.",
"TOPIC3":"Have information to make decisions about people that will impact the growth of your company.",
"BUTTON_SCHEDULE":"Schedule a quick chat",
"BUTTON_PLANS":"Learn plans",
"QUESTION":"Don't know our plans yet?",
"LEGEND_QUESTION":"We have a specific plan for your need and company"
"TEXT":"You are in:",
"CURRENT":"Setting up custom fields",
"CURRENT_SECTION":"Field registration"
"LABEL_NAME":"The field name is the title that represents the data type. Examples: Email, Name, City",
"TYPE":"The type is the format that this field will be defined in the view.",
"SIZE":"The size is the limit of the number of characters that will be filled in the field."
"HEADER" : "Setting user fields",
"BASIC_INFORMATION":"Informaciones básicas",
"ADD_SECTION" : "Add section",
"SECTION" : "Section",
"IDIOM_FORM" : "Form language: ",
"SECTION_IDIOM" : "Section language: ",
"RENAME" : "Rename",
"ADD_FIELD" :"Add field",
"POSITION" :"Position",
"LABEL_NAME" :"Label name",
"EXIBITION" :"Exibition",
"EXIBITION_TO":"Exibition to",
"EDIT" :"Edit",
"EDIT_TO" :"Allows editing for",
"TYPE" :"Type",
"DATE" :"Date",
"SIZE" :"Size",
"REMOVE" :"Remove",
"PERMISSION_DELETE_FIELD_DENIED" :"This field already has saved values, it is necessary to delete the records first to be able to delete it"
"TITLE":"eNPS Search",
"TEXT":"On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend a friend or colleague who works at this company?",
"SUCCESS_TITLE":"eNPS search completed!",
"SUCCESS_TEXT":"All questions have been answered",
"FAIL_TITLE":"Oops! An error has occurred!",
"TITLE":"Pulse Search",
"SUBTITLE_LEFT":"Your last scores",
"SUBTITLE_RIGHT":"Last score",
"NEXT_RESEARCH":"Next Search",
"POSITIVE_TEXT":"above previous",
"NEGATIVE_TEXT":"below previous",
"NO_RESULT_PERCENT":"- no survey answered",
"SAVE_COMMENT": "Salvar questão aberta ",
"DONE": "Concluir",
"SUCCESS_MSG":"eNPS search completed",
"RESPONSE_SUCCESS_MSG":"eNPS survey answered",
"RESPONSE_FAIL_MSG":"Oops! An error has occurred!",
"FAIL_MSG":"Oops! An error has occurred!"
"REMOVE":"Remove filter"
"CONFIGURATION_LABEL": "Comment form",
"COMMENTED_BY": "Commented by",
"COMMENT_LIST_EMPTY": "No comment registered",
"SAVE": "Save",
"CANCEL": "Cancel"
"SETTING_LIST_EMPTY": "No configuration registered",
"LABEL": "Language",
"PT_BR": "Portuguese",
"EN_US": "English",
"ES_MX": "Espanish"
"BACK": "Back",
"ADD": "Add"
"TABLE": {
"NAME": "Field name",
"SHOW_TO_PARTICIPANT": "Show to collaborator",
"SHOW_TO_MANAGER": "Show to manager"
"TITLE":"Sending Feedback",
"MESSAGE":"Your feedback has been sent to {{name}} successfully!"
"TITLE":"Sending Feedback",
"MESSAGE":"Oops! A temporary server error has occurred."
"TITLE":"Request for Feedback",
"MESSAGE":"Requested feedback for {{name}} successfully!"
"TITLE":"Request for Feedback",
"MESSAGE":"Oops! A temporary server error has occurred."
"SUGGESTION_TITLE":"Suggestion UP:",
"TITLE":"Development Action",
"MESSAGE_PLURAL":"Create a development action for {{names}} to develop.",
"MESSAGE_SINGULAR":"Create a development action for {{names}} to develop.",
"QUESTION":"Do you want to create this action now?"
"GOOD_MORNING":"Good morning",
"GOOD_AFTERNOON":"Good afternoon",
"GOOD_NIGHT":"Good night"
"DESCRIPTION_PERIOD": "Your information for the last {{days}} days",
"TITLE":"My Feedback",
"NOT_VIEWED":"Not Viewed",
"PENDING":"Pending requests",
"NEW_FEEDBACK":"New feedback",
"REQUEST_FEEDBACK":"Request feedback",
"VIEW_ALL": "View all"
"MODAL_REACTION_TITLE":"Summary of reactions",
"LIKED_PLURAL":"By {{profiles}}{{otherPeoples}}.",
"LIKED_SINGULAR":"By {{profiles}}.",
"SHARE_FEEDBACK_SENDED":"shared the feedback sent to",
"SHARE_FEEDBACK_RECEIVED":"shared the feedback received from",
"SEND":"sent a",
"RECEIVED":"received a",
"RECEIVED_FEEDBACK":"received feedback from",
"RECEIVED_FEEDBACK_BY_TYPE":"received feedback from",
"LAST_FEEDBACKS": "Last feedbacks received by my team",
"SHARE_QUESTION":"Do you want to share with your entire organization?",
"SHARE_QUESTION_DESCRIPTION":"Your entire organization will be able to see and react to your feedback.",
"SHARE_QUESTION_REMOVE":"Do you want to unshare with your entire organization?",
"SHARE_QUESTION_REMOVE_DESCRIPTION":"Everyone in your organization will not be able to see and react to this feedback.",
"SHARE_TITLE":"Feedback Sharing",
"SHARE_TITLE_REMOVE":"Unshare Feedback",
"NO_FEEDBACK_MESSAGE":"You haven't received feedback yet or no one has shared feedback with you, want to create feedback now?",
"LINKEDIN":"Share from Linkedin",
"CONFIRM_SHARE_LINKEDIN":"You will be taken to your Linkedin and can post a link to this feedback for others to see.",
"QUESTION_LINKEDIN":"Want to share the feedback you've received on Linkedin?",
"SHARE_ORGANIZATION":"All organization",
"COPY_LINK": "Copy feedback link",
"TITLE_": "Copy of share link",
"MESSAGE_SUCESS": "Link copied successfully!",
"MESSAGE_ERROR": "Too bad, the link cannot be copied in this browser."
"TITLE":"Share this",
"SUCCESS_SHARE":"Feedback shared with success!",
"SUCCESS_REMOVE_SHARE":"Feedback unshared with success!"
"LIKE": "Liked",
"EMPATHY": "Loved",
"PRAISE": "Congratulations",
"LOCK_FEEDBACK_SENDER": "This feedback is only visible to you and the sender.",
"LOCK_FEEDBACK_RECEIVER": "This feedback is visible only to you and the recipient.",
"ORGANIZATION_FEEDBACK_RECEIVER": "This feedback is visible to everyone in your organization.",
"RULE_COLORS":"Color rules",
"SENDED_AND_RECEIVED":"Sent and Received",
"RED_COLOR": "Red",
"YELLOW_COLOR": "Yellow",
"GREEN_COLOR": "Green",
"TO": "to",
"MORE_THAN": "More than",
"OR_MORE": "or more",
"NOT_VISUALIZED_AND_PENDINGS":"Not Viewed and Pending requests"
"VIEW_MORE": "More...",
"GO_FEEDBACK":"Go to feedback",
"NEW_FEEDBACK":"New feedback",
"NEW_MEETING": "New meeting"
"MORE": "More",
"ALL": "All feedbacks",
"MY_RECEIVED": "My received",
"MY_SUBMITTED": "My sent",
"SHARED": "Shared"
"FAIL_TITLE":"No final result",
"SUCCESS_TITLE":"Your final result",
"NO_RESULTS":"No {{titleOkr}} cycles registered.",
"VIEW_ALL": "View all"
"TITLE":"My Development - PDI",
"IN_PROGRESS":"In progress",
"TOTAL_ACTION_TEXT": "actions completed this year",
"NEW_PDI":"New Action",
"VIEW_ALL": "View all"
"TITLE":"Necessary actions",
"VIEW_ALL": "View all",
"ANSWER_ACTION":"Answer {{action}}",
"NEXT_ACTIONS":"More others {{totalNext}}...",
"APPRAISAL":"Respond appraisal",
"CONSENSUS":"Respond consensus",
"SURVEY_NPS":"Respond survey",
"SURVEY_PULSE":"Respond survey",
"SURVEY_FORM":"Respond survey",
"REPORT_MANAGER":"View report",
"DEVOLUTIVE_MANAGER":"Reply return",
"FEEDBACK_REQUEST":"Request feedback",
"DEFAULT":"Perform action"
"NOT_ACTIONS":"No action recorded so far.",
"SURVEY_NPS":"eNPS survey",
"SURVEY_PULSE":"Pulse survey",
"SURVEY_FORM":"Form survey",
"REPORT_PARTICIPANT":"Report released",
"REPORT_MANAGER":"Team report released",
"INDICATION_SUBORDINATE_BY_MANAGER":"Subordinates definition",
"INDICATION_PEER_OR_CLIENT_BY_MANAGER":"Definition of subordinate evaluators",
"FEEDBACK_REQUEST":"Feedback request",
"REPORT_PARTICIPANT":"{{emitter}} sent your report",
"REPORT_MANAGER":"{{emitter}} sent your report",
"DEVOLUTIVE_MANAGER": "{{emitter}} requested your return",
"DEVOLUTIVE_PARTICIPANT":"{{emitter}} requested your return",
"INDICATION_SUBORDINATE_BY_MANAGER":"{{emitter}} requested your nomination as {{type}}",
"INDICATION_SUBORDINATE_BY_MANAGER_APPROVAL":" {{emitter}} has requested your approval to rate you as {{type}}",
"INDICATION_PEER_OR_CLIENT_BY_MANAGER":"{{emitter}} referred you to rate him/her as {{type}}",
"INDICATION_PEER_OR_CLIENT_BY_MANAGER_APPROVAL":"{{emitter}} has requested your approval to rate you as {{type}}",
"INDICATION_MANAGER_BY_PARTICIPANT":"{{emitter}} requested your nomination as {{type}}",
"INDICATION_MANAGER_BY_PARTICIPANT_APPROVAL":"{{emitter}} has requested your approval to rate you as {{type}}",
"INDICATION_PEER_OR_CLIENT_BY_PARTICIPANT":"{{emitter}} requested your nomination as {{type}}",
"INDICATION_PEER_OR_CLIENT_BY_PARTICIPANT_APPROVAL":"{{emitter}} has requested your approval to rate you as {{type}}",
"FEEDBACK_REQUEST":"{{emitter}} requested your feedback",
"DEFAULT":"{{emitter}} awaits your action"
"ManagerEvaluations": "manager",
"PeerEvaluations": "pairs",
"ClientEvaluations": "clients and providers",
"PeerEvaluations_ClientEvaluations": "pairs / clients and providers"
"TITLE":"My next meeting",
"NO_SCHUDLE_MEETING":"There are no meetings scheduled for you.",
"OPEN_MEETING":"Go to meeting",
"VIEW_ALL": "View all"
"NONE":"Undefined password",
"STRONG":"Strong password",
"AVARAGE":"Avarage password",
"WEAK":"Weak password"
"SHARE_WITH_LABEL": "Share with:",
"ONLY_FREE_SHARE": "Share with (The selected type does not allow sharing):",
"ONLY_RECEIVER_USER": "Only the recipient",
"ORGANIZATION": "All collaborators",
"TEAM": "Team",
"GENERAL_SCORE":"General Score",
"RESP": "answers"
"TOOLTIP":"See remaining raters",
"TOOLTIP":"See remaining appraisals",
"ACTION_TEXT_2":"to evaluate"
"TOOLTIP":"View remaining reports",
"TOOLTIP":"View remaining devolutives",
"ACTION_TEXT_2":"not sent"
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